If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

Perhaps you moved due to GW passing legislation that caused your business stress and you had to compete.
sure, all manufacturing of telecommunication went overseas. all of it. regulations, unions and every other fking government overreach. yep, luxury taxes, and then, no import tariffs to discourage the moves.
The Top have decided to take more profits

Those bastards!
Burying the profits in the backyard. Hiding it under the mattress.

Just awful!
Huh? Who said anything about that Captain Random??

Wait, the rich guys don't bury their profits?
What do they do with them?
They invest them and accrue interest

Damn rich guy, investing in businesses that create useful products and support jobs.

Heartless bastard!!!!
Huh? What are you talking about?

Your whining about rich guys taking more profits.
I am whining? Not quite Todd. I’m just stating how things are. If you think I’m wrong then explain why. stop misinterpreting the things I’m saying

You weren't whining that the rich guy earns profits?

That's a relief.
Perhaps you moved due to GW passing legislation that caused your business stress and you had to compete.
sure, all manufacturing of telecommunication went overseas. all of it. regulations, unions and every other fking government overreach. yep, luxury taxes, and then, no import tariffs to discourage the moves.
That's quite an exaggeration.
The Waltons, amongst others, went from becoming billionaires to multi-billionaires.
They then went and asked Congress for Open Borders and Business Visas and to Off-Shore
Then all the American who lost their jobs and careers voted for Obama and you couldn't figure out why?!
Then you cried!
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

The rich guy spent his money? Bastard!!

How much sales tax did he pay on that car?
How much money did the car dealership earn?
How many jobs did his purchase support?
$3000 ; $10,945 ; 5673

Sales tax, business earnings and jobs ought to be outlawed, eh?
No those are all key elements in our economic system. You are having serious comprehension issues today Todd. Maybe you need a nap??

I have no issues, just mocking your (and Gene's) issues.
You are mocking your own misinterpretations of the things that I’m saying. I don’t know what you think you’re getting out of that... Is that satisfying to you?

Yes, mocking economic illiteracy is satisfying.
Trickle down economics has been shown to be a failure unless the GOAL was enriching the richest.

Stimulus is the opposite.
Trickle down economics has been shown to be a failure unless the GOAL was enriching the richest.

Stimulus is the opposite.
Stimulus does not increase your income.
Do you want a Stimulus on a fixed schedule?
If the tax rate were ZERO. Every dollar of investment would be money directly out of your pocket. And you would have no incentive to invest.

If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.
Bullshit. You're claiming you would invest every dollar of profit, independent of the corporate tax rate. That the more net after tax profit, the more you would invest.

You're claiming you would invest every dollar of profit, independent of the corporate tax rate.

But the tax rate is zero. I'd invest more if the tax rate was zero. Would you invest less?

That the more net after tax profit, the more you would invest.

Yes, if after taxes I could keep 90% of profits, I'd invest more than if I could keep 10% of profits.
A wealthy person can fly to Europe, buy a car there for far less, put 1000 miles on it so it is labeled as used, and then bring it back to the US without paying any taxes or US dealership charges.


I did not read this link, but European companies have been offering direct overseas sales promotions for over 50 years.

Thanks for the link.
That doesn't mention saving on import or US sales taxes.
The biggest growth and expansion of businesses eras in the USA occurred during times of higher tax rates....near double in tax rates than we have now for corporations.
prove it.

Thanks for the link.
So how did the higher tax rates cause the higher growth?
If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.

If your profit was $1,000,000 how much would you invest at
1) 0% corporate income tax
2) 50% corporate income tax
3) 100% corporate income tax

If your profit was $1,000,000 how much would you invest at
1) 0% corporate income tax


2) 50% corporate income tax

Much less.

3) 100% corporate income tax

If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.
If your profit was $1,000,000 how much would you invest at
3) 100% corporate income tax
3) 100% corporate income tax
Interesting answer. That you would rather all your profits go to the government, than to be invested in your company.

So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
Interesting answer. That you would rather all your profits go to the government, than to be invested in your company.

So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
i truly feel sorry for you. too fking funny though. you don't know how to read. hahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.
If your profit was $1,000,000 how much would you invest at
3) 100% corporate income tax
3) 100% corporate income tax
Interesting answer. That you would rather all your profits go to the government, than to be invested in your company.

So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
Are you retarded?
If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.
If your profit was $1,000,000 how much would you invest at
3) 100% corporate income tax
3) 100% corporate income tax
Interesting answer. That you would rather all your profits go to the government, than to be invested in your company.

So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
Are you retarded?
dude, right? wtf is wrong with that tool? that he doesn't know if the government took 100% there's no money to invest. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my fking gd.
So you think the government has better use of $1 million, than your company?

And you think you can run a business?
i truly feel sorry for you. too fking funny though. you don't know how to read. hahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
He said that if the corporate tax rate was 100%, meaning any profits either gets reinvested in the company or goes to the government.

He chose sending it to the government.
He said that if the corporate tax rate was 100%, meaning any profits either gets reinvested in the company or goes to the government.

He chose sending it to the government.
dude stop it, come on man, my sides are splitting. you still don't know, hahahhahahahahaha, that if the government took 100% the corporation has zero. you don't see that huh? it's even teed up for you. how much is zero? Ahhhh i get it now, you think profit is tax free, hahahahahaahahahahahah one doesn't take a profit if reinvesting. profit means money is liquid. means taxable, in your scenario 100% and guess what's left?

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