If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Then folks should not rent then. Or look around. Since the "Landlords" OWN the property , it is their RIGHT to adjust the rent accordingly. One cal always pitch a tent. They do that all the time at our Colleges.
And you are cool with Americans living in tents ? I think, as a civilized society, we need to be able to be better than that.
I've said all that needs to be said in this thread. If the SUCKERS who fall for the > apartment buildings falling into disrepair, becoming slums, discourages new construction of new housing, and escalated housing rents (landlord con job) can't pull themselves out of this common misperception, that's just the way it will be.

Some of those arguing with me in this thread, I'm sure are landlords, or have some other vested interest, and their words reflect that, rather than any objectivity.
I also notice from some of the comments, that posters are not reading the thread (particularly MY posts), and are coming in here blind, posting posts that were already refuted by my posts earlier in the thread.

Others are just DUPES who have swallowed the landlord line, hook. line, & sinker. Others are conservatives who think they are following what they are supposed to say as conservatives, and supporters of business, which makes no sense at all, since landlords are .0001% of all businesses, and the other 99.999% of businesses are being shredded by landlord greed and exhorbitantly high rents.

One of the top reasons why businesses are failing since 2021, is because of excessively high housing rents. Business owners are seeing their sales disappearing right into landlords' pocket$.
A. It hasn't been anywhere near 100 years, tard. It began in the 1960s

B. Don't comment if you're not going to read the article.
FALSE! Rent control in New York City began in the 1920s. It was reinforced by FDR in the 1940s, and strengthend further in 1947.

See Post # 276 and 433.

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It demolishes your whole brainwashed, totally DUPED, worthless "argument".
No it does not. And I'm starting to think you are simply not able to know what a good argument is, or what evidence is given you think a photo that shows nothing, is evidence.
Easy if the rent is too high, lower the rent.
Can't. I have a mortgage to pay on the property. If I lower the rent, then it isn't worth having the rental. I would sell it, and now there won't be a rental to rent at all.

And I already showed conclusive proof of that by the NYC own government saying this.
Let the property owner charge less. If he doesnt like it, plenty of other kinds of business to be in.
That is HIS decision. No business of Gov't bureaucrats. Personally , if the Gov't tried to regulate MY property ,I would burn it down after cancelling the Insurance.
No it does not. And I'm starting to think you are simply not able to know what a good argument is, or what evidence is given you think a photo that shows nothing, is evidence.
The way you talk really reveals something. You have no ide what youre talking about. There is no need for "arguments". There is nothing to debate. There is no question.

You are talking about something that is 100% WELL-KNOWN, and doesn't need to be proven about anything. Only ignorant fools like you talk like that. Wanna ask me to prove if fish can swim ?

For those of us who have lived in New York, we know the buildings. We've lived in them, driven past them, visited friends living in them. Thousands of healthy rent control buildings, occupied for DECADES. Ho hum.

You sound like someone who has never set foot in New York, and doesn't know a thing about it. Maybe you're one of those absentee landlords, living in the Virgin Islands or the Bahamas. :rolleyes:
Can't. I have a mortgage to pay on the property. If I lower the rent, then it isn't worth having the rental. I would sell it, and now there won't be a rental to rent at all.

And I already showed conclusive proof of that by the NYC own government saying this.
Aha. So you are a landlord. You should recuse yourself from this "debate", as someone with a vested interest.

And the idea that your mortgage requires you to enact $100/mo, $500/mo, $1000/mo rent hikes, is a laughingstock. I don't think you realize how ridiculous you sound.
The way you talk really reveals something. You have no ide what youre talking about. There is no need for "arguments". There is nothing to debate. There is no question.

You are talking about something that is 100% WELL-KNOWN, and doesn't need to be proven about anything. Only ignorant fools like you talk like that. Wanna ask me to prove if fish can swim ?

For those of us who have lived in New York, we know the buildings. We've lived in them, driven past them, visited friends living in them. Thousands of healthy rent control buildings, occupied for DECADES. Ho hum.

You sound like someone who has never set foot in New York, and doesn't know a thing about it. Maybe you're one of those absentee landlords, living in the Virgin Islands or the Bahamas. :rolleyes:
So, I think you have established yourself as an idiot at this point.

Well... It's been fun, or not really, because you are a fool. But I have deemed that you are no longer worth my time talking to, since you are uneducated, uninformed, and post stuff like "I lived there, that's all the evidence I need!" type answer.
You are no longer worth of my time.
Congrats for joining the ignore list, where I will never seem your blithering nonsense. From today on, you don't even exist in my world.

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