if Trump doesn't win

We that support Trump over Corruption do not hate America.

So you see Trump's scam as one of Him versus corruption? Have you ever him speak of how corrupt he himself has been?


the rest of your post was a racist rant and it is shocking! Shocking because you are always insisting you are no racist. Must be something you ate, huh?
To my knowledge, he has operated within the law. Even in filing bankruptcy. Even in having his clothing lines made elsewhere. He has done nothing that other businessmen do not do...legally.

My criticizing the Obamas is automatically racist? How very fucking liberal of you!
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
I'm hoping suicide is a viable option for those who hate America

Me too, to get rid of the left via suicide would be the best thing ever. Bye feminists, animal rights people, environmental nuts, socialists, commies, race pimps.......I mean the country would be sooo much better and I could tell a joke without having the pc police arrest me.
You people are so dumb. Trump says the election is rigged so you just automatically agree even though there is no evidence at all this is true? This i
Trump is a nice change from the Crooked Hillary Clinton and Obama Regime. We will put them in adjoining cells.
Even the most recent "crimes" of selling GOVT favors for cash into Clinton Foundation don't phase these sick twisted bastards. Not even a flinch? Unbelievable! It takes more than that?

Hello, this is the reason for hiding server. For deleting Govt property.
You people are so dumb. Trump says the election is rigged so you just automatically agree even though there is no evidence at all this is true? This idiot can say anything and you'll buy it won't you?
If Trump loses, the guns are coming out. Gun sales will skyrocket in the intervening months until her inauguration because she will use XOs to ban guns. Liberals had better tread softly for the next four years.

Then again, Trump is going to win because Americans will never elect a damn criminal.
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government


so much crazy....

do you really have no understanding of how normal people see dumb donald?
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
All the Republicans had to do was offer a more attractive alternative. That's it.

Given the fact that the Democrats are running pretty much their most vulnerable candidate, the GOP should take a good look in the mirror after this.

Especially those in the party who make the most noise.
We are at the end of a road as a country and there are only two dirt lanes leading to the cliff....

If hitlery wins, America will revolt....

If Trump wins, the democrat plantation will riot and burn America down....

Don't be afraid....prepare.....
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government


so much crazy....

do you really have no understanding of how normal people see dumb donald?
Maybe one day you can be normal hilljilly.....:lol:
many people" say you are insane. Folks, many people. That's what they are sa
Many people say you liberals have your head up your ass if you think the new liberal Court won't issue laws overriding our Bill of Rights. They will go after Freedom of Speech by overturning corporations the right to political speech, they will ban guns, and forget about the 10th. We may as well erase state borders.

Then again, Trump will win and we'll finally rid our government of communsts and the Supreme Court will be loaded with conservative men who love our Constitution.
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He's not going to win folks.

Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trump's continual tripping up of himself, he himself is the one motivating his opposition to vote.

What Trump seems to miss, is that while he will get a solid 35%-40% of the electorate, he needs more than that. So obviously he must grow his support and does anyone seriously believe he's been doing that? It's becoming a daily routine of fellow Republicans denouncing something stupid or provocative. The media MORE THAN EVER is making his chances more difficult by their constant playing of his controversies.

With the sitting president's approval rating over 50% that makes it even more difficult for the opposing party to win.

I sincerely hate to throw cold water on the party, but get used to hearing the words "President Clinton".
Sad that the Dims want this circus back in the White House, but once again they've given us a giant cluster fuck.
many people" say you are insane. Folks, many people. That's what they are sa
Many people say you liberals have your head up your ass if you think the new liberal Court won't issue laws overriding our Bill of Rights. They will go after Freedom of Speech by overturning corporations the right to political speech, they will ban guns, and forget about the 10th. We may as well erase state borders.

Then again, Trump will win and we'll finally rid our government of communsts and the Supreme Court will be loaded with conservative men who love our Constitution.
Only a far right fascist crazy guy, like AvgGuy1A, according to many people, folks, many people, thinks the bill of rights will be upended by new Justices. Corporations have no right to political speech; money is not speech. The 10th, as fascist guy does not want us to think, is part of a federal systems of laws, not an override on national power.

No one is going to come and get his guns.
many people" say you are insane. Folks, many people. That's what they are sa
Many people say you liberals have your head up your ass if you think the new liberal Court won't issue laws overriding our Bill of Rights. They will go after Freedom of Speech by overturning corporations the right to political speech, they will ban guns, and forget about the 10th. We may as well erase state borders.

Then again, Trump will win and we'll finally rid our government of communsts and the Supreme Court will be loaded with conservative men who love our Constitution.
Only a far right fascist crazy guy, like AvgGuy1A, according to many people, folks, many people, thinks the bill of rights will be upended by new Justices. Corporations have no right to political speech; money is not speech. The 10th, as fascist guy does not want us to think, is part of a federal systems of laws, not an override on national power.

No one is going to come and get his guns.
What? Fascist......
Most right wingers are clearly seeing the proverbial "writing on the wall" that Trump is a LOSER....
So, the excuses are starting with such moronic statements that "the election process is rigged"....." the media is biased"..... "the end of the world is near".....etc.
BUT what you'll NEVER hear from right wingers is the clear truth that their candidate is a lying, megalomaniac, crooked and selfish and moronic clown......

Trump is a modern day Caligula.
Most right wingers are clearly seeing the proverbial "writing on the wall" that Trump is a LOSER....
So, the excuses are starting with such moronic statements that "the election process is rigged"....." the media is biased"..... "the end of the world is near".....etc.
BUT what you'll NEVER hear from right wingers is the clear truth that their candidate is a lying, megalomaniac, crooked and selfish and moronic clown......

Trump is a modern day Caligula.
You run out of fresh democrat talking points? :lol:

You fascist democrats are doomed.....it's is endlessly entertaining watching you all panic.....and I can't wait toured more of your hitlerys deleted,personal emails...:lol:
Well, nat4900 what those of us who are intelligent and rational have witnessed is a DNC election process that was obviously rigged and the RNC election process was also rigged, but The Donald was such a strong candidate he managed to win. Also, nat4900, if you deny the MSM is biased in favor of Crooked Hillary, to be nice, you are very low information. Your description of The Donald is actually an accurate description of Crooked Hillary. :p
Snouter blathers on. DT is not qualified, end of story. HRC is not qualified, end of story. Vote Johnson.
We will be under judicial dictatorship. The GOP House would vote against all Clinton Bills, so she will write an XO and upon a lawsuit, the liberal SCOTUS will declare it Law. The liberals will have finally killed America.

Then the Civil War II will commence.

Actually, you will probably be amazed how quickly the House GOP will look to actually get some shit done after the Trump Near Death Experience.

Trump is at least in part a result of a Washington that is seen as dysfunctional- both parties.

Now, the GOP is likely to retain the House. But they'll probably lose the Senate and Hillary will stack the court with progressives...
He's not going to win folks.

Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.

Actually, what the GOP wants to do to working folks in this country should motivate 90% of us to vote against them. But they've gotten very good at tricking working class white males into voting against their own interests.

The guy who did it the smart way was George W. Bush. And when you have to use him as a good example for anything, you know you have a problem.

Bush got only 58% of the White vote- less than Romney did. But he got 44% of the Hispanic vote and 11% of the black vote. Just enough to put him over the top.

Romney, by contrast, got 60% of the white vote, but he only got 29% of the Hispanic vote and 6% of the Black vote. He lost badly.

Trump is going to do worse with all three groups. That's while he'll lose. I predict maybe 50% of the White vote, and single digits for blacks and Hispanics.

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