if Trump doesn't win

He's not going to win folks.

Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.

Actually, what the GOP wants to do to working folks in this country should motivate 90% of us to vote against them. But they've gotten very good at tricking working class white males into voting against their own interests.

The guy who did it the smart way was George W. Bush. And when you have to use him as a good example for anything, you know you have a problem.

Bush got only 58% of the White vote- less than Romney did. But he got 44% of the Hispanic vote and 11% of the black vote. Just enough to put him over the top.

Romney, by contrast, got 60% of the white vote, but he only got 29% of the Hispanic vote and 6% of the Black vote. He lost badly.

Trump is going to do worse with all three groups. That's while he'll lose. I predict maybe 50% of the White vote, and single digits for blacks and Hispanics.
We did...that's why we put Trump there.....
No one will ever hear Trump say the following...."I APOLOGIZE"......

Some right wingers see that as a "strength".....while sane folks see that as just an egotistical stubbornness.

So, with that in mind, don't expect Trump in November to apologize to his acolytes for having virtually destroyed the GOP brand for at least a decade..
No one will ever hear Trump say the following...."I APOLOGIZE"......

Some right wingers see that as a "strength".....while sane folks see that as just an egotistical stubbornness.

So, with that in mind, don't expect Trump in November to apologize to his acolytes for having virtually destroyed the GOP brand for at least a decade..
Hopefully Trump,destroyed the GOP forever....the Republican Party is already better off for his efforts.....
The House GOP will work with a dem president this time, in order to get some milder SCOTUS appointments.
The House GOP will work with a dem president this time, in order to get some milder SCOTUS appointments.

Actually that is an important prediction, As the WH gains a third Dem. term, and the senate reverts to a [albeit, slim] democrat majority, the House under Ryan MUST begin to do some work after so many years of doing nothing. Although the House is not directly responsible for the confirmation of Justices, the house members can impact on a quid pro quo basis, moderate appointments.
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
So you're admitting the GOP lied when they said the next president should pick Scalia's replacement?

Now the meme is either the GOP picks his replacement or they start a civil war?
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government
So you're admitting the GOP lied when they said the next president should pick Scalia's replacement?

Now the meme is either the GOP picks his replacement or they start a civil war?
The GOP is dead....
If the far right tries a civil war, it will be over in like 14 seconds.
Revolution is generally used when elections are suspended. It isn't used because you don't like the outcome of elections, the normal response to this scenario is either living with it or moving to another country.

You can whine about losing elections all you want.
Revolution is generally used when elections are suspended. It isn't used because you don't like the outcome of elections, the normal response to this scenario is either living with it or moving to another country.

You can whine about losing elections all you want.
In America, tyranny has been the historical cause....so....
Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trum
. You're assuming the low information idiot voters who always vote Democrat will come out to vote. They don't know who Trump is or what he said. Those of us who voted for trump during the primaries will come out in droves to vote for him in the general election. And remember trump got more votes in the primary than any candidate in recent history. He has thousands of people showing up for his campaign rallies while Hillary The crooked one can only muster a few hundred people in her rallies.
We will be under judicial dictatorship. The GOP House would vote against all Clinton Bills, so she will write an XO and upon a lawsuit, the liberal SCOTUS will declare it Law. The liberals will have finally killed America.

Then the Civil War II will commence.

Sure .. except much of the South these days is turning minority-majority and they've thrown the confederate flags in the garbage .. where they belong. :0)
Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trum
. You're assuming the low information idiot voters who always vote Democrat will come out to vote. They don't know who Trump is or what he said. Those of us who voted for trump during the primaries will come out in droves to vote for him in the general election. And remember trump got more votes in the primary than any candidate in recent history. He has thousands of people showing up for his campaign rallies while Hillary The crooked one can only muster a few hundred people in her rallies.

You must be new to politics.
Keep in mind that no matter who the GOP candidate is, the Dim will always win the one national election AS LONG as their supporters show up at the polls. They have the #'s they simply have to be motivated to vote.
With Trum
. You're assuming the low information idiot voters who always vote Democrat will come out to vote. They don't know who Trump is or what he said. Those of us who voted for trump during the primaries will come out in droves to vote for him in the general election. And remember trump got more votes in the primary than any candidate in recent history. He has thousands of people showing up for his campaign rallies while Hillary The crooked one can only muster a few hundred people in her rallies.
You are a low information idiot voter if you think they won't show up.
So, with that in mind, don't expect Trump in November to apologize to his acolytes for having virtually destroyed the GOP brand for at least a deca
The so-called leaders of the GOP will be responsible for destroying the GOP. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man up. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man in the center.
The so-called leaders of the GOP will be responsible for destroying the GOP. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man up. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man in the center.

Once you right wing, Trumpster-morons lose in November, you should start your own party....
Call it the Orangy-Cheeto Party (OCP)
So, with that in mind, don't expect Trump in November to apologize to his acolytes for having virtually destroyed the GOP brand for at least a deca
The so-called leaders of the GOP will be responsible for destroying the GOP. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man up. Donald Trump supporters will blame them for losing the election because they refused to back our man in the center.

That's because Trump voters are dumb as rocks .. still can't figure out that TRUMP IS A DEMOCRAT who has PLAYED HIS SUPPORTERS FOR CLOWNS AND FOOLS.

Trump never wanted to win. He wanted to expose and destroy the Republican Party .. and he's succeeded .. with YOUR help. :0)

Ex-Trump Insider: Donald Doesn’t Want to Be President
Ex-Trump Insider: Donald Doesn’t Want to Be President
You must be new to politics.
You must watch only liberal news and assume Hillary is getting millions of people showing up to watch her give a speech. Trump supporters will run a gauntlet of vicious rock throwing thugs to hear him remind us America is great and He will make it greater again.

Hillary supporters wouldn't dare face an angry crowd of Trump supporters.
if Trump doesn't win through a fair election (unlikely) or a fixed election (more likely)

We may as well freeze ourselves for a hundred years , then see if the country is ready for revolution yet.

We're talking about 40 years of Socialist controlled Supreme Court, increasing taxes , and overbearing government

Same shit just different day with the wankers that believe if their damn candidate does not win the world will fucking end for them!

Run a candidate that is not mentally unstable and worth voting for!

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