If this is true. Wilson will be found innocent!

The GJ will get to hear DJ's version. Even a simian can understand that witness's saw him at the passenger side of the cop's car and even a simian knows that BM's DNA will be found on the cop's gun and or there will be GSR on BM's clothing.
All you 'T-Boner's' need to crawl under your rocks and wait for another occasion to prove what a bunch of fools you continue to be.

The above poster serves to discredit those desiring the officer's Constitutional rights be respected.
The witnesses were all quoting Dorian Johnson. They were all saying what they heard from him. Why do witnesses do this? No one knows. They want to be part of the story (one got on television), they have a gripe against the real victim. They don't want to say they didn't see anything. It was obvious they were lying because they had nothing to add to what Johnson originally said.
once again the media has dispelled a barage of half truths and lies. sensational journalism is a major part of the problems in america. and so are the parasites that use this misinformation to fan the flames and further their agendas. like the al sharptons of the world.
The above poster serves to discredit those desiring the officer's Constitutional rights be respected.
That's a dumb thing to post.
The only people calling for the cop's lynching are the 'T-Boners'.
Even the fuck-witt LIB Gov. has tainted any potential jury pool.
If Wilson should ever go to trial and be convicted of picking his nose in public there would be an automatic mis-trial.

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