If Trump gets the NRA to back down on background checks will you lefties give him credit?

It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Would you support stronger background checks for mental illness etc and that an 18 year old can buy a handgun, rifle etc but they would have to wait until age 21 to buy an assault weapon like an AR-15 etc?

There are laws for mental illness, fat lot of good they did in FL. I'm pro Second and believer in individual rights. I don't buy into the "AR 15" hysteria though. Give someone two Glock 19s and they can kill just as easily as someone with an AR....Virginia Tech proved that.

The real problem I have is increment laws...that's a leftist tactic and would lead to their ultimate goal...gun bans and no ma'am I will never support that
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.
I heard that as well. I obviously don't own guns but many of my family and friends do and none of them have a problem with that idea.
One of them who is a member suggested the NRA was against that idea because it could affect their memberships.

It's discrimination via age on a constitutional right, or a person who has reached legal majority.

Plus you have the ridiculous concept of someone being given control of a freaking howitzer in the Army and then going home and being banned from having a rifle.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

Why not?

But the NRA has agreed to background checks in the past. But background checks with so many loopholes that they are basically useless

If our President can get them agree to background checks that include private sales and gun shows....I will applaud him

If that happens, I won't believe that the President 'got them' to do anything. When has he 'gotten' Congress to do anything that Congress wasn't quite willing to do in the first place.

If Congress passes a better background check law my belief will be simply that a sufficient number of Republicans came to the conclusion that it was politically now in their OWN BEST INTERESTS to support such a law.

Congress pass meaningful gun legislation in an election year?

When pigs fly
We've already seen them arguing from the position of incrementalism. "Well... We were allowed to ban autos. We have background checks. We ha e age limits already..." It will never be enough till they have them all...

When's the last time in the US that someone committed a mass shooting with a fully automatic weapon?
Look it up, if it interests you. Me...? I really don't give a shit.

I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Would you support stronger background checks for mental illness etc and that an 18 year old can buy a handgun, rifle etc but they would have to wait until age 21 to buy an assault weapon an AR-15 etc?

The problem with stronger background checks for mental illness is that ultimately, some government bureaucrat gets to decide who is "mentally ill" and who isn't. We've seen this already in every communist dictatorship: Disagree with the government? Then you're "mentally ill".
We've already seen thousands of returning veterans deemed "unfit" to own a firearm because of legislation that was recently passed.

Psychological evaluations are also sketchy, as many people pass them by merely telling the evaluator what they want to hear. They are no less useless than a lie detector test, which many liars easily pass.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.
What exactly does "deeper" background checks mean?
There have been a number of ideas tossed around. One idea I heard referenced was a red flag law and another was obviously tied to mental health while yet another pertained to loophole sales.
I don't pretend to know all the details but I have seen the NRA spokeswoman reject just about every idea.

There are no "loophole" sales.
When's the last time in the US that someone committed a mass shooting with a fully automatic weapon?
Look it up, if it interests you. Me...? I really don't give a shit.

I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.

The gun-grabbers are playing a zero-sum game. Whenever anything is regulated or outright banned, the market forces rush in and come up with something to fill the void.

Regulate full-auto? Then they make bumpfire stocks and trigger attachments. Even during the Clinton-era ban the market supplied us with all sorts of goodies and workarounds.

Never underestimate the firearms manufacturer's ingenuity in their mission to come up with new products and create a market for them.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.
Depends on the substance and the results. If its just more BS I wont be giving credit.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Would you support stronger background checks for mental illness etc and that an 18 year old can buy a handgun, rifle etc but they would have to wait until age 21 to buy an assault weapon an AR-15 etc?

The problem with stronger background checks for mental illness is that ultimately, some government bureaucrat gets to decide who is "mentally ill" and who isn't. We've seen this already in every communist dictatorship: Disagree with the government? Then you're "mentally ill".
We've already seen thousands of returning veterans deemed "unfit" to own a firearm because of legislation that was recently passed.

Psychological evaluations are also sketchy, as many people pass them by merely telling the evaluator what they want to hear. They are no less useless than a lie detector test, which many liars easily pass.
True, and no one will ever be able to predict all episodes. But when a person is regularly aggressive and violent and threatening (according to one tipster to L.E., the shooter had held a gun to his mom's head before), there needs to be a way to either get firearms from him/her or keep him/her from buying them.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Would you support stronger background checks for mental illness etc and that an 18 year old can buy a handgun, rifle etc but they would have to wait until age 21 to buy an assault weapon an AR-15 etc?

The problem with stronger background checks for mental illness is that ultimately, some government bureaucrat gets to decide who is "mentally ill" and who isn't. We've seen this already in every communist dictatorship: Disagree with the government? Then you're "mentally ill".
We've already seen thousands of returning veterans deemed "unfit" to own a firearm because of legislation that was recently passed.

Psychological evaluations are also sketchy, as many people pass them by merely telling the evaluator what they want to hear. They are no less useless than a lie detector test, which many liars easily pass.
True, and no one will ever be able to predict all episodes. But when a person is regularly aggressive and violent and threatening (according to one tipster to L.E., the shooter had held a gun to his mom's head before), there needs to be a way to either get firearms from him/her or keep him/her from buying them.

That's not really good enough. He should be committed by a judge and involuntary treatment by a psychiatrist until the psychiatrist convinces the judge that he is not a danger to himself or others.
When's the last time in the US that someone committed a mass shooting with a fully automatic weapon?
Look it up, if it interests you. Me...? I really don't give a shit.

I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
You threatening someone? Cuz it sounds like you are.
Look it up, if it interests you. Me...? I really don't give a shit.

I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
You threatening someone? Cuz it sounds like you are.

Oh please....
Look it up, if it interests you. Me...? I really don't give a shit.

I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
You threatening someone? Cuz it sounds like you are.
Then it's time to get your ears checked. If a rational prediction makes you feel threatened; perhaps your on the wrong path.
Sure, stricter background checks that violate our privacy rights are gonna appease the 'Gun Grabbers.' Sure they will.

Folks need to get a grip. Communists/Democrats won't be appeased until they get their total ban and confiscation. Wake the fluck up Gun Owners.
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It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.
CREDIT?! During the campaign he blamed the Pulse shooting on RADICAL ISLAM. There have been TwO previous mass shooting on his watch, and he didn't say shit about background checks: US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Not surprisingly, Trump was for gun control before he became the Alt-R candidate.
Trump in 2012 on Newtown shootings: “Obama spoke for me and every American”
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Would you support stronger background checks for mental illness etc and that an 18 year old can buy a handgun, rifle etc but they would have to wait until age 21 to buy an assault weapon an AR-15 etc?

The problem with stronger background checks for mental illness is that ultimately, some government bureaucrat gets to decide who is "mentally ill" and who isn't. We've seen this already in every communist dictatorship: Disagree with the government? Then you're "mentally ill".
We've already seen thousands of returning veterans deemed "unfit" to own a firearm because of legislation that was recently passed.

Psychological evaluations are also sketchy, as many people pass them by merely telling the evaluator what they want to hear. They are no less useless than a lie detector test, which many liars easily pass.
True, and no one will ever be able to predict all episodes. But when a person is regularly aggressive and violent and threatening (according to one tipster to L.E., the shooter had held a gun to his mom's head before), there needs to be a way to either get firearms from him/her or keep him/her from buying them.

That's not really good enough. He should be committed by a judge and involuntary treatment by a psychiatrist until the psychiatrist convinces the judge that he is not a danger to himself or others.
Okay. Perfect world, that's great.

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