If Trump gets the NRA to back down on background checks will you lefties give him credit?

It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.
I heard that as well. I obviously don't own guns but many of my family and friends do and none of them have a problem with that idea.
One of them who is a member suggested the NRA was against that idea because it could affect their memberships.

I'm torn on it, if an 18 year old can vote and serve this nation they should be able to own a firearm. Then I look at some of them and cringe at the thought of them being near one

Military age should also be 21 and voting should be 25. Of course the last one would require another Constitutional Amendment that will never pass...
The left will never give Trump credit for anything, bank on it.
I give him credit for being a great carnival barker and fooling illiterate people into voting for him.

^^^ proving my point this is your typical liberal, they hate fellow Americans who dare disagree with them.
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
I have looked it up. I couldn't find any. The ban on automatic weapons worked, whether you like it or not.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
You threatening someone? Cuz it sounds like you are.
Then it's time to get your ears checked. If a rational prediction makes you feel threatened; perhaps your on the wrong path.
I heard you fine and if you weren't talking about exercising your God given right to own weapons, what DID you mean?
The left will never give Trump credit for anything, bank on it.
I give him credit for being a great carnival barker and fooling illiterate people into voting for him.

^^^ proving my point this is your typical liberal, they hate fellow Americans who dare disagree with them.
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?
I have no problem with raising the age to purchase a semi automatic rifle from 18 to 21 nor do I object to stronger background checks but I would caution people about letting the government chip away at your rights. When you give the government that type of power it’s highly unlikely they will let it go and very likely they will try and expand it will beyond its original intent.
People didn't stop getting shot. Or murdered in other ways for that matter. And for the record you're incorrect people still have been murdered with full auto weapons. Mostcriminals Howe most criminals are smart enough to dispose of them after the deed...

so you support bringing back this:


to be sold right alongside the AR15 wherever such are sold....

goddam, how depressing...
Without question. The tax on automatic weapons is unconstitutional. You cannot legally tax a right. You fuckers keep pushing Americans further into a corner; and you're going to receive an education in the intent of the 2nd ammendment like you never imagined possible. When someone tells you not one more inch... It might behoove you to consider that they mean it.
You threatening someone? Cuz it sounds like you are.
Then it's time to get your ears checked. If a rational prediction makes you feel threatened; perhaps your on the wrong path.
I heard you fine and if you weren't talking about exercising your God given right to own weapons, what DID you mean?
Excersizing my god given right to own weapons is considered a threat to you? I've got bad news for you... I didn't issue any threat. Our founding fathers did when they penned the 2A. And make no mistake. It is a threat. A threat to all would be tyrants, who would attempt to infringe on the rights of the American people. So if you feel threatened by the 2A... You should examine your loyalties.
I have no problem with raising the age to purchase a semi automatic rifle from 18 to 21 nor do I object to stronger background checks but I would caution people about letting the government chip away at your rights. When you give the government that type of power it’s highly unlikely they will let it go and very likely they will try and expand it will beyond its original intent.

I am of the same view with this as when it comes to booze and cigarettes. Either everything is at 18, or everything is at 21.

So we trust 18 year olds to vote, and to possibly do things like drive tanks or press buttons to shoot Tomahawks, but when they come home they get limited to bolt action or lever action rifles?
The left will never give Trump credit for anything, bank on it.
I give him credit for being a great carnival barker and fooling illiterate people into voting for him.

^^^ proving my point this is your typical liberal, they hate fellow Americans who dare disagree with them.
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Quick question for you guys.....................

We already know that some of you are against fully automatic weapons. Okay, but my question is, what do you use to determine what is fully automatic? Is it that it was originally made that way, or is it determined by the rate of fire?

If it is determined by the rate of fire, then wouldn't a bump stock actually be considered an attachment to make a full auto weapon?
Sure, stricter background checks that violate our privacy are gonna appease the 'Gun Grabbers.' Sure they will.

Folks need to get a grip. Communists/Democrats won't be appeased until they get their total ban and confiscation. Wake the fluck up Gun Owners.

Many Dem leaders have said exactly that, they would like to ban all guns and would if they could.
I give him credit for being a great carnival barker and fooling illiterate people into voting for him.

^^^ proving my point this is your typical liberal, they hate fellow Americans who dare disagree with them.
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.
Quick question for you guys.....................

We already know that some of you are against fully automatic weapons. Okay, but my question is, what do you use to determine what is fully automatic? Is it that it was originally made that way, or is it determined by the rate of fire?

If it is determined by the rate of fire, then wouldn't a bump stock actually be considered an attachment to make a full auto weapon?
I have no problem banning bumpstocks.

amateur modification to turn a sporting rifle into an automatic.
^^^ proving my point this is your typical liberal, they hate fellow Americans who dare disagree with them.
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I dont hate you. I just think Drumpf supporters are gullible and amusing in your profound ignorance.

Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are funnier. You just came off an 8 year L and your head clown may not even make it to the end of his term. :rolleyes:
Lib please, which Trump supporters specifically or are you broad brushing all 60 plus million Americans who voted for Trump?
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are funnier. You just came off an 8 year L and your head clown may not even make it to the end of his term. :rolleyes:

We control the House, the Senate, the White House, a conservative majority on the SCOTUS, all you libs can do is whine and cry up in the cheap seats. :itsok:
What do you mean which Drumpf supporters? Is there a difference?

If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are funnier. You just came off an 8 year L and your head clown may not even make it to the end of his term. :rolleyes:

We control the House, the Senate, the White House, a conservative majority on the SCOTUS, all you libs can do is whine and cry up in the cheap seats. :itsok:

If you Republicans control everything, then why can't you get anything done?
If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are funnier. You just came off an 8 year L and your head clown may not even make it to the end of his term. :rolleyes:

We control the House, the Senate, the White House, a conservative majority on the SCOTUS, all you libs can do is whine and cry up in the cheap seats. :itsok:

If you Republicans control everything, then why can't you get anything done?

Historic tax reform bill PASSED signed into law. Gobs of Obama era regulations wiped off the books. Obamacare half gutted. You people better hope Trump slows down.
If our side is "illiterate" explain how we keep whooping your ass? You morons have the entire liberal media broadcasting your propaganda and lies 24/7 and still we kick the crap out of you.
Who told you that you were whooping my ass? Youre about to swept in the midterms and your head clowns ratings are in the toilet.

Ahahaha you clowns are funny. We kick the crap out of the left, they warn us just you wait until the next election, then we kick the crap out of them again, hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are funnier. You just came off an 8 year L and your head clown may not even make it to the end of his term. :rolleyes:

We control the House, the Senate, the White House, a conservative majority on the SCOTUS, all you libs can do is whine and cry up in the cheap seats. :itsok:

If you Republicans control everything, then why can't you get anything done?
Excellent Question
It is because the are Repubicans that only pretend to be Repubicans. There are more thana few politicians that are against the "outsider" President who do anything to prevent him from suceeding at any cost,

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