If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

In our system some people have to be poor. So we help them. It's the biggest reason for our exceptionalism. We are founded on judeo Christian values and Christ was about helping the poor first and foremost.
We were not founded on those values.
because Jesus wants poor people to starve...
But Jesus DID NOT say:

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a lib political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread

Jesus taught everyone to give to the poor directly not through government
Pumping money in at the top only drives excess.

Cutting taxes at the top increases supply.
Handing money to the bottom increases demand.

That may be true, but increasing supply is worthless unless there already is the demand for the goods.
It is an increase in demand that makes an increase in supply useful.

but increasing supply is worthless unless there already is the demand for the goods.

There is infinite demand.

Demand side economics doesn't work when you're strangling supply, leads to inflation..
Cutting taxes and regulations, supply-side economics, works every time.
repubs interpretation as "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's unless you are a corporation, millionaire or billionaire. Then you pay little or nothing to Caesar."
Corporations add taxes to the price of the goods and services they sell to the public

When you tax corporations to really taxing the little people
repubs interpretation as "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's unless you are a corporation, millionaire or billionaire. Then you pay little or nothing to Caesar."
Corporations add taxes to the price of the goods and services they sell to the public

When you tax corporations to really taxing the little people
Do you blame the corporations at all for that or is it all the fault of the government?
Do you blame the corporations at all for that or is it all the fault of the government?
Do I blame corporations for trying to stay in business?

Not at all

I give them credit for not willingly being the government’s backdoor tax collector
Do you blame the corporations at all for that or is it all the fault of the government?
Do I blame corporations for trying to stay in business?

Not at all

I give them credit for not willingly being the government’s backdoor tax collector
Trying to stay in business?! Haha. Have you taken a look at their profits over the past few decades?!
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!

How coincidental you never said a word about this when trump handed out billions. Now Biden is conti g it, it suddenly becomes illogical and the promotion of socialism.
You know nothing about how an econo.y runs. Stick to your guns and let the smart guys run the country.
He did say to pay taxes. He also said to give to God. He NEVER said to use taxes as a means to give to the poor. Finally, He never gave license to the State to use the plight of the poor as a vehicle for taxes. Prove me wrong.

What did you think the Romans did with those taxes. Hint. "Bread and Circuses" was a welfare program.

The repubs interpretation as "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's unless you are a corporation, millionaire or billionaire. Then you pay little or nothing to Caesar."

Trying to stay in business?! Haha. Have you taken a look at their profits over the past few decades?!
As an outsider I would not presume to say how much blood libs can suck out of the Golden Goose before you kill her

Some companies and some industries can afford to raise their prices more than others can

But ultimately your greed will be the downfall of the nation
nope, he first must declare the income which falls into a tax bracket that you gave 100%, so after he pays his taxes, he has zero dollars. dude. taxes come first, not investment.
Have you ever filled out an 1120-W?
Don’t own a business, but income is income so there’s a tax first on the income
Nope. Profit has to come first, and only profit is taxed.... Investment in inventory, offices, warehouses, employee salaries, electric bill, materials etc etc etc, are NOT taxable.... As said, the gross profit is taxed, giving you a net profit...after taxed.
Supply side economics gives you nothing but what is called in the industry, Dead Wood..... A backlog in supply of widgets without any demand for them.... Nothing ties up a buyer merchandiser, more than dead wood....worse situation you can be in.... It ties up money for future purchases, because the purchases made on the widget supply are not selling, there is no ROI- RETURN ON INVESTMENT.....you can't buy new inventory because your stuck with your dead wood supply.... So in order to get the cash for new inventory, you have to keep marking down your old supply of goods, until it hits a low enough price...that sells it...often lower than even the cost of the goods to purchase the supply.
Trying to stay in business?! Haha. Have you taken a look at their profits over the past few decades?!
As an outsider I would not presume to say how much blood libs can suck out of the Golden Goose before you kill her

Some companies and some industries can afford to raise their prices more than others can

But ultimately your greed will be the downfall of the nation
My greed??? Haha. Do you realize that companies have been making RECORD profits over the past few decades? Why do you defend them and pretend like they are simply trying to survive?!
My greed??

The left wants government to give them something for nothing and you want corporations to pay for it

corporations do not pay the tax

The tax is passed along to consumers

But since it is hidden in the higher price we pay for the product consumers blame the corporation instead of the greedy government
Your god may inform you to donate directly to people in need, but it’s ineffective is public policy.
The wipe-every-nose welfare state is ineffective public policy since it rewards bad personal choices and breeds criminality
My greed??

The left wants government to give them something for nothing and you want corporations to pay for it

corporations do not pay the tax

The tax is passed along to consumers

But since it is hidden in the higher price we pay for the product consumers blame the corporation instead of the greedy government
Haha, you have no clue what you’re talking about. I’ve paid in Waaaaay more than I’ve taken out from the government. How you don’t blame corporations for raising prices in lieu of taking less profits during decades of record breaking profits is just pathetic.

Would it help to remind you that companies like Facebook and Google and NBC are all corporations? Now you can attack them like they are the boogie man instead of the sad defense you are giving now.

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