if Trump doesn't win

if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
You could emigrate to Ireland.
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

I would face your crowd but then again I am voting for Johnson and not Clinton. Also the angry white voter that you write about are in the red states and will have very little to say when Trump loses the Electoral College.

You do know the Popular vote does not really elect the President and it is the Electoral College and it is true that the Popular vote will tell most states Electoral voters how to vote the reality is Trump will not win his own home state of New York this November so how the hell will he win the Electoral College?
Run a candidate that is not mentally unstable and worth voting for!
Your candidate is a psychopath. Ever see video of her trying to act like a human? She doesn't know how. She contorts her face in what she simulates is a smile or laugh. Watch the videos we show you and learn the truth about her. Don't you care you're voting for a psycho? trump will drive her crazy in the debates and she'll go into a whacko fit in front of everyone.

Here is another piece of info about your candidate. On their tax return they claimed charitable deductions. 96% of the money donated went to The Clinton Foundation.

Incredible hacks?
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You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

I would face your crowd but then again I am voting for Johnson and not Clinton. Also the angry white voter that you write about are in the red states and will have very little to say when Trump loses the Electoral College.

You do know the Popular vote does not really elect the President and it is the Electoral College and it is true that the Popular vote will tell most states Electoral voters how to vote the reality is Trump will not win his own home state of New York this November so how the hell will he win the Electoral College?
New York never votes GOP except for Raegan. BTW. Johnson is a moron.
Run a candidate that is not mentally unstable and worth voting for!
Your candidate is a psychopath. Ever see video of her trying to act like a human? She doesn't know how. She contorts her face in what she simulates is a smile or laugh. Watch the videos we show you and learn the truth about her. Don't you care your voting for a psycho?

Here is another piece of info about your candidate. On their tax return they claimed charitable deductions. 96% of the money donated went to The Clinton Foundation.

Incredible hacks?

My candidate is Gary Johnson you stupid fucking worthless Kunt, so get that correct before you proclaim that I am voting for the worthless bitch on the Democratic Ticket.

I am sure you will proclaim anyone that is not voting for your twat of a candidate ( Donald John Trump ) must be voting for Clinton and then write about third party voting is a joke while showing your true ignorance and hatred of individual rights!
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

I would face your crowd but then again I am voting for Johnson and not Clinton. Also the angry white voter that you write about are in the red states and will have very little to say when Trump loses the Electoral College.

You do know the Popular vote does not really elect the President and it is the Electoral College and it is true that the Popular vote will tell most states Electoral voters how to vote the reality is Trump will not win his own home state of New York this November so how the hell will he win the Electoral College?
New York never votes GOP except for Raegan. BTW. Johnson is a moron.

Trump is a unhinged piece of shit that cheated on his wives and bankrupts his companies to skip on paying in full what he owes contractors!

You support a whiny little wimp that dodged the draft during Vietnam and never contributed a damn thing to this country except a horrible reality show and hair!
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

Crowd size doesn't win elections .. nor does the number of people who listen to talk radio. :0)

If you're looking for real benchmarks .. try the polls .. but you aren't really looking for real benchmarks, are you?

Sooooo, if you can't win the election, you think to challenge Clinton supporters to a fist fight .. :lol::lol::lol:

That's so fucking mindless ...
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

Crowd size doesn't win elections .. nor does the number of people who listen to talk radio. :0)

If you're looking for real benchmarks .. try the polls .. but you aren't really looking for real benchmarks, are you?

Sooooo, if you can't win the election, you think to challenge Clinton supporters to a fist fight .. :lol::lol::lol:

That's so fucking mindless ...

Crowd size doesn't win elections ..

Depends on the crowd


Just can't figure out if the beings in that picture are Democrats or Republican...
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.

Crowd size doesn't win elections .. nor does the number of people who listen to talk radio. :0)

If you're looking for real benchmarks .. try the polls .. but you aren't really looking for real benchmarks, are you?

Sooooo, if you can't win the election, you think to challenge Clinton supporters to a fist fight .. :lol::lol::lol:

That's so fucking mindless ...

Acts of violence is all Trump voters have and can not understand reality...
Trump is a unhinged piece of shit that cheated on his wives and bankrupts his companies to skip on paying in full what he owes contractors!

You support a whiny little wimp that dodged the draft during Vietnam and never contributed a damn thing to this country except a horrible reality show and hair!
Trump never sent our boys to Iraq. He never got 4 men killed in Benghazi when there was a chance to save them. He doesn't go into wild fits in fron t of reporters. He hasn't sold government access for his Foundation. Matters not if you don't plan to vote for the botch. There are only two viable parties in America. Voting for Johnson is like jacking off a dead frog and about as productive. You are voting for Hillary whether you admit it or not. This is the year of the outsider. Trump didn't win his primaries on good looks. The people are tired the the same old ruling class finning things. 70% agree with me and I'm hoping the come out to vote this year.
Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trum
. You're assuming the low information idiot voters who always vote Democrat will come out to vote. They don't know who Trump is or what he said. Those of us who voted for trump during the primaries will come out in droves to vote for him in the general election. And remember trump got more votes in the primary than any candidate in recent history. He has thousands of people showing up for his campaign rallies while Hillary The crooked one can only muster a few hundred people in her rallies.

This is the same moron who predicted - all evidence to the contrary, mind you - that the Republicans would actually gain seats in the 2006 midterms on the Hannity site.
Trump is a unhinged piece of shit that cheated on his wives and bankrupts his companies to skip on paying in full what he owes contractors!

You support a whiny little wimp that dodged the draft during Vietnam and never contributed a damn thing to this country except a horrible reality show and hair!
Such hatred. If you're so confident you're gonna elect the bitch, then why are you being so pissy? Scared those polls missed a few voters? Remember 70% think we are going in the wrong direction.
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This is the same moron who predicted - all evidence to the contrary, mind you - that the Republicans would actually gain seats in the 2006 midte
Oh..a fan from Hannity. Quit following me and sending IMs. I refuse to spank you while you wet your diapers. Quit asking.
The Avgmoron is flopping like a flounder out of water....Give it up, nitwit, and try again in 2024.
So, with that in mind, don't expect Trump in November to apologize to his acolytes for having virtually destroyed the GOP brand for at least a deca
The so-called leaders of the GOP will be responsible for destroying the GOP. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man up. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man in the center.
The mainstream will be hailed by the future members of the GOP for standing up to Comrade "little hands" Trump and his deluded followers.
Trump might be feeling the heat...
He's in Pennsylvania now saying if he loses the state
it's because the election is fixed....
The so-called leaders of the GOP will be responsible for destroying the GOP. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man up. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man in the center.

Once you right wing, Trumpster-morons lose in November, you should start your own party....
Call it the Orangy-Cheeto Party (OCP)
How about FOOL's?

Funny Old Oompa Loompa's


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