"If they’re Black Shoot them"

Where are all the black people being murdered by police? Seems to me it rarely happens, but libs pretend it’s an epidemic

Exactly listening to these guys , it's 1950 or something...and even then it was rare .

Another thing ever notice when Trump became president the cop assassination went away?

Well, not really. There seems to be a training malfunction somewhere. I lay it all on "Oscar Ray Bolin"

They developed different tactics after he did what he did. Anti-4th-amendment tactics that have no doubt cost many innocent human and dog lives. It is angering the American populace. Keep that in mind.

I know maybe not really but not in the news, but it was like an epidemic of cop assassination when Obama was president. Or am I wrong?

Obama fostered police hate, sure. That's not the root of the problem.

The problem is the way they're being trained to disregard citizen lives/pets/decency.

There's been a serious shift since the early 2000s, and not in a good way to foster police/community relations.
A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Word is getting out on Twitter....He better go get back under the rock that he slimmed out of...

A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..

If so, it is sick.

I wonder though, it might be suspect, because it would have been a huge story, particularly if he did it on Facebook.
A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..


Oh please they indoctrinate students ...
A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..


Oh please they indoctrinate students ...

No comparison~ You can pull someone out of a college

This hateful man had full control over your life when he pulled you over, and to see who he really is , is very disturbing.

The post is nominated as the dumbest most intentional racially incendiary unfounded claim ever posted on the forum.
He should be brought up on civil rights charges, and his entire history as a law enforcement officer thoroughly investigated.
If so, it is sick.

I wonder though, it might be suspect, because it would have been a huge story, particularly if he did it on Facebook.

Former assistant police chief allegedly instructed a recruit to shoot black people

ABC just came out with the story... other stations will cover it except FOX news..lol


That doesn't even make no sense, so some recruit is going to kill black people because be was told so? Is this recruit an atheist ?
Except this one, and a professor of psychology no less-
Harper College professor charged after shooting at I-80 motorists and cops in Iowa: police

A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..


A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..

A former Kentucky assistant police chief reportedly told a new recruit to shoot a juvenile if they are black and caught smoking marijuana.

Todd Shaw, who resigned from the Prospect department last year, made the comments in Facebook messages to a Louisville Metro Police Department recruit.

How come this wasn't a big story in the media?

Todd is a Racist PIG... Why wasn't he fired? They protect their own.

Probably the same way weirdo college professors keep their jobs eaglewings

Professors do not wear guns and can kill someone for just the way they look..


Oh please they indoctrinate students ...

No comparison~ You can pull someone out of a college

This hateful man had full control over your life when he pulled you over, and to see who he really is , is very disturbing.


Have it ever happened to you?

I never got pulled over in Kentucky before but I did in Georgia and Tennessee..

Georgia: when my wife died, I was drunk as hell going 80mph in a 45mph zone..i told the cop what happened, I showed him my vodka bottle and told him I was going to Chicago..

He told me to get the hell out of there and go.

Tennessee: a cop asked me if I had any weapons and I made the mistake of lifting up my in between seat and pulled out my knife, that cop reached for his gun so fast...i am like woa woa woa slow down pal don't shoot my ass :)
I've had cops trying to entrap us pull guns and all of a sudden there was a 9mm right in my face.

I don't appreciate that, no sir.

If I could clock that cop to this day, I would.
I’m not calling the reporting suspect, but whether it happened. If he did on Facebook, they will be able to retrieve the messages. If true, hang him!

And your disdain for Fox is telling.
Reported 3 days ago, on the 19th-
'If black shoot them': Letter reveals comments made by former Prospect asst. police chief
If so, it is sick.

I wonder though, it might be suspect, because it would have been a huge story, particularly if he did it on Facebook.

Former assistant police chief allegedly instructed a recruit to shoot black people

ABC just came out with the story... other stations will cover it except FOX news..lol

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