If the Left is Going After Those who have Vaccine hesitancy, Why are they ignoring...

Traitor boy... the adjective is "Democratic". Learn to spell English, punk.

People from poor countries aren't vaccinated? I'm shocked! And who created the mess in Central America from which they're fleeing? That's right, the USA. So take responsibility for your evil deeds or STFU, incel punk.
For Democrat dumbasses taking personal responsibility is unthinkable, but blaming the United States for everything and anything is forever. How convenient.
You can shut your mouth, traitor. Everything you say is a lie. Nobody is being "trafficked", you halfwit.

The greatest COVID threat in the USA now comes from white-right mindless Trumpoids who refuse vaccination out of ignorance. Those are the traitors who need to be watched... for various reasons. And surveilled you thugs are!
You really think no one is being trafficked? You are dangerously ignorant, boy.
You're a lying traitor.

The vaccine works. Clearly it is the unvaccinated now being infected.

Your lies are pernicious and deadly. Shut your mouth right now, boy!
I have your "boy" hanging, Cockbite.

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