If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

nope, he first must declare the income which falls into a tax bracket that you gave 100%, so after he pays his taxes, he has zero dollars. dude. taxes come first, not investment.
Have you ever filled out an 1120-W?
I wouldn't want more money to go to the government.
That's why I wouldn't waste good money to expand.
I'd pay myself exactly enough to zero out my profit.

And you think you can run a business?

More than you, that's for sure. I know, low bar.
Interesting, because in that scheme again, no money gets invested in the company, and the government still gets some of it in taxes.

Yes, the government taxes my income. It's called the income tax.
It started in 1913. I could get you a link if you need to know more.

The corporation must file a corporate tax return, IRS Form 1120, and pay taxes at a corporate income tax rate on any profits. If a corporation will owe taxes, it must estimate the amount of tax due for the year and make quarterly payments to the IRS by the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the tax year. If a corporation uses the calendar year as its tax year, the payments are due April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15.
Stimulus does not increase your income.
Do you want a Stimulus on a fixed schedule?
Stimulus increases the economy ...GDP. That means jobs. That means wage increases
dude stop it, come on man, my sides are splitting. you still don't know, hahahhahahahahaha, that if the government took 100% the corporation has zero.
You have no clue about business do you?

You INVEST IN YOUR COMPANY. That reduces your profit but grows your business
Stimulus does not increase your income.
Do you want a Stimulus on a fixed schedule?
Stimulus increases the economy ...GDP. That means jobs. That means wage increases
dude stop it, come on man, my sides are splitting. you still don't know, hahahhahahahahaha, that if the government took 100% the corporation has zero.
You have no clue about business do you?

You INVEST IN YOUR COMPANY. That reduces your profit but grows your business
Stimulus increases the economy ...GDP. That means jobs. That means wage increases

I agree...
Close the border
Send all Business Visas home
Increase tariffs on any business that off-shored after becoming a major player in the US.

Within a year or 2, everyone will be employed and the need for a stimulus will vanish.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
Ah yes, another trump Nazi proving his ignorance of Keynesian economics and its convoluted formulas.

Instead, the trump Nazi is combining the GOP's most recent lies with Reagan's Big Lie regarding trickle down.

The belief that the tide raises all boats only works when the big boats don't swamp the tiny boats. And the tiny boats remaining afloat in the parasitic, free market capitalism practiced in the U.S. today, results in the folks in the tiny boats going under.

The proof, nine new billionaires were created by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the tide of greed raised their yachts, millions of working Americans watched their tiny boats capsize.

The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
Ah yes, another trump Nazi proving his ignorance of Keynesian economics and its convoluted formulas.

Instead, the trump Nazi is combining the GOP's most recent lies with Reagan's Big Lie regarding trickle down.

The belief that the tide raises all boats only works when the big boats don't swamp the tiny boats. And the tiny boats remaining afloat in the parasitic, free market capitalism practiced in the U.S. today, results in the folks in the tiny boats going under.

The proof, nine new billionaires were created by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the tide of greed raised their yachts, millions of working Americans watched their tiny boats capsize.

Trump did not want Trickle Down, he wanted US Citizens to have jobs and careers.
So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
i truly feel sorry for you. too fking funny though. you don't know how to read. hahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
He said that if the corporate tax rate was 100%, meaning any profits either gets reinvested in the company or goes to the government.

He chose sending it to the government.
Uhm Einstein how could he invest with no money?
Pissing up at the rich, and yes, it takes a real man. LOL
Stimulus does not increase your income.
Do you want a Stimulus on a fixed schedule?
Stimulus increases the economy ...GDP. That means jobs. That means wage increases
dude stop it, come on man, my sides are splitting. you still don't know, hahahhahahahahaha, that if the government took 100% the corporation has zero.
You have no clue about business do you?

You INVEST IN YOUR COMPANY. That reduces your profit but grows your business
Big Business in the U.S. has been managed by MBA degree holders for the past five decades, so, long term growth is rarely considered in today's corporate structure. How to maximize the bottom line for the next quarter to keep the stockholders happy, that is the priority.

Selling off a portion of the company, laying off employees, installing less expensive (inferior) parts, whatever it takes, next quarter's profits must be better than last quarter's. But, reinvesting in the company, only as a last resort.

Jesus commands all Christians to feed and clothe the poor yet says nothing about having the State being involved so they can pay off their cronies, unions, and bureaucrats and then feed and clothe the poor on what is left over.

Actually, Jesus said to render onto Caesar that which is Caesars, including paying your taxes.

But Jesus DID NOT say:

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a lib political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread

Jesus taught everyone to give to the poor directly not through government

Jesus also shit in a chamber pot.

I'm kind of glad that we have modern state government and complex sanitation systems.
Jesus commands all Christians to feed and clothe the poor yet says nothing about having the State being involved so they can pay off their cronies, unions, and bureaucrats and then feed and clothe the poor on what is left over.

Actually, Jesus said to render onto Caesar that which is Caesars, including paying your taxes.

But Jesus DID NOT say:

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a lib political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread

Jesus taught everyone to give to the poor directly not through government

Jesus also shit in a chamber pot.

I'm kind of glad that we have modern state government and complex sanitation systems.

Actually, Jesus said to render onto Caesar that which is Caesars, including paying your taxes.

He did say to pay taxes. He also said to give to God. He NEVER said to use taxes as a means to give to the poor. Finally, He never gave license to the State to use the plight of the poor as a vehicle for taxes. Prove me wrong.
This is the dumbest Thread I have ever seen....obviously you don't know what Reagon's trickle down theory is.
Jesus commands all Christians to feed and clothe the poor yet says nothing about having the State being involved so they can pay off their cronies, unions, and bureaucrats and then feed and clothe the poor on what is left over.

Actually, Jesus said to render onto Caesar that which is Caesars, including paying your taxes.

But Jesus DID NOT say:

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a lib political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread

Jesus taught everyone to give to the poor directly not through government

Jesus also shit in a chamber pot.

I'm kind of glad that we have modern state government and complex sanitation systems.
The repubs interpretation as "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's unless you are a corporation, millionaire or billionaire. Then you pay little or nothing to Caesar."

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