If the US healthcare system is the best and socialism is the worst

And as you can see folks, the Toddler is so intellectually dishonest and bankrupt that he dare not even address the post or the information contained/linked within


Instead, the Toddler keeps taking a paragraph or sentence out of context, and then ignore all subsequent fact based information....and then keeps making assertions based on his pathological willful ignorance. So be it....I've proven my point time and again to the objective, honest reader. Therefore, no need to further entertain this buffoonish Toddler. I leave him to parrot the SOS he's done so far, and to maudlin exchanges with his like minded supporters & compadres.

Say goodnight, gracie.

Cut and paste your proof......or run away, Robin.

So far I'm waiting some proof from taichiliberal as well. Otherwise, I'll have to go with you.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZwuTo7zKM8"]Brave Sir Robin - YouTube[/ame]
I don't care for rationing and waiting lists. Here, in our two-tiered system, even those with free care do not wait. They might wait to get signed up and started on free care, but once they have it they can see a Dr within a month for non-emergency.

In some countries with UHC everyone has to wait. Way too long.

Newsflash for ya, Mia.....if you don't have healthcare insurance, you don't get attention UNLESS it's at the emergency room, or you pay UP FRONT AND OUT OF POCKET.

Do your homework to see if I'm lying......and if you want to know if health insurance companies are doing right by their clients all the time, just go ask Dr. Peelo or Wendell Potter.
Cut and paste your proof......or run away, Robin.

So far I'm waiting some proof from taichiliberal as well. Otherwise, I'll have to go with you.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZwuTo7zKM8"]Brave Sir Robin - YouTube[/ame]

What's the matter sweetheart? Too dumb or too lazy or too cowardly to just click back on the arrows and READ the preceding posts? You could do a search using my screen name to see all the posts.

Then if you STILL don't understand what I wrote OR THE INFORMATION IN THE LINKS I PROVIDED, I'll try and explain it again.

Other than that, you may continue to blow smoke up Toddler's ass.
Why are no socialist countries switching to our system of private insurance???

Because they all love having shitty health care, obviously.
Or maybe because insurance isn't the only way that Americans pay their medical expenses.

But such a little detail would totally fuck up a slew of talking points of the socialized medicine crowd, so it has to be ignored.
And as you can see folks, the Toddler is so intellectually dishonest and bankrupt that he dare not even address the post or the information contained/linked within


Instead, the Toddler keeps taking a paragraph or sentence out of context, and then ignore all subsequent fact based information....and then keeps making assertions based on his pathological willful ignorance. So be it....I've proven my point time and again to the objective, honest reader. Therefore, no need to further entertain this buffoonish Toddler. I leave him to parrot the SOS he's done so far, and to maudlin exchanges with his like minded supporters & compadres.

Say goodnight, gracie.

Cut and paste your proof......or run away, Robin.

So far I'm waiting some proof from taichiliberal as well. Otherwise, I'll have to go with you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZwuTo7zKM8]Brave Sir Robin - YouTube[/ame]

What's the matter sweetheart? Too dumb or too lazy or too cowardly to just click back on the arrows and READ the preceding posts? You could do a search using my screen name to see all the posts.

Then if you STILL don't understand what I wrote OR THE INFORMATION IN THE LINKS I PROVIDED, I'll try and explain it again. That is, if you've actually got the stones to discuss the content rather than your opinion.

Other than that, you may continue to blow smoke up Toddler's ass.
Wrong. What screwed Greece's economy was having the likes of Goldman Sach's fudge the books for it's admittance into the EU....and let's not forget all those American banks that mixed toxic packages of housing loans with their stable loans and then sold them on the international market.

No proof of your claims there.**

Thanks for trying?

And as you can see folks, the Toddler*
is so intellectually dishonest*
and bankrupt*
that he dare not even address the post or the information contained/linked within*


Instead, the Toddler*
keeps taking a paragraph or sentence out of context, and then ignore all subsequent fact based information....and then keeps making assertions based on his pathological willful ignorance.*
So be it....I've proven my point time and again to the objective, honest reader. Therefore, no need to further entertain this buffoonish Toddler.*
I leave him to parrot the SOS he's done so far, and to maudlin exchanges with his like minded supporters & compadres.*

Say goodnight, gracie.

*Numerous consecutive cheap shots by you rather than responding?

** Huh? He practically quoted one of YOUR links at the other end of YOUR link. I know, because I just read your linked link.

Did you READ any of the material I sourced, Becki dear?

I doubt it, because all you've done here is cry croccodile tears about my retorts to the Toddler. The chronology of the posts shows who threw the first stone...TFB for the Toddler or YOU if I give better than I get.

My source information provides what the Toddler leaves out, which supports my statements and derails his contentions and beliefs. But I suspect the like the Toddler, YOU have an intellectual impediment that prevents you from honestly discussing ALL the facts. Instead, you just read what you think supports your case, and then you go brain dead.

Prove me wrong, or confirm my assessment.....or continue to blow smoke up the Toddler's ass. Your move.
Or maybe because insurance isn't the only way that Americans pay their medical expenses.

But such a little detail would totally fuck up a slew of talking points of the socialized medicine crowd, so it has to be ignored.

Dude can you be less vague in your ramblings and please babble less incoherently? Give purpose to your posts, make a statement worth something, don't just say something sarcastic smug and snarky and then run away.
Or maybe because insurance isn't the only way that Americans pay their medical expenses.

But such a little detail would totally fuck up a slew of talking points of the socialized medicine crowd, so it has to be ignored.

Dude can you be less vague in your ramblings and please babble less incoherently? Give purpose to your posts, make a statement worth something, don't just say something sarcastic smug and snarky and then run away.
Lots and lots of Americans pay for their medical expenses with cash, you dolt.

Maybe you could be just a little less purposefully obtuse.
What would be the point in being quantitative in the presence of those who keep repeating the "40-50 million uninsured" lie?

I mean really....No matter how many times that completely bogus number gets debunked, it just gets inflated even more.

In any case, the fact remains that there are millions of Americans who pay for various and sundry medical procedures without the aid of insurers...Deal with it.
What would be the point in being quantitative in the presence of those who keep repeating the "40-50 million uninsured" lie?

Sorry, I thought you had a point you were trying to make.

I mean really....No matter how many times that completely bogus number gets debunked, it just gets inflated even more.

I haven't mentioned it at least once.

In any case, the fact remains that there are millions of Americans who pay for various and sundry medical procedures without the aid of insurers...

What's your point exactly? If you are uninsured you kinda have to pay cash, don't you? So I'm failing to see what your point is.
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The point is that there are millions and millions of people who pay for their medical procedures out-of-pocket every day....Yet, know it all socialists like you completely ignore such facts, in lieu of pretending that the only truly legitimate way of paying one's medical costs is to pass them on to an third party insurer.

Maybe you're not half as smart as your alleged credentials would tend to project.
The point is that there are millions and millions of people who pay for their medical procedures out-of-pocket every day....Yet, know it all socialists like you completely ignore such facts,

I've not "ignored" such a fact, I just don't see how it fits together when any kind of argument you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that all those millions of people who pay with cash have several million in the bank and could hence handle the worst case health scenarios, or are you saying that we should all pay out of pocket and just hope nothing really expensive ever happens?

in lieu of pretending that the only truly legitimate way of paying one's medical costs is to pass them on to an third party insurer.

Huh? You are making absolutely no sense. Who is pretending that its not "legitimate" to pay for medical costs with cash? What the fuck are you even talking about? Its quite clear that the typical American does not have sufficient money to self insure against the worst case health scenarios because the typical American does not have millions of sitting around ready to be liquidated if they get really sick. So your point as I take it is that there are millions of uninsured Americans who pay with cash for now but if something really bad happens to them, most of them won't be able to afford the expenses? Is that your point?

To reliably self insure yourself against worst case health scenarios requires at least $1,000,000 ready to go. Anyone who's got that amount of money and is willing to lose it to the whims of fate, fine, makes sense if they self insure. Anyone with less than that who is self insured stands to lose everything in a health catastrophe.
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You're the one who intimated that lack of socialized medical services = shitty health care.

Do you read your own posts for comprehension before you click the submit button?
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The point is that there are millions and millions of people who pay for their medical procedures out-of-pocket every day....Yet, know it all socialists like you completely ignore such facts,

I've not "ignored" such a fact, I just don't see how it fits together when any kind of argument you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that all those millions of people who pay with cash have several million in the bank and could hence handle the worst case health scenarios, or are you saying that we should all pay out of pocket and just hope nothing really expensive ever happens?

in lieu of pretending that the only truly legitimate way of paying one's medical costs is to pass them on to an third party insurer.

Huh? You are making absolutely no sense. Who is pretending that its not "legitimate" to pay for medical costs with cash? What the fuck are you even talking about? Its quite clear that the typical American does not have sufficient money to self insure against the worst case health scenarios because the typical American does not have millions of sitting around ready to be liquidated if they get really sick. So your point as I take it is that there are millions of uninsured Americans who pay with cash for now but if something really bad happens to them, most of them won't be able to afford the expenses? Is that your point?

Oddball doesn't rely on facts or the logic derived from those facts....all he needs are the myopic viewpoints from Fox noise that coincide with his beliefs, and he's off and running.

I truly would love to see Oddballs stats as to how many Americans pay for ALL their medical problems out of pocket...and EXACTLY what are those "problems". Must be Oddball's 1% friends, because it sure as hell ain't joe & jane middle/working/poor class.
You're the one who intimated that lack of socialized medical services = shitty health care.


BTW, in England, which has socialized medicine, you are allowed to buy your health care from the private market instead if you so choose.

So you have no point.
To reliably self insure yourself against worst case health scenarios requires at least $1,000,000 ready to go. Anyone who's got that amount of money and is willing to lose it to the whims of fate, fine, makes sense if they self insure. Anyone with less than that who is self insured stands to lose everything in a health catastrophe.


If we as Americans payed for the small expenditures of our healthcare and not run to our insurance card every time we need a scipt filled or go to the dr's office for a cold or God forbid we break a bone!
If we just took care of the small things ourselves, and had insurance for the catastrophic things like cancer and serious injuries etc etc... we could all afford insurance.
Oh, and stop with all the medical malpractice lawsuits... have you seen the commercials on late night TV??? Jeez....

One more thing... let insurance companies sell across state lines.... there is a fix for ya.
More competition = lower prices.

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