If the Left is Going After Those who have Vaccine hesitancy, Why are they ignoring...

The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
No one is ignoring the black community. Nice try though
Fair question I think.

Most of the hesitancy is in red states where the dumbest of the dumb live....you'd want to target the most people.

Additionally, there have been ads targeting ethnic minorities featuring John Legend among others.
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
They need the vote. Without it they lose most elections.
Libs don't care if you catch them in double standards. They know that the shit htey say is just shit. All their friends know it, too.

SO, there is no down side for them for being "Caught".

Watch. The reaction of hte libs to your op, will fit my conclusion. Not one of them will admit to ANYTHING. Not one of them will be the slightest bit concerned about your point.
and that is why it is 100% pointless to even reply to them.
The excuse is there is no vaccine, which prevents disease. There is a genetic therapy treatment drug that changes peoples genetic make-up. Along with a protein spike, this drug causes heart problems, strokes, miscarriages and infertility among other life threatening problems. In other words, the Covid 19 disease is a biological warfare weapon that is intended to make people sick and to take so-called "vaccines" that will kill as intended. The "vaccine'' is killing tens of thousands and fully ''vaccinated" people are developing Covid 19 symptoms and blaming the un-vaccinated. Isn't that a hillariously stupid premise?
Hossfly, I have heard all that and seen out of 390,000,000 doses in this country the relative small number effected. I have a couple of curiosities. Do you personally know anybody that died or were severely injured or is it just the buzz?
I do not know any. I did see two people (not related by blood) die in the same house next door to me within a month of Covid-19 and I know that is unusual, probably on any given block or especially in one house where the victims are not related by blood. Family members told me they had not been feeling well the last few days before they died. OK, OK, that maybe gets the first one, but really, if somebody kicks the bucket from Covid, you would think the rest of the household would be alert to changing medical conditions after that. I am really glad that family moved, a month after the last one.

Other question is not about you personally, and you may not know. I sure don't. Are the (statistically small number, and mind you, I would not want to be a statistic either) people that are seriously effected, those among us that have genetically allergic reaction to other things, like shellfish, peanuts, prior vaccines etc. or just random folk?
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?

Its a very dangerous injection that's killing tens of thousands.
The administration is forbidding the Border Patrol to quarantine the disease ridden rabble.
They really ought to quarantine them for a couple of weeks, if giving them asylum. If you are correct, that is indeed stupid.
Hossfly, I have heard all that and seen out of 390,000,000 doses in this country the relative small number effected. I have a couple of curiosities. Do you personally know anybody that died or were severely injured or is it just the buzz?
I do not know any. I did see two people (not related by blood) die in the same house next door to me within a month of Covid-19 and I know that is unusual, probably on any given block or especially in one house where the victims are not related by blood. Family members told me they had not been feeling well the last few days before they died. OK, OK, that maybe gets the first one, but really, if somebody kicks the bucket from Covid, you would think the rest of the household would be alert to changing medical conditions after that. I am really glad that family moved, a month after the last one.

Other question is not about you personally, and you may not know. I sure don't. Are the (statistically small number, and mind you, I would not want to be a statistic either) people that are seriously effected, those among us that have genetically allergic reaction to other things, like shellfish, peanuts, prior vaccines etc. or just random folk?

There are certainly plenty of legitimate medical reasons to not get the vaccine.

However, Biden and the media have ignored those reasons, and simply branded them as nothing but stupid Republicans who are listening to misinformation on FAcebook. And it's all their fault That this virus currently exists.

And Biden wonders why Conservatives don't like him. He calls them names and bullies them.

Link to what, fuck face? Aren't you capable of using google to answer your own questions.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life, son. If you want something, find it yourself.

Wow. Yeah, a young NFL player has no reason to get the vaccine. There's a far greater chance that he'd get struck by lightning than die of COVID. Yet, Joe Biden, the media, and Democrats will make fun of him and condemn him as some idiot who believed nonsense on facebook, and blame him and people like him for anyone who dies. It's insane, dishonest, and nasty all at once.
Wow. Yeah, a young NFL player has no reason to get the vaccine. There's a far greater chance that he'd get struck by lightning than die of COVID. Yet, Joe Biden, the media, and Democrats will make fun of him and condemn him as some idiot who believed nonsense on facebook, and blame him and people like him for anyone who dies. It's insane, dishonest, and nasty all at once.
They also operate on a higher plain nutrition wise....
There are certainly plenty of legitimate medical reasons to not get the vaccine.

However, Biden and the media have ignored those reasons, and simply branded them as nothing but stupid Republicans who are listening to misinformation on FAcebook. And it's all their fault That this virus currently exists.

And Biden wonders why Conservatives don't like him. He calls them names and bullies them.
Most normal people know when to ignore the media and the government. Medically pre-existing conditions is the time. If skipping just for hating democrats or Biden or the news media, that is indeed stupid. If waiting and putting it off because you or blood relatives have had bad reactions to vaccines before, or you have had bizarre allergic reactions to things before, that is something else, and you need to study (not the nut ball conspiracy/alt sites, but legitimate well known research hospitals and Media schools) and talk to doctor you know, trust and that is familiar with you specifically. I would definitely see my personal doctor soon, not depending on internet garbage alone. I do realize many people do not actually have a person physician anymore and that is a mistake. I know a lot of people that don't go to the emergency room, but will stop by the minor emergency clinics seeing a different doctor or nurse practitioner every time. That is a mistake. Personal physicians are handy. Mine are smart and have never led me wrong, know all the best local and regional specialists, have admitting privileges, so I can come in the front door of the hospital, get in a room and be treated if hospital care is needed, except for emergencies never sitting around the emergency room with all those random sick people.
Most normal people know when to ignore the media and the government. Medically pre-existing conditions is the time. If skipping just for hating democrats or Biden or the news media, that is indeed stupid. If waiting and putting it off because you or blood relatives have had bad reactions to vaccines before, or you have had bizarre allergic reactions to things before, that is something else, and you need to study (not the nut ball conspiracy/alt sites, but legitimate well known research hospitals and Media schools) and talk to doctor you know, trust and that is familiar with you specifically. I would definitely see my personal doctor soon, not depending on internet garbage alone. I do realize many people do not actually have a person physician anymore and that is a mistake. I know a lot of people that don't go to the emergency room, but will stop by the minor emergency clinics seeing a different doctor or nurse practitioner every time. That is a mistake. Personal physicians are handy. Mine are smart and have never led me wrong, know all the best local and regional specialists, have admitting privileges, so I can come in the front door of the hospital, get in a room and be treated if hospital care is needed, except for emergencies never sitting around the emergency room with all those random sick people.

You are spot on. The intellectual, respectful thing to do would be to first ASK the unvaccinated to at least consider it.. to make sure to also to talk to their doctor.. consider the valid concerns and risks... and make your own decision.


That's their tolerant, kind, intellectually honest, unifying message. ;)
You are spot on. The intellectual, respectful thing to do would be to first ASK the unvaccinated to at least consider it.. to make sure to also to talk to their doctor.. consider the valid concerns and risks... and make your own decision.


That's their tolerant, kind, intellectually honest, unifying message. ;)
I have not actually heard them say that, but not paying attention anymore, as have been vaccinated since March and April.
I have not actually heard them say that, but not paying attention anymore, as have been vaccinated since March and April.
I'm paraphrasing of course. But in most speeches he does not say there's a valid reason to not get the vaccine, and obsesses over Republicans who get "misinformation" (aka anything Democrats disagree with) from FAcebook. He can't stop talking about it. It's the only reason he's given as to why people don't get the vaccine. He did say this is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"... which is false. The pandemic is like 95% less than what it was at its worse. It's not a "pandemic" anymore. The crisis is over.. at least the data says so.

Quite short-sighted, and disrespectful to the populace.
I'm paraphrasing of course. But in most speeches he does not say there's a valid reason to not get the vaccine, and obsesses over Republicans who get "misinformation" (aka anything Democrats disagree with) from FAcebook. He can't stop talking about it. It's the only reason he's given as to why people don't get the vaccine. He did say this is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"... which is false. The pandemic is like 95% less than what it was at its worse. It's not a "pandemic" anymore. The crisis is over.. at least the data says so.

Quite short-sighted, and disrespectful to the populace.
Well, that is a lot of what he is having to combat, even at this stage of the game and much of it is true. But, like I intimated, only a fool considers political beliefs when it comes to their own medical health. The other is just people that have nothing at all to indicate they might have a problem with the vaccine, but just don't want to bother because they haven't gotten Covid yet and want to keep the gamble going. Biden is trying to make a dent in that.
My son is an ER nurse. He tells me about patients that come in critical that have been putting off doing something about conditions they have been having increasing symptoms and problems with for months or longer, but just kept putting off doing something about it until it was too late or almost too late. Many people are just doctor or medical treatment averse. That is not a wise way to be, especially when there is a known pandemic that has led to the deaths of millions worldwide.

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