If the middle class is getting "peanuts" in this tax scam......?

Yup, you know how it works, when your young stupid and broke you vote democrat. Once you get a job and start working you become a republican.

In the real world, it works the opposite way. People tend to get more liberal as they get older. Real life does that.

I was a conservative when young, so I understand the attraction of conservatism, the way it tells you that nothing is ever your responsibility. That's why I'm here, to serve as a beacon of hope for lost conservatives. Remember, you are not doomed to a nightmare life of conservatism, followed by eternity in Hell. If I could turn away from selfishness, laziness and evil, then so can you.

So what planet are you on where conservatism tells you nothing is your responsibility? Conservatism is all about promoting personal responsibility. You have that confused with liberalism where every failure has an excuse.

Conservatism also does not mean telling people who are struggling to drop dead, it is not our responsibility. The Republican healthcare bill would have pitted low-income people against people with pre-existing conditions against older people. Ronald Reagan in his "Time for Choosing" speech said no one should be prevented from seeing a doctor because they cannot afford it. We need to acknowledge the nation's problems and find conservative solutions to it.

The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. The reason for it was freeloaders. People who do not buy insurance when they are healthy but buy insurance when they get sick. Then when they are healthy they drop the insurance and leave others to pay the bill. Is that what you call personal responsibility? Apparently personal responsibility is important only when you want it to be.
Stimulating the economy will lead to a recession? Care to explain the dynamics of that?

Ask GWB where HIS huge tax cuts led us in 2008-2009.

His tax cuts were many years before the recession. The recession was caused by the housing collapse which had many a Democrat fingerprint on it. It had nothing to do with tax breaks, and if you insist they did, again, please walk me through the dynamics of it.
I love how Marco Rubio now has buyer's remorse, and Fox News is calling him a RINO. He's trying to save his ass with all the elderly voters in his state he just screwed over...

The elderly got screwed over? When? How?

When? How? You'll see in the next couple months when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid get cut to make up for the $1.5 trillion deficit the tax bill created.

There are no Medicare/ SS cuts scheduled in this bill. It's hysteria that the left and MSM are promoting. They couldn't find a way to insert racism so they went to the second best--scare people who depend on safety nets.

It is? Do you watch the news?

"“We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said on a talk radio show. One of his top spending appropriators echoed the sentiment."

Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next

And if you don't like Vox, feel free to Google Ryan's comments and pick whatever site you want.
nat this may surprise rich fuckers like yourself....but a hell of a lot of people live paycheck to pay check and may not care,all they care about is right now,and right now they have 200 more dollars to live on dumbass...

And if they were getting screwed on the Commie Care fines, they will save several hundred dollars on top of that!

Either way you're getting screwed. And you like it.

Let's see, I'll be getting more money in my paycheck, won't have to lose my income tax refund check to the government, my employer will make out better which gives me a better opportunity for a wage increase........yeah, I'm so screwed.

Now would you like me to explain to you what happened to me under DumBama? Talk about getting screwed.

Let's see. People will be getting a little more money in their paycheck. Their mortgage might increase more than the extra money they're getting in their paycheck. The pumping of the economy will lead to a harder recession that might stop them earning money for a few years, which will increase the taxes for those who do work.

I'd say you'll get fucked whichever way.

WTF would anybody's mortgage increase? This tax bill has nothing to do with banks nor the lending industry.

Stimulating the economy will lead to a recession? Care to explain the dynamics of that?

There's a whole thread on it Ray. Just because you don't know, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Bahahahaa! Trump's screws homeowners over - Wall Street Journal

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills

Here's the article

Homeowners across the nation are rushing this week to prepay their property taxes for 2018 before the Republican tax law kicks in Jan. 1 and effectively raises the levy on higher-end homes.

The new legislation, which President Donald Trump signed into law last week, caps at $10,000 the amount of state and local taxes that filer can deduct from their federal tax bill."
They have been programmed to just concentrate on how much the rich are getting to keep (not get from the government) of their own money.

Moron.......why then the need to BORROW $1.5 TRILLION???

Your the fucking moron..

Tell us who the fuck borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars?

Who you jack ass

Provide links that the feds gave Trump 1.5 trillion dollars you pathetic moron
They have been programmed to just concentrate on how much the rich are getting to keep (not get from the government) of their own money.

Moron.......why then the need to BORROW $1.5 TRILLION???

Your the fucking moron..

Tell us who the fuck borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars?

Who you jack ass

Provide links that the feds gave Trump a 1.5 trillion dollars you pathetic moron

Don't you have something to prove?
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?
when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.
200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....

You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump

Absolutely. There are all kinds of things in this bill that Democrats should be celebrating, but because the Republicans put them in, they are crying.

They have been programmed to just concentrate on how much the rich are getting to keep (not get from the government) of their own money.

I think tax reform should be fair to all. Yet at least 1 loophole was retained and several more created for the rich. Tax reform should work the same way for all. You get a lower rate but give up some deductions. Yet 1 loophole was added at the last minute that benefits Trump, Paul Ryan , and Corker. That sounds like what I expect in a swamp. It clearly has not been drained.

Ok, what was that loophole?

The carried interest deduction was kept even though Trump has said it is useless and he would get rid of it. The pass-through is ripe for fraud. The only businesses it helps are multi-million dollar businesses. Also tax breaks for real estate trusts was inserted at the last minute. The beneficiaries happen to be Paul Ryan, Donald Trump and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes.
40 some percent of our country pays all the taxes for the rest of us, why shouldn't they get the largest break? This is something that not one Democrat has been able to explain to me.

Stay dumb.........and enjoy the later screwing
nat this may surprise rich fuckers like yourself....but a hell of a lot of people live paycheck to pay check and may not care,all they care about is right now,and right now they have 200 more dollars to live on dumbass...

And if they were getting screwed on the Commie Care fines, they will save several hundred dollars on top of that!

Either way you're getting screwed. And you like it.

Let's see, I'll be getting more money in my paycheck, won't have to lose my income tax refund check to the government, my employer will make out better which gives me a better opportunity for a wage increase........yeah, I'm so screwed.

Now would you like me to explain to you what happened to me under DumBama? Talk about getting screwed.

Let's see. People will be getting a little more money in their paycheck. Their mortgage might increase more than the extra money they're getting in their paycheck. The pumping of the economy will lead to a harder recession that might stop them earning money for a few years, which will increase the taxes for those who do work.

I'd say you'll get fucked whichever way.

Slow that camel down...someone's mortgage might increase? You might want to check with Mommy and Daddy but pretty sure that won't happen.

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills
Yup, you know how it works, when your young stupid and broke you vote democrat. Once you get a job and start working you become a republican.

In the real world, it works the opposite way. People tend to get more liberal as they get older. Real life does that.

I was a conservative when young, so I understand the attraction of conservatism, the way it tells you that nothing is ever your responsibility. That's why I'm here, to serve as a beacon of hope for lost conservatives. Remember, you are not doomed to a nightmare life of conservatism, followed by eternity in Hell. If I could turn away from selfishness, laziness and evil, then so can you.

So what planet are you on where conservatism tells you nothing is your responsibility? Conservatism is all about promoting personal responsibility. You have that confused with liberalism where every failure has an excuse.

Conservatism also does not mean telling people who are struggling to drop dead, it is not our responsibility. The Republican healthcare bill would have pitted low-income people against people with pre-existing conditions against older people. Ronald Reagan in his "Time for Choosing" speech said no one should be prevented from seeing a doctor because they cannot afford it. We need to acknowledge the nation's problems and find conservative solutions to it.

The mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation. The reason for it was freeloaders. People who do not buy insurance when they are healthy but buy insurance when they get sick. Then when they are healthy they drop the insurance and leave others to pay the bill. Is that what you call personal responsibility? Apparently personal responsibility is important only when you want it to be.

Definitely not what we call personal responsibility...we call it liberalism.
And if they were getting screwed on the Commie Care fines, they will save several hundred dollars on top of that!

Either way you're getting screwed. And you like it.

Let's see, I'll be getting more money in my paycheck, won't have to lose my income tax refund check to the government, my employer will make out better which gives me a better opportunity for a wage increase........yeah, I'm so screwed.

Now would you like me to explain to you what happened to me under DumBama? Talk about getting screwed.

Let's see. People will be getting a little more money in their paycheck. Their mortgage might increase more than the extra money they're getting in their paycheck. The pumping of the economy will lead to a harder recession that might stop them earning money for a few years, which will increase the taxes for those who do work.

I'd say you'll get fucked whichever way.

WTF would anybody's mortgage increase? This tax bill has nothing to do with banks nor the lending industry.

Stimulating the economy will lead to a recession? Care to explain the dynamics of that?

There's a whole thread on it Ray. Just because you don't know, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Bahahahaa! Trump's screws homeowners over - Wall Street Journal

Homeowners Rush to Prepay 2018 Property-Tax Bills

Here's the article

Homeowners across the nation are rushing this week to prepay their property taxes for 2018 before the Republican tax law kicks in Jan. 1 and effectively raises the levy on higher-end homes.

The new legislation, which President Donald Trump signed into law last week, caps at $10,000 the amount of state and local taxes that filer can deduct from their federal tax bill."

Darn it........You just spoiled the surprise.....lol
I love how Marco Rubio now has buyer's remorse, and Fox News is calling him a RINO. He's trying to save his ass with all the elderly voters in his state he just screwed over...

The elderly got screwed over? When? How?

When? How? You'll see in the next couple months when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid get cut to make up for the $1.5 trillion deficit the tax bill created.

Good then maybe your lazy crying ass will get a fucking job
I love how Marco Rubio now has buyer's remorse, and Fox News is calling him a RINO. He's trying to save his ass with all the elderly voters in his state he just screwed over...

The elderly got screwed over? When? How?

When? How? You'll see in the next couple months when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid get cut to make up for the $1.5 trillion deficit the tax bill created.

Good then maybe your lazy crying ass will get a fucking job

You seem to be confused as to who it is that works snooks
I love how Marco Rubio now has buyer's remorse, and Fox News is calling him a RINO. He's trying to save his ass with all the elderly voters in his state he just screwed over...

The elderly got screwed over? When? How?

When? How? You'll see in the next couple months when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid get cut to make up for the $1.5 trillion deficit the tax bill created.

Good then maybe your lazy crying ass will get a fucking job

The part of this tax bill that was going to fuck me got taken out at the last minute...

So when are you going to prove your false statements about me?
I love how Marco Rubio now has buyer's remorse, and Fox News is calling him a RINO. He's trying to save his ass with all the elderly voters in his state he just screwed over...

The elderly got screwed over? When? How?

When? How? You'll see in the next couple months when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid get cut to make up for the $1.5 trillion deficit the tax bill created.

Good then maybe your lazy crying ass will get a fucking job

You seem to be confused as to who it is that works snooks

He's a dipshit that made a false claim about me and won't accept my bet. He won't back up the bullshit he spews about people.

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