If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?

Because all the rest ran away like the pussies they are once she was shot. They scattered like roaches when the light is turned on.
Because all the rest ran away like the pussies they are once she was shot. They scattered like roaches when the light is turned on.
Same with those trying to abduct members of Congress. Scattered like roaches afterwards. The best part is how they all took nice social media pics and video to help ID them afterwards.
White cop kills black thug carrying weapon or reaching for one...............Ah the shame of it all, RACIST.

Black cop kills unarmed woman........................Ah the shame of it all "insurrection" and the cop's name is crickets because the left are?????
All you gotta do is look at pictures but pictures are proof fact so you won’t
And con-servatives apparently value thuggish behavior and attempts to overthrow our duly elected government.
We thinkers love how you children try to prentend that because you feel it “could have happened” then that counts more than what did happen. Emotional immaturity. What if trumping what is.
Kinda like the hoax of “worst case” being sold as “most likely”
Because all the rest ran away like the pussies they are once she was shot. They scattered like roaches when the light is turned on.
That’s weird, you must have watched a different video than I did because it looks to me like everybody stands there and doesn’t move at all.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Why was only one shot? One is all it took. The defenders of The Capital building, did not want a bloodbath. They simply wanted to defend. I am pretty sure the insurrectionists present did not want a bloodbath, though some on the right wing, anti-government, pro-trump side not present in the attacking force probably wish there had been bloodbath.
you watched the wrong video then. As soon as she was shot nobody went near the door and they were all out of the screen in less than 10 seconds.
People do generally scatter when there is a murder by gunfire right in front of them

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