If the Constitution were yours to change...

I would add an amendment making it illegal for any corporation to be given the same rights as a person.

Why would anyone waste their time on such nonsense.
BTW, Corporations may not be, in and of themselves "people", but they are made up of people and that's all that matters.

Then eventually government and unions will become "people", and then the Pandora box of stupidity is completely open.

How so?
The state shapes and promotes the economy by granting licenses to corporations, protecting intellectual property with copy right regulations, mints the currency and supplies it to the citizens, builds infrastructure like roads and canals and harbors, negotiates trade agreements with foreign governments.

Without these vital actions by the state, the economy would be reduced to a barter system with no means of foreign trade or interstate commerce.

I'm all for capitalism. But I recognize the necessity for a strong and vigorous federal government to make it work.

The role of the state in the economy should be that of an impartial referee, enforcing laws that maintain transparency and facilitate honest dealings. State policies shouldn't be formulated to "promote" any particular economic goals, but rather to maintain justice.

I suspect the current trend of doing the opposite, of merging economic and state power (e.g. PPACA), will continue to get worse before it gets better. But I do think the next big advance of liberal democracy will be to tease them apart. It will take time, and a lot of hard work, but I think it's possible.
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Constitution of the united States as modified for the health of future generations

We the People of the united States, in order to correct the inequalities within our union, reestablish our States and their Sovereignty under the rule of law by the People, for the People and of the People, to ensure domestic tranquility, and enforce liberties and rights for ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of North America.

Article I.
Section 1. The legislative powers of the united States are vested in the People of the united States. Which shall consist of a system of one vote for each Citizen who has attained the age of 18 and are legal Citizens who have resided within the united States for a period of at least seven years. In all national matters that affect all the States there will be an election held once every year. Each State will have a single vote that consists of a 66% super majority of all the votes from the voting Citizens of each State. Passage of any bill into law will require a 66% super majority of all the State's votes.
In the case of an emergency a special vote will be held as soon as the facts can be reported to the Citizens of the many States.

In the case of an invasion by a foreign power or an act of war against the united States or any of the many States or the legal territories of the united States, those Citizens who are capable will act in unison to protect themselves and their State until such time as the military can be given the power to act. In the case of an invasion, the military can act to repel and eliminate the threat within the borders of the united States and it's legal territories. No counter-invasion can take place without a super majority national vote. The military can act only with a 66% super majority national vote except in the case of an invasion by a foreign power.

Section 2. A legal Citizen is any person who is born in one of the many States and whose parents are either born in one of the States of legal Citizens or of naturalized Citizens or are themselves naturalized Citizens through legal immigration. A person born of two Citizen parents outside of the united States is a Citizen of the united States. A person legally in the united States can become a Citizen through the naturalization process and remaining within the confines of the unites States for a period of not less than seven years.

Section 3. Taxes, in all forms, may not exceed 20% of an individual's income for any year in which they are collected. There will be a single tax on retail sales of new goods and services. New goods are defined as products that are for personal use or consumption. Businesses will not pay taxes on goods or services that are used in the functions of the business for resale but will pay taxes on goods and services for consumption by the business or its employees. Sales of the new goods used for business to the retail market will be taxed on the rate specified on the purchase price paid by the individual at the time of sale.

Section 4. The tax is set at this time at 5% of the purchase price for all goods and services. Taxes can be raised by a 66% or greater majority vote only after it is determined by the constitutional court that the tax is Constitutionally lawful. Taxes shall be collected by the State in which the transaction is completed not in the State of residence of the purchaser. Taxing the purchase in a second manner or a second time is prohibited.

Section 5. Taxes will be levied proportionally to the level of income of the individual Citizen. Tax credit will be given for up to two children of married couples based on the median cost to raise children.

Section 6. The People have the sole power (through their votes) to lay and specify the manner to collect taxes; to control the military; to regulate commerce with foreign nations; to establish an uniform rule of naturalization and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the united States; to provide for the coining of money and regulate the value thereof based on the cache of precious metals held in reserve; fix the standard of weights and measures; to establish post offices; to promote the progress of the sciences and arts by securing for the individual authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their respective writings and discoveries for their lives; to constitute tribunals and courts inferior to the constitutional and supreme court; to declare war; make rules concerning captures on land and sea; to raise and support the military forces; to make rules for the governing and regulation of the military forces; to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia composed of all able-bodied legal Citizens; to provide for calling forth the militia to repel invasions.

Article 2.
Section 1. A president and vice president will be elected by popular vote in the following manner; Each county and/or parish will nominate two Citizens, at least 35 years of age and at least one of which will be a Citizen from a different State, for the office of president at least eighteen months prior to the election. A vote will be held in each county and/or parish and the two nominees with the most votes in each of the many States will be the States nominees. These names will be published and on the date of the national election each Citizen will vote for two of the many nominees. The nominee with the most votes will be the next president and the nominee with the second most votes will be the next vice president.

Section 2. The powers of the president will be limited to representing the will of the People to international leaders, meet with such leaders in open diplomatic functions and enact the will of the People in all matters.

Section 3. The vice president's powers will be limited to aiding the president in his duties and taking over the duties of the president should he be unable or unwilling to perform such duties.

Section 4. The salaries of the president and vice president will be no more than the median income of the People they represent. They will be provided offices as any businessperson would and affairs of state will be paid for apart from their salaries.

Section 5. The elected officials will maintain a home for their families and selves with the salary provided. Their health care will be provided for by the same health organization as provides for those who are unable pay for additional private insurance. They will pay the same taxes as the People pay. There is no pension or privileges beyond the four year term in office.

Section 6. It will be unlawful for officers or their family members to accept gifts during the term of office, which is set at four years. Any gifts given to them or their families will go to auction and the proceeds will be vested in the national treasury.

Section 7. The limit of service is one term of four years in each ten year period. During that four year term protection will be provided by the country. Following the four year term no protection will be provided by the country.

Article 3.
Section 1. A Constitutional court will be elected by popular vote of the People. The court will be composed of one Citizen for each five States. The justices will serve as long as they remain able to serve. A decision of constitutionality requires a minimum of 66% majority vote. If no decision can be made then no ruling will be reflected and the law will not be presented for a vote.

Section 2. The duties of the Constitutional court are limited to judging the constitutionality of bills before they are voted on by the People to become law. Salaries for the judges will be set at the median income of the Citizens of the united States

Article 4.
Section 1. All bills will begin through the initiative process. Any legal Citizen may file an initiative and submit it in a signature drive to the People to determine if there is enough interest to continue the process.

Section 2. Filing fees for the initiative will be one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the individual(s) annual income sponsoring the initiative.

Section 3. Only one bill subject or one change to a law may be presented on any one initiative.

Section 4. To get an initiative on the ballot shall require signatures of registered voters in an amount equal to at least 20% of the number of voters in the last presidential election.

Section 5. When the initiative has the votes required to place it on the ballot it becomes a bill of law to be remanded to the Constitutional court for a decision of constitutionality. Once the constitutionality of the bill has been confirmed the bill will be put to the People in the next national election and if passed by a 66% majority the law will go into effect.

Article 5.
Section 1. The supreme court shall be elected by popular vote. Nine judges will be appointed to serve until they reach the age of retirement. The duties of the court will be to hear cases on conflicts between the States and Citizens and settle cases in conflict of lower courts. The decisions of the supreme court will be the final step in any appeals process.

Section 2. Salaries of the judges will be the median wage of the Citizens of the united States.

Article 6.
Section 1. The right of Habeas Corpus will not be suspended. No bill of attainder shall be passed. No law having been passed, affects those who acted before the law was passed. No tax or duty will be passed on goods or services between the States. No preferences shall be given to the ports of one State over those of another. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and itemized accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all public moneys shall be published at least monthly.

Section 2. No title of nobility shall be granted by the united States; No Citizen of the united States shall accept any office or title of any kind from a foreign State.

Section 3. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation separate from the united States. No State shall lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports beyond those set by popular vote of the many States. No State shall engage in war unless actually invaded or there is imminent danger as would not allow for a vote by the many States.

Section 4. Any officer or judge may be removed by a simple majority vote showing a lack of confidence in their performance of their job or by being convicted for any crime while in office.

Section 5. Should any officer or judge make an attempt to circumvent or defy the Constitution they will be immediately dismissed and tried for treason. The only punishments for treason are and will remain deportation or, in time of war, death.

Section 6. Any Citizens having attained the age of 18 may be called upon to defend themselves, fellow Citizens, the State in which they live or the united States, not necessarily within the military, so long as they do not have moral reasons against it. Those with moral objections may be called to serve in civil support positions.

Joint chiefs report to and act upon orders from the People.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be held null and void.

A voters council will be one Citizen in each State that observes and reports the voting tally from the several States. If there is an inequality in the information from any State then a recount will be ordered.

Immutable Rights, possessed by Citizens, unchanging and unrestricted by any vote or power:

The individual Citizens of the united States of North America have and keep these immutable rights:

1. The right of free speech - to speak their minds and voice their opinions on any topic. Intentionally causing panic or harm, libel and/or slander are abuses of this right as it would infringe on the rights of others and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

2.a. The right of all Citizens to keep and bear arms, including those arms of the current issued military infantry, shall not be recorded, taxed or limited in any way. Crimes committed with force of arms will carry an automatic death penalty upon lawful conviction.
2.b. Ammunition, components and accessories for any arms shall not be recorded, taxed or limited in any way.
2.c. Arms include but are not limited to: bladed weapons, firearms, bows and arrows, and any other weapon of offense or defense ever or currently in either military infantry or civilian use.

3.a. The right to choose freely any religion or no religion as each Citizen deems correct for themselves.
3.b. The right to exercise their chosen religious path in spiritual matters.

4.a. The united States or any single or group of States will never have a State or preferred religion.
4.b. No State or any building used by the government of any State, county, parish, city or town can show text or representations from just one religion.
4.c. Under no circumstance shall one religion be shown preference in any government activity, forum, or facility.

5. The right to unencumbered peaceful assembly shall not be taxed or assigned other permits for which there is a record or charge.

6. Any individual or group of Citizens has the right to petition the government, at any level, to redress grievances unencumbered by license or permit.

7. The right of personal choice in matters of health and morals shall not be restricted or limited by any government or agency of the government.

8. All Citizens have the right to feel secure within their homes and upon their property. The use of force in the amount considered prudent to the individual Citizen to defend his life, family, property and or home is allowed as legal defense against criminal and civil charges except upon the prior service of a lawful warrant.

9. Any intrusion into a Citizen's person, property, home, papers or personal effects requires a warrant issued by a judge upon sworn testimony, particularly describing the place to be searched and the specific persons or things to be seized.

10. Probable cause, unless sworn to in front of a judge is not grounds for a warrant of arrest or search. This is not meant to refuse the power of law enforcement officers or Citizens to arrest an individual when caught in the commission of a crime.

11. No soldier, in peace time or in time of war, shall be quartered in any house without permission of the owner and residents.

12. The freedom of the press to print or otherwise state the factual truths and offer such editorials as may encourage thoughtful discussion through the printing of editorials on all sides of each editorial topic shall not be infringed.

13. No Citizen shall be tried for the same offense more than once.

14. No Citizen shall be held to answer, in civil court, having been found not guilty in criminal court.

15. All records of arrest and trial shall be deleted once a Citizen has been found not guilty of an offense.

16. No Citizen can be compelled to be a witness against himself.

17.a. No Citizen can be deprived of life, liberty and property without due process of law.
17.b. Private property cannot be taken without replacement property suitable to the Citizen owner and all expenses for the process paid.

18.a. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.
18.b. The trial shall commence not more than thirty (30) days following the arrest of the accused.
18.c. In the event of an acquittal the time between the arrest and verdict will be paid at a rate which would equal twice the greater of the wage being made before arrest or twice the average wage in the area of habitation for the job in which he / she is qualified whichever is higher.

19. At the time of arrest a Citizen has the following rights:
to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation;
to confront the witnesses against him;
to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor;
and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

20. In all legal and civil actions the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.

21. Bail amounts shall be set to fit the crime, personal ability and an assessment of risk to the public and risk of flight to avoid prosecution. On offenses of murder, civil rights violation and other violent crimes there will be no bail.

22. Following a conviction of a crime the criminals property will be distributed to his family or in the absence of family auctioned and the monies added to the treasury of the jurisdiction in which the crime was committed.

23. Involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall not exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

24. After lawful conviction of a crime the prisoner will serve his or her sentence in a facility that cares for the basic need for life without liberty. There will be no amenities of comfort beyond those basic needs of food, clothing, cleanliness, medical care and dental care that extends from and during their incarceration.

25. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of Citizens of the united States; nor shall any State deprive any Citizen of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny any Citizen within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws and licenses of any Citizen from any other State in which they were enacted.

26. The right of Citizens of the united States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united States or by any State on account of gender, gender preference, gender identification, ethnicity, race, color, creed or age so long as the Citizen is at least 18 years of age.

27. No government has the power to limit the love of one Citizen for another Citizen and the right to express that love through marriage so long as they are of legal age and of sound mind.

28. The right to freedom of expression through any artful, creative, or personal means shall not be limited or suppressed.

29. The enumeration of rights in this constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the Citizens.

30. All powers not expressly delegated within the constitution are retained by the Citizens.
... the state is as it should be, a major player in the shaping and promoting of the economy.

Well, that's the view I'm opposing. The state should NOT be a major player in "shaping and promoting" the economy. Just as it should not be involved in "shaping and promoting" religion, and for most of the same reasons.

The state is there to protect our freedom to create the kind of economy we want, not to tell us what to do.
The state shapes and promotes the economy by granting licenses to corporations, protecting intellectual property with copy right regulations, mints the currency and supplies it to the citizens, builds infrastructure like roads and canals and harbors, negotiates trade agreements with foreign governments.

Without these vital actions by the state, the economy would be reduced to a barter system with no means of foreign trade or interstate commerce.

I'm all for capitalism. But I recognize the necessity for a strong and vigorous federal government to make it work.
Not "strong and vigorous"...
The government is supposed to be an umpire or referee. As of now there are far too many politicians and too many individuals that want the government to be a participant. That creates the specter of government using taxation and regulations to pick winners and losers based solely on political agendas. We cannot have this.
Government is supposed to stand along the wall and observe. When the rules are broken, the government steps in, corrects the rule breaker and issues sanctions if necessary.
Licensing is a good example of this. When a person, group or business cannot or will not police itself, it is the job of government to create standards of operation according to law.
With regard to infrastructure. If government would step aside and act as a partner rather then a ruler, we would not have the crumbling infrastructure we do now.
I find it amazing when those who cheer lead for big government, play the infrastructure card( you didn't build that) ignoring the fact that but for government incompetence, waste fraud and countless numbers of political interlopers, including the all encompassing EPA, our systems would be in much better shape.
The most frustrating aspect of say for example road building. States propose projects using state money. The federal government then steps in and offers federal assistance. One would assume the feds are in support of the project. At that point the federal government gets involved and does everything it can to delay or even scuttle the project. It's maddening!
If one ever saw the federal guidelines for building a standard wood framed residential single family home, they would go to the nearest looney bin.
Government should be involved. Not immersed.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?
Index the size of government to the size of the general population and require a balanced budget. No deficits and no surpluses.

What happens when a natural disaster hits?

Take for instance Hurricane Sandy. The vast majority of the victims helped themselves or hired private entities to assist.
The government sent in FEMA agents to Staten Island. The inspectors spent about 30 minutes touring a neighborhood and then left for the weekend. As if a natural disaster took Saturdays and Sundays off.
In fact the local FEMA office had no one on site to answer the phone.
Constitution of the united States as modified for the health of future generations

We the People of the united States, in order to correct the inequalities within our union, reestablish our States and their Sovereignty under the rule of law by the People, for the People and of the People, to ensure domestic tranquility, and enforce liberties and rights for ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of North America.

Article I.
Section 1. The legislative powers of the united States are vested in the People of the united States. Which shall consist of a system of one vote for each Citizen who has attained the age of 18 and are legal Citizens who have resided within the united States for a period of at least seven years. In all national matters that affect all the States there will be an election held once every year. Each State will have a single vote that consists of a 66% super majority of all the votes from the voting Citizens of each State. Passage of any bill into law will require a 66% super majority of all the State's votes.
In the case of an emergency a special vote will be held as soon as the facts can be reported to the Citizens of the many States.

In the case of an invasion by a foreign power or an act of war against the united States or any of the many States or the legal territories of the united States, those Citizens who are capable will act in unison to protect themselves and their State until such time as the military can be given the power to act. In the case of an invasion, the military can act to repel and eliminate the threat within the borders of the united States and it's legal territories. No counter-invasion can take place without a super majority national vote. The military can act only with a 66% super majority national vote except in the case of an invasion by a foreign power.

Section 2. A legal Citizen is any person who is born in one of the many States and whose parents are either born in one of the States of legal Citizens or of naturalized Citizens or are themselves naturalized Citizens through legal immigration. A person born of two Citizen parents outside of the united States is a Citizen of the united States. A person legally in the united States can become a Citizen through the naturalization process and remaining within the confines of the unites States for a period of not less than seven years.

Section 3. Taxes, in all forms, may not exceed 20% of an individual's income for any year in which they are collected. There will be a single tax on retail sales of new goods and services. New goods are defined as products that are for personal use or consumption. Businesses will not pay taxes on goods or services that are used in the functions of the business for resale but will pay taxes on goods and services for consumption by the business or its employees. Sales of the new goods used for business to the retail market will be taxed on the rate specified on the purchase price paid by the individual at the time of sale.

Section 4. The tax is set at this time at 5% of the purchase price for all goods and services. Taxes can be raised by a 66% or greater majority vote only after it is determined by the constitutional court that the tax is Constitutionally lawful. Taxes shall be collected by the State in which the transaction is completed not in the State of residence of the purchaser. Taxing the purchase in a second manner or a second time is prohibited.

Section 5. Taxes will be levied proportionally to the level of income of the individual Citizen. Tax credit will be given for up to two children of married couples based on the median cost to raise children.

Section 6. The People have the sole power (through their votes) to lay and specify the manner to collect taxes; to control the military; to regulate commerce with foreign nations; to establish an uniform rule of naturalization and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the united States; to provide for the coining of money and regulate the value thereof based on the cache of precious metals held in reserve; fix the standard of weights and measures; to establish post offices; to promote the progress of the sciences and arts by securing for the individual authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their respective writings and discoveries for their lives; to constitute tribunals and courts inferior to the constitutional and supreme court; to declare war; make rules concerning captures on land and sea; to raise and support the military forces; to make rules for the governing and regulation of the military forces; to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia composed of all able-bodied legal Citizens; to provide for calling forth the militia to repel invasions.

Article 2.
Section 1. A president and vice president will be elected by popular vote in the following manner; Each county and/or parish will nominate two Citizens, at least 35 years of age and at least one of which will be a Citizen from a different State, for the office of president at least eighteen months prior to the election. A vote will be held in each county and/or parish and the two nominees with the most votes in each of the many States will be the States nominees. These names will be published and on the date of the national election each Citizen will vote for two of the many nominees. The nominee with the most votes will be the next president and the nominee with the second most votes will be the next vice president.

Section 2. The powers of the president will be limited to representing the will of the People to international leaders, meet with such leaders in open diplomatic functions and enact the will of the People in all matters.

Section 3. The vice president's powers will be limited to aiding the president in his duties and taking over the duties of the president should he be unable or unwilling to perform such duties.

Section 4. The salaries of the president and vice president will be no more than the median income of the People they represent. They will be provided offices as any businessperson would and affairs of state will be paid for apart from their salaries.

Section 5. The elected officials will maintain a home for their families and selves with the salary provided. Their health care will be provided for by the same health organization as provides for those who are unable pay for additional private insurance. They will pay the same taxes as the People pay. There is no pension or privileges beyond the four year term in office.

Section 6. It will be unlawful for officers or their family members to accept gifts during the term of office, which is set at four years. Any gifts given to them or their families will go to auction and the proceeds will be vested in the national treasury.

Section 7. The limit of service is one term of four years in each ten year period. During that four year term protection will be provided by the country. Following the four year term no protection will be provided by the country.

Article 3.
Section 1. A Constitutional court will be elected by popular vote of the People. The court will be composed of one Citizen for each five States. The justices will serve as long as they remain able to serve. A decision of constitutionality requires a minimum of 66% majority vote. If no decision can be made then no ruling will be reflected and the law will not be presented for a vote.

Section 2. The duties of the Constitutional court are limited to judging the constitutionality of bills before they are voted on by the People to become law. Salaries for the judges will be set at the median income of the Citizens of the united States

Article 4.
Section 1. All bills will begin through the initiative process. Any legal Citizen may file an initiative and submit it in a signature drive to the People to determine if there is enough interest to continue the process.

Section 2. Filing fees for the initiative will be one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the individual(s) annual income sponsoring the initiative.

Section 3. Only one bill subject or one change to a law may be presented on any one initiative.

Section 4. To get an initiative on the ballot shall require signatures of registered voters in an amount equal to at least 20% of the number of voters in the last presidential election.

Section 5. When the initiative has the votes required to place it on the ballot it becomes a bill of law to be remanded to the Constitutional court for a decision of constitutionality. Once the constitutionality of the bill has been confirmed the bill will be put to the People in the next national election and if passed by a 66% majority the law will go into effect.

Article 5.
Section 1. The supreme court shall be elected by popular vote. Nine judges will be appointed to serve until they reach the age of retirement. The duties of the court will be to hear cases on conflicts between the States and Citizens and settle cases in conflict of lower courts. The decisions of the supreme court will be the final step in any appeals process.

Section 2. Salaries of the judges will be the median wage of the Citizens of the united States.

Article 6.
Section 1. The right of Habeas Corpus will not be suspended. No bill of attainder shall be passed. No law having been passed, affects those who acted before the law was passed. No tax or duty will be passed on goods or services between the States. No preferences shall be given to the ports of one State over those of another. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and itemized accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all public moneys shall be published at least monthly.

Section 2. No title of nobility shall be granted by the united States; No Citizen of the united States shall accept any office or title of any kind from a foreign State.

Section 3. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation separate from the united States. No State shall lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports beyond those set by popular vote of the many States. No State shall engage in war unless actually invaded or there is imminent danger as would not allow for a vote by the many States.

Section 4. Any officer or judge may be removed by a simple majority vote showing a lack of confidence in their performance of their job or by being convicted for any crime while in office.

Section 5. Should any officer or judge make an attempt to circumvent or defy the Constitution they will be immediately dismissed and tried for treason. The only punishments for treason are and will remain deportation or, in time of war, death.

Section 6. Any Citizens having attained the age of 18 may be called upon to defend themselves, fellow Citizens, the State in which they live or the united States, not necessarily within the military, so long as they do not have moral reasons against it. Those with moral objections may be called to serve in civil support positions.

Joint chiefs report to and act upon orders from the People.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be held null and void.

A voters council will be one Citizen in each State that observes and reports the voting tally from the several States. If there is an inequality in the information from any State then a recount will be ordered.

Immutable Rights, possessed by Citizens, unchanging and unrestricted by any vote or power:

The individual Citizens of the united States of North America have and keep these immutable rights:

1. The right of free speech - to speak their minds and voice their opinions on any topic. Intentionally causing panic or harm, libel and/or slander are abuses of this right as it would infringe on the rights of others and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

2.a. The right of all Citizens to keep and bear arms, including those arms of the current issued military infantry, shall not be recorded, taxed or limited in any way. Crimes committed with force of arms will carry an automatic death penalty upon lawful conviction.
2.b. Ammunition, components and accessories for any arms shall not be recorded, taxed or limited in any way.
2.c. Arms include but are not limited to: bladed weapons, firearms, bows and arrows, and any other weapon of offense or defense ever or currently in either military infantry or civilian use.

3.a. The right to choose freely any religion or no religion as each Citizen deems correct for themselves.
3.b. The right to exercise their chosen religious path in spiritual matters.

4.a. The united States or any single or group of States will never have a State or preferred religion.
4.b. No State or any building used by the government of any State, county, parish, city or town can show text or representations from just one religion.
4.c. Under no circumstance shall one religion be shown preference in any government activity, forum, or facility.

5. The right to unencumbered peaceful assembly shall not be taxed or assigned other permits for which there is a record or charge.

6. Any individual or group of Citizens has the right to petition the government, at any level, to redress grievances unencumbered by license or permit.

7. The right of personal choice in matters of health and morals shall not be restricted or limited by any government or agency of the government.

8. All Citizens have the right to feel secure within their homes and upon their property. The use of force in the amount considered prudent to the individual Citizen to defend his life, family, property and or home is allowed as legal defense against criminal and civil charges except upon the prior service of a lawful warrant.

9. Any intrusion into a Citizen's person, property, home, papers or personal effects requires a warrant issued by a judge upon sworn testimony, particularly describing the place to be searched and the specific persons or things to be seized.

10. Probable cause, unless sworn to in front of a judge is not grounds for a warrant of arrest or search. This is not meant to refuse the power of law enforcement officers or Citizens to arrest an individual when caught in the commission of a crime.

11. No soldier, in peace time or in time of war, shall be quartered in any house without permission of the owner and residents.

12. The freedom of the press to print or otherwise state the factual truths and offer such editorials as may encourage thoughtful discussion through the printing of editorials on all sides of each editorial topic shall not be infringed.

13. No Citizen shall be tried for the same offense more than once.

14. No Citizen shall be held to answer, in civil court, having been found not guilty in criminal court.

15. All records of arrest and trial shall be deleted once a Citizen has been found not guilty of an offense.

16. No Citizen can be compelled to be a witness against himself.

17.a. No Citizen can be deprived of life, liberty and property without due process of law.
17.b. Private property cannot be taken without replacement property suitable to the Citizen owner and all expenses for the process paid.

18.a. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.
18.b. The trial shall commence not more than thirty (30) days following the arrest of the accused.
18.c. In the event of an acquittal the time between the arrest and verdict will be paid at a rate which would equal twice the greater of the wage being made before arrest or twice the average wage in the area of habitation for the job in which he / she is qualified whichever is higher.

19. At the time of arrest a Citizen has the following rights:
to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation;
to confront the witnesses against him;
to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor;
and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

20. In all legal and civil actions the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.

21. Bail amounts shall be set to fit the crime, personal ability and an assessment of risk to the public and risk of flight to avoid prosecution. On offenses of murder, civil rights violation and other violent crimes there will be no bail.

22. Following a conviction of a crime the criminals property will be distributed to his family or in the absence of family auctioned and the monies added to the treasury of the jurisdiction in which the crime was committed.

23. Involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall not exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

24. After lawful conviction of a crime the prisoner will serve his or her sentence in a facility that cares for the basic need for life without liberty. There will be no amenities of comfort beyond those basic needs of food, clothing, cleanliness, medical care and dental care that extends from and during their incarceration.

25. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of Citizens of the united States; nor shall any State deprive any Citizen of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny any Citizen within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws and licenses of any Citizen from any other State in which they were enacted.

26. The right of Citizens of the united States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united States or by any State on account of gender, gender preference, gender identification, ethnicity, race, color, creed or age so long as the Citizen is at least 18 years of age.

27. No government has the power to limit the love of one Citizen for another Citizen and the right to express that love through marriage so long as they are of legal age and of sound mind.

28. The right to freedom of expression through any artful, creative, or personal means shall not be limited or suppressed.

29. The enumeration of rights in this constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the Citizens.

30. All powers not expressly delegated within the constitution are retained by the Citizens.
I gave you the rep not because I agree or disagree but, you seem to have put a lot of effort into what you posted.
It is a document under construction. I am sure that there are very few who would sign it in order to ratify it but it is just the ramblings of one old patriot.
Why would anyone waste their time on such nonsense.
BTW, Corporations may not be, in and of themselves "people", but they are made up of people and that's all that matters.
Corporations have much more money and capital to throw at politicians. They have a greater ability to influence elected officials than a single person can.

Giving them the same rights as a person, has stripped average American's from their representation in government. They need to be completely removed from the political process.

They do. It is up to the individual elected officials to remember who voted them into off and the oath they took when they were sworn in.
To remove business from the process is to abridge freedom of speech. Can't do that.
And we come back to the integrity of the politicians. There seems to be very little of that.
One other thing. There are a lot more of "we the people" than there are corporations.
It is OUR fault we sit idly by and either don't care what happens unless it crawls across our front lawn or for about 45% of us in every Presidential election year, do not even bother to vote.
This is why politicians get away with the bullshit. This is why lobbyists can roam the halls of the Capitol with brief cases full of stuff to steer a politician's vote.
Ultimately it is not the lobbyists or the people that pay them. It is the politicians themselves. It is THEY who cannot conduct themselves the correct way.
The people of the country could vote to lend assistance or leave it to the state or communities affected. People used to help their neighbors in times of trouble and it worked very well. There are many things that could take place but each situation is different and it is up to the people to decide if it is important enough to use the nations funds (their tax dollars) for the repair of a community.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?

Personhood and the rights of individuals would be specifically limited to "natural born citizens".

Yes, that would exclude corporations and noncitizen resident aliens.

Shoot me.
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The people of the country could vote to lend assistance or leave it to the state or communities affected. People used to help their neighbors in times of trouble and it worked very well. There are many things that could take place but each situation is different and it is up to the people to decide if it is important enough to use the nations funds (their tax dollars) for the repair of a community.

That would create a temporary deficit. Not that I would object, but others on this thread clearly would.
It would require at least two-thirds yes vote to use federal tax dollars to give aid to a particular group of individuals. I doubt that would ever happen. the states would end up having to fix their own messes.

Take New Orleans for example. They are in a hurricane area that occassionally gets strength 3 and above storms. They built a wall to grade three specs years ago and were told over and over that it wasn't enough. The people even voted to improve it but the state and local governments did nothing but talk about it. Why should a person in Maine, California, and Alaska pay to rebuild the city after that wall collapses in a class 3 storm?
The local and state governments knew about the weakness. They knew that sooner or later a storm would flood the city. They had the time and votes to fix it. They figured that the feds would bail them out so why not put the tax dollars into something more immediate - like Mardis Gras tourism?
I would eliminate the Electoral College.

I would eliminate Pork from bills.

I would eliminate gerrymandering.

I would eliminate the filibuster.

I would eliminate property tax school funding and fund schools through income and sales tax instead.


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