If Somebody On Here Is Being Racist Towards You...

JohnDB tagging you because being a former admin. yourself maybe you would have an insight of how you would deal with these kinds of people and what you think about "reverse racism." (As I know that's still the term for it even though I don't agree with the title.)
JohnDB tagging you because being a former admin. yourself maybe you would have an insight of how you would deal with these kinds of people and what you think about "reverse racism." (As I know that's still the term for it even though I don't agree with the title.)
Deal with them?
Ha...I usually don't.

I ban them and send them to be somebody else's problem.

I'm not racist, and those who falsely accuse others of racism are Satan.
I don't give quarter to Satan...I'm on the other side. No grace or leniency or reprieve...or even delayed judgement.

Doesn't matter who to whom. Race, gender, or religious affiliation.

Now if someone hates those from that particular section of Connecticut...I can tolerate that.
Besides them being racist bigots?
That wasn't the one I was thinking of. I was more interested with the thing the two sites had in common that I knew of. Your participation, for example.
Deal with them?
Ha...I usually don't.

I ban them and send them to be somebody else's problem.

We need you back on a staff team lol :D

That wasn't the one I was thinking of. I was more interested with the thing the two sites had in common that I knew of. Your participation, for example.

Whatever as if any of this is my fault. :rolleyes:
JohnDB tagging you because being a former admin. yourself maybe you would have an insight of how you would deal with these kinds of people and what you think about "reverse racism." (As I know that's still the term for it even though I don't agree with the title.)
Boo hoo, karen. Why the sam hell would you give a rats fuck of what anyone thinks of you? Tissue?

Its a fucking message board full of anon people spouting their opinions, ranting, laughing, and in short..entertaining themselves. Suck it up.
Boo hoo, karen. Why the sam hell would you give a rats fuck of what anyone thinks of you? Tissue?

Its a fucking message board full of anon people spouting their opinions, ranting, laughing, and in short..entertaining themselves. Suck it up.
If that's their idea of entertaining themselves they are truly pathetic examples of a human being...

Right up there with pedophiles and grandmother beaters.

I believe in equality, but yeah,.. I sort of see what you're saying as there is such thing as too much diversity.
Too much equality?
You know, it's sort of interesting how if we say that black men commit more crimes we're called racist.
Funny that.

Offenses All races White Black American Indian Asian
All offenses10,085,2107,014,5502,667,010244,200159,450

Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything.

Not racist at all, fer shure...
Even if somebody is calling you evil for being white and blaming you for what happened back in history that wasn't your fault?
The vermin have made the term completely meaningless any more; don't worry about it. If they didn't call you a racist you should be insulted. They're just parrots.
He is a terrible antisemite, himself.

Pay no attention to his smarmy insinuations.
Im genetically Jewish...(and a few other things)
You are about as bright as a burnt out light bulb.... some days not even that bright.

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