If they get history erased, will they shut up then?

Hey whackjob southerners where are all the monuments to John Wilkes Booth? Aren't you erasing history by not erecting these statues? What about David Duke he's one of your current heroes, don't deny children of the future of your heritage! Or what about statues for each of the Union soldiers the south killed and their orphaned children? Why are you denying history and erasing any memory of your heritage?

And the only flag that is the true Confederate Flag is all white. That is flown while cowering before your betters when you surrender.

Probably now southerners will erect a statue of a guy in a Charger running over people in the street. They have a new hero to memorialize 'for history'. Time to get rid of the fake General Lee Charger and erect the new one.

Now, here's a guy that absolutely DOESN'T get it!

Nobody cares, you people are out there. Hey did you run over and see the new bigfoot in the woods? Were you wearing your tin-foil hat?

Conservatism in the US has reach knuckledragger mob status. Lie all you want, your actions betray who you are behind closed doors. You are David Duke and Donald Trump huddled together with Steve Bannon trying to figure out how a population of 75% white people is a persecuted minority.

And the rest of us laaaaaugh.

Lol! Thanks for the laughs this evening. You nutters think you got it all figured out and you are so far from reality, it is just makes for great comedic relief. Thanks again.

You're welcome, I enjoy entertaining those in the psych ward. It's good to see one of you smile at least. :bye1:

Well, you would know, wouldn't you. Just look at your posts, you post some really stupid crap.
Sounds to me as if these are local decisions, made by the people in those communities. So when do out of state and out of community agitators have the right to come in and do violence because of a decision made by the local community? That is what we saw today. They came looking for a fight, and now there are people that are dead because of their actions.
Sounds to me as if these are local decisions, made by the people in those communities. So when do out of state and out of community agitators have the right to come in and do violence because of a decision made by the local community? That is what we saw today. They came looking for a fight, and now there are people that are dead because of their actions.

Who did violence? I am not sure, there is a lot of unanswered questions. I am going to wait for the facts instead of making up shit based on an agenda. So were the supremacists out of state or the protesters or probably in all reality, both. Seems to me it takes two to fight. So until facts start coming in, I'll wait before making a hasty, bigoted judgement.
Sounds to me as if these are local decisions, made by the people in those communities. So when do out of state and out of community agitators have the right to come in and do violence because of a decision made by the local community? That is what we saw today. They came looking for a fight, and now there are people that are dead because of their actions.

Who did violence? I am not sure, there is a lot of unanswered questions. I am going to wait for the facts instead of making up shit based on an agenda. So were the supremacists out of state or the protesters or probably in all reality, both. Seems to me it takes two to fight. So until facts start coming in, I'll wait before making a hasty, bigoted judgement.
"Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!" is Now Old School

The Southern Pride boys were peacefully expressing their ancestor worship when the gangbangers and thughuggers showed up and started a rumble.

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