If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Cut your overhead. Your poor financial planning is not the landlords problem.
I dont have poor financial planning. I have 2 regular incomes (Social Security & VA pension) plus 2 part-time sporadic incomes (art painting sales & music teaching)
Bur that doesnt mean its OK to suddenly take hundreds of $$$ out of my pocket every month. My financial condition is getting WORSE year by year, because of landlords' unprecedented, unheard of, exhorbitant, insane rent increases. Same thing with every non-real estate business (99,9% of businesses)

What is the landlords' problem is their responsibility is providing a NECESSITY item to the public, and having it be reasonably priced. If they dont want that responsibility, they should sell NON-Necessity things.

Let the landlords be the ones to do the cutting.
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I dont have poor financial planning. I have 2 regular incomes (Social Security & VA pension) plus 2 part-time sporadic incomes (art painting sales & music teaching)
Bur that doesnt mean its OK to suddenly take hundreds of $$$ out of my pocket every month. My financial condition is getting WORSE year by year, because of landlords' unprecedented, unheard of, exhorbitant, insane rent increases. Same thing with every non-real estate business (99,9% of businesses)

What is the landlords' problem is their responsibility is providing a NECESSITY item to the public, and having it be reasonably priced. If they dont want that responsibility, they should sell NON-Necessity things.

Let the landlords be the ones to do the cutting.

The fact that you cannot afford it does not mean it is over-priced. There are cheaper places.
I just love all the hypocrisy. We have self proclaimed "conservatives" who want government controlling rent prices, preventing business owners from requiring vaccinations, commandeering the womb, etc, etc. It used to be Dems were the party of big government, and of course they still are. But maga twits are giving them a run for their money.
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I dont have poor financial planning. I have 2 regular incomes (Social Security & VA pension) plus 2 part-time sporadic incomes (art painting sales & music teaching)
Bur that doesnt mean its OK to suddenly take hundreds of $$$ out of my pocket every month. My financial condition is getting WORSE year by year, because of landlords' unprecedented, unheard of, exhorbitant, insane rent increases. Same thing with every non-real estate business (99,9% of businesses)

What is the landlords' problem is their responsibility is providing a NECESSITY item to the public, and having it be reasonably priced. If they dont want that responsibility, they should sell NON-Necessity things.

Let the landlords be the ones to do the cutting.
you need to pack your bags and move to a socialist country,
Landlords owe YOU nothing ya fruitcake
I dont have poor financial planning. I have 2 regular incomes (Social Security & VA pension) plus 2 part-time sporadic incomes (art painting sales & music teaching)
Bur that doesnt mean its OK to suddenly take hundreds of $$$ out of my pocket every month. My financial condition is getting WORSE year by year, because of landlords' unprecedented, unheard of, exhorbitant, insane rent increases. Same thing with every non-real estate business (99,9% of businesses)

What is the landlords' problem is their responsibility is providing a NECESSITY item to the public, and having it be reasonably priced. If they dont want that responsibility, they should sell NON-Necessity things.

Let the landlords be the ones to do the cutting.
oh, your comment on "My financial condition is getting WORSE year by year"

I say, one day, it won't matter for you anymore :dance:
you need to pack your bags and move to a socialist country,
Landlords owe YOU nothing ya fruitcake
If you can't intelligently understand what I said in post # 684, you have a problem.

Or.......perhaps like some other landlord cheerleaders in this thread, maybe you ARE a landlord, own real estate stock, or have some vested interest. I dont fall into any of those categories, and am a renter and business owner, in both cases being damaged by oddball extreme rent increases.

Landlords hold peoples' basic survival (shelter) in their hands. They can't be allowed to run wild. And for your edification, the USA IS a socialist country (partially). This combination of capitalism and socialism (where necessary) that we have works well, and many businesses work within the confines of regulations of government.

Pharmacists don't sell Vioxx (taken off the market by the FDA, after it caused 60,000 deaths). The Ford Pinto was found to be dangerous, and Ford was told to cease production. There are thousands of examples of proper government regulation. How about the revocation of Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court ? You wanna call them "socialist" because they're restricting businesses (abortion clinics) from operating freely ? Wanna call Florida Gov. DeSantis 'socialist" because he restricted schools (public & private) from using woke filth books ?

Your use of the socialist card against me is a laughingstock for 2 reasons. 1) everything I just said and 2) that I've been a well-known, ardent conservative in this forum, for 10 years, with over 100 OPs written, some of which you can see in Post # 664. 😐
If you can;t intelligently understand what i said in post # 684, you have a problem.

Or.......perhaps like some other landlord cheerleaders in th si thread, maybe you ARE a landlord, own real estate stock, or have some vested interest. I dont fall into any of those categories, and am a renter and business owner, in both cases being damaged by oddball rent increases.

Landlords hold peoples' basic survival (shelter) in their hands. They can't be allowed to run wild. And for your edification, the USA IS a socialist country (partially). This combination of capitalism and socialism (where necessary) works well, and many businesses work within the confines of regulations of government.

Pharmacists don't sell Vioxx (taken off the market by the FDA, after it caused 60,000 deaths). The Ford Pinto was found to be dangerous, and Ford was told to cease production. There are thousands of examples of proper government regulation. How about the revocation of Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court ? You wanna call them "socialist" because they're restricting businesses (abortion clinics) from operating freely ? Wanna call Florida Gov. DeSantis 'socialist" because he restricted schools (public & private from using woke filth books ?

Your use of the socialist card against me is a laughingstock for 2 reasons. 1) everything I just said and 2) that I've been a well-known, ardent conservative in this forum, for 10 years, with over 100 OPs written, some of which you can see in Post # 664. 😐
A service is offered. If you don't like the prices, pack your bags and MOVE.
No one OWES YOU a damn thing.
Biden can hardly figure out where the bathroom is let alone control anything.

The 4th tier of govt, agencies actually run this country. They have screwed this country as career employees
Biden's dementia is overblown. He has taken many actions that have screwed us badly. One of them was opening the Mexican border, and then airlifting thousands of illegal aliens in cities, especially in red states, to try to turn them blue.

In so doing, the large & sudden influx of renters saturated the rental housing market, and sent rents soaring. It's still happenig.
If you can't intelligently understand what I said in post # 684, you have a problem.

Or.......perhaps like some other landlord cheerleaders in this thread, maybe you ARE a landlord, own real estate stock, or have some vested interest. I dont fall into any of those categories, and am a renter and business owner, in both cases being damaged by oddball extreme rent increases.

Landlords hold peoples' basic survival (shelter) in their hands. They can't be allowed to run wild. And for your edification, the USA IS a socialist country (partially). This combination of capitalism and socialism (where necessary) that we have works well, and many businesses work within the confines of regulations of government.

Pharmacists don't sell Vioxx (taken off the market by the FDA, after it caused 60,000 deaths). The Ford Pinto was found to be dangerous, and Ford was told to cease production. There are thousands of examples of proper government regulation. How about the revocation of Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court ? You wanna call them "socialist" because they're restricting businesses (abortion clinics) from operating freely ? Wanna call Florida Gov. DeSantis 'socialist" because he restricted schools (public & private) from using woke filth books ?

Your use of the socialist card against me is a laughingstock for 2 reasons. 1) everything I just said and 2) that I've been a well-known, ardent conservative in this forum, for 10 years, with over 100 OPs written, some of which you can see in Post # 664. 😐
Fruity... if you a business owner and you ain't making the rent..
A. raise your rates
B, if that don't work find another profession.
A service is offered. If you don't like the prices, pack your bags and MOVE.
No one OWES YOU a damn thing.
Why dont you tell us what your VESTED INTEREST is.

"OWES" ? That's a funny way of putting it. Did Merck "owe" the Amerian people anything when they discontinued production and sale of Vioxx ? Did Ford owe us anything when they stopped selling Pintos ? Wanna go buy an old Pinto ? And drive it around town ?
Wanna pop some Vioxx pills ? 😐
But he's intelligent, honest, and has an uncanny ability to see through Democrat schemes and scams. Writes good books.
No. He's none of that. He's just an angry, stupid, bad mannered old man with bad teeth and badly dyed hair.
Why dont you tell us what your VESTED INTEREST is.

"OWES" ? That's a funny way of putting it. Did Merck "owe" the Amerian people anything when they discontinued production and sale of Vioxx ? Did Ford owe us anything when they stopped selling Pintos ? Wanna go buy an old Pinto ? And drive it around town ?
Wanna pop some Vioxx pills ? 😐
Fruity.. I own my house outright. I have never rented anything but a hotel and a car for vacation.
This is YOUR problem, not the Landlords.
Raise your rates to cover the added expenses.

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