If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Hmmmm interesting. You consider breaking a window, ripping apart a wooden wall in an attempt to get at Congressmen is now considered "protesting"? I suppose you call knocking cops unconscious "freedom of speech".
No more than you consider murdering an unarmed woman "justice" or "protecting politicians"
when there were none in the Capitol to be protected when Babbitt was assassinated.

Property damage in the Capitol is one thing. Putting a bullet from point blank range through someone's neck
resulting in instantaneous death is another.
Only a sick asshole like you would try to find equivalency between the two.

Try to find out why you're such a pathetic imbecile.

Face it. You're on the wrong side of history (and the law) on this and there is no way for you to escape being on the wrong side because you'll never admit you're wrong. So you're stuck defending these violent right wing domestic terrorist traitors. Sucks to be you.
I don't defend the violence done that day nor the property damage in the Capitol.

It's ironic, however, you are literally defending murder. Not just defending it but cheering for it
and celebrating the unprovoked killing of an unarmed woman.

How is it possible vile human garbage like yourself have the nerve to celebrate the unprovoked murder of
a US veteran?
The Rightfielders on this venue continue to parade poor Ms. Babbit's bullet-riddled corpse like it is their team pennant.

They should stop. It is disrespectful. She has a surviving family.

Ashli is dead because of Ashli.
She made a cascading series of poor choices that led her to her demise. She chose to join a mob in a violent breach of the Capitol of the United States of America; she chose to leave that mob to join another also violent subset who were battering open a breach in a barricade intentionally erected by police to keep mobs from killing or taking hostage our nation's legislators; and when the barricade was breached, Babbitt chose to leap into it and towards the officers in defiance of their commands to stay put, to back away, to leave.
All choices, I am sure you will agree, you would not have made. Nor any other rational un-deluded American would make.

But Ashli wasn't a rational un-deluded citizen. She was an Air Force veteran with a history of erratic and sometimes threatening behavior. “Nothing will stop us,” Babbitt tweeted Jan. 5.They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!”

The officer who shot her was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Justice Department.

In the end, she is dead.
She did --NOT-- choose to die.
But her choices caused her to die.
Let us let her family find solace without partisan MAGAHatters or even Don Trump himself waving her bloody-shirt as their rally-flag.
It is exploitive and shameful.

No more than you consider murdering an unarmed woman "justice" or "protecting politicians"
when there were none in the Capitol to be protected when Babbitt was assassinated.

Property damage in the Capitol is one thing. Putting a bullet from point blank range through someone's neck
resulting in instantaneous death is another.
Only a sick asshole like you would try to find equivalency between the two.

Try to find out why you're such a pathetic imbecile.

I don't defend the violence done that day nor the property damage in the Capitol.

It's ironic, however, you are literally defending murder. Not just defending it but cheering for it
and celebrating the unprovoked killing of an unarmed woman.

How is it possible vile human garbage like yourself have the nerve to celebrate the unprovoked murder of
a US veteran?
I never asserted she should be shot for destroying property. It wasnt, not will it ever, be ruled as a murder besides inside your mind. Fortunately, you have no say in important matters such as these. But we'll never agree on this. You'll side with the traitors and I'll side with real Americans.
Dupe Babbitt was breaching the last barricade between the mob and the House chamber. She was the first over the barricade. And because the cop did his duty, she was the last.
There were zero members of Congress still in the Capitol at the time Babbitt was murdered in cold blood.
Everyone had been removed via security tunnels to an off site location.

Are you another person who applauds assassination when other less lethal methods of gaining compliance
were readily available to Capitol police?

If you are don't bother me again. The people who actually seem gleeful and smugly happy because
an unarmed woman was murdered make me want to vomit.
I never asserted she should be shot for destroying property. It wasnt, not will it ever, be ruled as a murder besides inside your mind. Fortunately, you have no say in important matters such as these. But we'll never agree on this. You'll side with the traitors and I'll side with real Americans.
You have a bizarre view of what constitutes murder.

Babbitt's murder checks all the boxes: Shot without warming from extremely close range. Was never given the
chance to comply with police. She was incapable of resistance, being unarmed anyway.
And, ironically her murder was totally unnecessary and her compliance could have been gained in
a number of non lethal ways.

But assholes like you really don't care.

If you think "real Americans" approve of summary executions under the color of authority then you are more likely a Russian or Chinese troll than an American. Suffice to say you are a real anus in all ways.

This issue will be officially revisited when republicans regain the Senate and Biden is ejected from the White House like a rocket launched into the sun. Count on it, communist!
You have a bizarre view of what constitutes murder.

Babbitt's murder checks all the boxes: Shot without warming from extremely close range. Was never given the
chance to comply with police. She was incapable of resistance, being unarmed anyway.
And, ironically her murder was totally unnecessary and her compliance could have been gained in
a number of non lethal ways.

But assholes like you really don't care.

If you think "real Americans" approve of summary executions under the color of authority then you are more likely a Russian or Chinese troll than an American. Suffice to say you are a real anus in all ways.

This issue will be officially revisited when republicans regain the Senate and Biden is ejected from the White House like a rocket launched into the sun. Count on it, communist!
See what I realize (and you fail to realize) is my view or your view on this doesnt matter.

I think most Americans are on the side of protecting the Congressmen inside the Capitol from an onslaught of right wing terrorists. But because you are evidently anti-American, you view this activity as acceptable and you even condone it.

I dont know about you but when you've got a few hundred people about ready to rush through and attack Congressmen, I'm going to do what is necessary to defend them. Evidently you have such low regard for not only our Congressmen, but the officers that protect them that you condone terrorists like Babbitt.

Maybe if you hate America so much, what is it you people say, oh yeah maybe you should leave.
She was UNARMED and trying to crawl through a window right in front of three cops could have arrested and restrained her. Instead, Byrd pushes in from the side and shoots her. Ignoring an officer's orders is cause for arrest, not killing. Any legitimate police department would have suspended Byrd and charged him for her death.
I had not heard about the officer shooting her from the side. Either way, it is pathetic to watch the Left laud the police for shooting someone unarmed when they constantly back protests and defunding because of police shooting unarmed.
I had not heard about the officer shooting her from the side. Either way, it is pathetic to watch the Left laud the police for shooting someone unarmed when they constantly back protests and defunding because of police shooting unarmed.
What was he supposed to do? Just let her, and the hundreds of others, get through and start attacking Congressmen? Whose side are you on, anyway? I guess the side of anti-American domestic terrorists and not law and order.
See what I realize (and you fail to realize) is my view or your view on this doesnt matter.

I think most Americans are on the side of protecting the Congressmen inside the Capitol from an onslaught of right wing terrorists. But because you are evidently anti-American, you view this activity as acceptable and you even condone it.
Show me the quote where I ever condoned the assault on the Capitol. And then apologize, you sick
I dont know about you but when you've got a few hundred people about ready to rush through and attack Congressmen, I'm going to do what is necessary to defend them. Evidently you have such low regard for not only our Congressmen, but the officers that protect them that you condone terrorists like Babbitt.

Maybe if you hate America so much, what is it you people say, oh yeah maybe you should leave.
Let me repeat for stupid or disingenuous liars, all members of Congress had long since been
escorted out of the Capitol via secret tunnels that led to a safe haven distant from the Capitol itself.

The murder of Ashli Babbitt defended no one! And her death, in addition to being illegal was unnecessary.
What is it you Russian/Chinese trolls say? Oh, yes....go fuck yourself, anti American trash!
Show me the quote where I ever condoned the assault on the Capitol. And then apologize, you sick

Let me repeat for stupid or disingenuous liars, all members of Congress had long since been
escorted out of the Capitol via secret tunnels that led to a safe haven distant from the Capitol itself.

The murder of Ashli Babbitt defended no one! And her death, in addition to being illegal was unnecessary.
What is it you Russian/Chinese trolls say? Oh, yes....go fuck yourself, anti American trash!
The only Russian, anti-American I see here is you defending a right wing domestic terrorist. You're a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda. Maybe unwitting, but a mouthpiece none the less.

LOL thinking you determine whats illegal. The courts decide if someone has done something illegal, not you.

You've lost again. But you'll continue to rehash it over and over because your mind cant come to grips with the fact you are on the wrong, and losing, side. Let me know if you want to join the rest of us real Americans.
The only Russian, anti-American I see here is you defending a right wing domestic terrorist. You're a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda. Maybe unwitting, but a mouthpiece none the less.

LOL thinking you determine whats illegal. The courts decide if someone has done something illegal, not you.

You've lost again. But you'll continue to rehash it over and over because your mind cant come to grips with the fact you are on the wrong, and losing, side. Let me know if you want to join the rest of us real Americans.
No court decided if Michael Byrd committed murder or not, genius.

It was all decided by a closed door, no public allowed, meeting of Biden Justice Department officials
and other white washing experts.
No contrary voices allowed inside.

As already said, as the Biden era dissolves, like Joe's shaky cognitive abilities, issues like the assassination
of Ashli Babbitt will be revisited and reopened and the guilty cover up monkeys will be called upon
to explain how a blatantly unnecessary murder of an Air Force veteran was completely swept under
the filthy blood stained carpeting of Joe Biden and Merrick Garland.

Jonathan Turley is already laying the ground work and Babbitt's husband is suing based on Fourth Amendment violations of human rights issues.
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It looks like Faun is not only a traitor who loves the police state and violence against women but also very, very dumb.

If we ignore Faun’s silly speculations and instead look at facts, including links to establish these facts, we’ll soon see that Faun has his head up his ass.

Ashli was trespassing in a public building that often allows visitors, not a private home. Do you see the difference?

If some protestors are violent that does not mean other nonviolent protesters can be shot. And let’s not forget that the police were committing violent acts too, like shooting rubber bullets into the crowd.

You acknowledge officers are available to arrest Babbitt.

Here’s Babbitt’s lawyer: "And he has plenty of other officers there to assist with arrest," he said of the shooter. "You had officers on Ashli's side of the door in riot gear and holding submachine guns. And on the other side of the door you have another uniformed officer 6 or 8 feet away. Whose life is he saving by shooting her? ... She's not brandishing a weapon. She's on the window ledge. And there's no reason to think she's armed."

Link: Ashli Babbitt's Family to File $10 Million Lawsuit Against Capitol Police and Officer Who Shot Her

How long does it take to put zip ties on someone? A few seconds. That’s less than it takes to get through that barricade the police had set up.

So your claim that arrest was impossible is nonsensical! Your desperate attempt to support that panicky coward Byrd fails.

Dayum, you are one deranged conservative. :cuckoo:

Despite the Capitol building being a public building, it still has areas restricted to the public. So no, there is no difference to breaking into someone's private home versus breaking into a restricted government area.

Don't believe me?

Try breaking a window in the Oval Office (also part of a public building) while the president is sitting at the Resolute desk and see how far inside you make it inside before getting plugged.
How was Ashli Babbitt a "violent traitor"? You're the one that approves of and cheers when a police officer
summarily executes a citizen exercising her right to protest.

If anyone is a "violent traitor" it's YOU! Move to China where executing people that disagree with the
government is a common way of keeping the underclass in line.
You throw around the words "violent traitor" like it has some meaning coming out of your putrid mouth.

It was a clean kill. Point black murders usually are. So what? Congratulations on another stupid thoughtless
Not as stupid as calling Babbitt a "domestic terrorist". But still fucking stupid when one actually learns what
a terrorist is.
She was part of a violent mob trying to attack the very seat of our government. That scars her in death for eternity as a violent traitor.
She was UNARMED and trying to crawl through a window right in front of three cops could have arrested and restrained her. Instead, Byrd pushes in from the side and shoots her. Ignoring an officer's orders is cause for arrest, not killing. Any legitimate police department would have suspended Byrd and charged him for her death.
The three cops were gone. So no, they couldn't have arrested her.
There were three other cops standing inside those doors right in front of Babbit who didn't think she needed shot. There were three other cops on the outside of the doors who also didn't think she needed shot. Byrd charged in from the side and shot her at an angle because the other cops were in the way of him getting right in front of her. Apparently, he was the only cop that felt threatened by her despite being the furthest away from her.
Obviously, you have never seen the video. Those three cops had left before she was shot.

And the point where you say none of the other cops felt it necessary to shoot her was before she tried climbing through that broken out window. At that point, she wasn't a threat. That changed the moment she decided to lead the mob into the House chamber and breach the police barricade.
What was he supposed to do? Just let her, and the hundreds of others, get through and start attacking Congressmen? Whose side are you on, anyway? I guess the side of anti-American domestic terrorists and not law and order.
Why are you assuming I am on one side or the other when it comes to Bobbitt getting shot? My core argument is that regardless, the Left is full of shit on the issue of one breaking the law and getting shot. How many times have we seen the Left lose their shit over this?

Was Bobbitt breaking the law? Was she told to stop? I say Yes. Could she have been arrested? Some think so.

What if the mob made it clear they were only going after Republicans in Congress during the riot? Would the Left care as much as they do now?
No more than you consider murdering an unarmed woman "justice" or "protecting politicians"
when there were none in the Capitol to be protected when Babbitt was assassinated.

Property damage in the Capitol is one thing. Putting a bullet from point blank range through someone's neck
resulting in instantaneous death is another.
Only a sick asshole like you would try to find equivalency between the two.

Try to find out why you're such a pathetic imbecile.

I don't defend the violence done that day nor the property damage in the Capitol.

It's ironic, however, you are literally defending murder. Not just defending it but cheering for it
and celebrating the unprovoked killing of an unarmed woman.

How is it possible vile human garbage like yourself have the nerve to celebrate the unprovoked murder of
a US veteran?
What would YOU do if a violent mob was breaking down the door to your home or business?

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