If Trump dies, who is the Republican nominee for President?

If Trump survives Covid, which I fully expect he will, then just the fact that he got sick shows his lack of ability to deal with the virus. At this point in the pandemic, the ONLY people getting sick, are those too stupid to listen to the scientists.
That's not true. I know for a fact that it's not true.

Trump is getting the best and most EXPENSIVE treatments available. That genetic cocktail he got yesterday, there are only a couple of thousand doses of that drug available in the world and since it’s a genetically based drug, production is very slow. Remsdivir (so?) is also limited. 600,000 doses in the USA total. 6 or 7 shots per treatment. So no, you can’t assume that if Trump beats the virus, everybody can.
Most people don't even get sick. You know this ... Right?

she has never had an interest in pesky facts.lol
Yes, we have it a lot better than someone living in a third world country. Heck, living in Illinois, I know I have it a lot better than some fool living in a trailer park in Jesusland. (AKA the Red States) But compared to Europe and Japan, not so much.

I have it much better than the average European and live in a red state. I know for a fact I have it MUCH better than the average resident of wacky Illinois. You live at or near a dump, that isn’t my fault, but rather yours. You live in a blue state and continue to vote for folks that put you in such squaller. No wonder you think Europeans are better off. It is all a matter of perspective.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Wrong. They don't need another convention. In fact, the regular convention is but a formality.

Why don't you want Pence to be the nominee?

Pence is SWAMPY

This said---with just a month to go till the election-----changing everything over to Pence being the nominee isn't fisable---------the dems would fight it in court preventing the election from being ruled on making Pelosi the Queen B.

Wrong. Pence would be the nominee.

Pence doesn't become the automatic nominee--------the republicans have to hold another convention making him the official nominee. There will be no time to change the official ballots.........and I guarantee that the dems would fight everything in court dragging this out so they could claim that Pence couldn't be declared the victor even he clearly was---------with this tied up in court, no official president, making Pelosi (or whoever wins the most seats in the house) the queen b.

You might want to seek the input of someone who knows what they are talking about. A convention is not required.

The republicans have to officially accept Pence as their representative......I'll admit I am not sure about a convention in such an emergency case--------but I am pretty sure that it isn't a one person choice and it depends on whatever bylaws that the republicans have in place for nominees in emergency situations. This said, by the time that they get their official nominee officially name which I am sure is PENCE---------there will not be time to change the ballots for the election which gives the dems the power to harass in courts hoping to rule the election invalid so they can put Queen B Pelosi in.

Pence would be the nominee.
Yes the nominee----------I have no doubt that the republicans would put him up--------but the legal
You can’t tell Democrats that. They have been told the US sucks since grade school. They are spoiled and have absolutely no idea just how good they have it.

Actually, buddy, I went to CATHOLIC schools back in the 1970's, where this kind of rah-rah patriotism was still a thing.

For white people, anyway.

Yes, we have it a lot better than someone living in a third world country. Heck, living in Illinois, I know I have it a lot better than some fool living in a trailer park in Jesusland. (AKA the Red States) But compared to Europe and Japan, not so much.

You see, this funny thing happened. While they kept on building on the kind of social welfare state that FDR started, the GOP has been slowly dismantling the middle class with "Right to work", "At will employment" and cutting social programs to give tax cuts to rich people for their Dressage Horses.
You are delusional-----I live in Florida there are many many nice senior citizen trailer parks set up like resorts.
I have it much better than the average European and live in a red state.

I'm sure you are very proud of your Double Wide.

No wonder you think Europeans are better off. It is all a matter of perspective.

Dude, I've been to the South... It's pretty much a third world country.

You won't even tell me which state you live in, which is probably a good move, as the figures for poverty, illiteracy, etc... wouldn't compare well at all.
No one has a right to "set up a picket line" and then beat on people who refuse to honor it.

Sure they do. You mess with another man's livlihood, it's your own damned fault.
There are/were many overpaid people who are not that good producing quality that helped to take the luster off our nation. The steel and auto industries were the envy of the world. Everything we used in the home that were of electric was built here and American owned. Port workers are ridiculously overpaid and that will eventually end. Teamsters are learning their pensions are slowly being devalued as the nation gets poorer in real terms. We can go on and on. And yes, I would have worked for any of them when I was younger. The first thing is quality. We did this to ourselves and the politicians saw an out with foreign trade deals.
There are/were many overpaid people who are not that good producing quality that helped to take the luster off our nation. The steel and auto industries were the envy of the world. Everything we used in the home that were of electric was built here and American owned.

Okay, you realize that the reason why that happened was because the One Percenters didn't like sharing.

They aren't going to get any nicer just because we give up our unions and all the rights that go with that, right?
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.
...l. In the mean time, we must do everything to keep Trump in good health so he can serve his remaining years in a state prison.
Dude, I've been to the South... It's pretty much a third world country

Pass this along to your lefty buddies who keep moving down. Just don’t tell them the average income is higher in many areas and the taxes are lower. They already know the weather is better.
You say you have been to the South. I can promise you didn’t come to my area given your impression.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.
If he dies before the election, the GOP would choose a replacement .
If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.

Say what? You do realize the recovery rate is EXTREMELY high for COVID, right? Oh that's right, you believe the hype.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

You're right this spread like wild fire with people that went to the nomination of Barrett and Ron Johnson has now tested positive. Definitely a super spreader event.

There is a picture of people at the Rose Garden Party. All of the people who have announced testing positive, were seated together, shoulder to shoulder, in the first two rows. There was likely a "super-spreader" - an asymptomatic individual who was shedding a much higher level of virus than average, sitting in the first row, since the second row was affected, but not the third.

The virus is bringing down the entire Trump Administration. McConnell can't confirm Amy Coney Barrett. He can't even get her nomintion out of Committee. Mitch's refusal to allow virtual voing is biting him in the butt. If all of this wasn't really happening, it would be the greatest mini-series ever. As it is, you have a man who is attempting thwart the will of the American people, and steal your election, by any means possible.

I pray that his efforts won't succeed.
If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.

Say what? You do realize the recovery rate is EXTREMELY high for COVID, right? Oh that's right, you believe the hype.
Recovery is extremely high for NORMAL COVID--------

But this hitting so many at once from this one group doesn't sound like Normal Covid.

You're right this spread like wild fire with people that went to the nomination of Barrett and Ron Johnson has now tested positive. Definitely a super spreader event.

There is a picture of people at the Rose Garden Party. All of the people who have announced testing positive, were seated together, shoulder to shoulder, in the first two rows. There was likely a "super-spreader" - an asymptomatic individual who was shedding a much higher level of virus than average, sitting in the first row, since the second row was affected, but not the third.

The virus is bringing down the entire Trump Administration. McConnell can't confirm Amy Coney Barrett. He can't even get her nomintion out of Committee. Mitch's refusal to allow virtual voing is biting him in the butt. If all of this wasn't really happening, it would be the greatest mini-series ever. As it is, you have a man who is attempting thwart the will of the American people, and steal your election, by any means possible.

I pray that his efforts won't succeed.
She will be confirmed most likely, in spite of the looney tune left wingers.
I believe there has been a President who's died from illness while in office. But if Trump can beat Covid, then WE can beat Covid. This can unite the country reelecting Trump four more years if he's able to pull through this.

President Trump will beat covid, and then we will beat covid.
Pass this along to your lefty buddies who keep moving down. Just don’t tell them the average income is higher in many areas and the taxes are lower. They already know the weather is better.
You say you have been to the South. I can promise you didn’t come to my area given your impression.

Since you won't tell us which state you live in (because you KNOW I'm going to slaughter you with actual statistics) you really can't back that up.

Again, I'm sure you have the nicest double wide in Jesusland.
President Trump will beat covid, and then we will beat covid.

I'm sure he'll survive because he'll have the best in medical care.

But then there's the aftermath. Why did you ignore safety for so long, Mr. President?
Why did you keep doing events after you knew you were sick, infecting other people?
Why are you actively trying to dismantle other people's access to healthcare?
Why did you jump the line to get a special treatment most of us don't have access to?
Why aren't you using Hydrocholoroquinine or oleandrin or any of the other quack cures you've hawked?

Also, it is unlikely he'll be able to do any more debates and very little campaigning.

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