If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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[Stevens “had been in Benghazi for a considerable period of time; knew many, if not most, of the leaders; was seen to be well thought of in Benghazi; and had—if not adulation, he had a status of high favorable profile in Benghazi. And it was the combination of his background and experience and his knowledge of Benghazi, which exceeded that of many others in the State Department at least, that had people turn to him for advice and counsel on Benghazi.”

Swell, Stevens was a smart, experienced guy who everyone loved...

And after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, the last leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, a larger threat of attack pending, not enough security, and other nations pulling their people out, Hillary and her State Department should have also ordered Americans out. Had she done so they would all still be alive. She did not, She FAILED the task of protecting American State Department personnel abroad because of piss-poor decision making.

JK, do you have any idea what those 1st 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were? If you had military combat experience you would know. The terrorists were testing the security, checking the perimeter, response times, 'rally points', the plan to move Stevens, etc... It was in preparation for the final attack on 9/11/12. It was a little like 'basting' a turkey before you cook it.

No one in the State Department or on Stevens security team was smart enough to figure that out...or maybe they did, which would explain Stevens' letter read before Congress where he stated if he did not have additional security and a 3rd, larger attack occurred he would die.
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

Well since Mueller is stocking his team with Dem donors and a Hillary Lawyer I say it needs to be done.
So what?

When investigating Bill Clinton, Republicans picked Ken Starr, a registered Republican who had worked under Bush41 and who had submitted a friend of the court brief in the Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton. Clinton didn't fire him.

Grow a pair.
[Stevens “had been in Benghazi for a considerable period of time; knew many, if not most, of the leaders; was seen to be well thought of in Benghazi; and had—if not adulation, he had a status of high favorable profile in Benghazi. And it was the combination of his background and experience and his knowledge of Benghazi, which exceeded that of many others in the State Department at least, that had people turn to him for advice and counsel on Benghazi.”

Swell, Stevens was a smart, experienced guy who everyone loved...

And after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, the last leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, a larger threat of attack pending, not enough security, and other nations pulling their people out, Hillary and her State Department should have also ordered Americans out. Had she done so they would all still be alive. She did not, She FAILED the task of protecting American State Department personnel abroad because of piss-poor decision making.

JK, do you have any idea what those 1st 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were? If you had military combat experience you would know. The terrorists were testing the security, checking the perimeter, response times, 'rally points', the plan to move Stevens, etc... It was in preparation for the final attack on 9/11/12. It was a little like 'basting' a turkey before you cook it.

No one in the State Department or on Stevens security team was smart enough to figure that out...or maybe they did, which would explain Stevens' letter read before Congress where he stated if he did not have additional security and a 3rd, larger attack occurred he would die.
8 investigations ... nada
Of course....

'Soldiers' are dedicated to the mission. Stevens was dedicated. he also knew the people in Benghazi and did not feel threatened by them. He wasn't killed by the people he knew in Benghazi, though. He was killed by Al Qaeda. Stevens stayed because the mission was there.

Hillary Clinton and the State Department was in charge of protecting US Ambassadors. BOTTOM LINE: Hillary Clinton, as Sect of State, failed to do so.

SHE, not Stevens, was in charge of making that call. When every other nation began pulling their people out she should have done so, too. When the embassy was attacked twice before 9/11/12 she should have ordered them out, especially knowing they did not have enough security. She did not. She did not / could not / would not make the call. Leaders have to make tough choices - she failed. Instead she let Americans die.

Not only did she fail to prevent the deaths f Americans, she lied her ass off about it in an attempt to make sure her Presidential bid hopes were not damaged.

Had Obama just announced that 4 Americans had been killed in a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 there would have been no scandal at all. Americans would have accepted that. More Americans have been killed by terrorists since then. It has sadly become a fact of life. He and Hillary F*ed up, though, by trying to cover it up.

22 US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 - a fact the media kept extremely quiet because it did not support the false narrative that in Benghazi - and only in Benghazi - some obscure video cause a riot that resulted in the murder of 4 Americans.

The media was complicit in helping create that story because of if it was emphasized to the American people that 22 attacks throughout the ME that day they would have easily figured out Benghazi was an obvious part of the larger coordinated attacks. Much like with the ACA, Obama sought to mislead the American people with his BS about a video. If he had been honest we would have mourned the loss of 4 Americans WITH him instead of having to DRAG the truth out of him and Hillary.

Also, Snowflakes a few minutes ago tried to blame the GOP for the deaths of those in Benghazi over funding issues. Again, what a bunch of BS! That's an excuse for failing to prevent the deaths of 4 Americans who never should have died to begin with.


November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.
House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories


“The Board found that Ambassador Stevens made the decision to travel to Benghazi independently of Washington, per standard practice. Timing for his trip was driven in part by commitments in Tripoli, as well as a staffing gap between principal officers in Benghazi … The Ambassador did not see a direct threat of an attack of this nature and scale on the U.S. Mission in the overall negative trendline of security incidents from spring to summer 2012. His status as the leading U.S. government advocate on Libya policy, and his expertise on Benghazi in particular, caused Washington to give unusual deference to his judgments.”
1. The State Department could have saved the Americans killed on 9/11/12 by pulling them out earlier. You can continue to scream about a rescue mission that never showed up in time if you want, but that won't change the fact that they were left to die before 9/11/12.

2. It states it was the State Department's call but that they gave 'unusual deference in judgment', meaning they are laying the blame on Stevens for not doing what they were responsible for doing - making the hard calls and saving State Department lives abroad.
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

Well since Mueller is stocking his team with Dem donors and a Hillary Lawyer I say it needs to be done.
So what?

When investigating Bill Clinton, Republicans picked Ken Starr, a registered Republican who had worked under Bush41 and who had submitted a friend of the court brief in the Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton. Clinton didn't fire him.

Grow a pair.
As I pointed out, Democrats don't give a damn if anyone sees what they are doing....
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

Well since Mueller is stocking his team with Dem donors and a Hillary Lawyer I say it needs to be done.
So what?

When investigating Bill Clinton, Republicans picked Ken Starr, a registered Republican who had worked under Bush41 and who had submitted a friend of the court brief in the Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton. Clinton didn't fire him.

Grow a pair.
As I pointed out, Democrats don't give a damn if anyone sees what they are doing....
What have Democrats done?? Republicans control it all.
fk man, how long does it take to investigate a campaign? They were investigating before the elections, and there was nothing, still nothing. it's done fool. it's all over after thirteen months if you can't find something that is just poor investigating. are you saying the agencies are incompetent?

Do you want the job done, or do you want it done right? It took a year for Nixon's investigation to produce charges. And that was just Nixon colluding with domestic operatives to "hack" into his political opponents. It was limited to just the Watergate break-in, and was wholly a domestic affair. This is far more complex, as it involves a foreign power, numerous election hacks and hack attempts (not just the DNC hack, but the hack of our voting systems), and the dissemination of false information across social media (Russian Active Measures).

If you think that because it's taken a long time that means nothing comes of it, then you're kidding yourself. The longer this drags on for, the bigger it is going to get.
[Stevens “had been in Benghazi for a considerable period of time; knew many, if not most, of the leaders; was seen to be well thought of in Benghazi; and had—if not adulation, he had a status of high favorable profile in Benghazi. And it was the combination of his background and experience and his knowledge of Benghazi, which exceeded that of many others in the State Department at least, that had people turn to him for advice and counsel on Benghazi.”

Swell, Stevens was a smart, experienced guy who everyone loved...

And after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, the last leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, a larger threat of attack pending, not enough security, and other nations pulling their people out, Hillary and her State Department should have also ordered Americans out. Had she done so they would all still be alive. She did not, She FAILED the task of protecting American State Department personnel abroad because of piss-poor decision making.

JK, do you have any idea what those 1st 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were? If you had military combat experience you would know. The terrorists were testing the security, checking the perimeter, response times, 'rally points', the plan to move Stevens, etc... It was in preparation for the final attack on 9/11/12. It was a little like 'basting' a turkey before you cook it.

No one in the State Department or on Stevens security team was smart enough to figure that out...or maybe they did, which would explain Stevens' letter read before Congress where he stated if he did not have additional security and a 3rd, larger attack occurred he would die.

Got it Cupcake after destroying your meme that the US was the last flag standing, you pivot elsewhere? LMAOROG

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say


8 investigations ... nada
Just curious...where was Obama while Americans were being killed? To this day no one still knows where he was.

One last question: Why did the State Department modify 13 TIMES the CIA's initial report, that was filed within an hour of the Benghazi attack beginning - the report in which they made clear this was a terrorist attack, stripping all references to 'terrorism', before allowing the report to be released?
-- This came out in the investigations.... 'Nada'? Really? :p
[Stevens “had been in Benghazi for a considerable period of time; knew many, if not most, of the leaders; was seen to be well thought of in Benghazi; and had—if not adulation, he had a status of high favorable profile in Benghazi. And it was the combination of his background and experience and his knowledge of Benghazi, which exceeded that of many others in the State Department at least, that had people turn to him for advice and counsel on Benghazi.”

Swell, Stevens was a smart, experienced guy who everyone loved...

And after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, the last leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, a larger threat of attack pending, not enough security, and other nations pulling their people out, Hillary and her State Department should have also ordered Americans out. Had she done so they would all still be alive. She did not, She FAILED the task of protecting American State Department personnel abroad because of piss-poor decision making.

JK, do you have any idea what those 1st 2 terrorist attacks on the compound were? If you had military combat experience you would know. The terrorists were testing the security, checking the perimeter, response times, 'rally points', the plan to move Stevens, etc... It was in preparation for the final attack on 9/11/12. It was a little like 'basting' a turkey before you cook it.

No one in the State Department or on Stevens security team was smart enough to figure that out...or maybe they did, which would explain Stevens' letter read before Congress where he stated if he did not have additional security and a 3rd, larger attack occurred he would die.
8 investigations ... nada
I can see this taking another 3 years. Through the 2018 election and maybe even into the 2020 election.

Who knows!? It's entirely possible it drags on for three years...it's entirely possible the other shoe drops next week. We don't know because we're not running the investigation. I still think it's even money that Trump lasts the year. I think it's more likely he will quit the Presidency before any formal charges are brought, or articles of Impeachment are produced.
Do you want the job done, or do you want it done right?

The libs f*ed up both.

They refuse to wrap things up even though they have testified themselves 'there is nothing there', and in doing so they implicated the Left / Obama Cabinet Members / the US AG, etc in numerous crimes. :p
I can see this taking another 3 years. Through the 2018 election and maybe even into the 2020 election.

Who knows!? It's entirely possible it drags on for three years...it's entirely possible the other shoe drops next week. We don't know because we're not running the investigation. I still think it's even money that Trump lasts the year. I think it's more likely he will quit the Presidency before any formal charges are brought, or articles of Impeachment are produced.
For the next 3 years we are going to have to hear the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Democrats declare, "There is no crime, never was a crime, never was any collusion, and was never any obstruction'?"

Oh good grief!

Of course....

'Soldiers' are dedicated to the mission. Stevens was dedicated. he also knew the people in Benghazi and did not feel threatened by them. He wasn't killed by the people he knew in Benghazi, though. He was killed by Al Qaeda. Stevens stayed because the mission was there.

Hillary Clinton and the State Department was in charge of protecting US Ambassadors. BOTTOM LINE: Hillary Clinton, as Sect of State, failed to do so.

SHE, not Stevens, was in charge of making that call. When every other nation began pulling their people out she should have done so, too. When the embassy was attacked twice before 9/11/12 she should have ordered them out, especially knowing they did not have enough security. She did not. She did not / could not / would not make the call. Leaders have to make tough choices - she failed. Instead she let Americans die.

Not only did she fail to prevent the deaths f Americans, she lied her ass off about it in an attempt to make sure her Presidential bid hopes were not damaged.

Had Obama just announced that 4 Americans had been killed in a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 there would have been no scandal at all. Americans would have accepted that. More Americans have been killed by terrorists since then. It has sadly become a fact of life. He and Hillary F*ed up, though, by trying to cover it up.

22 US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 - a fact the media kept extremely quiet because it did not support the false narrative that in Benghazi - and only in Benghazi - some obscure video cause a riot that resulted in the murder of 4 Americans.

The media was complicit in helping create that story because of if it was emphasized to the American people that 22 attacks throughout the ME that day they would have easily figured out Benghazi was an obvious part of the larger coordinated attacks. Much like with the ACA, Obama sought to mislead the American people with his BS about a video. If he had been honest we would have mourned the loss of 4 Americans WITH him instead of having to DRAG the truth out of him and Hillary.

Also, Snowflakes a few minutes ago tried to blame the GOP for the deaths of those in Benghazi over funding issues. Again, what a bunch of BS! That's an excuse for failing to prevent the deaths of 4 Americans who never should have died to begin with.


November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.
House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories


“The Board found that Ambassador Stevens made the decision to travel to Benghazi independently of Washington, per standard practice. Timing for his trip was driven in part by commitments in Tripoli, as well as a staffing gap between principal officers in Benghazi … The Ambassador did not see a direct threat of an attack of this nature and scale on the U.S. Mission in the overall negative trendline of security incidents from spring to summer 2012. His status as the leading U.S. government advocate on Libya policy, and his expertise on Benghazi in particular, caused Washington to give unusual deference to his judgments.”
1. The State Department could have saved the Americans killed on 9/11/12 by pulling them out earlier. You can continue to scream about a rescue mission that never showed up in time if you want, but that won't change the fact that they were left to die before 9/11/12.

2. It states it was the State Department's call but that they gave 'unusual deference in judgment', meaning they are laying the blame on Stevens for not doing what they were responsible for doing - making the hard calls and saving State Department lives abroad.

Sure Cupcake, sure

Whom do you fault for the lack of security that resulted in the death of your brother, in Benghazi?

It is clear, in hindsight, that the facility was not sufficiently protected by the State Department and the Defense Department. But what was the underlying cause? Perhaps if Congress had provided a budget to increase security for all missions around the world, then some of the requests for more security in Libya would have been granted. Certainly the State Department is underbudgeted.

I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta. They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world. And their staffs were doing their best to provide what they could with the resources they had. The Benghazi Mission was understaffed. We know that now. But, again, Chris knew that. It wasn’t a secret to him. He decided to take the risk to go there. It is not something they did to him. It is something he took on himself.

What did you learn from the two new reports by House Republicans and Democrats?

It doesn’t look like anything new. They concluded that the U.S. compound in Benghazi was not secure. We knew that.

What did you think of Secretary Clinton’s conduct on Benghazi?

She has taken full responsibility, being head of the State Department, for what occurred. She took measures to respond to the review board’s recommendations. She established programs for a better security system. But it is never going to be perfect. Part of being a diplomat is being out in the community. We all recognize that there’s a risk in serving in a dangerous environment. Chris thought that was very important, and he probably would have done it again. I don’t see any usefulness in continuing to criticize her. It is very unjust.

After years of congressional investigations, do you feel that your brother’s death has been politicized in Washington?

Yes! Definitely politicized. Every report I read that mentions him specifically has a political bent, an accusatory bent. One point that seems to be brought up again and again is the accusation that the attack was a response to the video. I could understand why that conclusion would be made, because it was right after the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt. But, frankly, it doesn’t matter that that was the thinking, that night, about why the attack occurred. It’s irrelevant to bring that up again and again. It is done purely for political reasons.

It would be much more useful for Congress to focus on providing resources for security for all State Department facilities around the world—for increasing personnel, language capabilities, for increasing staff to build relationships, particularly in North Africa and the Middle East. I would love to hear they are drastically increasing the budget.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi
Thank you for admitting there never was and is no investigation of Trump.

Well, that's a bit misleading because investigations can take turns all the time to implicate people who weren't previously implicated. Nixon and Watergate is the perfect example of that. So while, at the time, Trump wasn't personally under investigation, his campaign was and is. If Trump took what Comey said to mean that Trump not under investigation means Trump's campaign wasn't under investigation, then that's Trump's problem for not understanding the difference.

Now, who knows? It's possible in the time between when Comey told Trump he wasn't under investigation personally and today, the investigation took a turn that implicated Trump. Again, we won't know until the investigation is finished. So neither side can claim Trump did or didn't collude with Russia. That's what the investigation is trying to determine. And until the investigation is concluded, no one knows if he is involved or not.
For the next 3 years we are going to have to hear the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Democrats declare, "There is no crime, never was a crime, never was any collusion, and was never any obstruction'?"

Unless the investigation does uncover evidence of a crime, in which case they wouldn't say that at all. We won't know until the investigation has run its course. It took a year to investigate Nixon, and that was just a break-in of the Watergate HQ of the Democrats. This is more widespread, involves a foreign power (and national security), and is much broader than a simple break-in by hired goons.
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

Well since Mueller is stocking his team with Dem donors and a Hillary Lawyer I say it needs to be done.
So what?

When investigating Bill Clinton, Republicans picked Ken Starr, a registered Republican who had worked under Bush41 and who had submitted a friend of the court brief in the Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton. Clinton didn't fire him.

Grow a pair.

LOL, kid you're quite the bad ass aren't you? Should I be afraid?
8 investigations ... nada
Just curious...where was Obama while Americans were being killed? To this day no one still knows where he was.

One last question: Why did the State Department modify 13 TIMES the CIA's initial report, that was filed within an hour of the Benghazi attack beginning - the report in which they made clear this was a terrorist attack, stripping all references to 'terrorism', before allowing the report to be released?
-- This came out in the investigations.... 'Nada'? Really? :p

Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Intel Reports Linked Inflammatory Video To Benghazi Attack.

A Senate Select Committee on Intelligence review of the Benghazi attack found that "some intelligence suggests" an inflammatory video linked to violent protests around the region led terror groups to conduct "similar attacks with little advanced warning"


NY Times: Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Told Witnesses The Benghazi Attack Was In Response To Inflammatory Anti-Islam Video

NY Times: "The Attackers" In Benghazi "Did Tell Bystanders That They Were Attacking The Compound Because They Were Angry About The Video."

Wash. Post's Ignatius: CIA Document Supported Rice's Description Of Attack As Reaction To Anti-Islam Video

David Ignatius: Benghazi intelligence revealed

Wash. Post Editorial: News Organizations Quoted People At The Burning Consulate Saying They "Were Angry About The Video."

The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice

House Intelligence Committee: Initial Intelligence Surrounding The Attackers' Identities And Motives Was "Piecemeal" And "Conflicting."

Former CIA Acting Director Believed At The Time Video Might Have Motivated Attack.
1. The State Department could have saved the Americans killed on 9/11/12 by pulling them out earlier. You can continue to scream about a rescue mission that never showed up in time if you want, but that won't change the fact that they were left to die before 9/11/12.

So that would mean that the State Department would have to have some kind of Minority Report-type precogs in their employ. While true the State Department did hear chatter about possible attacks on 9/11/12, they didn't know which attacks would happen where and when. Sure, they could have pulled them out prior to 9/11/12. They could have also spent more money bolstering security, too. Conservatives opposed that. So there's a lot of armchair-quarterbacking happening. Had Bush took appropriate action prior to 9/11, he could have prevented that from happening any number of ways. The State Department's response to Benghazi was wholly appropriate, and when Bush the Dumber was POTUS, there were far more attacks on our embassies and consulates resulting in far more casualties.

2. It states it was the State Department's call but that they gave 'unusual deference in judgment', meaning they are laying the blame on Stevens for not doing what they were responsible for doing - making the hard calls and saving State Department lives abroad.

As I read, Stevens traveled to Benghazi and denied an escort, choosing instead to use local militias for his protection because he thought that would do more to establish trust with the tribes who we needed as allies in the post-Ghaddafi Libya civil war. Obviously, that was a risk that clearly backfired.
8 investigations ... nada
Just curious...where was Obama while Americans were being killed? To this day no one still knows where he was.

One last question: Why did the State Department modify 13 TIMES the CIA's initial report, that was filed within an hour of the Benghazi attack beginning - the report in which they made clear this was a terrorist attack, stripping all references to 'terrorism', before allowing the report to be released?
-- This came out in the investigations.... 'Nada'? Really? :p
Don't know where he was.

8 investigations -- zilch. Your talking points are meaningless.

As far as your one last question... you have that wrong too. Intel kept changing early on.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
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