If Trump dies, who is the Republican nominee for President?

If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.

Say what? You do realize the recovery rate is EXTREMELY high for COVID, right? Oh that's right, you believe the hype.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

Yes it is normal for covid to spread widely from what they call "super spreaders".
Most people who are infected will not infect anyone.
But some people are especially good at spreading the infection, and will spread it to hundreds.

But remember that they did not know until recently that 90% of those infected are asymptomatic, so they were not being counted.
That skewed the fatality rates because it make infection appear 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The reality is that covid infection is not really very dangerous at all.
FDR didn't create the middle class---he prolonged the recession by 10 YEARS----------------harming many and pushing many from the middle class down to the poverty class.

Um, okay, I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio... but the fact is, the Great Depression was over by 1936, that's why he got a second term.

World War 2 with women joining the workforce came and pulled us out of the depression and created unknown wealth in the US leading to a boom in the middle class.

Actually, you are a bit confused there. WWII was hardly the panacea you guys claim it was. There was severe rationing of gasoline, meat, sugar and just about every other commodity. Want to buy a new car? Too bad, that factory is too busy making tanks and jeeps. In fact, when the war was over, there was a recession as all those men found there were no jobs for them, even with the ladies going home.

What created the middle class was that FDR established a minimum wage, which kept employers from firing their whole staffs and hiring people who'd work cheaper. He supported unions, strengthening the position of working people. They created the greatest wealth in history... and the Wealthy couldn't stand it.

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Normally I tend to agree with your point of view, but you are wrong about WWII and the depression.
The depression was not over in 1936, and actually was getting worse.
It was WWII that was deliberately encouraged by the US and US companies like GM, Std. Oil, etc., used WWII to restart the US economy. Sure there was rationing and scarcity for average citizens during the war, but that was because the government was investing so heavily in industry. So then after the war, all that investment in machines, factories, highways, transportation, etc., all provided civilians with a sort of paradise, compared to the rural poverty before the war. The war also helped because Europe and Asia needed to buy in order to rebuild.

But you are right about FDR and the 1938 Minimum Wage Act, at 25 cent/hour.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.

Pence would be the nominee.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.

Pence would be the nominee.
Nah. He's too quiet to be (s)Elected
Alex Jones !!!
yeah, you are going to fix one of, if not THE greatest country ever on the planet that rose in a mere 250 years. You won’t fix it by following the leads of countries that are as successful as us. Move to one of those Utopia’s instead of trying to “fix” this country.

Actually, you start with the flawed premise that we are the greatest country. We aren't. We have serious problems - systemic racism, institutionalized poverty, the lack of universal health care and so on.

The only metrics we lead the rest of the world on are "The number of overweight people" and "the number of people who think Angels are real."

Good answer.
There was a show called "The Newsroom" that used almost the same language.
I believe there has been a President who's died from illness while in office. But if Trump can beat Covid, then WE can beat Covid. This can unite the country reelecting Trump four more years if he's able to pull through this.

If Trump survives Covid, which I fully expect he will, then just the fact that he got sick shows his lack of ability to deal with the virus. At this point in the pandemic, the ONLY people getting sick, are those too stupid to listen to the scientists.

Trump is getting the best and most EXPENSIVE treatments available. That genetic cocktail he got yesterday, there are only a couple of thousand doses of that drug available in the world and since it’s a genetically based drug, production is very slow. Remsdivir (so?) is also limited. 600,000 doses in the USA total. 6 or 7 shots per treatment. So no, you can’t assume that if Trump beats the virus, everybody can.

The overwhelming message of Trump’s illness to the nation is “This clown can’t even protect himself and his staff From the virus with all of the resources of the USA at his disposal, how can he protect you?”

Joe Biden. He’s not sick. He’s out and about showing respect and concern for others. Keeping himself and everyone around him safe.

Trump has travelled throughout the country spreading the virus, leaving a trail of disease and death behind him. That’s not leadership.

Every other first world country shut the virus down and reopened. Yes, you can get past this. But you will never get past it with Donald Trump in the White House.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.

Pence would be the nominee.
Nah. He's too quiet to be (s)Elected
Alex Jones !!!
That's not funny. They'd actually vote for him.
I believe there has been a President who's died from illness while in office. But if Trump can beat Covid, then WE can beat Covid. This can unite the country reelecting Trump four more years if he's able to pull through this.

"......if Trump can beat...." Then he is the intelligent choice. He will have the antibodies in his system and will be immune. No need to worry about future uncertainty.

Immunity doesn't last forever maybe a couple months or so.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.

What Happens if Trump Dies of COVID-19 Before the Election?
If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.

Say what? You do realize the recovery rate is EXTREMELY high for COVID, right? Oh that's right, you believe the hype.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

You're right this spread like wild fire with people that went to the nomination of Barrett and Ron Johnson has now tested positive. Definitely a super spreader event.
So you are in favor of forcing people to prostate themselves before Big Labor goons in order to keep their jobs? That's what the Right to Work prevents you know.

I come from a union family. I never met one of these big labor goons.

What I remember is when my Dad got sick at the end of his life, from the Asbestos they told him was totally safe to work with, the unions made sure that he got health care and his company couldn't fire him.

As opposed to my own situation, where I busted up my knee and I spent a year fighting with Cigna to get if fixed while my employer fucked with me.
If Trump survives Covid, which I fully expect he will, then just the fact that he got sick shows his lack of ability to deal with the virus. At this point in the pandemic, the ONLY people getting sick, are those too stupid to listen to the scientists.
That's not true. I know for a fact that it's not true.

Trump is getting the best and most EXPENSIVE treatments available. That genetic cocktail he got yesterday, there are only a couple of thousand doses of that drug available in the world and since it’s a genetically based drug, production is very slow. Remsdivir (so?) is also limited. 600,000 doses in the USA total. 6 or 7 shots per treatment. So no, you can’t assume that if Trump beats the virus, everybody can.
Most people don't even get sick. You know this ... Right?
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So you are in favor of forcing people to prostate themselves before Big Labor goons in order to keep their jobs? That's what the Right to Work prevents you know.

I come from a union family. I never met one of these big labor goons.

What I remember is when my Dad got sick at the end of his life, from the Asbestos they told him was totally safe to work with, the unions made sure that he got health care and his company couldn't fire him.

As opposed to my own situation, where I busted up my knee and I spent a year fighting with Cigna to get if fixed while my employer fucked with me.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with events like the Pittston coal strike of 1989 and the Homestead steel strike of 1892, where Union goons attacked innocent people, killing them and even messing with their cars, simply because they didn't back the union way. I've seen this kind of thing myself, when the bartenders union tried to shut down a friend of mine's joint.

There is a reason why guys like Paul Castellano were involved in the cement pourers union and the casino unions in Atlantic City.
Immunity doesn't last forever maybe a couple months or so.
That's not true. Holy shit... For wanting to follow advise of scientists people don't pay much attention to them.

If immunity to this lasted forever there would be no need for a vaccine. Virus immunity is not the same as other diseases. Dumb shits don't pay much attention to scientists and doctors.
If immunity to this lasted forever there would be no need for a vaccine. Virus immunity is not the same as other diseases. Dumb shits don't pay much attention to scientists and doctors.

It's possible to get the chicken pox more than once in a lifetime... It's just really rare. Remember.. Nobody can make you look like anything. You have to do it.

When you do no research... I strongly suggest not replying to me. Just take lump and move on. But... I'm good with this too.

Research suggests coronavirus reinfection is unlikely
But despite the anecdotal reports from doctors about patients becoming reinfected with the coronavirus, researchers say there's no evidence supporting the notion that people can become reinfected with the virus within a short time period.

"I haven't heard of a case where it's been truly unambiguously demonstrated," said Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

For instance, South Korea's Center for Disease Control and Prevention in one study confirmed that, among 285 cases of people who again tested positive for the coronavirus two months after receiving their initial positive test results (including some who were experiencing Covid-19 symptoms two months after their initial diagnoses), none of the patients' new samples contained enough virus particles to allow researchers to grow the virus from the samples in a lab. Researchers said those results indicated that the patients weren't actively infected with the virus, and the diagnostic tests likely had detected dead virus particles that remained in their bodies or generated false-positive positive results.

Further, the researchers noted that none of the patients who re-tested positive for the coronavirus transmitted the pathogen to others.

"It was pretty solid epidemiological and virological evidence that reinfection was not happening, at least in those people," Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, said.

As for studies showing that antibodies for the novel coronavirus decline over time, researchers say that's how antibodies work for a host of viruses.

Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University, said although those studies have left some people "scratching their heads saying, 'What an extraordinarily odd virus that it's not leading to robust immunity,' … they're totally wrong."

"It doesn't get more textbook than this," he added.
Apparently you are unfamiliar with events like the Pittston coal strike of 1989 and the Homestead steel strike of 1892, where Union goons attacked innocent people, killing them and even messing with their cars, simply because they didn't back the union way. I've seen this kind of thing myself, when the bartenders union tried to shut down a friend of mine's joint.

Wow, you are going back to 1892.

You cross a picket line, and you get beaten up, it's your own fucking fault.
Apparently you are unfamiliar with events like the Pittston coal strike of 1989 and the Homestead steel strike of 1892, where Union goons attacked innocent people, killing them and even messing with their cars, simply because they didn't back the union way. I've seen this kind of thing myself, when the bartenders union tried to shut down a friend of mine's joint.

Wow, you are going back to 1892.

You cross a picket line, and you get beaten up, it's your own fucking fault.

No one has a right to "set up a picket line" and then beat on people who refuse to honor it.
I believe there has been a President who's died from illness while in office. But if Trump can beat Covid, then WE can beat Covid. This can unite the country reelecting Trump four more years if he's able to pull through this.

If Trump survives Covid, which I fully expect he will, then just the fact that he got sick shows his lack of ability to deal with the virus. At this point in the pandemic, the ONLY people getting sick, are those too stupid to listen to the scientists.

Trump is getting the best and most EXPENSIVE treatments available. That genetic cocktail he got yesterday, there are only a couple of thousand doses of that drug available in the world and since it’s a genetically based drug, production is very slow. Remsdivir (so?) is also limited. 600,000 doses in the USA total. 6 or 7 shots per treatment. So no, you can’t assume that if Trump beats the virus, everybody can.

The overwhelming message of Trump’s illness to the nation is “This clown can’t even protect himself and his staff From the virus with all of the resources of the USA at his disposal, how can he protect you?”

Joe Biden. He’s not sick. He’s out and about showing respect and concern for others. Keeping himself and everyone around him safe.

Trump has travelled throughout the country spreading the virus, leaving a trail of disease and death behind him. That’s not leadership.

Every other first world country shut the virus down and reopened. Yes, you can get past this. But you will never get past it with Donald Trump in the White House.

spoken from a true deomcrat lover who thinks the ONLY the republican party is corrupt and the dems can never do no wrong incapable of critical thinking that both parties are corrupt and the dems more so now in recent years. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

when she talks about people getting sick not listening to scientists,she is referring to her hero wanted for mass murder of by the governments of india and africa for force vaccinations of children without the consent of their parents.NOW he wants to do the same with us in america and dragonlady and the op troll will eagerly line up and takes gates vaccine. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
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