If the feds are not going to enforce Marijuana laws they need to eliminate the laws.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
With all the states legalizing pot and the feds not cracking down on them is it time to get rid of federal pot laws?

It's either illegal or it isn't. Equal treatment under the law demands equal enforcement does it not?

I am against drugs for pleasure but I think it's time the feds kicked it back to the states and got out of the drug enforcement business outside of drugs at the nations borders.
If we really want to see actual change in this country then we need to get the Boomers out of political power.
With all the states legalizing pot and the feds not cracking down on them is it time to get rid of federal pot laws?

It's either illegal or it isn't. Equal treatment under the law demands equal enforcement does it not?

I am against drugs for pleasure but I think it's time the feds kicked it back to the states and got out of the drug enforcement business outside of drugs at the nations borders.

If I refused to comply with the federal gun laws like the potheads are doing to the federal drug laws, the ATF would surely kick in my front door and shoot my dogs.

You can’t smoke cigarettes anywhere without being harassed but the assholes are pushing pot!
I agree... we need to start setting the DEA on these pot shops and buyers. Time to start enforcing Federal laws again.
With all the states legalizing pot and the feds not cracking down on them is it time to get rid of federal pot laws?

It's either illegal or it isn't. Equal treatment under the law demands equal enforcement does it not?

I am against drugs for pleasure but I think it's time the feds kicked it back to the states and got out of the drug enforcement business outside of drugs at the nations borders.

"I am against drugs for pleasure"

there's a shock
Time to start enforcing Federal laws again.
Can you point out in the constitution where the fed gov't was "granted authority" to tell citizens what they can ingest?

Prohibition worked so well huh - why is FORCE used if something is good? If there is not a mutual agreement how can it be good? There are so many federal laws now they can't be counted- how many gun control laws are there? How many people still harm others with guns? If another is harmed, or one takes what he didn't earn, those are criminal actions. How is pursuit of Happiness by an Individual harming another? Oh, never mind, I know- he "might"- and "he" *will* also give up Liberty for a *little* security- meaning he deserves neither.
With all the states legalizing pot and the feds not cracking down on them is it time to get rid of federal pot laws?

It's either illegal or it isn't. Equal treatment under the law demands equal enforcement does it not?

I am against drugs for pleasure but I think it's time the feds kicked it back to the states and got out of the drug enforcement business outside of drugs at the nations borders.

So you are against drinking for pleasure since alcohol is a drug?
If we really want to see actual change in this country then we need to get the Boomers out of political power.

The boomers said the very same thing about their parents generation as has every generation throughout the recorded history of mankind. Lack of originality is a sure sign of a limited IQ.
I agree... we need to start setting the DEA on these pot shops and buyers. Time to start enforcing Federal laws again.
Unconstitutional federal laws.
You are another one that brings up that document only when convenient.
I agree... we need to start setting the DEA on these pot shops and buyers. Time to start enforcing Federal laws again.

well....so much for SMALLER GOVERNMENT, "getting the government out of our private lives" and "NO NANNY STATE!"

why do you hate freedom?
If we really want to see actual change in this country then we need to get the Boomers out of political power.

The boomers said the very same thing about their parents generation as has every generation throughout the recorded history of mankind. Lack of originality is a sure sign of a limited IQ.

And it has been proven true as the changes have taken place when the “old guard” is moved out of the way.

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