If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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Just curious...where was Obama while Americans were being killed? To this day no one still knows where he was.

What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying Obama was involved in the attack? Where was Cheney during 9/11? Where was Bush? Their whereabouts still are unaccounted for during several hours as 9/11 was happening. All we saw was Bush at the Elementary School reading an upside-down copy of My Pet Goat. Then he sits there like a dumb fuck. Then he gets up and leaves. Then the next time we see him is a couple days later, at Ground Zero. So where was Bush for that period between My Pet Goat and his visit to Ground Zero?

One last question: Why did the State Department modify 13 TIMES the CIA's initial report, that was filed within an hour of the Benghazi attack beginning - the report in which they made clear this was a terrorist attack, stripping all references to 'terrorism', before allowing the report to be released?
-- This came out in the investigations.... 'Nada'? Really?

Maybe at the time the intel they got showed it wasn't terrorism-related. There were a lot of protests across the Arab world that day, not all of them had armed militants attacking foreign embassies and consulates.
I can see this taking another 3 years. Through the 2018 election and maybe even into the 2020 election.

Who knows!? It's entirely possible it drags on for three years...it's entirely possible the other shoe drops next week. We don't know because we're not running the investigation. I still think it's even money that Trump lasts the year. I think it's more likely he will quit the Presidency before any formal charges are brought, or articles of Impeachment are produced.
I have the end of July in a pool.
fk man, how long does it take to investigate a campaign? They were investigating before the elections, and there was nothing, still nothing. it's done fool. it's all over after thirteen months if you can't find something that is just poor investigating. are you saying the agencies are incompetent?

Do you want the job done, or do you want it done right? It took a year for Nixon's investigation to produce charges. And that was just Nixon colluding with domestic operatives to "hack" into his political opponents. It was limited to just the Watergate break-in, and was wholly a domestic affair. This is far more complex, as it involves a foreign power, numerous election hacks and hack attempts (not just the DNC hack, but the hack of our voting systems), and the dissemination of false information across social media (Russian Active Measures).

If you think that because it's taken a long time that means nothing comes of it, then you're kidding yourself. The longer this drags on for, the bigger it is going to get.
I want updates when something drags this long. Something that validates the need for the investigation. And there is absolutely nothing. nadda, zip. after thirteen months. And posts like yours is so disappointing. Cause you expect nothing. and you got nothing. So you got what you asked for.

one fking thing. shit man, they didn't even look at the supposed server hacked. what kind of flim flam investigation is that. If that's all they got, it's useless. you don't want fair you want it fixed. Nope!!
Just curious...where was Obama while Americans were being killed? To this day no one still knows where he was.

What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying Obama was involved in the attack? Where was Cheney during 9/11? Where was Bush? Their whereabouts still are unaccounted for during several hours as 9/11 was happening. All we saw was Bush at the Elementary School reading an upside-down copy of My Pet Goat. Then he sits there like a dumb fuck. Then he gets up and leaves. Then the next time we see him is a couple days later, at Ground Zero. So where was Bush for that period between My Pet Goat and his visit to Ground Zero?

One last question: Why did the State Department modify 13 TIMES the CIA's initial report, that was filed within an hour of the Benghazi attack beginning - the report in which they made clear this was a terrorist attack, stripping all references to 'terrorism', before allowing the report to be released?
-- This came out in the investigations.... 'Nada'? Really?

Maybe at the time the intel they got showed it wasn't terrorism-related. There were a lot of protests across the Arab world that day, not all of them had armed militants attacking foreign embassies and consulates.
they knew it was coming. period. Hitlery deleted the emails that contained the emails from Stevens. I dare you to challenge that. Cause, hey bubba, they are fking deleted, and deleted for a fking reason. Derp!!!!
The libs f*ed up both.

OMG, dude, you need to re-lax!!! You are getting way too worked up about this. The only party who seems to be trying to fuck up the investigations is Trump and the Conservatives, which is a bit weird since they also maintain there was no wrongdoing. Well, OK...then if there's no wrongdoing, why are you all so opposed to investigations? That didn't seem to be an issue when you investigated Benghazi 8 times. What is it you think is going to happen? Do you think that liberals are going to fudge the investigation and produce fake evidence tying Trump to Russia? How would they do that, exactly? I don't understand what you think was fucked up regarding the investigations.

It just seems like you're trying to gaslight the investigations so you don't have to accept their conclusions.
Of course....

'Soldiers' are dedicated to the mission. Stevens was dedicated. he also knew the people in Benghazi and did not feel threatened by them. He wasn't killed by the people he knew in Benghazi, though. He was killed by Al Qaeda. Stevens stayed because the mission was there.

Hillary Clinton and the State Department was in charge of protecting US Ambassadors. BOTTOM LINE: Hillary Clinton, as Sect of State, failed to do so.

SHE, not Stevens, was in charge of making that call. When every other nation began pulling their people out she should have done so, too. When the embassy was attacked twice before 9/11/12 she should have ordered them out, especially knowing they did not have enough security. She did not. She did not / could not / would not make the call. Leaders have to make tough choices - she failed. Instead she let Americans die.

Not only did she fail to prevent the deaths f Americans, she lied her ass off about it in an attempt to make sure her Presidential bid hopes were not damaged.

Had Obama just announced that 4 Americans had been killed in a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 there would have been no scandal at all. Americans would have accepted that. More Americans have been killed by terrorists since then. It has sadly become a fact of life. He and Hillary F*ed up, though, by trying to cover it up.

22 US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 - a fact the media kept extremely quiet because it did not support the false narrative that in Benghazi - and only in Benghazi - some obscure video cause a riot that resulted in the murder of 4 Americans.

The media was complicit in helping create that story because of if it was emphasized to the American people that 22 attacks throughout the ME that day they would have easily figured out Benghazi was an obvious part of the larger coordinated attacks. Much like with the ACA, Obama sought to mislead the American people with his BS about a video. If he had been honest we would have mourned the loss of 4 Americans WITH him instead of having to DRAG the truth out of him and Hillary.

Also, Snowflakes a few minutes ago tried to blame the GOP for the deaths of those in Benghazi over funding issues. Again, what a bunch of BS! That's an excuse for failing to prevent the deaths of 4 Americans who never should have died to begin with.


November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.
House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories


“The Board found that Ambassador Stevens made the decision to travel to Benghazi independently of Washington, per standard practice. Timing for his trip was driven in part by commitments in Tripoli, as well as a staffing gap between principal officers in Benghazi … The Ambassador did not see a direct threat of an attack of this nature and scale on the U.S. Mission in the overall negative trendline of security incidents from spring to summer 2012. His status as the leading U.S. government advocate on Libya policy, and his expertise on Benghazi in particular, caused Washington to give unusual deference to his judgments.”
one guy? too funny. Benghazi hasn't even started. You have to have the 33000 emails that were deleted.
The libs f*ed up both.

OMG, dude, you need to re-lax!!! You are getting way too worked up about this. The only party who seems to be trying to fuck up the investigations is Trump and the Conservatives, which is a bit weird since they also maintain there was no wrongdoing. Well, OK...then if there's no wrongdoing, why are you all so opposed to investigations? That didn't seem to be an issue when you investigated Benghazi 8 times. What is it you think is going to happen? Do you think that liberals are going to fudge the investigation and produce fake evidence tying Trump to Russia? How would they do that, exactly? I don't understand what you think was fucked up regarding the investigations.

It just seems like you're trying to gaslight the investigations so you don't have to accept their conclusions.
Something that validates the need for the investigation.

Well, that's new! There's a steady stream of info every day about Russia and our election. Whether it's the revelation today they hacked voting systems in 29 states (at least), that Sessions lied about a third Russia meeting, etc.

Your ridiculous standards are not relevant to this. So it seems like your big complaint about the investigations is that "Waaaaaaaahhhhh! They're taking too looooooooonnnnnggggg!"

To which I say, "Fuck off".
I want updates when something drags this long.

Would you say you are...insatiable?
I'm skeptic. And I don't believe a democrat. And when it comes from their mouth, then fk an A I want proof. and you got jack shit. so after thirteen months of following the fairytale it's still a fairytale. I jump ship when things drag that long. so unless you got something, it's shit and done.
Something that validates the need for the investigation.

Well, that's new! There's a steady stream of info every day about Russia and our election. Whether it's the revelation today they hacked voting systems in 29 states (at least), that Sessions lied about a third Russia meeting, etc.

Your ridiculous standards are not relevant to this. So it seems like your big complaint about the investigations is that "Waaaaaaaahhhhh! They're taking too looooooooonnnnnggggg!"

To which I say, "Fuck off".
ohhhhh please post something, I'm tired of getting nothing. cool. I'm waiting.
Something that validates the need for the investigation.

Well, that's new! There's a steady stream of info every day about Russia and our election. Whether it's the revelation today they hacked voting systems in 29 states (at least), that Sessions lied about a third Russia meeting, etc.

Your ridiculous standards are not relevant to this. So it seems like your big complaint about the investigations is that "Waaaaaaaahhhhh! They're taking too looooooooonnnnnggggg!"

To which I say, "Fuck off".
I think they found the titanic quicker than this group has found out if anything even exists after thirteen months. all quiet on the western front. you got jack jack.
they knew it was coming. period.

Actually, no, they didn't. And that's what your 8 investigations concluded. You are claiming they knew it was coming. Well, Bush knew 9/11 was coming, got more warnings than HRC did on Benghazi, and let it fucking happen so he could use it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

Hitlery deleted the emails that contained the emails from Stevens. I dare you to challenge that.

Actually, you need to prove that. E-mail works two ways, dude. There's the copy Clinton gets, and then there's the "sent" copy that Stevens retained. So what if Hillary deleted e-mails from Stevens, why not just look at Stevens' Sent Folder to find the e-mail you claim Hillary deleted from her Inbox?

8 investigations and no one ever thought of that? Weird!
fk man, how long does it take to investigate a campaign? They were investigating before the elections, and there was nothing, still nothing. it's done fool. it's all over after thirteen months if you can't find something that is just poor investigating. are you saying the agencies are incompetent?

Do you want the job done, or do you want it done right? It took a year for Nixon's investigation to produce charges. And that was just Nixon colluding with domestic operatives to "hack" into his political opponents. It was limited to just the Watergate break-in, and was wholly a domestic affair. This is far more complex, as it involves a foreign power, numerous election hacks and hack attempts (not just the DNC hack, but the hack of our voting systems), and the dissemination of false information across social media (Russian Active Measures).

If you think that because it's taken a long time that means nothing comes of it, then you're kidding yourself. The longer this drags on for, the bigger it is going to get.
I want updates when something drags this long. Something that validates the need for the investigation. And there is absolutely nothing. nadda, zip. after thirteen months. And posts like yours is so disappointing. Cause you expect nothing. and you got nothing. So you got what you asked for.

one fking thing. shit man, they didn't even look at the supposed server hacked. what kind of flim flam investigation is that. If that's all they got, it's useless. you don't want fair you want it fixed. Nope!!
You're fucking nuts, ya know that? :cuckoo:

Of course they looked at hacked systems...

Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.


Illinois, which was among the states that gave the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security almost full access to investigate its systems, provides a window into the hackers’ successes and failures.
they knew it was coming. period.

Actually, no, they didn't. And that's what your 8 investigations concluded. You are claiming they knew it was coming. Well, Bush knew 9/11 was coming, got more warnings than HRC did on Benghazi, and let it fucking happen so he could use it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

Hitlery deleted the emails that contained the emails from Stevens. I dare you to challenge that.

Actually, you need to prove that. E-mail works two ways, dude. There's the copy Clinton gets, and then there's the "sent" copy that Stevens retained. So what if Hillary deleted e-mails from Stevens, why not just look at Stevens' Sent Folder to find the e-mail you claim Hillary deleted from her Inbox?

8 investigations and no one ever thought of that? Weird!
nice defense, but you need the 33,000 emails to make your fking point.

BTW, the failure to produce those 33,000 emails is enough for hitlery to be in jail.

And actually Clinton failed to bring in Al-Qaeda, but I digress.
I think they found the titanic quicker than this group has found out if anything even exists after thirteen months. all quiet on the western front. you got jack jack.

It took a full year to bring charges against Nixon. And that was just a one-time break in of an office at Watergate. This is a massive, orchestrated attack on our political system, not just the DNC. So I'd be concerned if it didn't take a long time. That would mean the investigators were not thorough. We know Conservatives like to do rushed, sloppy work (their AHCA is the proof of that). An investigation this massive requires attention to detail, something to which the right-wing is allergic.
I think they found the titanic quicker than this group has found out if anything even exists after thirteen months. all quiet on the western front. you got jack jack.

It took a full year to bring charges against Nixon. And that was just a one-time break in of an office at Watergate. This is a massive, orchestrated attack on our political system, not just the DNC. So I'd be concerned if it didn't take a long time. That would mean the investigators were not thorough. We know Conservatives like to do rushed, sloppy work (their AHCA is the proof of that). An investigation this massive requires attention to detail, something to which the right-wing is allergic.
so in 40 years our investigation talents haven't gotten any better? naw, poor excuse jack.
Something that validates the need for the investigation.

Well, that's new! There's a steady stream of info every day about Russia and our election. Whether it's the revelation today they hacked voting systems in 29 states (at least), that Sessions lied about a third Russia meeting, etc.

Your ridiculous standards are not relevant to this. So it seems like your big complaint about the investigations is that "Waaaaaaaahhhhh! They're taking too looooooooonnnnnggggg!"

To which I say, "Fuck off".
I think they found the titanic quicker than this group has found out if anything even exists after thirteen months. all quiet on the western front. you got jack jack.
Bengazi investigations lasted 4 years.

Trump's investigation into Obama's birth certificate lasted 5.

Republicans investigating WhiteWater took six years.

These things take time. Go hit a bong and chill, this is gonna be around a while.
they knew it was coming. period.

Actually, no, they didn't. And that's what your 8 investigations concluded. You are claiming they knew it was coming. Well, Bush knew 9/11 was coming, got more warnings than HRC did on Benghazi, and let it fucking happen so he could use it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

Hitlery deleted the emails that contained the emails from Stevens. I dare you to challenge that.

Actually, you need to prove that. E-mail works two ways, dude. There's the copy Clinton gets, and then there's the "sent" copy that Stevens retained. So what if Hillary deleted e-mails from Stevens, why not just look at Stevens' Sent Folder to find the e-mail you claim Hillary deleted from her Inbox?

8 investigations and no one ever thought of that? Weird!
nice defense, but you need the 33,000 emails to make your fking point.

BTW, the failure to produce those 33,000 emails is enough for hitlery to be in jail.

And actually Clinton failed to bring in Al-Qaeda, but I digress.
Bush had 8 years to get binLaden and failed, what's his excuse?
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