If the people cannot see what is happening it is on them.

As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
that says the demofks are indeed nazi's
this truth hurts shill tax man troll old man idiot so he gets angry in defeat and always posts thumb dwn signs,notice that?:auiqs.jpg:
What you call truth is in fact lies. I am simply letting you know I find most of what you post to be stupid or funny and I disagree with it all so the thumbs down.
Deciphered as, you can’t debate using facts
:yes_text12::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thankusmile: you took thw words right out of my mouth.
This is interesting. We know that a modern education from a liberal arts college is equivalent to the eighth grade level from the 1950's. In fact books are no longer read they are banned. So, the government knows people cannot read. Permanent Washington also knows that people who cannot read do not write well as we see. Trump's election was seen as an attempt by the people to reign in Washington and to get the country back on track with the intended purpose of the founders who crafted the Constitution.

Washington responded with charges against Trump that were a combination of third world politics and the Cartoon network. The government said "Trump is bad!" The people who are functionally illiterate and completely indoctrinated said, "that's good enough for me!" Everyone knows the government is good and they use words like "existential". Wow! Four syllables, whatever a syllable is. Those people in government must be really smart so Trump must be bad!.

Government is so smart they issue invitations to gate crashers from south and Central America during a global pandemic! No need to try to figure that out because government is good; we saw it on CNN! All we need to know is Trump is Bad! Hey, this is easy! No wonder kids do not need to be school while the pandemic comes over the border!

We do not need school anymore because real school that actually teaches kids something requires reading real books which are being banned because they slander the state by making people who can actually read begin to really think.

We just need to keep repeating "the government is good and Trump is bad!" Then all those rich aristocrats in Washington can keep collecting Chinese money and the Chinese want only the best for our democracy because our government likes their money which means the arrangement must be good!

Keep it simple-the government is good and Trump is bad!
Biden and Pelosi have an insurrection against the people going on right now in DC. The fencing and the military shows they are afraid of the people of the united states. they have bunkered down to govern behind the military the same as any dictatorship and Monarch. They're even using the FBI to round up citizens to charge them for living in the country that they are citizens of. And, allowing in illegals. try that out for size.

That's totally false. It's not the "people" who were involved in the insurrection. It was a radicalized faction which believes in white authoritarian rule and who sought to thwart the will and the votes of the "people" who refused to vote for white authoritarian rule.

The Republican Party is not the party of the "people", it is the party of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not "the people".
Rethuglians are the group that is unAmerican in thought and action.
What is disturbing, indeed frightening, is that after over a half century of failed policies, programs and bad ideas Washington has now gone the route of blame-the-Jew methodology to cover its tracks. There is no way out of the hole Washington has dug for America so it has shifted its focus to white supremacy as an incurable aspect of US society. This is a very dangerous strategy and it will not end well.

Last edited:
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We have clearly done nothing of the sort. Stop being a drama Queen we are doing just fine. Audits were done. Recounts were done. The election was fine. You’ve been conned
There was massive fraud.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
that says the demofks are indeed nazi's
this truth hurts shill tax man troll old man idiot so he gets angry in defeat and always posts thumb dwn signs,notice that?:auiqs.jpg:
What you call truth is in fact lies. I am simply letting you know I find most of what you post to be stupid or funny and I disagree with it all so the thumbs down.
Deciphered as, you can’t debate using facts
:yes_text12::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thankusmile: you took thw words right out of my mouth.
This is interesting. We know that a modern education from a liberal arts college is equivalent to the eighth grade level from the 1950's. In fact books are no longer read they are banned. So, the government knows people cannot read. Permanent Washington also knows that people who cannot read do not write well as we see. Trump's election was seen as an attempt by the people to reign in Washington and to get the country back on track with the intended purpose of the founders who crafted the Constitution.

Washington responded with charges against Trump that were a combination of third world politics and the Cartoon network. The government said "Trump is bad!" The people who are functionally illiterate and completely indoctrinated said, "that's good enough for me!" Everyone knows the government is good and they use words like "existential". Wow! Four syllables, whatever a syllable is. Those people in government must be really smart so Trump must be bad!.

Government is so smart they issue invitations to gate crashers from south and Central America during a global pandemic! No need to try to figure that out because government is good; we saw it on CNN! All we need to know is Trump is Bad! Hey, this is easy! No wonder kids do not need to be school while the pandemic comes over the border!

We do not need school anymore because real school that actually teaches kids something requires reading real books which are being banned because they slander the state by making people who can actually read begin to really think.

We just need to keep repeating "the government is good and Trump is bad!" Then all those rich aristocrats in Washington can keep collecting Chinese money and the Chinese want only the best for our democracy because our government likes their money which means the arrangement must be good!

Keep it simple-the government is good and Trump is bad!
Biden and Pelosi have an insurrection against the people going on right now in DC. The fencing and the military shows they are afraid of the people of the united states. they have bunkered down to govern behind the military the same as any dictatorship and Monarch. They're even using the FBI to round up citizens to charge them for living in the country that they are citizens of. And, allowing in illegals. try that out for size.

That's totally false. It's not the "people" who were involved in the insurrection. It was a radicalized faction which believes in white authoritarian rule and who sought to thwart the will and the votes of the "people" who refused to vote for white authoritarian rule.

The Republican Party is not the party of the "people", it is the party of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not "the people".
Rethuglians are the group that is unAmerican in thought and action.

What is abhorrent is that they're trying to claim victimhood, even as hundreds of thousands more black and brown people are dying of covid, than white people. It's not lost one me that 3 days after it was revealled that minorities were dying at a much higher rate than white people, Trump immediately ordered the entire country to re-open as quickly as possible.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
that says the demofks are indeed nazi's
this truth hurts shill tax man troll old man idiot so he gets angry in defeat and always posts thumb dwn signs,notice that?:auiqs.jpg:
What you call truth is in fact lies. I am simply letting you know I find most of what you post to be stupid or funny and I disagree with it all so the thumbs down.
Deciphered as, you can’t debate using facts
:yes_text12::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thankusmile: you took thw words right out of my mouth.
This is interesting. We know that a modern education from a liberal arts college is equivalent to the eighth grade level from the 1950's. In fact books are no longer read they are banned. So, the government knows people cannot read. Permanent Washington also knows that people who cannot read do not write well as we see. Trump's election was seen as an attempt by the people to reign in Washington and to get the country back on track with the intended purpose of the founders who crafted the Constitution.

Washington responded with charges against Trump that were a combination of third world politics and the Cartoon network. The government said "Trump is bad!" The people who are functionally illiterate and completely indoctrinated said, "that's good enough for me!" Everyone knows the government is good and they use words like "existential". Wow! Four syllables, whatever a syllable is. Those people in government must be really smart so Trump must be bad!.

Government is so smart they issue invitations to gate crashers from south and Central America during a global pandemic! No need to try to figure that out because government is good; we saw it on CNN! All we need to know is Trump is Bad! Hey, this is easy! No wonder kids do not need to be school while the pandemic comes over the border!

We do not need school anymore because real school that actually teaches kids something requires reading real books which are being banned because they slander the state by making people who can actually read begin to really think.

We just need to keep repeating "the government is good and Trump is bad!" Then all those rich aristocrats in Washington can keep collecting Chinese money and the Chinese want only the best for our democracy because our government likes their money which means the arrangement must be good!

Keep it simple-the government is good and Trump is bad!
Biden and Pelosi have an insurrection against the people going on right now in DC. The fencing and the military shows they are afraid of the people of the united states. they have bunkered down to govern behind the military the same as any dictatorship and Monarch. They're even using the FBI to round up citizens to charge them for living in the country that they are citizens of. And, allowing in illegals. try that out for size.

That's totally false. It's not the "people" who were involved in the insurrection. It was a radicalized faction which believes in white authoritarian rule and who sought to thwart the will and the votes of the "people" who refused to vote for white authoritarian rule.

The Republican Party is not the party of the "people", it is the party of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not "the people".
Rethuglians are the group that is unAmerican in thought and action.

What is abhorrent is that they're trying to claim victimhood, even as hundreds of thousands more black and brown people are dying of covid, than white people. It's not lost one me that 3 days after it was revealled that minorities were dying at a much higher rate than white people, Trump immediately ordered the entire country to re-open as quickly as possible.
The race card? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We have clearly done nothing of the sort. Stop being a drama Queen we are doing just fine. Audits were done. Recounts were done. The election was fine. You’ve been conned
There was massive fraud.


As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
That's quite an incredible short essay.

I really appreciate how well you articulated your premise and supporting arguments with what seems to be unique and original thought. Your post is like brain food.

On your first point, I can't say that I have seen such a succinct and compelling comparison of Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews with White Americans in the US as treated by the Left.

Makes me think...

The Leftists seem to be equating Being White = White Privilege = White Supremacist = Nazi.

Just like the Nazi's did to the children of Jews, making them wear stars of guilt, they are in our elementary schools propelling BLM/Critical Race Theory and teaching innocent White children that they are guilty of some offense, simply because of their DNA, which no person really has a choice about.

I wish we could get back to judging people solely by their character. No one can really change the color of their skin, only what they do with themselves, if they will be a good person, and how they decide to contribute to society or be a drain upon others.

I think race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate unjustly. That would be a good start on equality for all.

God bless. Looking forward to more of your posts.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
That's quite an incredible short essay.

I really appreciate how well you articulated your premise and supporting arguments with what seems to be unique and original thought. Your post is like brain food.

On your first point, I can't say that I have seen such a succinct and compelling comparison of Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews with White Americans in the US as treated by the Left.

Makes me think...

The Leftists seem to be equating Being White = White Privilege = White Supremacist = Nazi.

Just like the Nazi's did to the children of Jews, making them wear stars of guilt, they are in our elementary schools propelling BLM/Critical Race Theory and teaching innocent White children that they are guilty of some offense, simply because of their DNA, which no person really has a choice about.

I wish we could get back to judging people solely by their character. No one can really change the color of their skin, only what they do with themselves, if they will be a good person, and how they decide to contribute to society or be a drain upon others.

I think race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate unjustly. That would be a good start on equality for all.

God bless. Looking forward to more of your posts.
Thank you. Your points are well taken and most people think like you do. I think the ship can right itself but we must survive this administration for the next two years. They are going all out because they know a backlash is coming in the midterms.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
That's quite an incredible short essay.

I really appreciate how well you articulated your premise and supporting arguments with what seems to be unique and original thought. Your post is like brain food.

On your first point, I can't say that I have seen such a succinct and compelling comparison of Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews with White Americans in the US as treated by the Left.

Makes me think...

The Leftists seem to be equating Being White = White Privilege = White Supremacist = Nazi.

Just like the Nazi's did to the children of Jews, making them wear stars of guilt, they are in our elementary schools propelling BLM/Critical Race Theory and teaching innocent White children that they are guilty of some offense, simply because of their DNA, which no person really has a choice about.

I wish we could get back to judging people solely by their character. No one can really change the color of their skin, only what they do with themselves, if they will be a good person, and how they decide to contribute to society or be a drain upon others.

I think race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate unjustly. That would be a good start on equality for all.

God bless. Looking forward to more of your posts.
Yes it would be nice if race was not a question on every questionnaire you fill out. But statisticians want to keep their jobs so who knows.
As for the people and the star of david being worn all jews were required to wear it. White is not privileged as you and many others say. Privileged is being in the USA. But go to europe and you will find everyone has equal rights.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
That's quite an incredible short essay.

I really appreciate how well you articulated your premise and supporting arguments with what seems to be unique and original thought. Your post is like brain food.

On your first point, I can't say that I have seen such a succinct and compelling comparison of Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews with White Americans in the US as treated by the Left.

Makes me think...

The Leftists seem to be equating Being White = White Privilege = White Supremacist = Nazi.

Just like the Nazi's did to the children of Jews, making them wear stars of guilt, they are in our elementary schools propelling BLM/Critical Race Theory and teaching innocent White children that they are guilty of some offense, simply because of their DNA, which no person really has a choice about.

I wish we could get back to judging people solely by their character. No one can really change the color of their skin, only what they do with themselves, if they will be a good person, and how they decide to contribute to society or be a drain upon others.

I think race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate unjustly. That would be a good start on equality for all.

God bless. Looking forward to more of your posts.
Thank you. Your points are well taken and most people think like you do. I think the ship can right itself but we must survive this administration for the next two years. They are going all out because they know a backlash is coming in the midterms.
The backlash came last year and the repukes are going to die off.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
That's quite an incredible short essay.

I really appreciate how well you articulated your premise and supporting arguments with what seems to be unique and original thought. Your post is like brain food.

On your first point, I can't say that I have seen such a succinct and compelling comparison of Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews with White Americans in the US as treated by the Left.

Makes me think...

The Leftists seem to be equating Being White = White Privilege = White Supremacist = Nazi.

Just like the Nazi's did to the children of Jews, making them wear stars of guilt, they are in our elementary schools propelling BLM/Critical Race Theory and teaching innocent White children that they are guilty of some offense, simply because of their DNA, which no person really has a choice about.

I wish we could get back to judging people solely by their character. No one can really change the color of their skin, only what they do with themselves, if they will be a good person, and how they decide to contribute to society or be a drain upon others.

I think race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate unjustly. That would be a good start on equality for all.

God bless. Looking forward to more of your posts.

I have asked, on several occasions, why I can't include my hyphenated race "Scotts-American" on state and federal forms. I mean seriously.....
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.

It is sad when a segment of society that has enjoyed the benefit of special inclusion and preferential treatment sees that those days are ending. Rather than watch the disadvantaged struggle with little or no remorse about their own golden platter status, the once proud and haughty see a day in the not so far future when they will need to climb down from their tower of privilege and walk and even talk with the masses.

Basically, that is the problem that many on the far right have concerning wearing masks and social distancing. They ask, "Why do I need to lower myself and feel such discomfort to protect those around me?" That has never happened before. Those in the elite status have enjoyed the fruits of society while ignoring those around them that are struggling to even survive. Abbott in Texas knows that and he knows the majority of his supporters in Republican world don't really care about protecting others, as long as they are comfortable and can look down on the disadvantaged.

I am very concerned that sooner or later those in the lower economic segment of the country will have had enough. It could be a dramatic change in this country when the social and economic positions of the populous are switched. But that is not really in our control. The haughty and the proud will not stop taking advantage of the low and those in need....until a major civil discourse occurs. That may happen...but doubtfully in my generation....I hope.

Are people flooding into the US sending their young children alone because of far right policies in their own countries? If whitey is the problem why are non-white countries not flourishing...
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.

Another poor white man decrying the dangers of a society without White Supremacy and equating his fear of no longer being superior to the 2000 years of persecution suffered by Jews.

Here let me be as supportive as possible.


Feeling better after the pity party?
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
Holy shit. That's some paranoid delusional shit there.

American whites today are in the same situation as Jews in Germany in the 30's?

Wow...just wow.
Lets be honest, if the left and right go to war the left will be wiped out in a matter of days.
Trump's embracing of the terrorists in D.C. on January 6, and their worship of him, begs the question of why anyone with an i.q. over 60 or 65 would consider Trump anything but an anti American terrorist himself.

No, anyone with an IQ over 65 would realize that you don't plan an insurrection without bringing guns.
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We have clearly done nothing of the sort. Stop being a drama Queen we are doing just fine. Audits were done. Recounts were done. The election was fine. You’ve been conned
There was massive fraud.
This is like the 5th time you have sent me this link which I debunked after you sent it to me the first time. Get a new act man your shit is old and stale
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We have clearly done nothing of the sort. Stop being a drama Queen we are doing just fine. Audits were done. Recounts were done. The election was fine. You’ve been conned
There was massive fraud.


I actually went through a bunch of the claims in his link and showed how they were either debunked or unsubstantiated. Yet he keeps pushing it out like it’s proof. He’s not too bright.

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