If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

I am not saying it was or was not justified. Police officers have a very tough job in circumstances like this. My point is that Faun is an OCD ridden idiot comparing her to well trained military personnel.
But she was a 14 yr military veteran…wouldn’t that indicate she was well trained?
Did Ashli threaten anyone? What threatening words did she use? Was she armed? How do you know she intended to hurt anyone? Is it okay to kill one protestor because other protesters were engaged in a shoving contest with police?

How do you know what the other protesters would do? Maybe if they saw her arrested they would have backed off. Stop speculating and consider the facts.

Can you provide evidence that Ashli was the only one to breach the barricade outside the House Chamber?

Provide evidence that neither Byrd nor any other officer couldn’t arrest Ashli. How do you know no other cops were in shouting distance from Byrd?

Since you are a coward I suppose you’ll run away from these questions again. Facts don’t matter to you. You are only interested in attacking, hating this woman. I think you’d lap up her blood if you could.
Did Ashli threaten anyone?

Asked and answered.

What threatening words did she use?

Threats don't have to be verbal. If someone breaks into your house, they're a threat to you even if they never say a word.

Was she armed?


How do you know she intended to hurt anyone?

Again, she was part of a violent mob threatening lawmakers. It's a reasonable assumption that anyone taking part in that violent mob intended to hurt lawmakers. Fortunately, they were all evacuated to safety.

Is it okay to kill one protestor because other protesters were engaged in a shoving contest with police?

It's ok to kill a protestor who's threatening the safety of others, as Ashes Targetpractice did when she tried to lead that violent mob into the Speaker's Lobby.

How do you know what the other protesters would do? Maybe if they saw her arrested they would have backed off. Stop speculating and consider the facts.

Police can't take such unnecessary risks based on what ifs.

Can you provide evidence that Ashli was the only one to breach the barricade outside the House Chamber?

Videos capture only her doing so. Police warned that mob to get back and videos show they got back when Officer Byrd drew his firearm. For a reason we'll never know, Benedict Babbitt ignored the warnings and thought she could breach that barricade.

Stupid move on her part.

Provide evidence that neither Byrd nor any other officer couldn’t arrest Ashli.

The police were too outnumbered. Again, there was only one cop on her side of the doors and he was on the stairs; znd only 2 or 3 cops on the others side. The mob was trying to break in and undoubtedly would have followed her in. Those cops would have easily been overrun had that happened and lawmakers' lives would have been at risk. And had that happened, you yahoos would be criticizing the cops for not doing enough to keep lawmakers safe.

How do you know no other cops were in shouting distance from Byrd?

It's on video.
According to Faun she was more dangerous than a well trained Navy Seal. She had to be shot. Then again he has been beat up by 5’1 women before as he is an ugly OCD ridden fat fuck.
You're derangement worsens, ShortBus. She was part of a violent mob. And no, you have never beaten me up. In fact, when I told you where I am when you challenged me, you ran away.
I am not saying it was or was not justified. Police officers have a very tough job in circumstances like this. My point is that Faun is an OCD ridden idiot comparing her to well trained military personnel.
Oh? Where did I do that? I've said all along the threat she posed, which warranted the action taken by Byrd, was being part of a violent mob.
It’s funny, the three policemen directly in front of Babbit inside the doors didn’t think she was enough of a threat to either shoot her, or push her back through the window. The officer who shot her had to come in from the side and shoot at an angle to hit her. Hopefully when the republicans take the house and senate they will launch a real investigation rather than the secret whitewashing party the Capital Police had and push for charges, why is it that the Capital Police can “investigate” themselves behind closed doors and every other police force in the nation can’t? No “investigation” of. Capital Police Officer has ever been done in public and as far as I can find out, no Capital Police Officer has ever been tried for wrongdoing.
Those three cops didn't need to take action with her since she had not attempted to breach the police barricade while they were there.
You're derangement worsens, ShortBus. She was part of a violent mob. And no, you have never beaten me up. In fact, when I told you where I am when you challenged me, you ran away.
LOL you want me to fly to Fla to kick the ass of a fat old man? I said police officers have a very difficult job. I am not judging you OCD ridden fat loser. I meant I kicked your ass figuratively. Dumbass.
Oh? Where did I do that? I've said all along the threat she posed, which warranted the action taken by Byrd, was being part of a violent mob.
Listen OCD ridden fat fuck, you’re a loser. She would have probably kicked your ass and she was only 5’1. I do not take issue with the shooting but I do take issue with your blatant hypocrisy you fucking retarded parrot.
LOL you want me to fly to Fla to kick the ass of a fat old man? I said police officers have a very difficult job. I am not judging you OCD ridden fat loser. I meant I kicked your ass figuratively. Dumbass.
You challenged me, ya moron. And when I accepted, you backed down.
Listen OCD ridden fat fuck, you’re a loser. She would have probably kicked your ass and she was only 5’1. I do not take issue with the shooting but I do take issue with your blatant hypocrisy you fucking retarded parrot.
What hypocrisy, ShortBus?
Because you knew it would never happen you ocd ridden fat fuck. Stop playing dumb. Maybe you aren’t playing. Fat ass

ShortBus, how the fuck could I know that? You said you were coming to Florida.

LOL you want me to fly to Fla to kick the ass of a fat old man? I said police officers have a very difficult job. I am not judging you OCD ridden fat loser. I meant I kicked your ass figuratively. Dumbass.
The scars from being that fat little kid run deep
Find some threads where you justify the shootings of BLM terrorists or criticize BLM, OCD ridden fat fuck.
Sadly, you're so brain-dead, you don't recall me already showing this to you...

No, not at all. I've never condoned looting, burning or murder. I condemn all of those.
Anyone there who was rioting was wrong and I condemn them.
Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The scars from being that fat little kid run deep
Funniest part about that is he posted his waist size and he's fatter than me. But it makes him feel better about himself since he has no life. He needs all he can get.
Sadly, you're so brain-dead, you don't recall me already showing this to you...

Ha ha ha like the lapdog you researched it. Now find where you don’t respond to me but someone else, little lapdog. Fetch for me.

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