If the Constitution were yours to change...

If the constitution were theirs to change, leftists would print it on softer paper.

So that when Obama wipes his ass with it, it wouldn't chafe so.....

Forbes: yes he calls it a Constitution of negative rights. In sum, Obama views the Constitution as a flawed document from which we must “break free.” We need, instead, a “living” Constitution that refocuses from “negative rights” to requiring income redistribution from the Haves to provide “positive economic rights” to the Have Nots.

Obama’s 2001 interview provides a clear statement of a judicial philosophy.
It is the ugly reality behind bureaucracy, never shrinking and always garnering more power.

too stupid!! You mean the reality behind liberal socialist bureaucracy. Republicans and libertarians since Jefferson want to starve the beast with tax cuts to slowly kill it off.

And how has that worked out? How much did Bush shrink the machine? How about the other Bush. Ragan? Anyone?

Yes, the list is nonexistent because bureaucracies don’t shrink without a LOT of coaxing. It is tough as hell to shrink them and easy as pie to make them grow. Look at the sequestration. Politicians had AN ENTIRE YEAR to come up with a TWO PERCENT cut (a cut that was LESS THAN THE INCREASE IN GOVERNMENT) and they were completely incapable of doing so.

It is sick.
1.) Remove the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment, to eliminate the false argument the leftists keep trying to impose.

2.) Put the word "explicitly" into the 10th amendment, before the word "delegated", to remove another false argument used by the big-govt fanatics.

3.) Ban withholding of tax money from paychecks.

4.) Repeal the 17th amendment.

5.) I might consider adding an amendment stating that if any court in the U.S. finds a measure passed by any legislative body to be unconstitutional, in whole or in part, all officeholders who voted in favor of it would be immediately removed from office and barred from hold any further office, elected or unelected, in any jurisdiction within the United States. The states affected would then schedule a special election to replace them.
3.) Ban withholding of tax money from paychecks.

yes if everyone had to pull the money out of their pockets like small business people do there would be no Democrats. And there are many many hidden taxes too. Hidden taxes is the name of the liberal game.
3.) Ban withholding of tax money from paychecks.

yes if everyone had to pull the money out of their pockets like small business people do there would be no Democrats. And there are many many hidden taxes too. Hidden taxes is the name of the liberal game.

This is a valid point that should be underscored.

There should be no hidden taxes. Every single red cent that is sent to the government on your behalf (if the practice was not stopped) to include bullshit like taxes on the ‘employer’ for SS etc. should be on your check. If people actually knew what they really cost, you might see some anger at the fucked up tax system.
. If people actually knew what they really cost, you might see some anger at the fucked up tax system.

if there was no hidden taxation, including the inflation tax, and we had to pay all taxes in cash once per out of our pockets, on election day, there would be no Democrats!!
Another suggestion would be, after banning withholding, to put Election Day one business day after Income Tax Day (April 15).

So you could vote for/against people right after finding out how much money you had to send them.
Another suggestion would be, after banning withholding, to put Election Day one business day after Income Tax Day (April 15).

So you could vote for/against people right after finding out how much money you had to send them.

good idea!! We could also require politicians to say exactly what size federal budget they want as a requirement to be on the ballot!!

We should bring the Democrat infection out in the open where a little sun light would kill it off completely!!

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