If the Constitution were yours to change...

Dump the Electoral College and go to a straight popular vote for President
Return to the Greenback monetary system under Lincoln…

Just get a time machine and go back to the days of Lincoln, so the rest of us can get on with the 21st Century unhindered by your reactionary nonsense.

Actually, greenbacks were a form of counterfeiting. Free banking, the system we had prior to Lincoln, is the only monetary system fit for a free society. Fiat money is for serfs.

There is NO chance whatsoever that they understand you. Pity.
I will steal:
An amendment to make CRYSTAL clear:
1) That the general welfare clause refers to protection of the borders of ALL states and not some magic phrase to allow control outside of the enumerated powers; and
2) That the commerce clause means the feds can stop states from imposing tariffs and not some magic phrase to allow control outside of the enumerated powers.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?
Unfunded collective pensions plans of Federal and State workers shall be illegal. All plans shall switch over to individual employee funded plans with a employer match rate that is equivalent to what the median private sector match rate is. Public pension plans shall be illegal.

Social Security shall be modeled after the individual private sector Chilean model. Workers will get the option of have 6, 8 or 10% of their income being contributed to the SSN. The worker flip back and forth annually between these percentages as they choose.
Not unlawful gerrymandering of districts to make the most favorable districts to a political party or candidate. Districts shall be constructed solo on geographical location and population. Unlawful gerrymandering shall be grounds for impeachement, removal from office and criminal prosecution for fraud.

Amendment 27:
Laws or bills presented to Congress shall 20 pages or less and of normal 10-12 sized font. Bills 20-50 pages require an accurate 1-5 page summary and a month for review. Bills 50-100 require a 1-10 page summary and 4 months for review before a vote. Bills over 100 pages shall be deemed unlawful and shall not be presented to Congress for a vote.

The Federal government is required to present a balanced budget each and every fiscal year. This requirement may be suspended in times of war or grave financial crisis.
Further, I would eliminate the 17 amendment and add an amendment that would make block granting funds back to states illegal. The only thing that federal taxes would be used for is federal spending, not forcing states to give up their rights in order to receive the funding that was forcibly removed from them back.

As others haves stated, the second needs some clarification as to its purpose (though will still be non-specific as we cannot guess what ‘arms’ will be in 100 years).

Change the 16th amendment to only allow flat rate taxation on income with zero deductions.

Ill have more when I have more time…
Dump the Electoral College and go to a straight popular vote for President

The EC should stay but the winner take all is unjust and needs to be eliminated.
In fact any adjustment should be that which gives no party or voting bloc ANY type of advantage.

Nonpartisan redistricting.

Both senatorial electoral votes to the party that carries the state.

Congressional electoral vote to the party that carries the district.
Dump the Electoral College and go to a straight popular vote for President

The EC should stay but the winner take all is unjust and needs to be eliminated.
In fact any adjustment should be that which gives no party or voting bloc ANY type of advantage.

The President represents the PEOPLE not the states

He should be elected by popular vote
What changes, if any, would you make to it?

In general, I'd clarify equal protection.

Specifically, I'd amend it to abolish the practice of using discriminatory taxation as a means of manipulating behavior. Effectively, this means no more using the tax code to 'incent' or 'penalize'.

I'd rewrite the taxation power to withstand the sophistry and lawyering of ambitious leaders (Hamilton, et al). I'd make it clear that it is the power to tax - not the power to spend. The power to spend is covered in the necessary and proper clause. No 'implied' powers need be imagined.

I'd clarify, and limit, the commerce clause to apply to the proper federal role of resolving trade disputes between the states, and prohibit it as an excuse for the feds to interfere in all aspects of our lives.

I'd consider repealing all of the Bill of Rights. It was never necessary.

Your post would indicate otherwise, including posts 10 and 12, among others.

No, the Bill of Rights is in just as much need now as any time during our Nation’s history, if not more so.
Limit the Supremes to matters between the states, and between the states and national government.

This makes no sense.

The Supreme Court is the final appellate venue in the Federal Court system.

Citizens have a First Amendment right (in that pesky Bill of Rights) “to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The Federal courts is the means by which the people exercise that right, including the right to be heard before the High Court.
Limit the Supremes to matters between the states, and between the states and national government.

This makes no sense.

The Supreme Court is the final appellate venue in the Federal Court system.

Citizens have a First Amendment right (in that pesky Bill of Rights) “to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The Federal courts is the means by which the people exercise that right, including the right to be heard before the High Court.

Can you point out what part of the Constitution limits petitioning the government to using the courts?
Can you point out what part of the Constitution prohibits petitioning the government via the courts?
Dump the Electoral College and go to a straight popular vote for President

The EC should stay but the winner take all is unjust and needs to be eliminated.
In fact any adjustment should be that which gives no party or voting bloc ANY type of advantage.

The President represents the PEOPLE not the states

He should be elected by popular vote

The underlying concern is that states with smaller populations would not be properly or even fairly represented in the election.
I think the idea of the popular vote of a respective Congressional District goes to the candidate that won the popular vote in the district. The two electoral votes that represent the US Senators should be dropped.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?
I would add an amendment making it illegal for any corporation to be given the same rights as a person.

Why would anyone waste their time on such nonsense.
BTW, Corporations may not be, in and of themselves "people", but they are made up of people and that's all that matters.

Then eventually government and unions will become "people", and then the Pandora box of stupidity is completely open.
Dump the Electoral College and go to a straight popular vote for President

The EC should stay but the winner take all is unjust and needs to be eliminated.
In fact any adjustment should be that which gives no party or voting bloc ANY type of advantage.

The President represents the PEOPLE not the states

He should be elected by popular vote

And that's the problem with our current government 100 years of progressive trying to rip power from the states and empower themselves in Washington.

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