If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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BTW, the failure to produce those 33,000 emails is enough for hitlery to be in jail.

You claimed that Stevens sent Hillary e-mails that she deleted. I said, well why not just check Stevens' Outbox for the e-mails deleted by Hillary? Did any of you goonbats bother to think of that? You do know how e-mail works, right? There's never just one copy of one e-mail.

And actually Clinton failed to bring in Al-Qaeda, but I digress.

Well, we got OBL, which is something you clowns couldn't do.
so in 40 years our investigation talents haven't gotten any better? naw, poor excuse jack.

Are you fucking serious? This is your defense? This is your rebuttal? Fuck dude, you're desperation is showing.
BTW, the failure to produce those 33,000 emails is enough for hitlery to be in jail.

You claimed that Stevens sent Hillary e-mails that she deleted. I said, well why not just check Stevens' Outbox for the e-mails deleted by Hillary? Did any of you goonbats bother to think of that? You do know how e-mail works, right? There's never just one copy of one e-mail.

And actually Clinton failed to bring in Al-Qaeda, but I digress.

Well, we got OBL, which is something you clowns couldn't do.
I have no idea if they ever retrieved his computer. Not my call. Didn't get brought up. But yeah seems reasonable to me. I know it wasn't done. so still in the same spot. Hitlery had a subpoena not to delete her email and she did.
so in 40 years our investigation talents haven't gotten any better? naw, poor excuse jack.

Are you fucking serious? This is your defense? This is your rebuttal? Fuck dude, you're desperation is showing.
no what's brutal is to play fairytale for thirteen months and shit on the will of the people who elected the president. . for your fking fairytale.
I'm skeptic.

No, you're a contrarian. A skeptic would have been immediately skeptical of Trump's win as the polling didn't reflect what the result was. A skeptic would have looked skeptically at all the unsolicited and secret meetings between Trump's team and Russia and been immediately skeptical of Trump's campaign. You, pal, are no skeptic. You are a contrarian. There's a difference. Learn it before using words you don't fully understand.

And I don't believe a democrat. And when it comes from their mouth, then fk an A I want proof. and you got jack shit. so after thirteen months of following the fairytale it's still a fairytale. I jump ship when things drag that long. so unless you got something, it's shit and done.

See, you're a contrarian...just like I said.
I have the end of July in a pool.

I think that may be too soon, but again, who knows with this fucking guy?
Well in my defense, I picked that date in January. I figured six months was more than the orange oompa-loompa could take. But yeah, it's looking a little short now.

I have no idea if they ever retrieved his computer.

Of course, what you don't know could fill the Library of Congress 100x over. So, when someone sends an e-mail out, you realize that the technical process involved requires a server from which the e-mail physically comes, right? So regardless of his computer, the server that his blackberry/iphone/whatever was on would have all his sent e-mails sitting there for review. The fact that this point is not one you've considered means you haven't given this subject much thought, choosing to do the sloppy, rushed work you're known for.

So why are you posting about something you clearly know very little about?
no what's brutal is to play fairytale for thirteen months and shit on the will of the people who elected the president. . for your fking fairytale.

So then what is the appropriate amount of time to uncover evidence of collusion between a presidential candidate and a hostile foreign power? It's not like we have precedent for this...
I have no idea if they ever retrieved his computer.

Of course, what you don't know could fill the Library of Congress 100x over. So, when someone sends an e-mail out, you realize that the technical process involved requires a server from which the e-mail physically comes, right? So regardless of his computer, the server that his blackberry/iphone/whatever was on would have all his sent e-mails sitting there for review. The fact that this point is not one you've considered means you haven't given this subject much thought. So why are you posting about something you clearly know very little about?
I obviously know more than you. you don't know that deleting the 33,000 violates a subpoena. And that comey ignored it. Comey stuck his neck out for the vile woman. Now if they went to that building and uncovered the computer, I'd ask for it to be put under investigation. Now did hitlery get it and clean it too? hmmmmm never thought of that. she was still in power and blaming a video.
Well in my defense, I picked that date in January. I figured six months was more than the orange oompa-loompa could take. But yeah, it's looking a little short now.

Well, I hope for your sake and the sake of the country that you are right.
no what's brutal is to play fairytale for thirteen months and shit on the will of the people who elected the president. . for your fking fairytale.

So then what is the appropriate amount of time to uncover evidence of collusion between a presidential candidate and a hostile foreign power?
I would say updates to the elected representatives of the country would be nice monthly. why is that hard? And the reps could then declassify to show the progress. why are you against showing progress. stagnate water your choice?
no what's brutal is to play fairytale for thirteen months and shit on the will of the people who elected the president. . for your fking fairytale.

So then what is the appropriate amount of time to uncover evidence of collusion between a presidential candidate and a hostile foreign power? It's not like we have precedent for this...
that isn't the investigation, for now the third time. it is a counter intelligence investigation of hacking by the russians. which today has never been proven.
I obviously know more than you.

No you fucking don't, pal! You didn't even think of reviewing the server that Stevens was on to recover e-mails HRC deleted from her server. You don't even know the thing you're so upset about! This is unreal. So you claim Hillary Clinton deleted e-mails sent by Stevens, from a State Department server, to HRC's e-mail via a private server, but didn't think to check the State Department server for Stevens' e-mail? You know what I think? I think they did do that and found no evidence of what you're alleging. I think you all are just bullshitting about this, just like you bullshitted everyone about Obamacare.

You made this claim, then when asked a very pointed question, suddenly it's all question marks, shrugs, and "I dunno"? Fuck dude, get over yourself.
I would say updates to the elected representatives of the country would be nice monthly. why is that hard? And the reps could then declassify to show the progress. why are you against showing progress. stagnate water your choice?

First of all, the FBI does brief Congress on investigations. That's what the Senate and House Judiciary Committees are for (helps if you actually know the process you are trying to discredit). But you didn't answer my question; my question was what is the appropriate amount of time uncovering evidence of collusion with a hostile foreign power to hack our elections? You said this investigation is taking too long. Now you're saying it's not taking too long, you just want updates. But they get updates. That's the point of Judiciary Committees.

Sheesh, I didn't think it was possible to be less than informed on a subject, but here you are being just that.
that isn't the investigation, for now the third time. it is a counter intelligence investigation of hacking by the russians. which today has never been proven.

What? Of course it's proven Russia hacked our elections. They have the proof Russia hacked into the DNC. Secondly, the Russia hack investigation is separate from the Russia collusion investigation. They are two different things. But to say there's not proof Russia hacked our elections is to be willfully ignorant.
I obviously know more than you.

No you fucking don't, pal! You didn't even think of reviewing the server that Stevens was on to recover e-mails HRC deleted from her server. You don't even know the thing you're so upset about! This is unreal. So you claim Hillary Clinton deleted e-mails sent by Stevens, from a State Department server, to HRC's e-mail via a private server, but didn't think to check the State Department server for Stevens' e-mail? You know what I think? I think they did do that and found no evidence of what you're alleging. I think you all are just bullshitting about this, just like you bullshitted everyone about Obamacare.

You made this claim, then when asked a very pointed question, suddenly it's all question marks, shrugs, and "I dunno"? Fuck dude, get over yourself.
nope, the 33,000 emails ain't all from steven's jack. so nice fking deflection. but it ricocheted back at you.
I would say updates to the elected representatives of the country would be nice monthly. why is that hard? And the reps could then declassify to show the progress. why are you against showing progress. stagnate water your choice?

First of all, the FBI does brief Congress on investigations. That's what the Senate and House Judiciary Committees are for (helps if you actually know the process you are trying to discredit). But you didn't answer my question; my question was what is the appropriate amount of time uncovering evidence of collusion with a hostile foreign power to hack our elections? You said this investigation is taking too long. Now you're saying it's not taking too long, you just want updates. But they get updates. That's the point of Judiciary Committees.

Sheesh, I didn't think it was possible to be less than informed on a subject, but here you are being just that.
so when asked, why do they take the 5th like they haven't heard jack shit. must mean they heard jack shit. there have been at least ten congress folk on tucker carlson everyone asked and would you take a fken look at this, not one knows any fking thing and the pet answer is we gotta have an investigation. well fk turds we got an investigation, what we ain't got is any evidence into the fairytale. nadda, squat juice. Monkey pooh. time to pull the plug and stop wasting money.
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

Well since Mueller is stocking his team with Dem donors and a Hillary Lawyer I say it needs to be done.
So what?

When investigating Bill Clinton, Republicans picked Ken Starr, a registered Republican who had worked under Bush41 and who had submitted a friend of the court brief in the Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton. Clinton didn't fire him.

Grow a pair.

I provided you with the law that says a president can't fire a special counsel, maybe you should try reading it.

nope, the 33,000 emails ain't all from steven's jack

Never said they were. You made the claim that among those 33,000 e-mails were some from Stevens regarding Benghazi. When I asked you why not just look at the server Stevens sent his e-mails from, I was met with the internet equivalent of a blank stare and drool.

Like "OMG, I never thought to get Stevens' emails from the State Dept. server to prove my allegation of whatever. Duhhhh duhhhh duhhhh! I'm a stupid right-wing tard. Duuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh! DERRRRRRRP!"
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