If there is a rapture, what will the nation's major religion be?

"If there is a rapture ...?"

Do people actually believe this nonsense?

A great many of them do. I had to explain that to my son what the concept of the rapture is, and who believe it. . . like our next door neighbors. That movie, "Left Behind," is available currently on Netflix instant. The company has assessed that my interest would be less than one star. lol I have toyed with the idea of watching it out of morbid curiosity. . . Sort of like the morbid curiosity that compels be to maybe watch Twilight when it passes through Netflix instant. But there is always a better use of my time. I should though if I want to understand all of humanity.

Don't watch the new one with Nicholas Cage. Watch the 80s version with Kirk Cameron.

The Nicholas Cage version was a story about a family enduring the rapture. It wasn't as intense as the Kirk Cameron version.

The Nicholas Cage version didn't really make any sense to me.
UM, the books weren't published until the 90's, and the movie came out around 2000 I think.

Check out the audio plays, 25 minute episodes, each book has 12 episodes, it's like an old fashioned radio play, music and actors and sound effects, pretty good stuff, at least for me, as I drive a truck, I listen to lots of stuff like that.
"If there is a rapture ...?"

Do people actually believe this nonsense?

A great many of them do. I had to explain that to my son what the concept of the rapture is, and who believe it. . . like our next door neighbors. That movie, "Left Behind," is available currently on Netflix instant. The company has assessed that my interest would be less than one star. lol I have toyed with the idea of watching it out of morbid curiosity. . . Sort of like the morbid curiosity that compels be to maybe watch Twilight when it passes through Netflix instant. But there is always a better use of my time. I should though if I want to understand all of humanity.

Don't watch the new one with Nicholas Cage. Watch the 80s version with Kirk Cameron.

The Nicholas Cage version was a story about a family enduring the rapture. It wasn't as intense as the Kirk Cameron version.

The Nicholas Cage version didn't really make any sense to me.

See, that drives home the point to what Luddly Neddite was asking about whether folks believe this stuff. First someone believed enough to write a book. Then it sold enough and found enough support to be made into a movie, that was popular enough to be. . . . you are telling me now, the RE-MADE it? Seriously?

So I checked, and sure enough, here is what Rotten Tomatoes said about it. . .

"Yea verily, like unto a plague of locusts, Left Behind hath begat a further scourge of devastation upon Nicolas Cage's once-proud filmography.":lmao:

And of course, the critics panned it, at a 2% approval rating, and the evangelicals loved it, with approximately 43% of America loving it. Wonders never cease.

Taking a break from USMB now, going to go entertain myself with evangelical reviews of this movie. lol
I never went in much with reviews, but, the best selling book of all time is ?

The Bible.

The best selling DVD in one day is The Passion of the Christ.

There are hundreds of millions of us, and still growing.
Christ's Coming Judgment

This is problematic because all those verses about coming quickly and seeing the kingdom come in his day never occured.=false prophet

Furthermore The Judge is Michael in the Bible thus proving Jesus is made a thief of the Night and is made an image plagiarizing roles and figures of the OT.

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (mediator/Judge)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18
If you really want to know a little about what Christians believe then check out this site, it just goes through a little of how Jesus fulfilled Daniel's prophesies.

Daniel s prophecies explained Book of Daniel 144000.net
Tell me something

I heard that when the rapture happens, the devout followers of Christ will float to Heaven.

If that is the case, where exactly above us is 'Heaven'?

Is it another conspiracy by God-hating liberal academics to keep the information hushed in order to denounce Christianity?

Or is Revelations really a very confusing (at least to me) form of symbolic religious writings that is actually meant to convey a message to the early churches?
I don't know about floating to Heaven, I never heard that. I believe we will be taken away to Heaven, but where that is, I have no idea, it would pretty much have to be above us, but remember the earth is round so above us covers just about everywhere else that is not earth.

And not all liberals are God haters, just as all conservatives are not God fearing.

I can read Daniel and Revelations time and again, and discover something new every time. Pray for discernment and understanding, but to answer your question, I believe Revelations to be literal unless it states in the Scripture that it is like unto, or some other words like that.
If there is a rapture, what will the nation's major religion be?

Well, a guess that depends on where you live. :eek-52:

Well I would say that if there is a Rapture, and people start seeing the graves getting emptied out and people ascending to heaven there won't be a second religion. Everyone will convert to Christianity as fast as they can find a vat of water to dip their heads in. Guno will be first and when he meets God he will say "hey man I was just fucking around"
If there is a rapture, what will the nation's major religion be?

Well, a guess that depends on where you live. :eek-52:

Well I would say that if there is a Rapture, and people start seeing the graves getting emptied out and people ascending to heaven there won't be a second religion. Everyone will convert to Christianity as fast as they can find a vat of water to dip their heads in. Guno will be first and when he meets God he will say "hey man I was just fucking around"
yeah, guno would be a good bet to be first on that list, I still think Delta will be one of the 144k.

I'm thinking somewhere between 19 and 26 years, but only the Father knows the day, not even the Son knows.
Christ's Coming Judgment

This is problematic because all those verses about coming quickly and seeing the kingdom come in his day never occured.=false prophet

Furthermore The Judge is Michael in the Bible thus proving Jesus is made a thief of the Night and is made an image plagiarizing roles and figures of the OT.

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (mediator/Judge)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18
If you really want to know a little about what Christians believe then check out this site, it just goes through a little of how Jesus fulfilled Daniel's prophesies.

1) I don't click links, you have to clearly state what you are getting at otherwise don't pretend to be discussing the same topic when you are just being part of the continuation of the great lie instead.
2) I have to assume this is the Ole Daniel 9 lie cause it can't be about Dan 12: 1-4 that exposed your lie.
Dan 9 talks about "an anointed king" not
The Anointed one, it's not messianic.
Also Christians have trouble counting, the period from Cyrus leads you to the time of Antiochus the wicked one who killed the anointed king Onnias and desecrated the Temple. Dan's visions of the Night (Evening star aka Michael) were never visions of the Day (morning star aka lucifer jesus)
he never mentions jesus once but does refer to Michael.
You should be mad at the web site for spreading lies just as I am mad that you would help maintain that lie and bring darkness (ignorance & lies) in this forum and share it with your fellow man.
Tell me something

I heard that when the rapture happens, the devout followers of Christ will float to Heaven.

If that is the case, where exactly above us is 'Heaven'?

Is it another conspiracy by God-hating liberal academics to keep the information hushed in order to denounce Christianity?

Or is Revelations really a very confusing (at least to me) form of symbolic religious writings that is actually meant to convey a message to the early churches?

its revelation. and we wont be floating. IN THE TWINKLING of an eye which is faster than you can imagine,
Christ's Coming Judgment

This is problematic because all those verses about coming quickly and seeing the kingdom come in his day never occured.=false prophet

Furthermore The Judge is Michael in the Bible thus proving Jesus is made a thief of the Night and is made an image plagiarizing roles and figures of the OT.

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (mediator/Judge)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18
If you really want to know a little about what Christians believe then check out this site, it just goes through a little of how Jesus fulfilled Daniel's prophesies.

1) I don't click links, you have to clearly state what you are getting at otherwise don't pretend to be discussing the same topic when you are just being part of the continuation of the great lie instead.
2) I have to assume this is the Ole Daniel 9 lie cause it can't be about Dan 12: 1-4 that exposed your lie.
Dan 9 talks about "an anointed king" not
The Anointed one, it's not messianic.
Also Christians have trouble counting, the period from Cyrus leads you to the time of Antiochus the wicked one who killed the anointed king Onnias and desecrated the Temple. Dan's visions of the Night (Evening star aka Michael) were never visions of the Day (morning star aka lucifer jesus)
he never mentions jesus once but does refer to Michael.
You should be mad at the web site for spreading lies just as I am mad that you would help maintain that lie and bring darkness (ignorance & lies) in this forum and share it with your fellow man.[/QUOTE]
Hmm. Sounds a lot like Jesus to me.

Daniel 9:25“Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing

And you sound a lot like a Jew who denies the truth, because your forefathers gave away your birthright to the gentiles, yet, don't you know, you can still claim your birthright?

Do the math, and learn something, unless your heart is just as hardened as Pharaoh's was, then you are just lost.

Know, therefore, and understand,.... Take notice and observe, for the clearer understanding of these seventy weeks, and the events to be fulfilled in them, what will be further said concerning them, the beginning of them, their distinct periods, and what shall be accomplished in them: that from the time of the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem; this commandment is the beginning of the seventy weeks or four hundred and ninety years, and from it they are to be reckoned; and which designs not the proclamation of Cyrus in the first year of his reign, which was only to rebuild the temple, and not the city of Jerusalem, Ezra 1:1, nor the decree of Darius Hystaspes, which also only regards the temple, and is only a confirmation of the decree of Cyrus, Ezra 6:1 and for the same reasons it cannot be the decree in the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes; which only confirmed what his predecessors had granted concerning the temple, and provision for sacrifices, and exemption of the priests from toll, tribute, or custom, Ezra 7:7, but has not a word of building the wall and streets of Jerusalem, as that has, which was made in the twentieth year of his reign; and seems therefore to be the commandment or decree here referred to, Nehemiah 2:1, and this is the general epoch of the seventy weeks, and where the first seven begin; though Gussetius (a) thinks that the word does not signify any edict or decree, but a "thing"; and designs the thing itself, restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem; and that the following date is to be reckoned, not from any order to rebuild that city, but from the thing itself, from the moment when it first began to be rebuilt: and as singular is the notion of Tirinus (b), who is of opinion that this is to be understood of the going out, or the end of the word; not whereby the holy city was ordered to be built, but when it was really built; and so begins the account from the dedication of the new city, in the twenty third year of Artaxerxes, Nehemiah 12:27. There are others who suppose that not any human word, decree, commandment, or order, is here meant, but a divine one; either the word of the Lord to Jeremiah, foretelling the seventy years' captivity of the Jews, and their deliverance from it; and reckon these four hundred and ninety years from the destruction of the first temple, to the destruction of the second temple, as Jarchi, Saadiah, Jacchiades, and others; but between these two destructions was a course of six hundred and fifty six or six hundred and fifty seven years: others take the beginning of the seventy weeks to be from the going forth of the commandment to the angel, at the beginning of Daniel's prayers, as Aben Ezra; and to end at the destruction of the second temple; but, for a like reason, this must be rejected as the other; since this space of time will outrun the seventy weeks near one hundred and twenty years: it is best therefore to interpret this of a royal edict, the order or commandment of a king of Persia to rebuild Jerusalem; and it seems correct to reckon the number given, either from the seventh, or rather from the twentieth, of Artaxerxes Longimanus before mentioned; and either these reckonings, as Bishop Chandler (c) observes, are sufficient for our purpose, to show the completion of the prophecy in Christ: "the commencement of the weeks (as he remarks) must be either from the seventh of Artaxerxes, which falls on 457 B.C. or from the twentieth of Artaxerxes; (add to 457 B.C., twenty six years after Christ, which is the number that four hundred and eighty three years, or sixty nine weeks, exceeds four hundred and fifty seven years); and you are brought to the beginning of John the Baptist's preaching up the advent of the Messiah; add seven years or one week to the former, and you come to the thirty third year of A.D. which was the year of Jesus Christ's death or else compute four hundred and ninety years, the whole seventy weeks, from the seventh of Artaxerxes, by subtracting four hundred and fifty seven years (the space of time between that year and the beginning of A.D.) from four hundred and ninety, and there remains thirty three, the year of our Lord's death. Let the twentieth of Artaxerxes be the date of the seventy weeks, which is 455 B.C. and reckon sixty nine weeks of Chaldean years; seventy Chaldee years being equal to sixty nine Julian; and so four hundred and seventy eight Julian years making four hundred and eighty three Chaldee years, and they end in the thirty third year after Christ, or the passover following (d)''; the several particulars into which these seventy weeks are divided: unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks; by whom is meant, not Cyrus, as Jarchi and Jacchiades; who, though called Messiah or anointed, Isaiah 44:28, cannot be intended; for this prince was to be cut off after seven, and sixty two weeks, or four hundred and eighty three years; whereas Cyrus died ages before this, and even died before the expiration of the seven weeks, or forty nine years; nor Joshua the high priest, or Zerubbabel, as Ben Gersom and others nor Nehemiah as Aben Ezra; nor Artaxerxes, which R. Azariah (e) thinks probable; for to none of these will this character agree, which denotes some eminent person known by this name; nor the work ascribed to him, Daniel 9:24, nor can it be said of either of them that they were cut off, and much less at such a period as is here fixed: it is right to interpret it of the promised and expected Saviour, whom the Psalmist David had frequently spoken of under the name of the Messiah, and as a King and Prince; see Psalm 2:2 and who is David, the Prince Ezekiel before this had prophesied of, Ezekiel 34:24, and is the same with the Prince of peace in the famous prophecy of him in Isaiah 9:6. The Syriac version, though not a literal one, gives the true sense of the passage, rendering it, "unto the coming of the King Messiah;'' unto which there were to be seven, and sixty two weeks, or sixty nine weeks, which make four hundred and eighty three years; and these being understood of eastern years, used by the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Persians, consisting of three hundred and sixty days, reckoning thirty days to a month, and twelve months to a year, there were just four hundred and eighty three of these from the twentieth year of Artaxerxes to the thirty third of the vulgar era of Christ, and the nineteenth of Tiberius Caesar, in which he suffered. Sir Isaac Newton (f) thinks the seven weeks unto Messiah, which he detaches from the sixty two, respects the second coming of Christ, when he shall come as a Prince, and destroy antichrist, and that it takes in the compass of a jubilee; but when it will begin and end he does not pretend to say; but the true reason of the sixty nine weeks being divided into seven, and sixty two, is on account of the particular and distinct events assigned to each period, as follows: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times; that is, within the space of seven weeks, or forty nine years, reckoning from the twentieth of Artaxerxes; when the Jews had a grant to rebuild their city and wall, and were furnished with materials for it; and which was done in very troublesome times; Nehemiah, and the Jews with him, met with much trouble from Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, while they were setting up the wall of the city, and filling the streets with ranges of houses, Nehemiah chapters four and five for which the space of seven weeks, or forty nine years, were cut out and appointed; and that this event belongs solely to this period is clear from the Messiah's coming being appropriated to the period of the sixty two weeks; which leaves this entirely where it is fixed.
Christ's Coming Judgment

This is problematic because all those verses about coming quickly and seeing the kingdom come in his day never occured.=false prophet

Furthermore The Judge is Michael in the Bible thus proving Jesus is made a thief of the Night and is made an image plagiarizing roles and figures of the OT.

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Dan 12:1-4 Michael delivers everyone written in the book of life (judge)

IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" about Michael conducting the atonement day Judgment.

Account of the Genesis which Enotes composed, to set against the Genesis of Moses, when it says [2] that the Devil (diabolos) was cast out of heaven(future Perfected earth) because of the evil (kakia) which he had brought forth and that Michael was set (kathistanai) in his place, that he might be associated with (synistanai)
the just Judge(krites), and might be the ambassador (presbeuein) for all creation; for he is good (agathos).
(meaning the Devil was the rule of this world and Michael was sent in his Place to cast out the evil he caused.)

If the devil and his works is judged then judgement is by works which is what the iconographs show where Michael
holds the judgment scales and Satan is holding down the scale trying to prevent measurment of works (through faith only teachings).

1 Enoch 20:5
Michael, one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations. (mediator/Judge)

EXODUS 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for
**He will not pardon your transgressions**; for My name is in Him.

1 Enoch 53:6
Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel (Jeremiel)(14) shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, that the Lord of spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes; because they became ministers of Satan, and seduced those who dwell upon earth.

Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b)
V:20 "blessings of the Prince of the Congregation (Michael)
Renew him the covenant of the community so he might establish the kingdom of his people for ever, that he might judge the poor with righteousness & dispense Justice with equity to the oppressed.

4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim (Romans)

Dead Sea Scrolls:
llQMelch ll,9,13 ,
4Q246 ,
1QS x12-18
If you really want to know a little about what Christians believe then check out this site, it just goes through a little of how Jesus fulfilled Daniel's prophesies.

1) I don't click links, you have to clearly state what you are getting at otherwise don't pretend to be discussing the same topic when you are just being part of the continuation of the great lie instead.
2) I have to assume this is the Ole Daniel 9 lie cause it can't be about Dan 12: 1-4 that exposed your lie.
Dan 9 talks about "an anointed king" not
The Anointed one, it's not messianic.
Also Christians have trouble counting, the period from Cyrus leads you to the time of Antiochus the wicked one who killed the anointed king Onnias and desecrated the Temple. Dan's visions of the Night (Evening star aka Michael) were never visions of the Day (morning star aka lucifer jesus)
he never mentions jesus once but does refer to Michael.
You should be mad at the web site for spreading lies just as I am mad that you would help maintain that lie and bring darkness (ignorance & lies) in this forum and share it with your fellow man.[/QUOTE]

And by the way, Daniel 12 1-4 talks about how Michael will protect the remnant of Israel, in the end days, after the abomination that causes desolation. In other words after the Indwelt anti-Christ sacrifices a pig in your temple. Then the chosen of God will come back to Him. Good luck.
Those aren't even messianic either & have been refuted as falacious nonsense.
And Daniel calls you a liar -Dan 10:21
No need to discuss further if Dan is your basis and Dan exposes you as not truthful.

Notice when you couldn't find an answer to why You call Jesus the Judge when he's not, you needed to pull out of that discussion and discuss new lies not relating to the discussion?
You luciferians are sick, lying and deception is instilled
in the fabric of your ideology to your giant affiliation pride. However you do not realize it's not just us you are lying to, it is yourselves you harm in lying to yourself.

Once again Dan's son of man is Michael.
Rev 1:13 Jesus is "like unto" (emulating/imitating)son of man not that he is son of man so he can't be the son of man in Dan.
You just proved Jesus is Lucifer by stealing the identity of Shiloh and placing that as Jesus and then lifting that imposter as a god. Busted!
Those aren't even messianic either & have been refuted as falacious nonsense.
And Daniel calls you a liar -Dan 10:21
No need to discuss further if Dan is your basis and Dan exposes you as not truthful.

Notice when you couldn't find an answer to why You call Jesus the Judge when he's not, you needed to pull out of that discussion and discuss new lies not relating to the discussion?
You luciferians are sick, lying and deception is instilled
in the fabric of your ideology to your giant affiliation pride. However you do not realize it's not just us you are lying to, it is yourselves you harm in lying to yourself.

Once again Dan's son of man is Michael.
Rev 1:13 Jesus is "like unto" (emulating/imitating)son of man not that he is son of man so he can't be the son of man in Dan. Busting your Dan 7:13 claim. But then again this was busted before when showed who is Night and who claimed to be Day. Once again cause your reading comprehension is so bad that you already forgot the last post: Dan never says his vision is of the Day (morning star Jesus) Dan says his Vision is of the Night (evening star/Michael), your brilliant scholars changed the words in Daniel from visions of the Night to Visions in the Night.
You just proved Jesus is Lucifer by stealing the identity of Shiloh and placing that as Jesus and then lifting that imposter as a god. Calling him the thief in the Night in the NT proves this point. Busted!
I finally figured it out


Think about it--God got everyone he is going to take, so what is left for us is either to fight and take over Paradise

Or fall to Hell--which is going to happen if we do nothing.

Understand, God has decided who is on his side, so it is "Fight or Burn"
You know--I really luv playing make believe,

And now this rapture question has led to formulate another question:

What if Jesus loses the battle of Armageddon?
If there is a rapture, what will the nation's major religion be?

Well, a guess that depends on where you live. :eek-52:

Well I would say that if there is a Rapture, and people start seeing the graves getting emptied out and people ascending to heaven there won't be a second religion. Everyone will convert to Christianity as fast as they can find a vat of water to dip their heads in. Guno will be first and when he meets God he will say "hey man I was just fucking around"

Not me!

I will be waving goodbye and making sure that none of them miss their chance to leave.

The world will be a far more peaceful place with 2 billion fewer inhabitants.

Give the rest of us some breathing room to get things back in order without all the sturm und drang over which Christian cult is better than the others.

Yes, we will probably have to tidy up the mess they left behind but I am willing to tolerate that for the benefit of not having my Sunday driving ruined by idiots crawling along the roads on their way to church.

You know--I really luv playing make believe,

And now this rapture question has led to formulate another question:

What if Jesus loses the battle of Armageddon?

Then we won't have to put up with him doing a silly end zone dance and praising God! :D
Those aren't even messianic either & have been refuted as falacious nonsense.
And Daniel calls you a liar -Dan 10:21
No need to discuss further if Dan is your basis and Dan exposes you as not truthful.

Notice when you couldn't find an answer to why You call Jesus the Judge when he's not, you needed to pull out of that discussion and discuss new lies not relating to the discussion?
You luciferians are sick, lying and deception is instilled
in the fabric of your ideology to your giant affiliation pride. However you do not realize it's not just us you are lying to, it is yourselves you harm in lying to yourself.

Once again Dan's son of man is Michael.
Rev 1:13 Jesus is "like unto" (emulating/imitating)son of man not that he is son of man so he can't be the son of man in Dan. Busting your Dan 7:13 claim. But then again this was busted before when showed who is Night and who claimed to be Day. Once again cause your reading comprehension is so bad that you already forgot the last post: Dan never says his vision is of the Day (morning star Jesus) Dan says his Vision is of the Night (evening star/Michael), your brilliant scholars changed the words in Daniel from visions of the Night to Visions in the Night.
You just proved Jesus is Lucifer by stealing the identity of Shiloh and placing that as Jesus and then lifting that imposter as a god. Calling him the thief in the Night in the NT proves this point. Busted!
So how many prophecies did Michael fulfill? Hmm. none.

How many has Jesus already fulfilled? 353, the odds of 1 man fulfilling 20 of the prophecies are over a trillion to 1, 353 puts to end your argument, as Michael as the Son of God.

You wanted it, you got it, enjoy
1. Gen. 3:15 Seed of a woman (virgin birth) Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18
2. Gen. 3:15 He will bruise Satan's head Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8
3. Gen. 3:15 Christ's heel would be bruised with nails on the cross Matthew 27:35, Luke 24:39-40
4. Gen. 5:24 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Mark 16:19
5. Gen. 9:26, 27 The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem Luke 3:36
6. Gen. 12:3 Seed of Abraham will bless all nations Galatians 3:8, Acts 3:25, 26
7. Gen. 12:7 The Promise made to Abraham's Seed Galatians 3:16
8. Gen. 14:18 A priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 6:20
9. Gen. 14:18 King of Peace and Righteousness Hebrews 7:2
10. Gen. 14:18 The Last Supper foreshadowed Matthew 26:26-29
11. Gen. 17:19 Seed of Isaac (Gen. 21:12) Romans 9:7
12. Gen. 22:8 The Lamb of God promised John 1:29
13. Gen. 22:18 As Isaac's seed, will bless all nations Galatians 3:16
14. Gen. 26:2-5 The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer Hebrews 11:18
15. Gen. 28:12 The Bridge to heaven John 1:51
16. Gen. 28:14 The Seed of Jacob Luke 3:34
17. Gen. 49:10 The time of His coming Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4
18. Gen. 49:10 The Seed of Judah Luke 3:33
19. Gen. 49:10 Called Shiloh or One Sent John 17:3
20. Gen. 49:10 Messiah to come before Judah lost identity John 11:47-52
21. Gen. 49:10 Unto Him shall the obedience of the people be John 10:16
22. Ex. 3:13-15 The Great "I AM" John 4:26, 8:58
23. Ex. 12:3-6 The Lamb presented to Israel 4 days before Passover Mark 11:7-11
24. Ex. 12:5 A Lamb without blemish Hebrews 9:14; 1Peter 1:19
25. Ex. 12:13 The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath Romans 5:8
26. Ex. 12:21-27 Christ is our Passover 1Corinthians 5:7
27. Ex. 12:46 Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken John 19:31-36
28. Ex. 15:2 His exaltation predicted as Yeshua Acts 7:55, 56
29. Ex. 15:11 His Character-Holiness Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27
30. Ex. 17:6 The Spiritual Rock of Israel 1Corinthians 10:4
31. Ex. 33:19 His Character-Merciful Luke 1:72
32. Lev. 1:2-9 His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto God Ephesians 5:2
33. Lev. 14:11 The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood Luke 5:12-14; Acts 6:7
34. Lev. 16:15-17 Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death Hebrews 9:7-14
35. Lev. 16:27 Suffering outside the Camp Matthew 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12
36. Lev. 17:11 The Blood-the life of the flesh Matthew 26:28; Mark 10:45
37. Lev. 17:11 It is the blood that makes atonement Rom. 3:23-24; 1John 1:7
38. Lev. 23:36-37 The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst" John 7:37
39. Num. 9:12 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
40. Num. 21:9 The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up John 3:14-18, 12:32
41. Num. 24:17 Time: "I shall see him, but not now." John 1:14; Galatians 4:4
42. Deut. 18:15 "This is of a truth that prophet." John 6:14
43. Deut. 18:15-16 "Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me." John 5:45-47
44. Deut. 18:18 Sent by the Father to speak His word John 8:28, 29
45. Deut. 18:19 Whoever will not hear must bear his sin Acts 3:22-23
46. Deut. 21:23 Cursed is he that hangs on a tree Galatians 3:10-13
47. Joshua 5:14-15 The Captain of our salvation Hebrews 2:10
48. Ruth 4:4-10 Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us Ephesians 1:3-7
49. 1 Sam. 2:35 A Faithful Priest Heb. 2:17, 3:1-3, 6, 7:24-25
50. 1 Sam. 2:10 Shall be an anointed King to the Lord Mt. 28:18, John 12:15
51. 2 Sam. 7:12 David's Seed Matthew 1:1
52. 2 Sam. 7:13 His Kingdom is everlasting 2Peter 1:11
53. 2 Sam. 7:14a The Son of God Luke 1:32, Romans 1:3-4
54. 2 Sam. 7:16 David's house established forever Luke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
55. 2 Ki. 2:11 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Luke 24:51
56. 1 Chr. 17:11 David's Seed Matthew 1:1, 9:27
57. 1 Chr. 17:12-13 To reign on David's throne forever Luke 1:32, 33
58. 1 Chr. 17:13 "I will be His Father, He...my Son." Hebrews 1:5
59. Job 9:32-33 Mediator between man and God 1 Timothy 2:5
60. Job 19:23-27 The Resurrection predicted John 5:24-29
61. Psa. 2:1-3 The enmity of kings foreordained Acts 4:25-28
62. Psa. 2:2 To own the title, Anointed (Christ) John 1:41, Acts 2:36
63. Psa. 2:6 His Character-Holiness John 8:46; Revelation 3:7
64. Psa. 2:6 To own the title King Matthew 2:2
65. Psa. 2:7 Declared the Beloved Son Matthew 3:17, Romans 1:4
66. Psa. 2:7, 8 The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated Acts 13:29-33
67. Psa. 2:8, 9 Rule the nations with a rod of iron Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15
68. Psa. 2:12 Life comes through faith in Him John 20:31
69. Psa. 8:2 The mouths of babes perfect His praise Matthew 21:16
70. Psa. 8:5, 6 His humiliation and exaltation Hebrews 2:5-9
71. Psa. 9:7-10 Judge the world in righteousness Acts 17:31
72. Psa. 16:10 Was not to see corruption Acts 2:31, 13:35
73. Psa. 16:9-11 Was to arise from the dead John 20:9
74. Psa. 17:15 The resurrection predicted Luke 24:6
75. Psa. 18:2-3 The horn of salvation Luke 1:69-71
76. Psa. 22:1 Forsaken because of sins of others 2 Corinthians 5:21
77. Psa. 22:1 "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46
78. Psa. 22:2 Darkness upon Calvary for three hours Matthew 27:45
79. Psa. 22:7 They shoot out the lip and shake the head Matthew 27:39-44
80. Psa. 22:8 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him" Matthew 27:43
81. Psa. 22:9-10 Born the Saviour Luke 2:7
82. Psa. 22:12-13 They seek His death John 19:6
83. Psa. 22:14 His blood poured out when they pierced His side John 19:34
84. Psa. 22:14, 15 Suffered agony on Calvary Mark 15:34-37
85. Psa. 22:15 He thirsted John 19:28
86. Psa. 22:16 They pierced His hands and His feet John 19:34, 37; 20:27
87. Psa. 22:17, 18 Stripped Him before the stares of men Luke 23:34, 35
88. Psa. 22:18 They parted His garments John 19:23, 24
89. Psa. 22:20, 21 He committed Himself to God Luke 23:46
90. Psa. 22:20, 21 Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel Hebrews 2:14
91. Psa. 22:22 His Resurrection declared John 20:17
92. Psa. 22:27-28 He shall be the governor of the nations Colossians 1:16
93. Psa. 22:31 "It is finished" John 19:30, Heb. 10:10, 12, 14, 18
94. Psa. 23:1 "I am the Good Shepherd" John 10:11, 1Peter 2:25
95. Psa. 24:3 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Philippians 2:9
96. Psa. 30:3 His resurrection predicted Acts 2:32
97. Psa. 31:5 "Into thy hands I commit my spirit" Luke 23:46
98. Psa. 31:11 His acquaintances fled from Him Mark 14:50
99. Psa. 31:13 They took counsel to put Him to death Mt. 27:1, John 11:53
100. Psa. 31:14, 15 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver him" Matthew 27:43
101. Psa. 34:20 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
102. Psa. 35:11 False witnesses rose up against Him Matthew 26:59
103. Psa. 35:19 He was hated without a cause John 15:25
104. Psa. 38:11 His friends stood afar off Luke 23:49
105. Psa. 38:12 Enemies try to entangle Him by craft Mark 14:1, Mt. 22:15
106. Psa. 38:12-13 Silent before His accusers Matthew 27:12-14
107. Psa. 38:20 He went about doing good Acts 10:38
108. Psa. 40:2-5 The joy of His resurrection predicted John 20:20
109. Psa. 40:6-8 His delight-the will of the Father John 4:34, Heb. 10:5-10
110. Psa. 40:9 He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel Matthew 4:17
111. Psa. 40:14 Confronted by adversaries in the Garden John 18:4-6
112. Psa. 41:9 Betrayed by a familiar friend John 13:18
113. Psa. 45:2 Words of Grace come from His lips John 1:17, Luke 4:22
114. Psa. 45:6 To own the title, God or Elohim Hebrews 1:8
115. Psa. 45:7 A special anointing by the Holy Spirit Mt. 3:16; Heb. 1:9
116. Psa. 45:7, 8 Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed) Luke 2:11
117. Psa. 45:17 His name remembered forever Ephesians 1:20-21, Heb. 1:8
118. Psa. 55:12-14 Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy John 13:18
119. Psa. 55:15 Unrepentant death of the Betrayer Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
120. Psa. 68:18 To give gifts to men Ephesians 4:7-16
121. Psa. 68:18 Ascended into Heaven Luke 24:51
122. Psa. 69:4 Hated without a cause John 15:25
123. Psa. 69:8 A stranger to own brethren John 1:11, 7:5
124. Psa. 69:9 Zealous for the Lord's House John 2:17
125. Psa. 69:14-20 Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion Matthew 26:36-45
126. Psa. 69:20 "My soul is exceeding sorrowful." Matthew 26:38
127. Psa. 69:21 Given vinegar in thirst Matthew 27:34
128. Psa. 69:26 The Saviour given and smitten by God John 17:4; 18:11
129. Psa. 72:10, 11 Great persons were to visit Him Matthew 2:1-11
130. Psa. 72:16 The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground John 12:24-25
131. Psa. 72:17 Belief on His name will produce offspring John 1:12, 13
132. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall be blessed by Him Galatians 3:8
133. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall call Him blessed John 12:13, Rev. 5:8-12
134. Psa. 78:1-2 He would teach in parables Matthew 13:34-35
135. Psa. 78:2b To speak the Wisdom of God with authority Matthew 7:29
136. Psa. 80:17 The Man of God's right hand Mark 14:61-62
137. Psa. 88 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary Matthew 27:26-50
138. Psa. 88:8 They stood afar off and watched Luke 23:49
139. Psa. 89:27 Firstborn Colossians 1:15, 18
140. Psa. 89:27 Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings Luke 1:32, 33
141. Psa. 89:35-37 David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever Luke 1:32, 33
142. Psa. 89:36-37 His character-Faithfulness Revelation 1:5, 19:11
143. Psa. 90:2 He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2) John 1:1
144. Psa. 91:11, 12 Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ Luke 4:10, 11
145. Psa. 97:9 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Ephesians 1:20
146. Psa. 100:5 His character-Goodness Matthew 19:16, 17
147. Psa. 102:1-11 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary John 19:16-30
148. Psa. 102:25-27 Messiah is the Preexistent Son Hebrews 1:10-12
149. Psa. 109:25 Ridiculed Matthew 27:39
150. Psa. 110:1 Son of David Matthew 22:42-43
151. Psa. 110:1 To ascend to the right-hand of the Father Mark 16:19
152. Psa. 110:1 David's son called Lord Matthew 22:44, 45
153. Psa. 110:4 A priest after Melchizedek's order Hebrews 6:20
154. Psa. 112:4 His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al Matthew 9:36
155. Psa. 118:17, 18 Messiah's Resurrection assured Luke 24:5-7; 1Cor. 15:20
156. Psa. 118:22, 23 The rejected stone is Head of the corner Matthew 21:42, 43
157. Psa. 118:26a The Blessed One presented to Israel Matthew 21:9
158. Psa. 118:26b To come while Temple standing Matthew 21:12-15
159. Psa. 132:11 The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body) Luke 1:32, Act 2:30
160. Psa. 129:3 He was scourged Matthew 27:26
161. Psa. 138:1-6 The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings Matthew 2:2-6
162. Psa. 147:3, 6 The earthly ministry of Christ described Luke 4:18
163. Prov. 1:23 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7
164. Prov. 8:23 Foreordained from everlasting Rev. 13:8, 1Peter 1:19-20
165. Song. 5:16 The altogether lovely One John 1:17
166. Isa. 2:3 He shall teach all nations John 4:25
167. Isa. 2:4 He shall judge among the nations John 5:22
168. Isa. 6:1 When Isaiah saw His glory John 12:40-41
169. Isa. 6:8 The One Sent by God John 12:38-45
170. Isa. 6:9-10 Parables fall on deaf ears Matthew 13:13-15
171. Isa. 6:9-12 Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words Acts 28:23-29
172. Isa. 7:14 To be born of a virgin Luke 1:35
173. Isa. 7:14 To be Emmanuel-God with us Matthew 1:18-23, 1Tim. 3:16
174. Isa. 8:8 Called Emmanuel Matthew 28:20
175. Isa. 8:14 A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense 1Peter 2:8
176. Isa. 9:1, 2 His ministry to begin in Galilee Matthew 4:12-17
177. Isa. 9:6 A child born-Humanity Luke 1:31
178. Isa. 9:6 A Son given-Deity Luke 1:32, John 1:14, 1Tim. 3:16
179. Isa. 9:6 Declared to be the Son of God with power Romans 1:3, 4
180. Isa. 9:6 The Wonderful One, Peleh Luke 4:22
181. Isa. 9:6 The Counsellor, Yaatz Matthew 13:54
182. Isa. 9:6 The Mighty God, El Gibor 1Cor. 1:24, Titus 2:3
183. Isa. 9:6 The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth John 8:58, 10:30
184. Isa. 9:6 The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom John 16:33
185. Isa. 9:7 To establish an everlasting kingdom Luke 1:32-33
186. Isa. 9:7 His Character-Just John 5:30
187. Isa. 9:7 No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace Luke 1:32-33
188. Isa. 11:1 Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer Matthew 2:23
189. Isa. 11:1 A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse Luke 3:23, 32
190. Isa. 11:2 Anointed One by the Spirit Matthew 3:16, 17, Acts 10:38
191. Isa. 11:2 His Character-Wisdom, Knowledge, et al Colossians 2:3
192. Isa. 11:3 He would know their thoughts Luke 6:8, John 2:25
193. Isa. 11:4 Judge in righteousness Acts 17:31
194. Isa. 11:4 Judges with the sword of His mouth Rev. 2:16, 19:11, 15
195. Isa. 11:5 Character: Righteous & Faithful Rev. 19:11
196. Isa. 11:10 The Gentiles seek Him John 12:18-21
197. Isa. 12:2 Called Jesus-Yeshua Matthew 1:21
198. Isa. 22:22 The One given all authority to govern Revelation 3:7
199. Isa. 25:8 The Resurrection predicted 1Corinthians 15:54
200. Isa. 26:19 His power of Resurrection predicted Matthew 27:50-54
201. Isa. 28:16 The Messiah is the precious corner stone Acts 4:11, 12
202. Isa. 28:16 The Sure Foundation 1Corinthians 3:11, Mt. 16:18
203. Isa. 29:13 He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word Matthew 15:7-9
204. Isa. 29:14 The wise are confounded by the Word 1Corinthians 1:18-31
205. Isa. 32:2 A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place Matthew 23:37
206. Isa. 35:4 He will come and save you Matthew 1:21
207. Isa. 35:5-6 To have a ministry of miracles Matthew 11:2-6
208. Isa. 40:3, 4 Preceded by forerunner John 1:23
209. Isa. 40:9 "Behold your God." John 1:36; 19:14
210. Isa. 40:10. He will come to reward Revelation 22:12
211. Isa. 40:11 A shepherd-compassionate life-giver John 10:10-18
212. Isa. 42:1-4 The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer Matthew 12:18-21
213. Isa. 42:2 Meek and lowly Matthew 11:28-30
214. Isa. 42:3 He brings hope for the hopeless John 4
215. Isa. 42:4 The nations shall wait on His teachings John 12:20-26
216. Isa. 42:6 The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles Luke 2:32
217. Isa. 42:1, 6 His is a worldwide compassion Matthew 28:19, 20
218. Isa. 42:7 Blind eyes opened. John 9:25-38
219. Isa. 43:11 He is the only Saviour. Acts 4:12
220. Isa. 44:3 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7, 13
221. Isa. 45:21-25 He is Lord and Saviour Philippians 3:20, Titus 2:13
222. Isa. 45:23 He will be the Judge John 5:22; Romans 14:11
223. Isa. 46:9, 10 Declares things not yet done John 13:19
224. Isa. 48:12 The First and the Last John 1:30, Revelation 1:8, 17
225. Isa. 48:16, 17 He came as a Teacher John 3:2
226. Isa. 49:1 Called from the womb-His humanity Matthew 1:18
227. Isa. 49:5 A Servant from the womb. Luke 1:31, Philippians 2:7
228. Isa. 49:6 He will restore Israel Acts 3:19-21, 15:16-17
229. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation for Israel Luke 2:29-32
230. Isa. 49:6 He is the Light of the Gentiles John 8:12, Acts 13:47
231. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth Acts 15:7-18
232. Isa. 49:7 He is despised of the Nation John 1:11, 8:48-49, 19:14-15
233. Isa. 50:3 Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation Luke 23:44, 45
234. Isa. 50:4 He is a learned counselor for the weary Matthew 7:29, 11:28, 29
235. Isa. 50:5 The Servant bound willingly to obedience Matthew 26:39
236. Isa. 50:6a "I gave my back to the smiters." Matthew 27:26
237. Isa. 50:6b He was smitten on the cheeks Matthew 26:67
238. Isa. 50:6c He was spat upon Matthew 27:30
239. Isa. 52:7 Published good tidings upon mountains Matthew 5:12,15:29,28:16
240. Isa. 52:13 The Servant exalted Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22, Php. 2:5-9
241. Isa. 52:14 The Servant shockingly abused Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
242. Isa. 52:15 Nations startled by message of the Servant Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
243. Isa. 52:15 His blood shed sprinkles nations Hebrews 9:13-14, Rev. 1:5
244. Isa. 53:1 His people would not believe Him John 12:37-38
245. Isa. 53:2 Appearance of an ordinary man Philippians 2:6-8
246. Isa. 53:3a Despised Luke 4:28-29
247. Isa. 53:3b Rejected Matthew 27:21-23
248. Isa. 53:3c Great sorrow and grief Matthew 26:37-38, Luke 19:41, Heb. 4:15
249. Isa. 53:3d Men hide from being associated with Him Mark 14:50-52
250. Isa. 53:4a He would have a healing ministry Matthew 8:16-17
251. Isa. 53:4b Thought to be cursed by God Matthew 26:66, 27:41-43
252. Isa. 53:5a Bears penalty for mankind's iniquities 2Cor. 5:21, Heb. 2:9
253. Isa. 53:5b His sacrifice provides peace between man and God Colossians 1:20
254. Isa. 53:5c His sacrifice would heal man of sin 1Peter 2:24
255. Isa. 53:6a He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind 1John 2:2, 4:10
256. Isa. 53:6b God's will that He bear sin for all mankind Galatians 1:4
257. Isa. 53:7a Oppressed and afflicted Matthew 27:27-31
258. Isa. 53:7b Silent before his accusers Matthew 27:12-14
259. Isa. 53:7c Sacrificial lamb John 1:29, 1Peter 1:18-19
260. Isa. 53:8a Confined and persecuted Matthew 26:47-27:31
261. Isa. 53:8b He would be judged John 18:13-22
262. Isa. 53:8c Killed Matthew 27:35
263. Isa. 53:8d Dies for the sins of the world 1John 2:2
264. Isa. 53:9a Buried in a rich man's grave Matthew 27:57
265. Isa. 53:9b Innocent and had done no violence Luke 23:41, John 18:38
266. Isa. 53:9c No deceit in his mouth 1Peter 2:22
267. Isa. 53:10a God's will that He die for mankind John 18:11
268. Isa. 53:10b An offering for sin Matthew 20:28, Galatians 3:13
269. Isa. 53:10c Resurrected and live forever Romans 6:9
270. Isa. 53:10d He would prosper John 17:1-5
271. Isa. 53:11a God fully satisfied with His suffering John 12:27
272. Isa. 53:11b God's servant would justify man Romans 5:8-9, 18-19
273. Isa. 53:11c The sin-bearer for all mankind Hebrews 9:28
274. Isa. 53:12a Exalted by God because of his sacrifice Matthew 28:18
275. Isa. 53:12b He would give up his life to save mankind Luke 23:46
276. Isa. 53:12c Numbered with the transgressors Mark 15:27-28
277. Isa. 53:12d Sin-bearer for all mankind 1Peter 2:24
278. Isa. 53:12e Intercede to God in behalf of mankind Luke 23:34, Rom. 8:34
279. Isa. 55:3 Resurrected by God Acts 13:34
280. Isa. 55:4a A witness John 18:37
281. Isa. 55:4b He is a leader and commander Hebrews 2:10
282. Isa. 55:5 God would glorify Him Acts 3:13
283. Isa. 59:16a Intercessor between man and God Matthew 10:32
284. Isa. 59:16b He would come to provide salvation John 6:40
285. Isa. 59:20 He would come to Zion as their Redeemer Luke 2:38
286. Isa. 60:1-3 He would shew light to the Gentiles Acts 26:23
287. Isa. 61:1a The Spirit of God upon him Matthew 3:16-17
288. Isa. 61:1b The Messiah would preach the good news Luke 4:16-21
289. Isa. 61:1c Provide freedom from the bondage of sin John 8:31-36
290. Isa. 61:1-2a Proclaim a period of grace Galatians 4:4-5
291. Jer. 23:5-6 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
292. Jer. 23:5-6 The Messiah would be both God and Man John 13:13, 1Ti 3:16
293. Jer. 31:22 Born of a virgin Matthew 1:18-20
294. Jer. 31:31 The Messiah would be the new covenant Matthew 26:28
295. Jer. 33:14-15 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
296. Eze.34:23-24 Descendant of David Matthew 1:1
297. Eze.37:24-25 Descendant of David Luke 1:31-33
298. Dan. 2:44-45 The Stone that shall break the kingdoms Matthew 21:44
299. Dan. 7:13-14a He would ascend into heaven Acts 1:9-11
300. Dan. 7:13-14b Highly exalted Ephesians 1:20-22
301. Dan. 7:13-14c His dominion would be everlasting Luke 1:31-33
302. Dan. 9:24a To make an end to sins Galatians 1:3-5
303. Dan. 9:24a To make reconciliation for iniquity Romans 5:10, 2Cor. 5:18-21
304. Dan. 9:24b He would be holy Luke 1:35
305. Dan. 9:25 His announcement John 12:12-13
306. Dan. 9:26a Cut off Matthew 16:21, 21:38-39
307. Dan. 9:26b Die for the sins of the world Hebrews 2:9
308. Dan. 9:26c Killed before the destruction of the temple Matthew 27:50-51
309. Dan. 10:5-6 Messiah in a glorified state Revelation 1:13-16
310. Hos. 11:1 He would be called out of Egypt Matthew 2:15
311. Hos. 13:14 He would defeat death 1Corinthians 15:55-57
312. Joel 2:32 Offer salvation to all mankind Romans 10:9-13
313. Jonah 1:17 Death and resurrection of Christ Matthew 12:40, 16:4
314. Mic. 5:2a Born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1-6
315. Mic. 5:2b Ruler in Israel Luke 1:33
316. Mic. 5:2c From everlasting John 8:58
317. Hag. 2:6-9 He would visit the second Temple Luke 2:27-32
318. Hag. 2:23 Descendant of Zerubbabel Luke 2:27-32
319. Zech. 3:8 God's servant John 17:4
320. Zech. 6:12-13 Priest and King Hebrews 8:1
321. Zech. 9:9a Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem Matthew 21:8-10
322. Zech. 9:9b Beheld as King John 12:12-13
323. Zech. 9:9c The Messiah would be just John 5:30
324. Zech. 9:9d The Messiah would bring salvation Luke 19:10
325. Zech. 9:9e The Messiah would be humble Matthew 11:29
326. Zech. 9:9f Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey Matthew 21:6-9
327. Zech. 10:4 The cornerstone Ephesians 2:20
328. Zech. 11:4-6a At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders Matthew 23:1-4
329. Zech. 11:4-6b Rejection causes God to remove His protection Luke 19:41-44
330. Zech. 11:4-6c Rejected in favor of another king John 19:13-15
331. Zech. 11:7 Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant Matthew 9:35-36
332. Zech. 11:8a Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them Matthew 23:33
333. Zech. 11:8b Despised Matthew 27:20
334. Zech. 11:9 Stops ministering to those who rejected Him Matthew 13:10-11
335. Zech. 11:10-11a Rejection causes God to remove protection Luke 19:41-44
336. Zech. 11:10-11b The Messiah would be God John 14:7
337. Zech. 11:12-13a Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver Matthew 26:14-15
338. Zech. 11:12-13b Rejected Matthew 26:14-15
339. Zech. 11:12-13c Thirty pieces of silver cast in the house of the Lord Matthew 27:3-5
340. Zech. 11:12-13d The Messiah would be God John 12:45
341. Zech. 12:10a The Messiah's body would be pierced John 19:34-37
342. Zech. 12:10b The Messiah would be both God and man John 10:30
343. Zech. 12:10c The Messiah would be rejected John 1:11
344. Zech. 13:7a God's will He die for mankind John 18:11
345. Zech. 13:7b A violent death Mark 14:27
346. Zech. 13:7c Both God and man John 14:9
347. Zech. 13:7d Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him Matthew 26:31-56
348. Zech. 14:4 He would return to the Mt. of Olives Acts 1:11-12
349. Mal. 3:1a Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah Mark 1:1-8
350. Mal. 3:1b Sudden appearance at the temple Mark 11:15-16
351. Mal. 3:1c Messenger of the new covenant Luke 4:43
352. Mal. 3:6 The God who changes not Hebrews 13:8
353. Mal. 4:5 Forerunner in spirit of Elijah Mt. 3:1-3, 11:10-14, 17:11-13
354. Mal. 4:6 Forerunner would turn many to righteousness Luke 1:16-17

You still don't have to believe, I'm sure its hard to know and even harder to admit, that your forefathers killed their Messiah, and because of that the Messiah turned to the Gentiles
Of course not.

I still found the information about the second largest religion in each state interesting. If you had asked me, I would have thought Judaism or Scientology outranked Buddhism in California. I guess they only congregate in Hollywood.

And I guess Mormonism counts as Christianity and not a space cult?

I am from one of the states listed in the dark green color - and I can say for fact, it is VERY and HIGHLY innacurate.

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