If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Yeah. I support the landlords. When socialists like you are trying to take over, they're on the front lines.
The front lines of destroying every other business in town, they are the most ANTI-business entities in America. Worse than any leftist loonies.
Open your own apartment building and charge the rents you think everyone else should charge. I'm sure you will have a 100% occupancy rate. I'm also sure your building would be foreclosed upon within a year because you couldn't afford to pay your mortgage.
If that were true, New York City wouldnt have thousands of buildings for miles around, charging reasonable rents (with rent control) and doing perfectly fine. You're "conclusions" don't add up. 😐

Looks like you need to revise your usage of the word "sure".

PS - I put the word "sure" in blue, in correlation with your leftwing ANTI-business stance.
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Of course you are.
Everyone in this forum knows that I am, except one dum dum. YOU.

And my pro rent control position is conservative. In Florida, the heavily Republican legislature voted for a rent control bill in 2023. A move in protection of the business community, being harmed by landlords.

You're not keeping up the times. You don't know what you're talking about. :rolleyes:
HA HA. I'm a far right conservative. And you've been this forum for 13 years? Doesn't look like it.

PS- I'm a business owner, and in Florida, the legislature (overwhelmingly Republican) recently voted for a rent control law. Why ? Because the landlords are killing all the other businesses, THAT'S WHY..

I posted this in Post # 608. Read the thread before posting.
Also Post # 613.

You haven't thought this one out, dude.
So now you are a business owner????

It was not working at alll.....to this is my taxes from working...to no that would be my taxes if I worked.

I dont trust you anymore. So im not clicking it.
What's there to not trust ? There's 55 paintings in my art gallery, with prices, pictures, and descriptions. Duh!

And you don't trust me ? :puhleeze: Pheeew! Here's my still photo in my avatar. Here's a video of me. And my real name plastered all over the place.

And what have I got of you, Mr Anonymous ? A picture of an eagle, and a name eagle something or other. :rolleyes:
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HA HA. I'm a far right conservative. And you've been this forum for 13 years? Doesn't look like it.

PS- I'm a business owner, and in Florida, the legislature (overwhelmingly Republican) recently voted for a rent control law. Why ? Because the landlords are killing all the other businesses, THAT'S WHY..

I posted this in Post # 608. Read the thread before posting.
Also Post # 613.

You haven't thought this one out, dude.

Florida's property taxes are through the roof. Do you think landlords should lose money every month? That's not conservative.
What's there to not trust ? There's 55 paintings in my art gallery, with prices, pictures, and descriptions. Duh!

And you don't trust me ? :puhleeze: Pheeew! Here's my still photo in my avatar. Here's a video of me. And my real name plastered all over the place.

And what have I got of you, Mr Anonymous ? A picture of an eagle, and a name eagle something or other. :rolleyes:

OMG your hair.
Everyone in this forum knows that I am, except one dum dum. YOU.

And my pro rent control position is conservative. In Florida, the heavily Republican legislature voted for a rent control bill in 2023. A move in protection of the business community, being harmed by landlords.

You're not keeping up the times. You don't know what you're talking about. :rolleyes:

You are a lot of things, but a conservative is not one of those things.

You want the gov't to control the rent for you. You have argued in favor of the gov't taking over MLB. And argued for such things as police using deadly force against speeders. You are a cradle-to-grave liberal.
You are a lot of things, but a conservative is not one of those things.

You want the gov't to control the rent for you. You have argued in favor of the gov't taking over MLB. And argued for such things as police using deadly force against speeders. You are a cradle-to-grave liberal.

He's not a liberal either.

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