If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Again.... in every single city with rent control, the rents go UP. So the way your made up nonsense would go is..... "Yes, I was going to to buy your stuff, but rent control made my rent just went waaay up."
Are you drunk. ? Sorry, I only talk to people who make SENSE. You're not even close to that.
Yes they did. I just proved it. In every single city with rent control, it drives up rents. Always. 100% of the time. No exceptions.

That's what the data shows.
Stop talking like a raving lunatic. Rent control keeps rents DOWN. 100% of the time. No exceptions. Have you read one word I've posted ?

REPEATED AGAIN from Post # 456 >>
I will also say AGAIN that when I lived in a rent controlled apartment for 21 years, and I moved out, the rent was $85/month. 10 years later, it was only $97/mo, as the increases were limited to 3% per year.

Now stop babbling jibberish. :rolleyes:
Business organizations need to join together with the Republican Party to get rent control laws passed, to protect businesses from unecessary LO$$E$.

Those businesses who do take part in the fight should not have to do all the work, while lazy businesses chose to stay uninvolved.
Stop talking like a raving lunatic. Rent control keeps rents DOWN. 100% of the time. No exceptions. Have you read one word I've posted ?

REPEATED AGAIN from Post # 456 >>
I will also say AGAIN that when I lived in a rent controlled apartment for 21 years, and I moved out, the rent was $85/month. 10 years later, it was only $97/mo, as the increases were limited to 3% per year.

Now stop babbling jibberish. :rolleyes:
No it does not. We already researched this, and it shows clearly that rent control makes rents go up. That is not debatable. Every single paper looking at the effects of rent control on the market, shows it makes rents go up. Every single time.

Just had this play out with St Paul and Minneapolis. Rent prices were actually falling in both cities, but St Paul passed rent control laws. In Minneapolis, rents have continued to fall, but in St Paul, rent prices started going back up after passing rent control.

After passing rent control, they found that new construction of housing and apartments fell by 48% across the city.

In one single year of rent control. This isn't debatable. You are just simply wrong, sir.
No it does not. We already researched this, and it shows clearly that rent control makes rents go up. That is not debatable. Every single paper looking at the effects of rent control on the market, shows it makes rents go up. Every single time.

Just had this play out with St Paul and Minneapolis. Rent prices were actually falling in both cities, but St Paul passed rent control laws. In Minneapolis, rents have continued to fall, but in St Paul, rent prices started going back up after passing rent control.

After passing rent control, they found that new construction of housing and apartments fell by 48% across the city.

In one single year of rent control. This isn't debatable. You are just simply wrong, sir.
Paper. ? LOL There's your problem. You go by papers (aka propaganda), while the rest of us KNOW about rent control, from having LIVED it for 70 years.
Are you drunk. ? Sorry, I only talk to people who make SENSE. You're not even close to that.
You mean agree with you. Listen dumbass, my wife and I are empty nesters ourselves and approaching retirement age. Rent increases do suck eggs but are necessary if the property owners wish to keep their properties. You have to remember that they pay mortgages on them as well and are subject to the same rules homeowners are. I wish I was paying the same rate I was when I rented back in 2013. It was half what I pay now, but the reality is costs go up. You sir, fail to understand that. Move to a place that costs less. Everyone's been saying that.
Paper. ? LOL There's your problem. You go by papers (aka propaganda), while the rest of us KNOW about rent control, from having LIVED it for 70 years.
I'll take documented research on the topic, over a random internet poster. Thanks.
The political philosophy of 70% of voters - "Someone won't do what I want them to do! And the government should make them!"
You mean agree with you. Listen dumbass, my wife and I are empty nesters ourselves and approaching retirement age. Rent increases do suck eggs but are necessary if the property owners wish to keep their properties. You have to remember that they pay mortgages on them as well and are subject to the same rules homeowners are. I wish I was paying the same rate I was when I rented back in 2013. It was half what I pay now, but the reality is costs go up. You sir, fail to understand that. Move to a place that costs less. Everyone's been saying that.
The rea;ity is that costs go up, but never have rents gone up even remotely close to what they have in the last 3 years. People getting $1000 to $2000 rent increases. That is unheard of.

Come back when you've heard of RealPage, Blackstone, et al cartels. Now go wash you mouth out with soap, and come and report back to me. :biggrin:
The political philosophy of 70% of voters - "Someone won't do what I want them to do! And the government should make them!"
If they are making life miserable for us by not doing what they Should do, then yeah, of course.

That is WE should make them, the "government" being us (government of the people, by, and for the people)
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If they are making life miserable for us by not doing what hy Shoild do, then yeah, of course.

That is WE should make them, the "government" being us (government of the people, by, and for the people)
Not even close, brainiac. Just move to a different locale that charges less.
I'll take documented research on the topic, over a random internet poster. Thanks.
l'll take 70 years of living experience over any of your research, "documented", or any other name you want to slap on it.
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As for the very prolific (half-ass) line so often used by landlords (and their lapdogs) > that rent control causes landlords to stop developing new housing, thereby causing the housing supply to drop.

1. Landlords and developers are not the same.

2. New housing gets developed with or without landlords, with or without rent control.

3. New York City has had rent control for 100 years. In 1924, the population of NYC was 6 Million. Now it is 8.5 Million. Almost all of the 2.5 Million population increase has been living in apartment house rentals under rent control. MILLIONS of new buildings for rental housing over the decades, was built to accomodate the population increase.
THERE is your "data". 😐

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