if Trump doesn't win

We will be under judicial dictatorship. The GOP House would vote against all Clinton Bills, so she will write an XO and upon a lawsuit, the liberal SCOTUS will declare it Law. The liberals will have finally killed America.

Then the Civil War II will commence.
LOL Still playing with that infantile dream of being the 'Big Iron' that brings all the criminals, anyone that is not you, to justice? LOL

You guys are pathetic. All you will do is have a few more drinks and pass out stroking your silly gun. All talk, no action, no brains, and definately, no courage.
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government

American people are no cowards. They are Patriots.:clap:

If the Clinton/Obama scum/thugs ......... try to rig your elections

The communist Clinton/Obama thugs ..... are in for a big surprise.
Oh my, what are you planning to do? Cry all over the White House rugs?
They didn't count the hanging chads, the Secretary of state stopped the recount early, they threw out ballots

Oh, wait...

those have been used already
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
I'm hoping suicide is a viable option for those who hate America

Me too, to get rid of the left via suicide would be the best thing ever. Bye feminists, animal rights people, environmental nuts, socialists, commies, race pimps.......I mean the country would be sooo much better and I could tell a joke without having the pc police arrest me.
Oh my, another so pitiful "Conservative' victim. And you have been arrested how many times for telling a joke? Tell me, what does a pc policeman's uniform look like? I can't recall ever seeing one.
You people are so dumb. Trump says the election is rigged so you just automatically agree even though there is no evidence at all this is true? This idiot can say anything and you'll buy it won't you?
If Trump loses, the guns are coming out. Gun sales will skyrocket in the intervening months until her inauguration because she will use XOs to ban guns. Liberals had better tread softly for the next four years.

Then again, Trump is going to win because Americans will never elect a damn criminal.
Oh my, I am so afraid. The 'guns are coming out'. And just what do you think that you are going to do with those guns? When Clinton wins this election, it will be because Trump and people like you have convinced the American voters that you simply cannot be trusted to anything remotely sane.
Revolution is generally used when elections are suspended. It isn't used because you don't like the outcome of elections, the normal response to this scenario is either living with it or moving to another country.

You can whine about losing elections all you want.
In America, tyranny has been the historical cause....so....
So there will be no civil war, as there is and will not be any tyranny.
They didn't count the hanging chads, the Secretary of state stopped the recount early, they threw out ballots

Oh, wait...

those have been used already

You forgot that we also get dead people to the polls (Hannity is going to be pissed at you).....
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
I'm hoping suicide is a viable option for those who hate America

Me too, to get rid of the left via suicide would be the best thing ever. Bye feminists, animal rights people, environmental nuts, socialists, commies, race pimps.......I mean the country would be sooo much better and I could tell a joke without having the pc police arrest me.
Oh my, another so pitiful "Conservative' victim. And you have been arrested how many times for telling a joke? Tell me, what does a pc policeman's uniform look like? I can't recall ever seeing one.
Likely because there are no ‘PC police.’
They didn't count the hanging chads, the Secretary of state stopped the recount early, they threw out ballots

Oh, wait...

those have been used already

You forgot that we also get dead people to the polls (Hannity is going to be pissed at you).....

How old are you nat?

Those were the excuses, along with others, the democrats used in 2000
We will be under judicial dictatorship. The GOP House would vote against all Clinton Bills, so she will write an XO and upon a lawsuit, the liberal SCOTUS will declare it Law. The liberals will have finally killed America.

Then the Civil War II will commence.
There will not be a civil war. What you will see is an erosion of civil discourse. You know all these random violent attacks? Times them by a thousand. We will have a society where the people just will not tolerate one another. A society held together merely by law isn't held together at all.
We will be under judicial dictatorship. The GOP House would vote against all Clinton Bills, so she will write an XO and upon a lawsuit, the liberal SCOTUS will declare it Law. The liberals will have finally killed America.

Then the Civil War II will commence.

This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

....and here I thought that Obama had taken ALL their guns away...The next Civil War may have to be fought by flinging cooked Trump steaks and old Trump bottles of wine.
You're assuming the low information idiot voters who always vote Democrat will come out to vote. They don't know who Trump is or what he said. Those of us who voted for trump during the primaries will come out in droves to vote for him in the general election. And remember trump got more votes in the primary than any candidate in recent history. He has thousands of people showing up for his campaign rallies while Hillary The crooked one can only muster a few hundred people in her rallies.

Guy, trump only got 13 million votes in the primaries. He needs at least 60 million to win.

Where are those other 47 Million going to come from?

If anything, Trump makes it more like the Democratic Base will come out and vote. He's managed to offend just about everyone.
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
All the Republicans had to do was offer a more attractive alternative. That's it.

Given the fact that the Democrats are running pretty much their most vulnerable candidate, the GOP should take a good look in the mirror after this.

Especially those in the party who make the most noise.

one attractive alternative. the problem is they had 17 people up their and fox played games with the debates because roger ailes wanted his buddy donald to be president.

and the rest of the GOP field had no clue how to handle donald....and the press was so amused by him that they gave him a fortune in free adverts.

and the rest is history.
If anything, Trump makes it more like the Democratic Base will come out and vote. He's managed to offend just about everyone.

true.....and democrats AND independents need to come out en masse to votes this Nov. not just to win (that's an almost forgone conclusion) but more so to smack down Trump to the gutters of presidential losses, where the clown belongs.
To my knowledge, he has operated within the law. Even in filing bankruptcy. Even in having his clothing lines made elsewhere. He has done nothing that other businessmen do not do...legally.

My criticizing the Obamas is automatically racist? How very fucking liberal of you!
Unlike Hillay who doesn't operate within the law as shown by her storing confidential government emails on a server in her basement. Let's not forget pay for play in her job as Secretary of State. But let's have a shit fit over Trump saying Obama founded ISIS. He did when you consider it started in 2014 when Obama drew his red line in the sand. If the crooked bitch wins, she will be given HELL from her opposition just like we gave to The lying Barrack Hussein Obama regarding cost of health insurance.

BTW! Anybody tagging this as funny is proving they are a moron for supporting a criminal for president.
Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trump's continual tripping up of himself, he himself is the one motivating his opposition to vote
What motivates someone to rush out to vote for someone who lies to the American people about emails and sells access to the government to foreign governments and powerful people? We haven't had debates yet and the media hasn't talked about Hillary's lying. Trump is not going to ignore her short comings. He's not Romney; he's a street fighter.
Trump lies with every breath he exhales. He'll lie and change his story in the same sentence. He has taken lying to heights not thought possible.

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