If Trump dies, who is the Republican nominee for President?

If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.

Say what? You do realize the recovery rate is EXTREMELY high for COVID, right? Oh that's right, you believe the hype.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

If you mean by this one group, the White House Staff... um, yeah, because Trump spent weeks downplaying the virus and scorning masks and social distancing. You know, what the rest of us have been doing for the last six m onths.

Trump couldn't protect the country because he wouldn't even protect himself.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.
Then move to one of these other wonderful advanced countries. Just don’t try to come back here when you need life saving specialized care.

Nope, we're going to fix this country. You can thank us later.

Or not. You guys still haven't thanked FDR for creating a middle class.

yeah, you are going to fix one of, if not THE greatest country ever on the planet that rose in a mere 250 years. You won’t fix it by following the leads of countries that are as successful as us. Move to one of those Utopia’s instead of trying to “fix” this country.
Then move to one of these other wonderful advanced countries. Just don’t try to come back here when you need life saving specialized care.

Nope, we're going to fix this country. You can thank us later.

Or not. You guys still haven't thanked FDR for creating a middle class.
FDR didn't create the middle class---he prolonged the recession by 10 YEARS----------------harming many and pushing many from the middle class down to the poverty class. World War 2 with women joining the workforce came and pulled us out of the depression and created unknown wealth in the US leading to a boom in the middle class.
yeah, you are going to fix one of, if not THE greatest country ever on the planet that rose in a mere 250 years. You won’t fix it by following the leads of countries that are as successful as us. Move to one of those Utopia’s instead of trying to “fix” this country.

Actually, you start with the flawed premise that we are the greatest country. We aren't. We have serious problems - systemic racism, institutionalized poverty, the lack of universal health care and so on.

The only metrics we lead the rest of the world on are "The number of overweight people" and "the number of people who think Angels are real."
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

If you mean by this one group, the White House Staff... um, yeah, because Trump spent weeks downplaying the virus and scorning masks and social distancing. You know, what the rest of us have been doing for the last six m onths.

Trump couldn't protect the country because he wouldn't even protect himself.

LOL...you do know that many, many mask wearing, social distancing, mama’s basement dwelling, middle aged Democrats have contracted the virus as well, right? A Democrat killed most of the ederly by putting infected folks in a nursing home. I guess you forgot about that. Dupe.
Kanye !!!
yeah, you are going to fix one of, if not THE greatest country ever on the planet that rose in a mere 250 years. You won’t fix it by following the leads of countries that are as successful as us. Move to one of those Utopia’s instead of trying to “fix” this country.

Actually, you start with the flawed premise that we are the greatest country. We aren't. We have serious problems - systemic racism, institutionalized poverty, the lack of universal health care and so on.

The only metrics we lead the rest of the world on are "The number of overweight people" and "the number of people who think Angels are real."
You are clueless--------We are the greatest country on the planet hence why everyone wants to come here.
yeah, you are going to fix one of, if not THE greatest country ever on the planet that rose in a mere 250 years. You won’t fix it by following the leads of countries that are as successful as us. Move to one of those Utopia’s instead of trying to “fix” this country.

Actually, you start with the flawed premise that we are the greatest country. We aren't. We have serious problems - systemic racism, institutionalized poverty, the lack of universal health care and so on.

The only metrics we lead the rest of the world on are "The number of overweight people" and "the number of people who think Angels are real."
You are clueless--------We are the greatest country on the planet hence why everyone wants to come here.

You can’t tell Democrats that. They have been told the US sucks since grade school. They are spoiled and have absolutely no idea just how good they have it.
FDR didn't create the middle class---he prolonged the recession by 10 YEARS----------------harming many and pushing many from the middle class down to the poverty class.

Um, okay, I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio... but the fact is, the Great Depression was over by 1936, that's why he got a second term.

World War 2 with women joining the workforce came and pulled us out of the depression and created unknown wealth in the US leading to a boom in the middle class.

Actually, you are a bit confused there. WWII was hardly the panacea you guys claim it was. There was severe rationing of gasoline, meat, sugar and just about every other commodity. Want to buy a new car? Too bad, that factory is too busy making tanks and jeeps. In fact, when the war was over, there was a recession as all those men found there were no jobs for them, even with the ladies going home.

What created the middle class was that FDR established a minimum wage, which kept employers from firing their whole staffs and hiring people who'd work cheaper. He supported unions, strengthening the position of working people. They created the greatest wealth in history... and the Wealthy couldn't stand it.

You can’t tell Democrats that. They have been told the US sucks since grade school. They are spoiled and have absolutely no idea just how good they have it.

Actually, buddy, I went to CATHOLIC schools back in the 1970's, where this kind of rah-rah patriotism was still a thing.

For white people, anyway.

Yes, we have it a lot better than someone living in a third world country. Heck, living in Illinois, I know I have it a lot better than some fool living in a trailer park in Jesusland. (AKA the Red States) But compared to Europe and Japan, not so much.

You see, this funny thing happened. While they kept on building on the kind of social welfare state that FDR started, the GOP has been slowly dismantling the middle class with "Right to work", "At will employment" and cutting social programs to give tax cuts to rich people for their Dressage Horses.
Um, okay, I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio... but the fact is, the Great Depression was over by 1936, that's why he got a second term.

Where did you get that idea? Very high unemployment, in the double digit range right up until the Empire of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor Job on America in late 1941.
You can’t tell Democrats that. They have been told the US sucks since grade school. They are spoiled and have absolutely no idea just how good they have it.

Actually, buddy, I went to CATHOLIC schools back in the 1970's, where this kind of rah-rah patriotism was still a thing.

For white people, anyway.

Yes, we have it a lot better than someone living in a third world country. Heck, living in Illinois, I know I have it a lot better than some fool living in a trailer park in Jesusland. (AKA the Red States) But compared to Europe and Japan, not so much.

You see, this funny thing happened. While they kept on building on the kind of social welfare state that FDR started, the GOP has been slowly dismantling the middle class with "Right to work", "At will employment" and cutting social programs to give tax cuts to rich people for their Dressage Horses.

So you are in favor of forcing people to prostate themselves before Big Labor goons in order to keep their jobs? That's what the Right to Work prevents you know.

Sounds a lot like the German Labor Front, with Jimmy Hoffa facing the same fate as his German counterpart Dr. Ley.
FDR didn't create the middle class---he prolonged the recession by 10 YEARS----------------harming many and pushing many from the middle class down to the poverty class.

Um, okay, I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio... but the fact is, the Great Depression was over by 1936, that's why he got a second term.

World War 2 with women joining the workforce came and pulled us out of the depression and created unknown wealth in the US leading to a boom in the middle class.

Actually, you are a bit confused there. WWII was hardly the panacea you guys claim it was. There was severe rationing of gasoline, meat, sugar and just about every other commodity. Want to buy a new car? Too bad, that factory is too busy making tanks and jeeps. In fact, when the war was over, there was a recession as all those men found there were no jobs for them, even with the ladies going home.

What created the middle class was that FDR established a minimum wage, which kept employers from firing their whole staffs and hiring people who'd work cheaper. He supported unions, strengthening the position of working people. They created the greatest wealth in history... and the Wealthy couldn't stand it.

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Good gawd try reading a history book from economists--FDR prolonged the depression by 10 years.

"Although historians and educators tell us that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ended the Great Depression, in reality, the New Deal prolonged chronic unemployment in the U.S. in the 1930s, Cato Institute scholar Jim Powell said early this month.

"The New Deal was substantially financed on the backs of the middle class and the poor," Powell said at a Cato Institute Forum. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank.

Powell spoke, along with Michael Barone of U.S. News & World Report, on the findings of his new book, FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression (Crown Forum, 2003). Powell's book brings together evidence from the recent findings of several dozen economists at Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Brown, the University of Chicago, and the University of California at Berkeley.

Throughout the Depression, unemployment rates averaged about 17 percent. What help the New Deal did provide did not go to those who needed it most. Meanwhile, other New Deal policies impeded, rather than helped, the creation of new jobs, particularly for unskilled workers.

New Deal policies, Powell said, were especially harsh on black Americans. Wages set by the government above market level meant that 500,000 black Americans lost their jobs. By lowering farm production the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 cost thousands of poor black sharecroppers their jobs while increasing food prices.

The many public works projects FDR introduced became an active drag on the U.S. economy, while doing little to help, Powell said. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), for example, probably did much more harm than good. The TVA flooded an estimated 730,000 acres of land. Thousands of citizens lost their property and homes to the flooding waters. Tenant farmers were not given compensation for their loss of land and property.

At the same time, the electricity that the TVA eventually provided did almost nothing to benefit Tennessee farmers that had been most affected by the project's construction. Tennessee farmers did not need electricity, Powell pointed out. They needed gasoline or other engine fuel for farming equipment. Moreover, electricity prices from the TVA were overly high, thus further restricting its usefulness to lower and middle class workers.

FDR referred to investors and corporate leaders with contemptuous language, calling them"economic royalists." This habit made businessmen more worried about making investments for it implied that the fruit of their efforts might be taken from them by some future reform. The values of hard work were similarly played down."

And good grief---yes the war create a shortage on basics-------------but it also created work for women during the war giving many young couple the money to buy homes and appliances which spurred the economy FOLLOWING THE WAR. It also brought manufacturing to America which we then exported--------spurring the economy and jobs as well HENCE WHY THE 1950'S WERE SO PROSPEROUS.
Um, okay, I'm sure that's what you heard on Hate Radio... but the fact is, the Great Depression was over by 1936, that's why he got a second term.

Where did you get that idea? Very high unemployment, in the double digit range right up until the Empire of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor Job on America in late 1941.
Exacto ! Time for a repeat ! Whos "signature" gets stamped on the next event ?

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