If Trump chooses to "go personal" with ANY gop presidential contender

We have 2 or 3 morons in this thread who can't handle opinions that don't match theirs.

Has nothing to do with any of that, nimrod, it has to do with you not supporting your own party and helping democrats to win over your stupid babyish TDS over a stupid mannerism you don't like in Trump's PERSONALITY.

Now you're up to SIX rants just over being told the TRUTH.
Whew, almost hate to step onto this wrestling matt, but.......but damn, it sounds like fun.

For example:

I find it HILARIOUS that some people get so fucking butthurt when they realize that your opinions don't align with theirs lol.
WOW LOOK. Suck a delicate snowflake so triggered........Gee, I really hit a nerve. You even respond like a democrat.

As you can see, poster Maidiac, sycophancy can run deep on USMB.

But more broadly, as we have all seen for many years....'Conservatives' eat their own.
They go on 'heretic-hunts' under their tent....rather than expand the tent.
It is what it is. And it is one of the hobbles on the GOP over many elections cycles.

There are tons of issues republicans have to deal with since winning the majority in congress. WTF does the former president have to do with it?

Really, Grumpster? Before Trump, we had the likes of Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. The only reason why Trump has not totally run away with the GOP and Washington is because he has had 100% of the DNC and 50% of the GOP all fighting against him tooth and nail trying to stop him from destroying their cushy power base restoring government back to the people. If Trump were not effective, they wouldn't fear him so much.

Look, I'm 100% for DeSantis as Trump's VP. Smartest thing these two could ever do, but DeSantis has not proven to me yet that he can carry the whole nation to a Red Victory. Frankly, during the time I watched him debating Crist, he looked rather flat and weak and effeminate without much charisma. Maybe that will change in the future. But right now if Trump doesn't run or win nomination, DeSantis is my #2 pick.

Trump is a Democrat turned Republican because that was the avenue with the least traffic for him.
He was a pretty good president with a shit personal persona.



DeSantis turned the ENTIRITY of Florida Republican. Trump has NO accomplishment even close to that.

Put the garbage out and clean the can! Time to start anew
He will lose ANY chance of me supporting him if he is the nominee. Unless that candidate went personal first.

Seems like you need to consider what is more in important in the end.

I'm no Super Trump fan, but don't get caught up in his ego BS that he brings... just focus on policy. Look at Trump's policies, realize (if you're Conservative) how infinitely better they are than Democrat policy, and support the buffoon over the people who despise you and seem to want bad things for this country.
Seems like you need to consider what is more in important in the end.

I'm no Super Trump fan, but don't get caught up in his ego BS that he brings... just focus on policy. Look at Trump's policies, realize (if you're Conservative) how infinitely better they are than Democrat policy, and support the buffoon over the people who despise you and seem to want bad things for this country.

Damage to the county is not good.
... but DeSantis has not proven to me yet that he can carry the whole nation to a Red Victory.

Supports Trump who carried the abject slaughter of republicans in office. Complains that DeSantis has not proven he could lead the nation to a 'red' victory.

The doublethink is so fucking strong.
He will lose ANY chance of me supporting him if he is the nominee. Unless that candidate went personal first.


The politics of personal destruction, personal attacks, lies, fear-mongering ... is pretty much a the Democrats did leading up to the midterms ...and what they do every election.

That being said, you can pretty much count on Trump going personal against DeSantis. DeSantis was up for re-election & Trump took shots at him instead of trying to stay positive and help him. That wasn't cool with me.
So now you guys see a problem with Trump acting like Trump.

John McCain
Trump called him a loser. Trump said he isn’t a war hero. Trump said he didn’t like him after McCain passed away.

Marco Rubio
”Little Marco”. Says Marco sweats too much. Says his ears are too big.

Ted Cruz
”Lyin’ Ted. Says his wife is ugly. Says Cruz’s dad helped kill JFK.

Mitch McConnell
Trump insults McConnell’s wife, who served in his cabinet, saying that she’s Mitch’s "China loving wife, Coco Chow."

Rand Paul
Trump calls him ugly.

Ben Sasse
“@BenSasse looks more like a gym rat than a U.S. Senator. How the hell did he ever get elected?,”

Mitt Romney
Trump says Romney is poor. He calls him a choker, says once a choker always a choker. Says Romney walks like a penguin.
He will lose ANY chance of me supporting him if he is the nominee. Unless that candidate went personal first.


Last time, when he did that to Cruz, I was pissed off at candidate Trump. If he does this to DeSantis during the primary season, I will vote for DeSantis in the primary.

If Trump, nevertheless, ends up as the GOP nominee, I don’t know if I’ll vote for him in the general. But candidly? Against almost any Democrap prospective nominee, I might have to get over it.
Use caution Fellas…..we’re really starting to sound like Leftist Democrats….”Our feelings matter more than policy”……FUCK THAT SHIT!
The Left is steering you and you don’t even know it….Don’t drink the piss….don’t let the filthy fucking Left take your nuts from you.
Cruz should have shot him in the face for insulting his dad and the family name.

Yeah, there you go! Candidates gunning each other down in the street! What a way to settle ideological differences! And who said that ISIS and al Quada were extreme?! Thank you Zinc for that educated, superior, tolerant west-coast government-educated university insight into how the left solves problems! Maybe you should go to Cruz and show him how to murder your opponents properly! The new norm in the leftist America bent on solving political extremism: election thru assassination! :th_waiting:

Thank God we defeated Trump and saved democracy. :uhh:

Never mind that Cruz insulted Trump first basically calling his wife a whore.
Always the first sign of an idiot, a man who has closed all doors on any possibility HE might be wrong.

Supports Trump who carried the abject slaughter of republicans in office.
Are we talking about the current midterms? Are you aware that Trump endorsed nearly 200 candidates as any good leader should for his party and about 90% of them got elected? Know any democrats or other republicans with a better record?

Complains that DeSantis has not proven he could lead the nation to a 'red' victory.
What national successes has he had? He's a governor. That's what you need to prove such a thing, though, mind you, RIGHT NOW on the aft of DeSantis' big win, he's looking great right now, which is fine. But a prudent man is not ready to throw away the guy who got us here whose only downside was created and manufactured by his OPPOSITION for someone who has gotten us only a glimmer of hope leading out of another major opportunity inextricably blown by the McTurtle republicans again with a leader with absolutely no leadership abilities.

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The doublethink is so fucking strong.
Not as strong as that facing you in the mirror.
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