If Trump And Clinton Are The Only Choices......

I would vote for Trump if it came down to the two of them. Clinton does not have a good reputation with foreign countries. Leaders were snubbing her constantly! She is dishonest. Her handling of emails demonstrates how incompetent she is. We can go for more incompetency.
Mrs. Clinton and The Donald are exact opposites. If someone cannot tell the difference THEY SHOULD NOT VOTE IN ANY ELECTION! President The Donald FTW!
Thinking Clinton is best candidate or O'Malley the best for socialists democratic voite. O'Malley and Clinton are catholics ?? Over 60 year both two also. Sanders are close to 75 year old candidate. Like Nixon in Vietnam war. And Roosevelt in WW2.
In any choice between Trump and Hillary?


Although it scares the shit out of me to contemplate that narrowing of choices.

America does not need another Clinton any more than it needs another Bush nor Kennedy nor Romney.

Enough of this Ruling Inner Circle elitist horseshit.

Time to bring in an outsider, to take a metaphorical flamethrower to what's wrong in Washington.

Trump will buy competent warm bodies to do what needs to be done.

That will leave him free to demagogue and make deals and kick some ass here and there.

Trouble is, I really don't want him to have the Nuclear Codes any more than I want Hillary to have them.

Hell, I'm half-hoping that Bernie pulls off a miracle and bitch-slaps Hillary and takes the nomination.

Then we'll have TWO half-assed and really scary 'outsiders' to choose from.

The People will decide for themselves what is best, this time around.

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