if Trump doesn't win

one attractive alternative. the problem is they had 17 people up their and fox played games with the debates because roger ailes wanted his buddy donald to be president.

and the rest of the GOP field had no clue how to handle donald....and the press was so amused by him that they gave him a fortune in free adverts.

and the rest is history.

plus, Cruz and Rubio turned into crybabies and Trump beat everyone
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
I'm hoping suicide is a viable option for those who hate America

Me too, to get rid of the left via suicide would be the best thing ever. Bye feminists, animal rights people, environmental nuts, socialists, commies, race pimps.......I mean the country would be sooo much better and I could tell a joke without having the pc police arrest me.
Oh my, another so pitiful "Conservative' victim. And you have been arrested how many times for telling a joke? Tell me, what does a pc policeman's uniform look like? I can't recall ever seeing one.
Likely because there are no ‘PC police.’
Paula Deen N Word

Yeah they don't exist....no one ever loses a job over saying ******....it never happens...jesus you guys are stupid.....

Oh and another one

Political correctness devours yet another college, fighting over mini-sombreros

On Saturday, two members of Bowdoin College’s student government will face impeachment proceedings. What heinous transgression did they commit? Theft, plagiarism, sexual assault?

Nope. They attended a party where some guests wore tiny sombreros.

how many times must I embarrass you ? I can do this allllll day long.

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