If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Cool personal theory….but it goes to shit fast when you hear that rioters were breaking in all around the capitol during and after the Babbitt murder went down.…and get this, no other agent shot anybody.
Let’s assume you aren’t a super woke whiter guilt-er, would you allow yourself to see the red flag then?
You still wishing for a higher body count for the impact on potentially uncommitted? I was watching live that day. Looked like it started breaking up shortly after the shooting as word spread, but that was just looking at the feeds from FOX, CNN & MSNBC.
Perhaps by their behavior and their refusal to cease their attempt to breach the locked door (by going through the broken out window) leading to the area where some of our Congressional members had taken shelter.

The other side of the door was known as the Speaker's Lobby, and is just a hallway on the speaker side of the house.
All the congress members had left by that hallway and gone to the subway long before Babbitt tried to enter.
There were dozens of armed cops there who did not care if Babbitt went through or not, because they knew there was nothing there.
The lone cop who fired had no legal basis for doing so, because he was not protecting anything or anyone.
And shots can only be fired if there is a clear and present danger to protect against.

Yes, and that is my point, that the fact the protestors were mistaken about the election, does not make their actions illegal.
They were still right and legal to demonstrate their concern that the elections may have been tampered with.
Legally they had the right to arrest all of congress on suspicion of the attempt to defraud the election, if they had sufficient evidence.
The idea that the population does not have authority over congress, is incorrect.
Congress is subordinate to the people, and when the people have suspicion of congressional misbehavior, the people have the authority to act.
The fact the demonstrators were likely wrong about the election, does not at all matter.
The other side of the door was known as the Speaker's Lobby, and is just a hallway on the speaker side of the house.
All the congress members had left by that hallway and gone to the subway long before Babbitt tried to enter.
There were dozens of armed cops there who did not care if Babbitt went through or not, because they knew there was nothing there.
The lone cop who fired had no legal basis for doing so, because he was not protecting anything or anyone.
And shots can only be fired if there is a clear and present danger to protect against.
Change that to trespassers are shot on sight as an imminent threat.
She was the "leader" of the pack in that she was in front tying to get through the door first. Probably due to her be smaller she could fit though a smaller hole and open the door for the rest.
Well, that's more honest, isn't it. Babbitt was the "leader" of the rabble in that she was able to squeeze through
the smashed in glass in the door due to her slight stature.
In no other way could she be termed a leader of the mob.
It was a legal and well aimed shot.
Of course it was. Shooting unarmed people and killing them without warming has always been legal,
hasn't it?

I suppose not.
I can't wait for the transcript of the exoneration of Officer Byrd so we can judge for ourselves the
righteous legality of murdering the unarmed.

Oh, wait....the closed door white wash of Ashley Babbitt's murder was conducted in private
without a word of explanation to the public.
Just like in the CCP.
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Maybe she was shot because she was the leader of the pack that sought to break into the Senate Chambers by tearing down the doors and the barricades. If she just walked away, she would still be alive. Take her death up with the leader who is really to blame for the insurrection and her death.
Again, why no one else? How would they have known if everyone was together threatening? Dude, that isn’t logical! You know?
If you are going to defend an innocent woman getting shot but condemn someone getting shot actually doing something illegal and have to ask why..........well.......I think we know why.
I didn’t defend anyone shooting someone innocent! Post my approval for such a thing to say at me. Fking cucksucker
I didn’t defend anyone shooting someone innocent! Post my approval for such a thing to say at me. Fking cucksucker

Bite me. I made a general statement. If you say it doesn't apply to you then it doesn't.
So you think the guy brought zip tie restraints for no reason whatsoever?
I heard the following from some RWI's:

1). He didn't bring the ties
a) He found them
b) The ties were given to him by FBI.
Nobody was being abducted
Because the lawmakers escaped.

I thought she died of a drug overdose
A lot like Floyd.
On drugs at time of death.
She was trampled by her own people, who then tried to blame it on the Capitol Police.

It is obvious why, "the argument is that those who defended the shooting of someone like Breonna Taylor really have no standing to be complaining."

Brionna Taylor was legally in her own sovereign home, not harming anyone.
So then the police with the no-knock-warrant were illegally harming and threatening her inherent right to be safe and private in her home.

The claim the police were just enforcing the War on Drugs is no defense, because the War on Drugs is inherently illegal, and all cops should know that.
The only legal basis for laws is the defense of individual rights of others, and the War on Drugs defends the rights of no one.
Any cop arresting anyone over any drug charges, is a criminal.

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