If there is a rapture, what will the nation's major religion be?


Interpretations are like opinions, they can be whatever you want them to be on whatever day of the week it happens to be.

Since I am an Atheist I just take what it says at face value. Makes perfect sense to me that there would be animosity between man and snakes and that man would crush their heads and snakes would bite their ankles.

None of that needs to be "interpreted" since it is nothing more that a warning to watch out for snakes and what to do if you encounter one.

LOL.... as far as interpretations go, yours is remarkably shallow.

A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway to anyone with a second grade education, whether they believe in God or not, that the story has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with snakes.

Did you completely miss the part where I clearly stated that I am an Atheist and take what it says at face value?

As an Atheist I consider all of those "interpretations" to be nothing but self serving attempts to find a "meaning" in superstition and mythology that doesn't actually exist.

As I said, whether you are an atheist or not, your interpretation is extremely shallow.

I would compare it to a person, whether they believed in God or not, reading the story of the three pigs, taking it at face value, and dismissing it as superstitious mythology with no meaning other than as a warning about wolves in the forest and what to do when one is encountered.

I hate to break the news to you but there is obvious meaning behind a talking snake as surely as there is meaning behind a talking wolf that has nothing whatever to do with snakes or wolves.

Your refusal to acknowledge this obvious truth is an indication of animus and a lack of integrity and your inability to comprehend bronze age fairy tales written to educate children has nothing whatever to do with atheism as much as it has to do with obstinate stupidity..

You are entitled to believe whatever myths and superstitions float your boat.

As an atheist I prefer pragmatic reality.

Your puerile ranting was mildly amusing.

Have a nice day.

Interpretations are like opinions, they can be whatever you want them to be on whatever day of the week it happens to be.

Since I am an Atheist I just take what it says at face value. Makes perfect sense to me that there would be animosity between man and snakes and that man would crush their heads and snakes would bite their ankles.

None of that needs to be "interpreted" since it is nothing more that a warning to watch out for snakes and what to do if you encounter one.

LOL.... as far as interpretations go, yours is remarkably shallow.

A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway to anyone with a second grade education, whether they believe in God or not, that the story has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with snakes.

Did you completely miss the part where I clearly stated that I am an Atheist and take what it says at face value?

As an Atheist I consider all of those "interpretations" to be nothing but self serving attempts to find a "meaning" in superstition and mythology that doesn't actually exist.

As I said, whether you are an atheist or not, your interpretation is extremely shallow.

I would compare it to a person, whether they believed in God or not, reading the story of the three pigs, taking it at face value, and dismissing it as superstitious mythology with no meaning other than as a warning about wolves in the forest and what to do when one is encountered.

I hate to break the news to you but there is obvious meaning behind a talking snake as surely as there is meaning behind a talking wolf that has nothing whatever to do with snakes or wolves.

Your refusal to acknowledge this obvious truth is an indication of animus and a lack of integrity and your inability to comprehend bronze age fairy tales written to educate children has nothing whatever to do with atheism as much as it has to do with obstinate stupidity..

You are entitled to believe whatever myths and superstitions float your boat.

As an atheist I prefer pragmatic reality.

Your puerile ranting was mildly amusing.

Have a nice day.

LOL.. puerile rant? Right.

Looks like you've spent too much time on Pleasure Island, Alexander, and those donkey ears are there to stay.

And some people do not believe in fairy tales. Imagine that!
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So how many prophecies did Michael fulfill? Hmm. none.
Well see you lose all credibility now 'cause you very well know & were shown many mandatory prerequisites Michael is named while Jesus is not=you got caught lying =
rest is untrust worthy & I'll prove it.

quote:How many has Jesus already fulfilled? 353

Wrong, another lie, these were proven false claims.

the odds of 1 man fulfilling 20 of the prophecies are over a trillion to 1, 353 puts to end your argument, as Michael as the Son of God.
Actually you just proved my case because there are 4x as many Michaeline prophecy and clues without cheating/without changing words/without self testimony (note you use post dated nt verses to testify fulfillment).

Your post is to big (won't allow fluid typing because of it) I will answer a few as examples on the following post.
1-2 you mention Genesis 3:15
What is wrong with you? Jesus is the serpent of Genesis and Michael is the one stomping his head, even Catholics in iconograph know that.

I'm just gonna guess those verses you copy and pasted because you are just repeating the same lies passed for ages, you are just being a parrot, try using your larger then a bird brain and think and research for yourself.

Micah 5:10 lie in Matthew 1)wrong gender to be a town
so Matthew can not be written by a Jew.
iIt's not a verse about a place/town. A Jew would know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
Read the context of Micah 5 it's about a lineage. Bethlehem was the son or grandson of Ephratah.

Zech 12:10 this one really hurts your argument because if you swore this was about Jesus you'd be validating my position that you have more then one christ and you confuse them. Reason is because the Tanakh version says me and him 2 seperate people. One who you
pierce (me) but you mourn for him=2.
Can you count? How about context? Nothing in that time period comes close to being about Jesus as it speaks of past tenses. You don't want it to be about Jesus least you prove me right that you mourn a false christ thus worship Lucifer. CHECK MATE! THANKS FOR PLAYING!

DO you want to know the rest of the lies taught to you?
Just ask nicely and sincerely and I will be glad to share the long list. Including how they duped you with Isaiah 7 and 53 and
Daniel 7 &9.
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