If the Sandy Hook incident does not bring on changes due to the NRA NO

The more the rabid gun owners rant, whine and lie, the greater the likelihood rational citizens will demand Congress take some action to control guns. Many of the posts since Sandy Hook on this message board are quite disturbing, so disturbing as to cause a rational reader to wonder if some of you should ever be trusted to own, possess or have in you custody and control any gun.

We of the gun owners world are the rational ones. Do you have something to suggest that hasn't already been tried?

Ah yes, from Columbine to Sandy Hook, we surely have seen that.:mad:

OH columbine? Did you mention columbine?
Do you really want to talk about a gun ban and Columbine? How about those gun free zone signs? Did it stop anyone from being shot?
NONE of your suggestions would do ANYTHING to SOLVE the problem!
How many times do you need to get beat over the head to understand that one GLARING fact?
That's incorrect.
He sees the problem as the civilian ownership of firearms.
He sees his solutions as first steps toward solving that problem.
NONE of your suggestions would do ANYTHING to SOLVE the problem!
How many times do you need to get beat over the head to understand that one GLARING fact?
That's incorrect.
He sees the problem as the civilian ownership of firearms.
He sees his solutions as first steps toward solving that problem.
When you put words into my mouth, please be more precise! The problem is civilians holding assault weapons, not firearms in general. Assault weapons were designed for law enforcement and military use.
You have yet to sugest anything that could possibly improve the situation. All your BS boils down to the demand everyone else should cater to your paranoia and make things easier for those who commit violent crime. YOU are the menace to public safety and your continued whining is getting really old. Feel fee to try to grow a pair.
I suggested stricter background checks and they were roundly rejected. I suggested elimination of the gun show loophole and it was roundly rejected. I suggested elimination of the straw man purchasers and that was roundly rejected. I suggested elimination of the sale, manufacture, distribution and importation of high capacity magazines and guess what? That was roundly rejected.

No gun enthusiast has put forth ANY solutions. That leads me to this unfortunate conclusion: gun enthusiasts do not see any problem with gun violence, perhaps even they welcome it. What else is anyone to think?

NONE of your suggestions would do ANYTHING to SOLVE the problem!

How many times do you need to get beat over the head to understand that one GLARING fact?
And what solutions do you propose? Because everything I've suggested was rejected due to fear among gun owners that my suggestions mean something all together different. Gee! I wonder who could have instilled that brand of fear?
No, you have it backwards. I took pains to define the words, and the whole theory, yet again, in the prior post, and you apparently glazed right over it. All you did here was contradict without making a point, and toss in snarky insults. You didn't even breathe on my reasoning. That ain't debate.

I don't know why this point is so dangerous that it has to be swept under the rug. Or maybe it's just too much thought, and it's far easier to pretend paranoia and hide behind the Constitution and the "gun-grabber" mentality. Shades of the Nixon Checkers speech. And it's not a "constitutional" issue just because you like that strawman and don't care to think in complexities of human psychology.

That's what we've been doing all this time up to now -- ignoring the problem.

It's not an insult, it's an observation and an accurate one at that.

Fact is you cannot have carnage nor a massacre without killing.

-which shows me you glossed right over my distinction spelled out several posts ago. The killing is not the objective; the massacre is.

-- which nobody even brought up. You're shooting at a strawman.

I'm not trying to look into the minds of these idiots. That is not my concern, my concern is the liberal idiots thinking that guns kill people.

Same as above. Why do you insist on debating your own strawmen instead of what's on the table?

I could really care less why they chose to go on rampages. I'll leave that to the bleeding heart liberals to figure out, and knowing liberals they will find a way to blame it on society.

I presume you mean the opposite, that you couldn't care less, and that's exactly what I just said in my last post. A lot of y'all have your preconceived strawmen and that's all you want to deal with. That's running away from the problem. Can't be bothered, as long as Numero Uno has his firepower.

So we've got one side clamoring for gun laws, which puts a band-aid on the symptom and ignores the problem with a superficial solution. Then we have you guys tilting at strawmen about paranoid constitutional fantasies, completely ignoring the problem, offering no solution at all.

Not hard to see why these massacres don't stop, is it?

You wouldn't know a strawman if it bit you in the ass.

Your concession is duly noted.
This is, at best, a gross mischaraterization of your experience, if indeed you had any such experience.

Yes... and those who blindly push bans on 'assault weapons' that don't actually ban anything are such deep thinkers.

You Asswholes all have the same thing in common and that's the simple fact that you can't compartmentalize what you know in your brains. Can't you tell you are living a fantasy?
Translatuon, - you dont like being called out on your lie.
Solution: Don't lie.

You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.
You Asswholes all have the same thing in common and that's the simple fact that you can't compartmentalize what you know in your brains. Can't you tell you are living a fantasy?
Translatuon, - you dont like being called out on your lie.
Solution: Don't lie.
You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.
I understand that you're all butthurt about being caight in a lie.
Nothing I can do about that. Sorry.
You Asswholes all have the same thing in common and that's the simple fact that you can't compartmentalize what you know in your brains. Can't you tell you are living a fantasy?
Translatuon, - you dont like being called out on your lie.
Solution: Don't lie.

You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.

So your position is you don't like guns and if you demonize everyone that does, that makes you in the right.

Interesting theory.
Translatuon, - you dont like being called out on your lie.
Solution: Don't lie.
You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.
I understand that you're all butthurt about being caight in a lie.
Nothing I can do about that. Sorry.

Go back and post the lie, Asswhole!
The more the rabid gun owners rant, whine and lie, the greater the likelihood rational citizens will demand Congress take some action to control guns. Many of the posts since Sandy Hook on this message board are quite disturbing, so disturbing as to cause a rational reader to wonder if some of you should ever be trusted to own, possess or have in you custody and control any gun.

We of the gun owners world are the rational ones. Do you have something to suggest that hasn't already been tried?

Ah yes, from Columbine to Sandy Hook, we surely have seen that.:mad:

But both of those killings were perpetrated by someone other than the owner of the guns that were used .
NONE of your suggestions would do ANYTHING to SOLVE the problem!
How many times do you need to get beat over the head to understand that one GLARING fact?
That's incorrect.
He sees the problem as the civilian ownership of firearms.
He sees his solutions as first steps toward solving that problem.
When you put words into my mouth, please be more precise! The problem is civilians holding assault weapons, not firearms in general. Assault weapons were designed for law enforcement and military use.

The style of weapon is your problem? Oh my goodness, it's all scary and black and everything!:eek:

Standing in the doorway, about 10 feet from me is a carbine in .308 caliber. It generally uses 5 shot magazines, but there are 30 round mags available. It fires the same ammunition as an M-14; considerably more potent than an AK-47 or M-16 and far more accurate than any of the 3.
BUT, it has a fancy walnut stock with checkering hand carved into the forearm, fancy engraving on the receiver, a hand tooled leather sling and an high end adjustable scope. It's a damned fine looking weapon, but if I was about to shoot up a school and wanted to inflict maximum damage, I'd be carrying the model 100 and not some weak assed military style glorified .22 magnum.
Translatuon, - you dont like being called out on your lie.
Solution: Don't lie.

You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.

So your position is you don't like guns and if you demonize everyone that does, that makes you in the right.

Interesting theory.

I never said I didn't like guns, asswhole, you said I said it. You don't know what I've said, so bug off!

Interesting fact.
You right-wingers are the liars and according to your kind, Obama will be taking away your guns in 3 hours when he makes his speech. Let's see who the liars are!

Of course, this is news to you because all you assholes do is run your mouths making up shit.
I understand that you're all butthurt about being caight in a lie.
Nothing I can do about that. Sorry.

Go back and post the lie, Asswhole!
Aww... what's wrong, boo-boo? Does your lying puddy hurt?

Its quoted in our conversation.
Your post # 200
That's incorrect.
He sees the problem as the civilian ownership of firearms.
He sees his solutions as first steps toward solving that problem.
When you put words into my mouth, please be more precise! The problem is civilians holding assault weapons, not firearms in general. Assault weapons were designed for law enforcement and military use.

The style of weapon is your problem? Oh my goodness, it's all scary and black and everything!:eek:
Yes. Removing the flash suppressor and bayonet lug from an 'assault weapon', in his eyes, apparently makes it OK for the public to own.

Don't bother asking what the practical difference is, because like most who want to remove firearms from civilains, he doesn't know.
I understand that you're all butthurt about being caight in a lie.
Nothing I can do about that. Sorry.

Go back and post the lie, Asswhole!
Aww... what's wrong, boo-boo? Does your lying puddy hurt?

Its quoted in our conversation.
Your post # 200

Get someone to teach you how to do this:

Hopefully, but they tend to be a brainwashed bunch.

I use to have dinner at a bar after work and quite often one of the higher ups in the NRA would have dinner there too. He was a nice enough guy and he would mention to the bartender that he had to attend a meeting somewhere shortly in the future. Occasionally, he would talk about the NRA, so I asked him if he knew of court decisions that caused things to change. I never studied the case law and was just curious. I couldn't get an answer out of him. On another occasion when he was talking about the NRA, I asked since the Constitution says arms and not guns, where do you draw the line? I had to futher explain between a knife and a hydrogen bomb, what weapons should people be allowed to have and not have? The only thing I remember getting out of him was people shouldn't have nuclear weapons.

These people are taught to believe in something and not really think it through. They believe the government is screwing them of their liberties and if everybody had a gun, crime would disappear. That's possible after everybody kills each other off.

I don't know about the whole membership of the NRA, but the ones that really believe in it aren't the types to easily change or leave the organization. They view any restriction on guns is an infringement of their sacred rights and liberties.

There is no lie in there, fool! How an idiot can think they know someone elses experiences, when they completely lack any good sense of judgment is a mystery of life.
I understand that you're all butthurt about being caight in a lie.
Nothing I can do about that. Sorry.

Go back and post the lie, Asswhole!
Aww... what's wrong, boo-boo? Does your lying puddy hurt?

Its quoted in our conversation.
Your post # 200

That was a most interesting post. I particularly enjoyed the logic he expressed in this line:
They view any restriction on guns is an infringement of their sacred rights and liberties.
Peter Mark Roget would kick his ass, if they could meet in person.
Aww... what's wrong, boo-boo? Does your lying puddy hurt?

Its quoted in our conversation.
Your post # 200

There is no lie in there, fool!
Your entire story is a lie.
You made it up, you know it, and you cannot prove any of it to be true.

Considering you're the same clown who oozed in here yesterday telling me I was "happy to use the blood of children to further my agenda" and that that agenda was watering down the Second Amendment, and that I immediately challenged you to back up any part of that at all, to which you responded by running away and hiding until the coast was clear -- you're in no position to be calling "liar", Pinocchio.

Like you would know from an anecdote anyway.

This is why we can't engage in intelligent debate -- gadflies like you flinging rhetorical turds.

Grow up. :asshole:
That was a most interesting post. I particularly enjoyed the logic he expressed in this line:
They view any restriction on guns is an infringement of their sacred rights and liberties.
Peter Mark Roget would kick his ass, if they could meet in person.
Of course, that may not be a lie - he likely does not know that the current federal background check system exists -because- of the NRA.

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