If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

Trickle down = cutting taxes and spending = the Newt and Clinton economy and budget surplus

Trickle down aka supply side fiscal conservatism works in reality


Yes, not neo-Conservatism.

neocons are not "conservative" at all, but the media still calls them that.

Bottom line, we have data, and cutting taxes AND spending works. We ought to try it again....
Almost everyone on The Board Of Directors is a neo-Con.

Yes, I am far left, progressive, liberal, but agree with being fiscally conservative, with balanced budgets, no borrowing, and high tariffs.
that's not a tax cut. you seem to be referring to stimulus money. And no one got 100,000. no one gets money back for tax cuts, they don't pay as much. you really aren't any good at this.

The richest 1% of taxpayers will get an average tax cut of $50,000 in 2020 from the Trump-GOP tax cuts. That’s over 75 times more than the tax cut for the bottom 80% of taxpayers, which will average $645.
They also spend way more on products and services.
I love the idle rich, the second and third generation wealthy, because they spend Daddy's fortune, they didn't make it. The guy who made the fortune typically doesn't spend it because he values the work and sacrifice he put into it, whereas his children and grandchildren do, because they don't. Heck, Paris Hilton can pump more money into the economy in a single shopping trip than I do in a year.
The Liquor Industry thanks them!
On top of that, the wealthy buy stuff that generates good paying jobs. The middle class guy who likes boats might buy a bass boat for what, 30 grand? A rich guy who likes boats, like Lurch Kerry, buys one or more boats that cost millions. Now, which job pays more, a job mass producing bass boats or building a custom yacht? Same with cars. The guys building Bentley's make more than the guys building Hyundais. I don't resent the wealthy, I want them to flaunt their wealth and spend it, because it helps everyone when they do.

But the bass boat is more likely made in the US, while the million dollar yacht is more likely from Europe.
The wealthy did not get wealthy by spending money.
They got wealthy by investing money, and Asian stock are what they currently are buying.
Actually, the US had a thriving yacht industry until some idiots in Washington destroyed it by taxing yachts in an attempt to stick it to the rich guy. Naturally, the rich guy said, "Heck with that, I'll buy my yacht from overseas", and he did, wiping out a lot of good jobs in the process. Way to go, tax freaks. And no, the wealthy don't get that way by spending money. That's what the second and third generations are for. Unless Daddy protects the wealth through some iron clad methods, it's usually gone within a few generations.
To make every penny they could.
nope, regulation, no unions and lack of import tariffs. it's called competition, and when one moves to china and uses children, no regulations, no unions, Nike, then other businesses can no longer compete having to deal with unions and regulations and cheaper product in country. can't compete and go out of business or move.

But no unions, child labor, etc., is cheating and should be prevented from harming the US by laws or regulations.
How are you going to do that in a sovereign foreign nation, where your laws and regulations are irrelevant? Anything you do results in higher prices for American consumers. Obviously, American consumers don't like that.
That' your opinion, which destroyed our economy for 10 years (2008-2018) and our discussion is over.
nope, I explained it to you. I personally felt it with my company. Closed up all our in country manufacturing and moved out of country because.......... cheap labor for cheaper product costs to the end customer.
As a businessman, you are well aware that prior to GW, the globalism trend didn't extend to almost every industry in America.
The Top have decided to take more profits

Those bastards!
Burying the profits in the backyard. Hiding it under the mattress.

Just awful!
Huh? Who said anything about that Captain Random??

Wait, the rich guys don't bury their profits?
What do they do with them?
They invest them and accrue interest

Damn rich guy, investing in businesses that create useful products and support jobs.

Heartless bastard!!!!
Huh? What are you talking about?

Your whining about rich guys taking more profits.
I am whining? Not quite Todd. I’m just stating how things are. If you think I’m wrong then explain why. stop misinterpreting the things I’m saying
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company expansion....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
The biggest growth and expansion of businesses eras in the USA occurred during times of higher tax rates....near double in tax rates than we have now for corporations.
And why was that?
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

The rich guy spent his money? Bastard!!

How much sales tax did he pay on that car?
How much money did the car dealership earn?
How many jobs did his purchase support?
$3000 ; $10,945 ; 5673

Sales tax, business earnings and jobs ought to be outlawed, eh?
No those are all key elements in our economic system. You are having serious comprehension issues today Todd. Maybe you need a nap??

I have no issues, just mocking your (and Gene's) issues.
You are mocking your own misinterpretations of the things that I’m saying. I don’t know what you think you’re getting out of that... Is that satisfying to you?
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

The rich guy spent his money? Bastard!!

How much sales tax did he pay on that car?
How much money did the car dealership earn?
How many jobs did his purchase support?
$3000 ; $10,945 ; 5673

A wealthy person can fly to Europe, buy a car there for far less, put 1000 miles on it so it is labeled as used, and then bring it back to the US without paying any taxes or US dealership charges.
Sounds tricky. What’s your point?

The point is that the poor don't have the tricky options of avoiding helping to boost the US economy like the wealthy do.
I am not saying the wealthy always do avoid helping the US economy, but they can and often do.
Such as Apple moving all its production to China or a wealthy investor buying stock in Foxconn.
The poor were not supposed to exist. Ask LBJ.
Compare the quality of life for the “poor” back during the days of LBJ and how they are today. Do you think there’s a difference?
This is where I part ways with RWers and business owners, many of whom I know...Trickle Down is bullshit.
The problem?
Everyone has always wanted to live a life of luxury with the latest toys and there's "no money" to pay someone to do what you need done.
The many people I know who are employees and make several hundred thousand a year are never home and have no relationship with their spouses or children.
how does that stop spending exactly?
Who's doing almost all the complaining?
People will no skill set.
The same people who want open borders.
They're insane.

Good point.
Open borders do decrease unskilled wages.
I like open borders because I am skilled enough they are no competition, and I get to sell them stuff, like rent.
Its not a good idea to confess to a crime on the Internet.
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

The rich guy spent his money? Bastard!!

How much sales tax did he pay on that car?
How much money did the car dealership earn?
How many jobs did his purchase support?
$3000 ; $10,945 ; 5673

A wealthy person can fly to Europe, buy a car there for far less, put 1000 miles on it so it is labeled as used, and then bring it back to the US without paying any taxes or US dealership charges.
Sounds tricky. What’s your point?

The point is that the poor don't have the tricky options of avoiding helping to boost the US economy like the wealthy do.
I am not saying the wealthy always do avoid helping the US economy, but they can and often do.
Such as Apple moving all its production to China or a wealthy investor buying stock in Foxconn.
The poor were not supposed to exist. Ask LBJ.
Compare the quality of life for the “poor” back during the days of LBJ and how they are today. Do you think there’s a difference?
The poor back then was art a far lower tax level. Why the hell do you spend all of this money and still have it? This sucks! And it is now beyond tiresome.
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

The rich guy spent his money? Bastard!!

How much sales tax did he pay on that car?
How much money did the car dealership earn?
How many jobs did his purchase support?
$3000 ; $10,945 ; 5673

A wealthy person can fly to Europe, buy a car there for far less, put 1000 miles on it so it is labeled as used, and then bring it back to the US without paying any taxes or US dealership charges.
Sounds tricky. What’s your point?

The point is that the poor don't have the tricky options of avoiding helping to boost the US economy like the wealthy do.
I am not saying the wealthy always do avoid helping the US economy, but they can and often do.
Such as Apple moving all its production to China or a wealthy investor buying stock in Foxconn.
The poor were not supposed to exist. Ask LBJ.
Compare the quality of life for the “poor” back during the days of LBJ and how they are today. Do you think there’s a difference?
The poor back then was art a far lower tax level. Why the hell do you spend all of this money and still have it? This sucks! And it is now beyond tiresome.
What tax levels are you talking about? Can you post the numbers?
that's not a tax cut. you seem to be referring to stimulus money. And no one got 100,000. no one gets money back for tax cuts, they don't pay as much. you really aren't any good at this.

The richest 1% of taxpayers will get an average tax cut of $50,000 in 2020 from the Trump-GOP tax cuts. That’s over 75 times more than the tax cut for the bottom 80% of taxpayers, which will average $645.
They also spend way more on products and services.
I love the idle rich, the second and third generation wealthy, because they spend Daddy's fortune, they didn't make it. The guy who made the fortune typically doesn't spend it because he values the work and sacrifice he put into it, whereas his children and grandchildren do, because they don't. Heck, Paris Hilton can pump more money into the economy in a single shopping trip than I do in a year.
The Liquor Industry thanks them!
On top of that, the wealthy buy stuff that generates good paying jobs. The middle class guy who likes boats might buy a bass boat for what, 30 grand? A rich guy who likes boats, like Lurch Kerry, buys one or more boats that cost millions. Now, which job pays more, a job mass producing bass boats or building a custom yacht? Same with cars. The guys building Bentley's make more than the guys building Hyundais. I don't resent the wealthy, I want them to flaunt their wealth and spend it, because it helps everyone when they do.

But the bass boat is more likely made in the US, while the million dollar yacht is more likely from Europe.
The wealthy did not get wealthy by spending money.
They got wealthy by investing money, and Asian stock are what they currently are buying.
Wow who would of thought, so poor people are poor because they spend money on meth, weed and malt liquor?
Bullshit. You're claiming you would invest every dollar of profit, independent of the corporate tax rate. That the more net after tax profit, the more you would invest.
If I could keep 100% of my profit, I'd invest a fuck-ton.
you should, cause you took fck-ton as 100%.
Yet you just said my interpretation was wrong, before you made the identical interpretation.

Wrong when I say it, and suddenly right when you say it.
Yet you just said my interpretation was wrong, before you made the identical interpretation.

Wrong when I say it, and suddenly right when you say it.
what I said was you think fk ton =100% and I don't see it. so yes you didn't read correctly what fk ton meant.
OK...You're a neo-Con.
I have no fking clue what you're talking about. you think poor people buy nike shoes at $150.00 a shoe you're nuts. they loot stores and sell them to make their own profits.
Perhaps you moved due to GW passing legislation that caused your business stress and you had to compete.
Anyone who thinks that the legislation the GW administration passed that caused massive unemployment was good for the US has no cause to be upset that Obama won.

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