If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Did Ashli threaten anyone?

Asked and answered.

What threatening words did she use?

Threats don't have to be verbal. If someone breaks into your house, they're a threat to you even if they never say a word.

Was she armed?


How do you know she intended to hurt anyone?

Again, she was part of a violent mob threatening lawmakers. It's a reasonable assumption that anyone taking part in that violent mob intended to hurt lawmakers. Fortunately, they were all evacuated to safety.

Is it okay to kill one protestor because other protesters were engaged in a shoving contest with police?

It's ok to kill a protestor who's threatening the safety of others, as Ashes Targetpractice did when she tried to lead that violent mob into the Speaker's Lobby.

How do you know what the other protesters would do? Maybe if they saw her arrested they would have backed off. Stop speculating and consider the facts.

Police can't take such unnecessary risks based on what ifs.

Can you provide evidence that Ashli was the only one to breach the barricade outside the House Chamber?

Videos capture only her doing so. Police warned that mob to get back and videos show they got back when Officer Byrd drew his firearm. For a reason we'll never know, Benedict Babbitt ignored the warnings and thought she could breach that barricade.

Stupid move on her part.

Provide evidence that neither Byrd nor any other officer couldn’t arrest Ashli.

The police were too outnumbered. Again, there was only one cop on her side of the doors and he was on the stairs; znd only 2 or 3 cops on the others side. The mob was trying to break in and undoubtedly would have followed her in. Those cops would have easily been overrun had that happened and lawmakers' lives would have been at risk. And had that happened, you yahoos would be criticizing the cops for not doing enough to keep lawmakers safe.

How do you know no other cops were in shouting distance from Byrd?

It's on video.
It looks like Faun is not only a traitor who loves the police state and violence against women but also very, very dumb.

If we ignore Faun’s silly speculations and instead look at facts, including links to establish these facts, we’ll soon see that Faun has his head up his ass.

Ashli was trespassing in a public building that often allows visitors, not a private home. Do you see the difference?

If some protestors are violent that does not mean other nonviolent protesters can be shot. And let’s not forget that the police were committing violent acts too, like shooting rubber bullets into the crowd.

You acknowledge officers are available to arrest Babbitt.

Here’s Babbitt’s lawyer: "And he has plenty of other officers there to assist with arrest," he said of the shooter. "You had officers on Ashli's side of the door in riot gear and holding submachine guns. And on the other side of the door you have another uniformed officer 6 or 8 feet away. Whose life is he saving by shooting her? ... She's not brandishing a weapon. She's on the window ledge. And there's no reason to think she's armed."

Link: Ashli Babbitt's Family to File $10 Million Lawsuit Against Capitol Police and Officer Who Shot Her

How long does it take to put zip ties on someone? A few seconds. That’s less than it takes to get through that barricade the police had set up.

So your claim that arrest was impossible is nonsensical! Your desperate attempt to support that panicky coward Byrd fails.
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It looks like Faun is not only a traitor who loves the police state and violence against women but also very, very dumb.

If we ignore Faun’s silly speculations and instead look at facts, including links to establish these facts, we’ll soon see that Faun has his head up his ass.

Ashli was trespassing in a public building that often allows visitors, not a private home. Do you see the difference?

If some protestors are violent that does not mean other nonviolent protesters can be shot. And let’s not forget that the police were committing violent acts too, like shooting rubber bullets into the crowd.

You acknowledge officers are available to arrest Babbitt.

Here’s Babbitt’s lawyer: "And he has plenty of other officers there to assist with arrest," he said of the shooter. "You had officers on Ashli's side of the door in riot gear and holding submachine guns. And on the other side of the door you have another uniformed officer 6 or 8 feet away. Whose life is he saving by shooting her? ... She's not brandishing a weapon. She's on the window ledge. And there's no reason to think she's armed."

Link: Ashli Babbitt's Family to File $10 Million Lawsuit Against Capitol Police and Officer Who Shot Her

How long does it take to put zip ties on someone? A few seconds. That’s longer than it takes to get through that barricade the police had set up.

So your claim that arrest was impossible is nonsensical! Your desperate attempt to support that coward Byrd fails.
You act as if there is something to debate here. She died being a violent traitor. End of story. Police ruled it a clean kill. Nothing you say or do will ever change that. But you are a deplorable for defending this violent domestic terrorist.
john doe 101

from what I've seen, the Capital Police are just overpaid, undertrained mall cops who aren't held responsible for their actions. Their screw ups are never investigated in any public forum. The US doesn't need a police force that only answers to congress. There is no civilian oversight for the Capital Police.
100% agreement. Michael Byrd, the cop that murdered Babbitt in a surprise up close execution,
had been "disciplined" (whatever that means) because he just left his loaded service pistol in one of the
Capitol bathrooms and it took another officer's mention of it to get Byrd back his gun.

What an effing screw up for an effing screw up mall cop contingent.
You act as if there is something to debate here. She died being a violent traitor. End of story.
How was Ashli Babbitt a "violent traitor"? You're the one that approves of and cheers when a police officer
summarily executes a citizen exercising her right to protest.

If anyone is a "violent traitor" it's YOU! Move to China where executing people that disagree with the
government is a common way of keeping the underclass in line.
You throw around the words "violent traitor" like it has some meaning coming out of your putrid mouth.

Police ruled it a clean kill. Nothing you say or do will ever change that. But you are a deplorable for defending this violent domestic terrorist.
It was a clean kill. Point black murders usually are. So what? Congratulations on another stupid thoughtless
Not as stupid as calling Babbitt a "domestic terrorist". But still fucking stupid when one actually learns what
a terrorist is.
So, execution without a trial is OK with you? That says a lot about you, and none of its good.
Absolutely not. However, like I said, it was reviewed and deemed a clean shoot. The officer was defending Congressmen who were running for their lives. Any reasonable person would view it as heroic. But because you side with traitors against America, you of course see things differently.
She was shot for not adhering to an officer’s commands and threatening the officer’s life. If she was shot for believing in a conspiracy and supporting Trump, that would be a big problem.
She was UNARMED and trying to crawl through a window right in front of three cops could have arrested and restrained her. Instead, Byrd pushes in from the side and shoots her. Ignoring an officer's orders is cause for arrest, not killing. Any legitimate police department would have suspended Byrd and charged him for her death.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Dupe Babbitt was breaching the last barricade between the mob and the House chamber. She was the first over the barricade. And because the cop did his duty, she was the last.
How was Ashli Babbitt a "violent traitor"? You're the one that approves of and cheers when a police officer
summarily executes a citizen exercising her right to protest.

If anyone is a "violent traitor" it's YOU! Move to China where executing people that disagree with the
government is a common way of keeping the underclass in line.
You throw around the words "violent traitor" like it has some meaning coming out of your putrid mouth.

It was a clean kill. Point black murders usually are. So what? Congratulations on another stupid thoughtless
Not as stupid as calling Babbitt a "domestic terrorist". But still fucking stupid when one actually learns what
a terrorist is.
Hmmmm interesting. You consider breaking a window, ripping apart a wooden wall in an attempt to get at Congressmen is now considered "protesting"? I suppose you call knocking cops unconscious "freedom of speech". Face it. You're on the wrong side of history (and the law) on this and there is no way for you to escape being on the wrong side because you'll never admit you're wrong. So you're stuck defending these violent right wing domestic terrorist traitors. Sucks to be you.
Byrd was all that stood between that violent mob and the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up. The only reason you drag race into this discussion is because even you know it was a justifiable shoot; but you can't bring yourself to post that and you have nothing to show it wasn't a justifiable shoot.
There were three other cops standing inside those doors right in front of Babbit who didn't think she needed shot. There were three other cops on the outside of the doors who also didn't think she needed shot. Byrd charged in from the side and shot her at an angle because the other cops were in the way of him getting right in front of her. Apparently, he was the only cop that felt threatened by her despite being the furthest away from her.

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