If there is a God...

See Job 40 for God's response to Carl.
See the other 999 holy books.
Have you read Job Chapter 1?
I read the Bible. What does job say? Forgive me I read 999 other holy books I couldn’t memorize them all
Why not list 20 of the Holy books you read in the last few years?
Because from prior religion discussions I've had with you I would sooner believe a frog is growing out of my anus.
Of course I didn’t read all 999 holy books. You missed the point. Why would I care what’s in your holy book?

Yes I read the Bible. Don’t remember job
I asked for 20 books to call you on your lie.
Sagan asked two really good questions when he met god and they go together

Which god were you and why did you go to such great length to hide from us? How can an atheist be blamed for not believing all 1000 man made religions? Can you blame us for not believing any of them?

And all the modern day religions tell us stories of when god visited or sent his son. Well? Send him again. Cure cancer with your hands. The longer you hide the more I suspect you don’t exist
See Job 40 for God's response to Carl.
See the other 999 holy books.
Have you read Job Chapter 1?
I read the Bible. What does job say? Forgive me I read 999 other holy books I couldn’t memorize them all
40 The Lord said to Job:
2 “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let him who accuses God answer him!”
3 Then Job answered the Lord:
4 “I am unworthy—how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
5 I spoke once, but I have no answer—
twice, but I will say no more.”
6 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:
7 “Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
There you go again quoting Scripture out of context and turning people off.
If you were serious, I'd explain that to you.

I'm very curious now. Why does god go to great lengths to hide from us?
Why does man go to great lengths to hide from God?

That is too general a question. It also doesn't apply to a great many people. Those who truly believe in a god, particularly if they believe in an omniscient god, won't believe they can hide from god. Those who don't believe in a god won't see anything to hide from. :dunno:

I will say that, if there is an all-knowing, all-powerful god who created the universe and everything in it, who loves humanity, and wants humans to believe in this god so that they can experience some sort of happy afterlife, it seems odd to me that such a being wouldn't be more convincing about its existence.
The world is so complicated it didn't get here by chance.
I realize that experts in their own limited fields always try to squeeze God out of the picture, but somehow, when they're at a convention filled with experts from a few dozen other fields, the phrase, "It's almost as if a God..." always pops up.
Actually god is almost never brought up in a scientific discussion.

But, I will give you this. When you learn how all the planets formed and how life got started it almost does seem like a god had to be involved. Like how did the moon get here? And how the other planets played a roll in life starting on earth. I was watching how the universe works and there may have been a 9th planet that was essential. Anyways, I won’t remember all the details on how the solar system formed it sure does seem heavenly
How is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?
Sagan asked two really good questions when he met god and they go together

Which god were you and why did you go to such great length to hide from us? How can an atheist be blamed for not believing all 1000 man made religions? Can you blame us for not believing any of them?

And all the modern day religions tell us stories of when god visited or sent his son. Well? Send him again. Cure cancer with your hands. The longer you hide the more I suspect you don’t exist
See Job 40 for God's response to Carl.
See the other 999 holy books.
Well, no, you can't. You'd have to read Job 40 to understand why.

Help me out with something though, how is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?

If you don't mind, I'd like to answer this question.

For me, it's a matter of not knowing. I have not seen evidence which convinces me that there is a 'greater' intelligence out there. That doesn't mean I deny the possibility, it just means I don't believe it to be true yet.

There may be a god or gods, and that could mean something like what humans believe, or something entirely different. I don't think there is convincing evidence one way or another, rather I think there are just a lot of unanswered questions. How did life begin? How did the universe begin? What was before the universe? Does the idea of before even apply to before the universe? Is it possible for a human being to understand enough about reality, to perceive enough, to truly answer some of these questions?

With all that I don't know, it seems arrogant for me to say there must be (or must not be) some sort of intelligent power which created or controls various aspects of reality. :dunno:
Have you seen evidence that there isn't?

No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
I'm very curious now. Why does god go to great lengths to hide from us?
Why does man go to great lengths to hide from God?

That is too general a question. It also doesn't apply to a great many people. Those who truly believe in a god, particularly if they believe in an omniscient god, won't believe they can hide from god. Those who don't believe in a god won't see anything to hide from. :dunno:

I will say that, if there is an all-knowing, all-powerful god who created the universe and everything in it, who loves humanity, and wants humans to believe in this god so that they can experience some sort of happy afterlife, it seems odd to me that such a being wouldn't be more convincing about its existence.
The world is so complicated it didn't get here by chance.
I realize that experts in their own limited fields always try to squeeze God out of the picture, but somehow, when they're at a convention filled with experts from a few dozen other fields, the phrase, "It's almost as if a God..." always pops up.
Actually god is almost never brought up in a scientific discussion.

But, I will give you this. When you learn how all the planets formed and how life got started it almost does seem like a god had to be involved. Like how did the moon get here? And how the other planets played a roll in life starting on earth. I was watching how the universe works and there may have been a 9th planet that was essential. Anyways, I won’t remember all the details on how the solar system formed it sure does seem heavenly
How is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?
SB possesses intelligence?
Because he says so?
All he ever says is that he's right and everyone else is wrong.
That takes plenty of smarts, don't it.
See Job 40 for God's response to Carl.
See the other 999 holy books.
Well, no, you can't. You'd have to read Job 40 to understand why.

Help me out with something though, how is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?

If you don't mind, I'd like to answer this question.

For me, it's a matter of not knowing. I have not seen evidence which convinces me that there is a 'greater' intelligence out there. That doesn't mean I deny the possibility, it just means I don't believe it to be true yet.

There may be a god or gods, and that could mean something like what humans believe, or something entirely different. I don't think there is convincing evidence one way or another, rather I think there are just a lot of unanswered questions. How did life begin? How did the universe begin? What was before the universe? Does the idea of before even apply to before the universe? Is it possible for a human being to understand enough about reality, to perceive enough, to truly answer some of these questions?

With all that I don't know, it seems arrogant for me to say there must be (or must not be) some sort of intelligent power which created or controls various aspects of reality. :dunno:
Have you seen evidence that there isn't?

No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?
See the other 999 holy books.
Well, no, you can't. You'd have to read Job 40 to understand why.

Help me out with something though, how is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?

If you don't mind, I'd like to answer this question.

For me, it's a matter of not knowing. I have not seen evidence which convinces me that there is a 'greater' intelligence out there. That doesn't mean I deny the possibility, it just means I don't believe it to be true yet.

There may be a god or gods, and that could mean something like what humans believe, or something entirely different. I don't think there is convincing evidence one way or another, rather I think there are just a lot of unanswered questions. How did life begin? How did the universe begin? What was before the universe? Does the idea of before even apply to before the universe? Is it possible for a human being to understand enough about reality, to perceive enough, to truly answer some of these questions?

With all that I don't know, it seems arrogant for me to say there must be (or must not be) some sort of intelligent power which created or controls various aspects of reality. :dunno:
Have you seen evidence that there isn't?

No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?

I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
I think we all go thru it in our teens and twenties. After we spread our wings from our parents nest. My brother goes more than my parents took us and I’m an atheist. Weird huh? I suppose if I met a Greek Orthodox woman and had Greek Orthodox kids I’d go and baptize my kids like he did but I’d be faking it for the family like many do.

What’s the saying happy wife happy life?

It's not about "spreading one's wings" or "happy wife, happy life." It is about giving up.
I just read an article from NASA which is partially the inspiration behind this topic:
WMAP- Fate of the Universe
It would seem to suggest that given enough time, all life in the known universe will most likely essentially “freeze” to death.
Now as a preface to this topic I suppose I should set some “assumptions” that I’m making. Let’s say that billions or more years ago, some supremely powerful conscious being created all the particles that exist along with all the rules that govern them; and that being is God.

Given all the messed up stuff that can happen to people, and has happened to people throughout history, and that existence will probably fade into frozen nothingness eventually; I’m having a hard time believing that “God” actually “cares” about us that much. Now I know that most people are good, but I think that’s mostly because it’s evolutionarily advantageous to be “good”. I think I have an innate empathy and conscientiousness for others because that is a trait that fosters cooperation; and human cooperation is a competitive advantage. Simply survival of the fittest.

So I guess I’m going to pose this question to you all: If there is a God (as outlined above) is there any evidence it really cares about you or my well being at a personal level?

No physical evidence that I know of. And yet there are billions of people who do believe in a God(s) through a large variety of religions. Maybe the better question is why do they believe in God when there's no hard evidence to base that belief on. Through out history ever since mankind has evolved enough to think of such things, people have believed in supernatural forces and created some some astounding places based on that strength. Egypt's pyramids for example, thousands of people helped build those things believing they would ascend to their version of an afterlife as a result of the work they did here on Earth. Or so some think anyway.
When you believe God shows you the evidence
See the other 999 holy books.
Have you read Job Chapter 1?
I read the Bible. What does job say? Forgive me I read 999 other holy books I couldn’t memorize them all
Why not list 20 of the Holy books you read in the last few years?
Because from prior religion discussions I've had with you I would sooner believe a frog is growing out of my anus.
Of course I didn’t read all 999 holy books. You missed the point. Why would I care what’s in your holy book?

Yes I read the Bible. Don’t remember job
I asked for 20 books to call you on your lie.
Sam I am
Green eggs n ham
Cat In the hat
White fang
Harry Potter 1-5
Lord of the rings 1-5
The hobbit
I'm very curious now. Why does god go to great lengths to hide from us?
Why does man go to great lengths to hide from God?

That is too general a question. It also doesn't apply to a great many people. Those who truly believe in a god, particularly if they believe in an omniscient god, won't believe they can hide from god. Those who don't believe in a god won't see anything to hide from. :dunno:

I will say that, if there is an all-knowing, all-powerful god who created the universe and everything in it, who loves humanity, and wants humans to believe in this god so that they can experience some sort of happy afterlife, it seems odd to me that such a being wouldn't be more convincing about its existence.
The world is so complicated it didn't get here by chance.
I realize that experts in their own limited fields always try to squeeze God out of the picture, but somehow, when they're at a convention filled with experts from a few dozen other fields, the phrase, "It's almost as if a God..." always pops up.
Actually god is almost never brought up in a scientific discussion.

But, I will give you this. When you learn how all the planets formed and how life got started it almost does seem like a god had to be involved. Like how did the moon get here? And how the other planets played a roll in life starting on earth. I was watching how the universe works and there may have been a 9th planet that was essential. Anyways, I won’t remember all the details on how the solar system formed it sure does seem heavenly
How is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?
There might be but it’s not this god you guys talk about
I think we all go thru it in our teens and twenties. After we spread our wings from our parents nest. My brother goes more than my parents took us and I’m an atheist. Weird huh? I suppose if I met a Greek Orthodox woman and had Greek Orthodox kids I’d go and baptize my kids like he did but I’d be faking it for the family like many do.

What’s the saying happy wife happy life?

It's not about "spreading one's wings" or "happy wife, happy life." It is about giving up.
Giving up what? I’d do anything for my wife including pretending I have the exact same religious beliefs.

A lot of people think getting married is “giving up” so maybe you’re right. Lol

Don’t be pw’ed whip that pussy
I just read an article from NASA which is partially the inspiration behind this topic:
WMAP- Fate of the Universe
It would seem to suggest that given enough time, all life in the known universe will most likely essentially “freeze” to death.
Now as a preface to this topic I suppose I should set some “assumptions” that I’m making. Let’s say that billions or more years ago, some supremely powerful conscious being created all the particles that exist along with all the rules that govern them; and that being is God.

Given all the messed up stuff that can happen to people, and has happened to people throughout history, and that existence will probably fade into frozen nothingness eventually; I’m having a hard time believing that “God” actually “cares” about us that much. Now I know that most people are good, but I think that’s mostly because it’s evolutionarily advantageous to be “good”. I think I have an innate empathy and conscientiousness for others because that is a trait that fosters cooperation; and human cooperation is a competitive advantage. Simply survival of the fittest.

So I guess I’m going to pose this question to you all: If there is a God (as outlined above) is there any evidence it really cares about you or my well being at a personal level?

No physical evidence that I know of. And yet there are billions of people who do believe in a God(s) through a large variety of religions. Maybe the better question is why do they believe in God when there's no hard evidence to base that belief on. Through out history ever since mankind has evolved enough to think of such things, people have believed in supernatural forces and created some some astounding places based on that strength. Egypt's pyramids for example, thousands of people helped build those things believing they would ascend to their version of an afterlife as a result of the work they did here on Earth. Or so some think anyway.
When you believe God shows you the evidence
Not true. I went from believer to not. That would make your comment wrong because I believed for 40 years. I saw no evidence. The evidence you see is isn’t evidence we would accept.

And omg think about what you’re saying. If you believe in ghosts they will reveal themselves. That’s horse shit! If ghosts want me to believe they need to show me first.

Do you see the insanity of what you’re saying? A skeptic can never believe first.

You guys questioned my motives the other day or suggested god wouldn’t be happy with me. Why? Does he hate smart people?

I’m certain this hypothesis makes us stupid. Or dubpmber than we would be without it. Happier too maybe.
Giving up what? I’d do anything for my wife including pretending I have the exact same religious beliefs.

What are you (or were you) willing to give up for God? Keep in mind while some wives may be pleased with a husband's deception, most wives would see it as almost unforgivably insulting. No one dreams that her Prince Charming is actually The Great Pretender.
Well, no, you can't. You'd have to read Job 40 to understand why.

Help me out with something though, how is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?

If you don't mind, I'd like to answer this question.

For me, it's a matter of not knowing. I have not seen evidence which convinces me that there is a 'greater' intelligence out there. That doesn't mean I deny the possibility, it just means I don't believe it to be true yet.

There may be a god or gods, and that could mean something like what humans believe, or something entirely different. I don't think there is convincing evidence one way or another, rather I think there are just a lot of unanswered questions. How did life begin? How did the universe begin? What was before the universe? Does the idea of before even apply to before the universe? Is it possible for a human being to understand enough about reality, to perceive enough, to truly answer some of these questions?

With all that I don't know, it seems arrogant for me to say there must be (or must not be) some sort of intelligent power which created or controls various aspects of reality. :dunno:
Have you seen evidence that there isn't?

No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?

I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?
Have you read Job Chapter 1?
I read the Bible. What does job say? Forgive me I read 999 other holy books I couldn’t memorize them all
Why not list 20 of the Holy books you read in the last few years?
Because from prior religion discussions I've had with you I would sooner believe a frog is growing out of my anus.
Of course I didn’t read all 999 holy books. You missed the point. Why would I care what’s in your holy book?

Yes I read the Bible. Don’t remember job
I asked for 20 books to call you on your lie.
Sam I am
Green eggs n ham
Cat In the hat
White fang
Harry Potter 1-5
Lord of the rings 1-5
The hobbit
That’s about your level.
Why does man go to great lengths to hide from God?

That is too general a question. It also doesn't apply to a great many people. Those who truly believe in a god, particularly if they believe in an omniscient god, won't believe they can hide from god. Those who don't believe in a god won't see anything to hide from. :dunno:

I will say that, if there is an all-knowing, all-powerful god who created the universe and everything in it, who loves humanity, and wants humans to believe in this god so that they can experience some sort of happy afterlife, it seems odd to me that such a being wouldn't be more convincing about its existence.
The world is so complicated it didn't get here by chance.
I realize that experts in their own limited fields always try to squeeze God out of the picture, but somehow, when they're at a convention filled with experts from a few dozen other fields, the phrase, "It's almost as if a God..." always pops up.
Actually god is almost never brought up in a scientific discussion.

But, I will give you this. When you learn how all the planets formed and how life got started it almost does seem like a god had to be involved. Like how did the moon get here? And how the other planets played a roll in life starting on earth. I was watching how the universe works and there may have been a 9th planet that was essential. Anyways, I won’t remember all the details on how the solar system formed it sure does seem heavenly
How is it that you can possess intelligence and not think there is a greater intelligence out there?
There might be but it’s not this god you guys talk about
How do you know?

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