If the POTUS election were today, who would you vote for?

If the POTUS election were today, who would you vote for?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Biden of course. Unfortunately, the election isn't being held today on "feels". It is held in November, when it will be time for people to check that box on the ballot for real....and the majority, will check it for Biden. :)
the only things a lib can run well are gay bars and fetish fantasy clubs....that is it
Seems rather convenient to have a picture of your ballot from over three years ago, ready to post, just hanging around. Gaydor is a Biden voter.

I have posted it here many times, when I need to show who I voted for I just do a search on here and copy it.
Most democrat voters don't know they voted. Their votes were harvested.

The WEF harvesting operations check the box for their puppets.

Democrats = WEF
Oh..you mean like organs are harvested?? :auiqs.jpg:
Or crops?

He lost, Dark Helmet. I would just deal with it...and get ready...he's gonna lose again in November.
You might want to vote for a neighbor or a popular local politicians but it's a exorcise in futility. The question and the elephant in the room is who you are able to vote for in the November presidential election. Some odds might make Biden's chances slim.
I'm not a partisan, although i will say the Dem's are doing a grand job imparting fascism.

But this is recent times.

I really don't believe anything will change with any given potus assuming the offal office

There'll be the usual pre-election jingoist hype, followed by the usual gridlock resulting in the potus no more than a mouthpiece for who really runs this country


(and you don't have it!) ;)

All of which are running as Repubs. Thus you vote for Repubs.

Whatever makes you feel good. The facts are that this is a two party (sort of) State. The reality is that the dems and repub establishment are working together to destroy this country. That’s why there was a revolution within the repub party. Some of them actually don't want this country destroyed.

I vote for them. They aren't repub establishment, and that's all that matters.

But by all means, you keep supporting the fascists. It's what you do.

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