If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

And yet that area has insane rent prices. $3,400 for a 750 sqft 2-bed apartment?

That's insane. All rent controlled? Because if that's rent controlled, then your rent control failed.
I'm not seeing that your system is working well. And by the way, that would be why you don't see abandoned buildings, when they are able to charge $3,400 a month for a 2-bed apartment. Yeah, they are still renting that for sure.
If I remember correctly the rent control only lasts as long as the tenency. Once the tenant dies or moves, the rent adjusts to the mean of the area for the next tenant.
As for the very prolific (half-ass) line so often used by landlords (and their lapdogs) > that rent control causes landlords to stop developing new housing, thereby causing the housing supply to drop.

1. Landlords and developers are not the same.

2. New housing gets developed with or without landlords, with or without rent control.

3. New York City has had rent control for 100 years. In 1924, the population of NYC was 6 Million. Now it is 8.5 Million. Almost all of the 2.5 Million population increase has been living in apartment house rentals under rent control. MILLIONS of new buildings for rental housing over the decades, was built to accomodate the population increase.
THERE is your "data". 😐
According to some quick research, rent control doesn’t apply to most units built after 1947 and non built after 1952. Rent stabilization applies to units built between 1947 and 1984. Other units fall under still another program that allows rents of up to $2,700.00 a month with three and a half percent increases every year. There are somewhere north of 84,000 rental units in NYC that landlords “ warehouse” by leaving them vacant because renting them costs more than the revenue they generate. That number increases every year. New construction is exempt from rent control and prices are sky high, over $3,700.00 a month for a STUDIO apartment, $7,500.00 for a four bedroom. That is the result of rent control.
I’ve said this to you before. If you don’t like having your rent raised, buy a condo. If you think landlords have a responsibility to take losses to supplement their renter’s rent, BUY YOUR OWN DAMN BUILDING AND SET SUB-MEDIAN RENTS. When you are walking the walk, you can talk the talk.
I’ve said this to you before. If you don't like charging an affordable rent, go into some other business.

:puhleeze: Landlord aren't losing a dime. They're just a bunch of greedy rent gougers. Thousands of apartment buildings are under rent control in New York City, have been for 100 years, and landlords are doing fine.

I'm WALKING THE WALK OF PAYING RENTS AND BEING GOUGED. I'm finding myself (and my neighbors) getting POORER every year, because of big, unprecedented rent increases. When YOU WALK THAT WALK, then you can talk the talk.
Back then you were complaining about another raise. No one had any sympathy for you then either. Especially after you told us you had owned a house and sold it, if I remember correctly, because owning a home was too much trouble and too expensive. You make bad choices and expect everyone else to bail you out of the consequences. If you had kept your house/condo, you’d be complaining about taxes and utilities going up,
This has nothing to do with bad choices, Stop deflecting. Landlords are MUGGING US with ridiculously high rents. I just got a $96 month increase.

The people in my building with 2 bedroom apartments, got a $200/mo increase. That's like going out in the street and being mugged for $200 once, every month. Why worry about street crime when this is happening ? :doubt:
Stop complaining, every white person posting here had the same disadvantages. You remind me of a white IM2, always blaming others for your choices and problems.
So what if they had the same disadvantage. That disadvantage applies to all of them, not just me. And there you go with that "choices" bullshit again.

How about the landlords' "choices" to overcharge everybody for a basic necessity. You dont wanna talk about those choices ?
If I was a landlord I’d charge tenants like him a whining surcharge, or raise their rents until they moved out on their own.
That's because of what a sleazy scumbag you are. I never felt more like beating the fuck out of somebody, than you right now. Filthy turd.
If I remember correctly the rent control only lasts as long as the tenency. Once the tenant dies or moves, the rent adjusts to the mean of the area for the next tenant.
Sounds like you don't remember correctly. Thousands of building in New York have been under rent control for 100 years.

And since all buildings in "the area" being under rent control all have about the same rents. Would be no change.
According to some quick research, rent control doesn’t apply to most units built after 1947 and non built after 1952. Rent stabilization applies to units built between 1947 and 1984. Other units fall under still another program that allows rents of up to $2,700.00 a month with three and a half percent increases every year. There are somewhere north of 84,000 rental units in NYC that landlords “ warehouse” by leaving them vacant because renting them costs more than the revenue they generate. That number increases every year. New construction is exempt from rent control and prices are sky high, over $3,700.00 a month for a STUDIO apartment, $7,500.00 for a four bedroom. That is the result of rent control.
You can keep trying to throw that line out, but it disintegrates with one drive around the city, and seeing thousands of buildings all under rent control since the 1920s, all in good shape, and doing just fine. Ho hum. yawn**** 😐
If the rent is too high, people won’t rent and landlords will lower rents to fill vacancies. That’s a natural law, called supply and demand.
You forget one thing. Housing is a necessity. So the bellshaped curve of busiess income (sales) v prices, does not apply (same as food and gas prices - all experiencing enormous inflation of 100-200%)

With non-necessities (musical istruments, sporting goods, etc) people can stop buying if the price is too uncomfortably high They cant stop buying food, gas, and housing.

So what we have are landlords who don't mind having tenants spend MOST of their money on rent, leaving them very little for everything else (utilities, insurance, car payments, gas, food, etc)

When you sell a NECESSITY it's different ballgame alltogether. You have a responsibility to keep it affordable. Or else find a Non-necessity, and sell that.
Cool. They hardly ever catch a break. Usually the government gets behind manipulative tenants. Glad to see you're taking one for the team!
You've got it backwards. And what "team" are YOU on ? Looks like the landlords.
Yeah. I support the landlords. When socialists like you are trying to take over, they're on the front lines.
HA HA. I'm a far right conservative. And you've been this forum for 13 years? Doesn't look like it.

PS- I'm a business owner, and in Florida, the legislature (overwhelmingly Republican) recently voted for a rent control law. Why ? Because the landlords are killing all the other businesses, THAT'S WHY..

I posted this in Post # 608. Read the thread before posting.
Also Post # 613.

You haven't thought this one out, dude.
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