If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Or when one of their mob is rightfully put down and they are a bunch of fucking pussies that run away like rats
Certainly you can link us to your posts showing you made a similar assertion about some of the dark jungle savages who got shot resisting arrest…right?
You know, just to make sure you’re not a hypocrite and all.
Certainly you can link us to your posts showing you made a similar assertion about some of the dark jungle savages who got shot resisting arrest…right?
You know, just to make sure you’re not a hypocrite and all.

She was not resisting arrest, she was in the act of committing a crime. She got what she deserved, I have no sympathy for her at all.
Why was only one shot? One is all it took. The defenders of The Capital building, did not want a bloodbath. They simply wanted to defend. I am pretty sure the insurrectionists present did not want a bloodbath, though some on the right wing, anti-government, pro-trump side not present in the attacking force probably wish there had been bloodbath.
But there were armed agents spread out all over that building yet only one felt it was necessary to shoot to kill. The one who happened to be a black BLM activist….That’s not a red flag for you huh?
She was not resisting arrest, she was in the act of committing a crime. She got what she deserved, I have no sympathy for her at all.
Hahaha…Nice try…Jacob Blake was armed with a knife while resisting arrest when he got shot…I just know you posted in support of the cops who shot him….RIGHT?
Hahaha…Nice try…Jacob Blake was armed with a knife while resisting arrest when he got shot…I just know you posted in support of the cops who shot him….RIGHT?

I am sure I did as I supported their actions. Someone is coming at you like that, you take them down.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?

Here's where we are in agreement. The police should have had heavy machine guns, and should have piled them up like cord wood.

If there had been true justice, there would have been at least 500 bodies laying around the Capitol grounds, and 50-100 lay slain inside.

It truly was an injustice.
Maybe she was shot because she was the leader of the pack that sought to break into the Senate Chambers by tearing down the doors and the barricades. If she just walked away, she would still be alive. Take her death up with the leader who is really to blame for the insurrection and her death.
Makes more sense to take up the murder of this unarmed woman with officer Byrd of the Capitol Police and
the closed door private white washing session that exonerated him.

List all of your "unimpeachable evidence" that Ashley Babbitt was the leader of the pack of anything or
not that I think you have proof of anything but your own bigoted blood thirsty psychosis.
Here's where we are in agreement. The police should have had heavy machine guns, and should have piled them up like cord wood.

If there had been true justice, there would have been at least 500 bodies laying around the Capitol grounds, and 50-100 lay slain inside.

It truly was an injustice.
Just like Kent State....right, asshole? How did that go over when it went down?
But there were armed agents spread out all over that building yet only one felt it was necessary to shoot to kill. The one who happened to be a black BLM activist….That’s not a red flag for you huh?
Not for me. I wasn't there and wouldn't be. You are thinking she just liked to protest anything and everything and was targeted? She doesn't look black. I doubt she was targeted due to any type of profiling. I suspect she was targeted as the first person through the busted out security glazed door at the defender's final defensive position, with the defender yelling not to come in, but she did try to come in, with more people behind her that would have also tried to come in.
You could say, she took a bullet to save those follow on forces lives, as they immediately thought "Wow. They really must not want us to break through here. Lets try some first aid and call this assault thing off, as it's not worth getting shot over. OK. Joe won, fine. Damn that's a lot of blood. Somebody tell the Capital Police we need their help now, and won't try to beat them up or hurt them anymore."
Just like Kent State....right, asshole? How did that go over when it went down?

Nobody was held accountable for it. But what happened at Kent State, was the murder of unarmed college students, at the hands of an authoritarian state, who hated protests then, as much as they do now.

You turds just can't stand it, when people just aren't scared of you. Aren't you asshole?

Better learn how to deal with it, because I've got some bad news for you. We still aren't scared of you if you buy all of the AR 15's on the planet.

How does it feel knowing you are that impotent even with all that fire power?
List all of your "unimpeachable evidence" that Ashley Babbitt was the leader of the pack of anything or
not that I think you have proof of anything but your own bigoted blood thirsty psychosis.

She was the "leader" of the pack in that she was in front tying to get through the door first. Probably due to her be smaller she could fit though a smaller hole and open the door for the rest.

It was a legal and well aimed shot.
Not for me. I wasn't there and wouldn't be. You are thinking she just liked to protest anything and everything and was targeted? She doesn't look black. I doubt she was targeted due to any type of profiling. I suspect she was targeted as the first person through the busted out security glazed door at the defender's final defensive position, with the defender yelling not to come in, but she did try to come in, with more people behind her that would have also tried to come in.
You could say, she took a bullet to save those follow on forces lives, as they immediately thought "Wow. They really must not want us to break through here. Lets try some first aid and call this assault thing off, as it's not worth getting shot over. OK. Joe won, fine. Damn that's a lot of blood. Somebody tell the Capital Police we need their help now, and won't try to beat them up or hurt them anymore."
Cool personal theory….but it goes to shit fast when you hear that rioters were breaking in all around the capitol during and after the Babbitt murder went down.…and get this, no other agent shot anybody.
Let’s assume you aren’t a super woke whiter guilt-er, would you allow yourself to see the red flag then?
This is a lie.

Babbitt was not ‘murdered’ – she was a criminal who was lawfully killed while committing an act of domestic terrorism.

That is ridiculous.
Terrorism is the mass murder or civilians in order to extort others to yield to your illegal demands
Babbit threatened no one, had no weapons, and was not really even in violation of any law.
That’s kinda the point…how did agents know that only Ashli and those breaking through that one entrance were a deadly threat?
Perhaps by their behavior and their refusal to cease their attempt to breach the locked door (by going through the broken out window) leading to the area where some of our Congressional members had taken shelter.
There were thousands there, only a few broke the law. None of that was insurrection, RW.
My reliable sources who have lived in DC their entire lives say it was easily 1.5 to 2 million. They had never seen anything like it.

Notice that the leftstream media will not put an estimate on the number of people like they usually do.

That's because it was the first actual million man march on DC where more than a million protestors actually showed up.

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