If Social Security Had Been In Private Accounts The Stock Market Drop Could Have Been A Disaster

Forget the HS drop-out rates......Forget the high cost of attending colleges and universities.......Forget the needed-training for the high-tech jobs that have to go overseas because we just don't have Americans that can do them.............WHAT RIGHT WINGERS NOW DEMAND, is for every US citizen to learn Wall Street savvy financing techniques for their retirement.

Yes, folks, regardless if you're from the LA barrios....or the ghettos of Shreveport, the "geniuses" of the right wing cadre that populate this forum now WANT everyone to be schooled in how the "magic" of making lots of money in the WS Casino can be easily attained. LOL

If you like the government can create an agency to tell people how to invest their money. Of course, if past experience is any guide, that agency will be giving out the worst advice imaginable.
Social Security will never go broke.

When the trust fund goes belly up, benefits will be reduced to about 70% of what they were. For many, it will be an inconvenience. For some, it's really going to hurt.

But people will not lose their entire benfit.

Who knows what will happen when government goes belly up?

We are close to being $20 trillion in debt now and SS is a $56 trillion future liability.

As we have seen around the world when the house of cards of big out of control government begin to fall it comes crashing down pretty damn quick.

There is no solution to Social Security. The only solution is based on the idea that people will agree to pay more tax, without an increase in benefits. That's never going to happen. In Greece, the public routinely work black market jobs, to avoid paying their taxes.

That will be the future of America if we continue on this road.

Social Security was always a bad idea that was going to go really bad one of these days and bankrupt the country. Unfortunately we are approaching that time now with a $56 trillion dollar future entitlement program.

Why people were so weak minded as to agree to be taxed more so that the inefficient government (managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups) would promise them some rinky dink pension if they lived is absolute stupidity.

We should all be responsible for our own retirement fund. If some of the idiots in this country chose to spend their money on pot and big screen TVs instead of providing for their retirement then that is their problem, not mine.
Social security is not a bad idea and some form of social security is NECESSARY. There are people who either don't or can't save for retirement. When they get to retirement age many of them can't work, can't take care of themselves, have major health issues and require expensive drugs. What do you do with these helpless people? Let them die!

The reason it is political suicide to go after social security or Medicare is because everyone gets old and the vast majority of people will rely on these programs in their old age.

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Social security is not a bad idea and some form of social security is NECESSARY. There are people who either don't or can't save for retirement. When they get to retirement age many of them can't work, can't take care of themselves, have major health issues and require expensive drugs. What do you do with these helpless people? Let them die!

The reason it is political suicide to go after social security or Medicare is because everyone gets old and the vast majority of people will rely on these programs in their old age.

It is always a bad idea to give the government your money to do what you should do for yourself.

Only an idiot would think that some corrupt bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups, is better at managing their money than themselves.

If somebody isn't smart enough to plan for their own retirement then they should suffer the consequences. The idea that we need a nanny state to provide for the things that we are too irresponsible to provide for ourselves is absolutely crazy.

We shouldn't have a Federal retirement program at all. However, if we are going to have the stupid thing then at a minimum it should be voluntary and not mandatory.

If you are too stupid to plan for your own retirement then you could sign up for the Federal program where your money is managed by the bureaucrats. However, if you are responsible then you don't have to sign up for SS and none of your money will be taken from you to provide for those that aren't as smart as you.

How about that idea? It is a called freedom.
Forget the HS drop-out rates......Forget the high cost of attending colleges and universities.......Forget the needed-training for the high-tech jobs that have to go overseas because we just don't have Americans that can do them.............WHAT RIGHT WINGERS NOW DEMAND, is for every US citizen to learn Wall Street savvy financing techniques for their retirement.

Yes, folks, regardless if you're from the LA barrios....or the ghettos of Shreveport, the "geniuses" of the right wing cadre that populate this forum now WANT everyone to be schooled in how the "magic" of making lots of money in the WS Casino can be easily attained. LOL

Is it complicated to buy US Treasury bonds?
Every privatized SS account could buy EE bonds purchased for $25.00.
Even a dummy like you could tell the SS privatization to send your SS deductions to buy EE bonds.
Then when you had after3 years could buy $5,000 treasury bill.
But it doesn't take any smarts to put the payments to SS in the same investment that SS invests in, i.e. US treasuries!

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Which would you trust your money with more.......the stockmarket or our United States Congress?

I think most would say the stockmarket.

At least you know the money is in a halfway safe place.
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Which would you trust you money with more.......the stockmarket or our United States Congress?

I think most would say the stockmarket.

At least you know the money is in a halfway safe place.

If you are a weak minded person that can't think for themselves then you would rationalize giving your retirement money to some government bureaucrat that was elected by special interest groups to keep it for you and then give it back (maybe) at some future date.

There are actually some people that are that stupid.
Which would you trust you money with more.......the stockmarket or our United States Congress?

I think most would say the stockmarket.

At least you know the money is in a halfway safe place.

If you are a weak minded person that can't think for themselves then you would rationalize giving your retirement money to some government bureaucrat that was elected by special interest groups to keep it for you and then give it back (maybe) at some future date.

There are actually some people that are that stupid.
We're forced to participate in this program.....and the older I get the farther back they push retirement age, primarily because of Congressional mismanagement,or outright theft from the fund. So what's happening is more and more people, who feel they'll never get their money back, are filing for disability.

Currently, the bulk of our debt is Congress borrowing from the fund. For years they borrowed half a trillion dollars. That money is gone, period. They'll never pay it back.

There is no solution to Social Security. The only solution is based on the idea that people will agree to pay more tax, without an increase in benefits. That's never going to happen. In Greece, the public routinely work black market jobs, to avoid paying their taxes.

That will be the future of America if we continue on this road.

Social Security was always a bad idea that was going to go really bad one of these days and bankrupt the country. Unfortunately we are approaching that time now with a $56 trillion dollar future entitlement program.

Why people were so weak minded as to agree to be taxed more so that the inefficient government (managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups) would promise them some rinky dink pension if they lived is absolute stupidity.

We should all be responsible for our own retirement fund. If some of the idiots in this country chose to spend their money on pot and big screen TVs instead of providing for their retirement then that is their problem, not mine.
Social security is not a bad idea and some form of social security is NECESSARY. There are people who either don't or can't save for retirement. When they get to retirement age many of them can't work, can't take care of themselves, have major health issues and require expensive drugs. What do you do with these helpless people? Let them die!

The reason it is political suicide to go after social security or Medicare is because everyone gets old and the vast majority of people will rely on these programs in their old age.

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We're forced to participate in this program.....and the older I get the farther back they push retirement age, primarily because of Congressional mismanagement,or outright theft from the fund. So what's happening is more and more people, who feel they'll never get their money back, are filing for disability.

Currently, the bulk of our debt is Congress borrowing from the fund. For years they borrowed half a trillion dollars. That money is gone, period. They'll never pay it back.

The friggin government has been taking about 7% of your pay and your employer has to contribute about the same. Over the years that is usually over a couple of hundred thousand dollars for most people.

Doesn't it suck to have to give that money to a bunch of stupid bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups? They are not exactly the best stewards of your money, are they?

These Libtards hate the concept of freedom and personal responsibility. They love the nanny state. Social Security is a terrible program that is going to bankrupt this country one day.
I wouldn't have believed this had I not experienced it for myself.

When I calculated the 2014 tax year minimum withdrawal from an IRA account (I have several in different institutions) I found this concerning one that was started as a 401K and rolled into a conventional IRA when I changed jobs:

Original contribution plus shares bought with dividends: $35,750.
Amount withdrawn: $44,130.
Amount remaining: $35,411.

Yes, the numbers are correct. So you see, I really suffered when stocks tumbled, didn't I?

We're forced to participate in this program.....and the older I get the farther back they push retirement age, primarily because of Congressional mismanagement,or outright theft from the fund. So what's happening is more and more people, who feel they'll never get their money back, are filing for disability.

Currently, the bulk of our debt is Congress borrowing from the fund. For years they borrowed half a trillion dollars. That money is gone, period. They'll never pay it back.

The friggin government has been taking about 7% of your pay and your employer has to contribute about the same. Over the years that is usually over a couple of hundred thousand dollars for most people.

Doesn't it suck to have to give that money to a bunch of stupid bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups? They are not exactly the best stewards of your money, are they?

These Libtards hate the concept of freedom and personal responsibility. They love the nanny state. Social Security is a terrible program that is going to bankrupt this country one day.
It's definitely a poor investment......and some of us are going to get little or no return if trends continue.
Which would you trust you money with more.......the stockmarket or our United States Congress?

I think most would say the stockmarket.

At least you know the money is in a halfway safe place.

If you are a weak minded person that can't think for themselves then you would rationalize giving your retirement money to some government bureaucrat that was elected by special interest groups to keep it for you and then give it back (maybe) at some future date.

There are actually some people that are that stupid.
We're forced to participate in this program.....and the older I get the farther back they push retirement age, primarily because of Congressional mismanagement,or outright theft from the fund. So what's happening is more and more people, who feel they'll never get their money back, are filing for disability.

Currently, the bulk of our debt is Congress borrowing from the fund. For years they borrowed half a trillion dollars. That money is gone, period. They'll never pay it back.

They can't pay it back. They'd have to cut Medicare, and we all know that's not going to happen.

We have a Greacy future ahead of us.

There is no solution to Social Security. The only solution is based on the idea that people will agree to pay more tax, without an increase in benefits. That's never going to happen. In Greece, the public routinely work black market jobs, to avoid paying their taxes.

That will be the future of America if we continue on this road.

Social Security was always a bad idea that was going to go really bad one of these days and bankrupt the country. Unfortunately we are approaching that time now with a $56 trillion dollar future entitlement program.

Why people were so weak minded as to agree to be taxed more so that the inefficient government (managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups) would promise them some rinky dink pension if they lived is absolute stupidity.

We should all be responsible for our own retirement fund. If some of the idiots in this country chose to spend their money on pot and big screen TVs instead of providing for their retirement then that is their problem, not mine.
Social security is not a bad idea and some form of social security is NECESSARY. There are people who either don't or can't save for retirement. When they get to retirement age many of them can't work, can't take care of themselves, have major health issues and require expensive drugs. What do you do with these helpless people? Let them die!

The reason it is political suicide to go after social security or Medicare is because everyone gets old and the vast majority of people will rely on these programs in their old age.

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Yeah, they'll have to rely on those programs, because you taxed them into poverty to give them those programs.

I love how the left, screws people over so bad, that now they need the left-wing programs to survive... then some leftist says "look how caring I am".

And the bottom line dude, is that Social Security and Medicare are going broke. The programs are not sustainable.

So you better start opening up your mind to alternatives, because otherwise, you'll have people dying in the streets like Greece. That's where your plan leads.

There were people just like you, screaming that they couldn't reform their pension systems in Greece back in the 90s, and 2000s, and now it's too late, and the country is in ruins.

There is no solution to Social Security. The only solution is based on the idea that people will agree to pay more tax, without an increase in benefits. That's never going to happen. In Greece, the public routinely work black market jobs, to avoid paying their taxes.

That will be the future of America if we continue on this road.

Social Security was always a bad idea that was going to go really bad one of these days and bankrupt the country. Unfortunately we are approaching that time now with a $56 trillion dollar future entitlement program.

Why people were so weak minded as to agree to be taxed more so that the inefficient government (managed by corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups) would promise them some rinky dink pension if they lived is absolute stupidity.

We should all be responsible for our own retirement fund. If some of the idiots in this country chose to spend their money on pot and big screen TVs instead of providing for their retirement then that is their problem, not mine.
Social security is not a bad idea and some form of social security is NECESSARY. There are people who either don't or can't save for retirement. When they get to retirement age many of them can't work, can't take care of themselves, have major health issues and require expensive drugs. What do you do with these helpless people? Let them die!

The reason it is political suicide to go after social security or Medicare is because everyone gets old and the vast majority of people will rely on these programs in their old age.

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Yeah, they'll have to rely on those programs, because you taxed them into poverty to give them those programs.

I love how the left, screws people over so bad, that now they need the left-wing programs to survive... then some leftist says "look how caring I am".

And the bottom line dude, is that Social Security and Medicare are going broke. The programs are not sustainable.

So you better start opening up your mind to alternatives, because otherwise, you'll have people dying in the streets like Greece. That's where your plan leads.

There were people just like you, screaming that they couldn't reform their pension systems in Greece back in the 90s, and 2000s, and now it's too late, and the country is in ruins.
Isn't Greece famous for their ruins?

SSI insures most people can have a retirement. Sorry, but reality says that private accounts are just too risky and most people aren't smart enough to save for themselves.

SSI takes care of that.
Yeah, lets graduate even more idiots then our public high schools do....

Lets build on that same model....

Just imagine what those intellectuals over at the dept of education could do with a few hundred billion in extra funding....

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