If The Upcoming House Investigations Don't Result With Hunter Going To Prison, Then What?

I think it's fair to guess that they would claim some kind of conspiracy.

As we've seen with the "rigged election" scam, they don't think too much of the rule of law or of the courts. Anything that doesn't go their way is a conspiracy. Even when the judges involved were picked by their cult leader.

They have their own set of rules and laws. Just for them.


Our leaders being in cahoots with the Chinese--who are now feeling great about flying balloons over our nation--is monumentally more consequential than the fact that Trump hurt your feelings.


Our leaders being in cahoots with the Chinese--who are now feeling great about flying balloons over our nation--is monumentally more consequential than the fact that Trump hurt your feelings.
So now you're speaking for everyone. Wow. The ego it takes to do that.

Okay, I know I'm wasting my time here, but for the hell of it:

These daily personal attacks and defections of yours. They accomplish one (1) thing: They tell me how far up in your head I exist, and how on-the-money and effective my posts are. How they get to you, even though I'm not even addressing you. That's something that an adult would usually point out to a child, but here I am pointing it out to you.

Y'know when I thank you for your posts? That's why. You're just demonstrating for me that I'm nailing it. Good.

Okay, back to your personal attacks. And thanks in advance, sweetheart.

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So now you're speaking for everyone. Wow. The ego it takes to do that.

Okay, I know I'm wasting my time here, but for the hell of it:

These daily personal attacks and defections of yours. They accomplish one (1) thing: They tell me how far up in your head I exist, and how on-the-money and effective my posts are. How they get to you, even though I'm not even addressing you. That's something that an adult would usually point out to a child, but here I am pointing it out to you.

Y'know when I thank you for your posts? That's why. You're just demonstrating for me that I'm nailing it. Good.

Okay, back to your personal attacks. And thanks in advance, sweetheart.


I am the only one on the board who notices your inauthenticity, huh Mac?

So now you're speaking for everyone. Wow. The ego it takes to do that.

Okay, I know I'm wasting my time here, but for the hell of it:

These daily personal attacks and defections of yours. They accomplish one (1) thing: They tell me how far up in your head I exist, and how on-the-money and effective my posts are. How they get to you, even though I'm not even addressing you. That's something that an adult would usually point out to a child, but here I am pointing it out to you.

Y'know when I thank you for your posts? That's why. You're just demonstrating for me that I'm nailing it. Good.

Okay, back to your personal attacks. And thanks in advance, sweetheart.

The elites do not go to jail unless jettisoned. Any person working in a life-threatening employment knows that Hunter is a criminal piece of shit when removing political views.
If young Biden was a badun then Zelensky would have dumped him when trump tried to bribe him for info using american bombs as an inducement.
Trumps bribe was generous.
The main problem the GOP has is that all of these internet conspiracy theories tend to blow up when exposedto sunlight. Hillary,pizza,space lasers, its no way to run a country.
When you look at the GOP it is clear that there are no adults left in the room.
You definitely qualify as an ostrich if you don’t know the answer to that question.

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Even in a city where influence-peddling is a virtual cottage industry, the Bidens took the corrupt practice to a truly Olympian level. The direct references to Joe Biden receiving money and benefits from these contracts should concern any citizen, let alone any journalist. Yet House Democrats blocked efforts to investigate any Biden influence-peddling.

This obstruction was only possible with an enabling and protective media downplaying the scandal. The press continued the effective blackout even as emails showed Biden repeatedly lied about having no knowledge of his son’s foreign business.


Biden visits Mexico as House GOP eyes Hunter, bro’s below-border biz​

Such denials, however, are getting more difficult. The Associated Press had to withdrawits absurd recent claim there’s no evidence of Biden ever discussing his son’s dealings. There’s even audio of him leaving a message specifically a a message for Hunter specifically about coverage of those dealings.


I asked a simple question

Show where any money went to Joe Biden and what he did in return

That is influence peddling

You got nothing
I asked a simple question
Show where any money went to Joe Biden and what he did in return
That is influence peddling
You got nothing
They do this all the freaking time. One plus (?) plus (?) plus (?) equals absolute guilt. If this thing happened over here, then THAT thing MUST have happened over there.

Just like their "rigged election" claims. If something happened, we need to know. But their non-stop-boy-who-cried-wolf thing only makes them less credible and muddies the waters. How in the world do they not know this?
They do this all the freaking time. One plus (?) plus (?) plus (?) equals absolute guilt. If this thing happened over here, then THAT thing MUST have happened over there.

Just like their "rigged election" claims. If something happened, we need to know. But their non-stop-boy-who-cried-wolf thing only makes them less credible and muddies the waters. How in the world do they not know this?
10 percent for big guy

What big guy?
Show Biden received a cent
Show where he had any involvement in Hunters business

They are giving away ten percent of their profits with nothing in return?
10 percent for big guy

What big guy?
Show Biden received a cent
Show where he had any involvement in Hunters business

They are giving away ten percent of their profits with nothing in return?
Progs have purposely impoverished or made tens of millions of people poorer on purpose. Many politicians are compromised including Joe.
It is just hypocrisy at best, the right wants to investigate Hunter Biden. They run and hide when you ask them about investigating Kushner and Ivanka.

I asked a simple question

Show where any money went to Joe Biden and what he did in return

That is influence peddling

You got nothing
Keep your ears open for the upcoming hearings. Plenty of evidence will be presented.

Of course nothing will come of that evidence. The DOJ is not about to prosecute Hunter Biden as it would take down Joe Biden and all high ranking Democrats are above the rule of law. Joe probably sold classified information to China through Hunter but that is just fine. Joe is a Democrat.

Yep, he certainly is a fine, upstanding citizen who should be a model for us all.
Except, you know, for the crack, and hookers, and sex videos...... Other than that, he is a great American.
….don’t forget nailing one’s SIL when his brother’s body hadn’t yet reached room temperature, fathering a child out of wedlock and fighting against child support, and taking money from America’s enemies for make-shift work.

Other that that….what a role model!
Keep your ears open for the upcoming hearings. Plenty of evidence will be presented.

Of course nothing will come of that evidence. The DOJ is not about to prosecute Hunter Biden as it would take down Joe Biden and all high ranking Democrats are above the rule of law. Joe probably sold classified information to China through Hunter but that is just fine. Joe is a Democrat.

View attachment 753709
All you have is some embarrassing pictures of Hunter that Republicans will use to humiliate the President.

There is NO EVIDENCE linking to Joe Biden
If there was, we would have seen it before the last election
All you have is some embarrassing pictures of Hunter that Republicans will use to humiliate the President.

There is NO EVIDENCE linking to Joe Biden
If there was, we would have seen it before the last election
The evidence of classified documents was being hidden before the last election.

Has nothing to do with your claims of influence peddling
Don’t worry. Even if Joe Biden and Hunter are guity as hell they will get off scot-free. They are on the list of Democrats who are totally above the rule of law.

If young Biden was a badun then Zelensky would have dumped him when trump tried to bribe him for info using american bombs as an inducement.
Trumps bribe was generous.
The main problem the GOP has is that all of these internet conspiracy theories tend to blow up when exposedto sunlight. Hillary,pizza,space lasers, its no way to run a country.
When you look at the GOP it is clear that there are no adults left in the room.
Citizens Have Become Spectators at a Spitball Fight

It doesn't matter whether the Republican'ts have a case; all these investigations, prosecutions, and impeachments have nothing to do with the daily lives of the American people. They better get back to those issues and quit playing GOTCHA with the other side's fraternity.

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